文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

it makes a large amount breed masochistic Japanese who condemned Japan as aggressor nation.

2015年06月18日 20時53分10秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

And it makes a large amount breed masochistic Japanese who condemned Japan as "aggressor nation".

Of all things, it appeared to the congressman that profess to be "ashamed to be born in the Japanese".

In addition, new humanity also emerged that "want to be Earthlings and space alien", with the result that would be lost to pride as Japanese.

The Japan occupation by GHQ was only about 7 years.

They feared most, even after the opening of the country the Meiji Restoration, it was further amplified, it is a potential energy of Japanese.

As GHQ, it wanted to avoid Japanese race's recovering by all means, which have nerve, moreover, the sense of responsibility is strong.

To do this, the education policy to promote mental self-collapse of the Japanese was absolutely essential.

It is so-called "the anti-Japanese Japanese" that took advantage in response to it.

Especially, the educational circles and the media become a center and concentrate their efforts on human development to self-denial.

Thus, it praised the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea, on the other hand, that demean Japan it is became the words and deeds of the post-war Japanese.

China and North Korea, but already, not being "the paradise at the ground" became a well-known fact, as expected, the brainwashing doesn't melt easily.

The mental crisis which the Japanese behind the Second World War face was brought about by the combination of the Comintern view of history before the war and Tokyo Tribunal of War Criminals view of history after the war.

The negative inheritance which USSR and America gave the Japanese before the war and during fight is serious with above the imagination.

Especially, the educational circles and the media become a center and concentrate their efforts on

2015年06月18日 18時42分01秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

Then, it makes the Japanese having to do with masochism who convict Japan as "the invasion state" propagate in quantities.

Of all things, it appeared to parliamentarians that profess to be "ashamed to be born in the Japanese".

In addition, the new breed of humans "to want to become a terrestrial and a spaceman", too, emerges and results in having lost to the pride as the Japanese.

The Japan occupation by GHQ was only about 7 years.

That they feared most is the underlying energy of the amplified Japanese more after the founding restoration, too.

As GHQ, it wanted to avoid Japanese race's recovering by all means, which have nerve, moreover, the sense of responsibility is strong.

To do this, the education policy to promote mental self-collapse of the Japanese was absolutely essential.

It is so-called "the anti-Japanese Japanese" that took advantage in response to it.

Especially, the educational circles and the media become a center and concentrate their efforts on human development to self-denial.

This way, of adoring USSR, China, and North Korea on the one hand, by diminishing Japan, it became the speech and behavior of the Japanese after the war.

China and North Korea, but already, not being "the paradise at the ground" became a well-known fact, as expected, the brainwashing doesn't melt easily.

The mental crisis which the Japanese behind the Second World War face was brought about by the combination of the Comintern view of history before the war and Tokyo Tribunal of War Criminals view of history after the war.

The negative inheritance which USSR and America gave the Japanese before the war and during fight is serious with above the imagination.

only the Comintern view of history in Japan wanders like a wraith and continues to float.

2015年06月18日 17時54分19秒 | 日記

The following is from the recent work of Mr.Ko Bun yu.

After the socialist system in USSR and the East Europe collapses, China, in last Great Cultural Revolution, it shifted to the "state capitalism" system which is called capitalism above the capitalism. Vietnam, too, renounced socialism actually in the opening policy that "the Doi Moi". It is only in "Kim Dynasty" in the Korean Peninsula northern part that it is left last.

In spite of such status, only the Comintern view of history in Japan wanders like a wraith and continues to float.

Tokyo Tribunal of War Criminals view of history and it is the opinion of the view of history and the history which had a great influence on Japan until it leads today from the postwar days and it is one of the ideologies.

This Comintern view of history is not only education, it became the ethical norms of the day-to-day mentality up to the behavior. It is not only a fight by the association, a campus strife, an Okinawa base opposition movement, a peace movement. Having a great influence on the character building of the Japanese after the war until it resulted in a wide range of civic movement is an obvious fact.

As for the Comintern view of history the axis of which is a Marxism view of history, it entered from USSR before the war.

On the other hand, Tokyo Tribunal of War Criminals view of history was the view of history and history opinion to have entered from America to after the war, it was an object to negative to traditional culture and spiritual and national of Japan.

The Japanese regard even making patriotism a mouth as being a taboo and get to slight a national flag and a national anthem about whether or not Tokyo Tribunal of War Criminals view of history penetrated steady.

Moreover, even the nation building in Japan since Meiji led to all negative.

This article continues

are not an effort by the specific person and the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution

2015年06月18日 15時02分48秒 | 日記

Japan is not the Heian period, Edo period only, as for the Jomon period, peace was longer.

It is one of whole world's being matchless that continues peace society over hundreds of years.

Saying isn't necessary that it is possible to do long-range crossing and that peace society can be realized and being able to maintain are not an effort by the specific person and the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution.

It was born from the natural providence and the social mechanism, and the history is completely different from the change of Chinese dynasty by fate and the various countries of the aspect of the war and peace in this world calms down and is disordered and to repeat it.

