文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They have the strong tendency that they steal, that they tell a lie and that they deceive

2016年10月24日 21時41分56秒 | 日記

Because it lived a life as the businessman, as for me, in the presses, it is natural to have been nameless.

For Japan, for the world, reluctantly, I who appeared on the world in the Internet, the one of the inside of the Korean residents in Japan who are many specifically in Osaka, encounter to the devil, as it knows having a dreadful experience.

In addition to to have defrauded us of a large sum of money which exceeds 100 million yen, about the state which continues a persistent attack in all time about the man (it is only in the period which was imprisoned by the prison, being arrested, defrauding us of a large sum of money of the above from Ehime Bank before appearing in us that the attack of this man stopped) who continues a persistent attack to me and my book in the world in the Internet.

The friend who is a very excellent office worker and the man of the divine profession declared, I am supposing that this man is an agent in North