This article continues

Japan is the society which is stable and is safe and can be relieved from the ancient times,

2015年06月18日 14時14分36秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

While such society ripens in the times, the mechanism in peace is complete.

It already finds that Japan is the society which is stable and is safe and can be relieved from the ancient times, saying in the Book of Wei, Wajinden and Book of Sui, The Dongyi, from that it is noted as stealing is less, because it is mentioned specially, too.

After the Age of Discovery, including missionaries such as the first visit to Japan was Francis Xavier, also from prominent travel women who Isabella Bird, about Japan without Marauders, they told Japan is the country that is possible to be in peace of mind and safety.

That much, Japan is the unique society.

China is said to be not a mountain with no bandits, no lake with no wicked person even since the beginning of the 20th century was a country of about Marauders Republic, and it is China.

Korea was the famous country of robbers in the greenwood (bandits) and thief in the old days.

Although now it seems to have been considerably improved, the Joseon era, when women are leaving out, almost no one is able to avoid a sexual assault from men, it is in the book of Claude-Charles Dallet Father, The History of the Church It has to of Korea and so on.

Now in the West, Korea is a high-risk country of about sexual assault and it calls the rape attention to female travelers.

This article continues

Japan is always at the top in the world, it was ahead of the second place of the United States

2015年06月18日 13時53分22秒 | 日記

The following is from the recent work of Mr. Ko Bun Yu.

And if the Japanese traveling abroad, anyone will be able to know, how Japan is the society of stable safe and secure, and is possible to be relieved.

But, such society, even indeed unusual, it is common sense of the world.

I am going to the Earth pilgrimage very often.

And to some in the actual situation is that it is relatively safer adult number of organizations than one person, such as a certain time, some even experience that while being protected by the special forces to have a handgun to city tourism.

In recent years, the awareness survey conducted in Taiwan, as a tourist want to go to the country and the country want to live, Japan has become the top by suppressing North America of the United States and Canada.

It's the reason is that Japan is very beautiful, and it is the country that security is good .

In addition, even in the most favorite country, Japan is always at the top in the world, it was ahead of the second place of the United States.

By the way, the country to dislike most is China and South Korea are the top fight.

The result of such awareness survey, it is never special circumstances only in Taiwan.

with high percentage of completion, the style of the state and national character are nourished

2015年06月18日 13時20分58秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

And, in accordance with nature, and to become a believer in nature, which learn to nature, would say in Japan "as you are".

Discard the artificiality, be regression in nature, it is selflessness, and it is ecstasy.

It abandons egoism and self-centeredness, by regressing to the nature which is as it is, it connects with nomindedness.

Buddhism also Budō also accomplishments and capabilities of Japan, through training and learning, to arouse gaze to the nature of the ego and super-ego, and it opens the new mental world.

Therefore, it was born, by the Japanese original culture, the literature, accomplishments and capabilities, it becomes the mental inheritance of the Japanese with high percentage of completion, the style of the state and national character are nourished, and it becomes the heart and the soul of the Japanese.

By that the beautiful heart of the Japanese who were born from the beautiful nature sees from the foreign country, as for being charming, it is possible to say that the offspring of the nature and society of Japan, too.


Discard the artificiality, be regression in nature, it is selflessness, and it is ecstasy.

2015年06月18日 13時16分00秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

And, in accordance with nature, and to become a believer in nature, which learn to nature, would say in Japan "as you are".

Discard the artificiality, be regression in nature, it is selflessness, and it is ecstasy.

It abandons egoism and self-centeredness, by regressing to the nature which is as it is, it connects with nomindedness.

Buddhism also Budō also accomplishments and capabilities of Japan, through training and learning, to arouse gaze to the nature of the ego and super-ego, and it opens the new mental world.

Therefore, it was born, by the Japanese original culture, the literature, accomplishments and capabilities, it becomes the mental inheritance of the Japanese with high percentage of completion, the style of the state and national character are nourished, and it becomes the heart and the soul of the Japanese.

By that the beautiful heart of the Japanese who were born from the beautiful nature sees from the foreign country, as for being charming, it is possible to say that the offspring of the nature and society of Japan, too.


This, in the nature which is wealthy in the change, the Japanese symbioses with the nature

2015年06月18日 13時03分12秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

This, in the nature which is wealthy in the change, the Japanese symbioses with the nature from the old days, it lives with the season and the nature, with the change of the scenery, and it gets to have the delicate sensitivity of multifeeling sentimental.

The sense of mortality is born with the symbiosis with the nature, it becomes evanescent beauty, the one which is called an evanescent sense of beauty was born, too, I wonder because they are wrapped in a beautiful nature.

Saigyo of waka also, Renga of Sōgi also painting of Sesshu also, tea ceremony of Rikyu also, Basho's haiku have also been colored by impermanence of aesthetics that was born from the impermanence outlook.

Then, it saw the scenery of the colored leaves in that autumn,

2015年06月18日 12時43分24秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

I had guided the nuns in the flagrant convent in Taiwan ever in Oku-nikko.

Then, it saw the scenery of the colored leaves in that autumn, it has been  practicing asceticism at all times, probably their presence of mind also began to vacillate.

Voice to admiration rises continuously.

I've also heard impressions what this is the land of Perfect Bliss in this world.

I wonder this thing is to know Mono no aware.

The socialist thought became the mainstream of the largest thought in the 20th century temporarily

2015年06月18日 10時31分56秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The Comintern view of history didn't make capitalism an enemy only.

It made a colonialism, too, an enemy and it did egocentricity to, the imperialistic aggressive war view of history, and fixed upon the communism all goodness, capitalism and colonialisms all devilish.

The speech person who persisted in the historical perspective of the development improvement which develops into the imperialism and underwent the influence became anti-Japanese Japanese, Japanese having to do with masochism, and intellectual with progressive ideas.

The characteristic of the logic, solely, it is in comparing the ideal and the merit of the socialism against the reality and the defect of the capitalism.

To fix upon as reactionary or fascist for those who do not tune, and it was usual.

The socialist thought became the mainstream of the largest thought in the 20th century temporarily and held sway over the minds of the people.

As for Japan behind the Second World War, the left wing and the man of culture concentrated total power and aimed at the revolution of the Japanese people democracy republic, but there was not success.

But oddly enough, to this day, it controls education and the mass media, and it continues to have an influence on the public opinion forming which diminishes Japan.

This article continues.

Although now it seems to have been considerably improved,

2015年06月18日 10時23分29秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

While such society ripens in the times, the mechanism in peace is complete.

It already finds that Japan is the society which is stable and is safe and can be relieved from the ancient times, saying in the Book of Wei, Wajinden and Book of Sui, The Dongyi, from that it is noted as stealing is less, because it is mentioned specially, too.

After the Age of Discovery, including missionaries such as the first visit to Japan was Francis Xavier, also from prominent travel women who Isabella Bird, about Japan without Marauders, they told Japan is the country that is possible to be in peace of mind and safety.

That much, Japan is the unique society.

China is said to be not a mountain with no bandits, no lake with no wicked person even since the beginning of the 20th century was a country of about Marauders Republic, and it is China.

Korea was the famous country of robbers in the greenwood (bandits) and thief in the old days.

Although now it seems to have been considerably improved, the Joseon era, when women are leaving out, almost no one is able to avoid a sexual assault from men, it is in the book of Claude-Charles Dallet Father, The History of the Church It has to of Korea and so on.

Now in the West, Korea is a high-risk country of sexual assault, and it calls the rape attention to female travelers.

This article continues

In that there is no blurring, the history of Japan is the best in the world.

2015年06月18日 09時47分25秒 | 日記

Mr. Ko Bunyu is writing the prologue which begins with the following title from page 3 to page 17 but has a lot of facts to see for the first time for the world, too, only in this.


The Japanese civilization is the pride of the Japanese.

In that there is no blurring, the history of Japan is the best in the world.

It is day before yesterday that I read his new work. There were following sentences in the last one of above-mentioned prologue.

Famous management scholar Drucker says about the Japanese beauty that all civilization or in the country only Japan is the country which can be understood by coming in touch with a heart more than the eyes. Then, he pointed out that the Japanese picture is "topological" having to do with topology.

It saw for the first time but the pointing-out, the Japanese beauty and Drucker, will be same as me for the people all over the world, too.

It's supposed to first look also for the above-mentioned Japanese and American history scholars.

I was surprised, at night of this day, in the NHK educational television, by "the museum in Sunday", "Peter F Drucker the love letter to the Japanese art", and however, it was being televised.

The collection and the understanding of the picture of Japanese art by him, specifically his Itō Jakuchū and so on, were as Mr. Ko Bun Yu pointed out.

The exhibition of the work which he collected is in turn hosted this year at the museum in Chiba, Nagano, and Yamaguchi. It is a must-see art exhibition to the people who visit above-mentioned prefecture this time.

In the following, we will introduce the prologue of the recent works of Mr. Ko Bun Yu.


The Japanese civilization is the pride of the Japanese.

Most by the world, the history in Japan which isn't blurred.

Before the war, it often commented that “all nations unparalleled" (there is not one to compare in the country anywhere) it is the emperor of ""thousands of years one system".

The national polity is completely different from China that is the country of the Ekisei revolution (an ancient Chinese political concept), revolution (change of dynasty) decreed by Heaven when the incumbent emperor is found lacking in moral virtue (old Chinese political thought), and Korea,.

It is different from the country in the Europe which switched over from the monarchy to the republic behind the people's revolution, too.

Of course, the country which has human history, the history which results today from the dynasty of gods, too, is only Japan.

China (the People's Republic of China) and Korea (the Republic of Korea), but being asserting oneself in 5000 and half Mannen, (the omission), and the history, but either is after World War II, it is only the country which was born from, after the civil war.

It isn't possible to say that the regime, too, is so stable.

Behind the Second World War, the state in the world had only about 60.

But now, it is also increasing already about 200 and 92 times or more.

That is, as for the various countries in now, the postwar days come almost.

This article continues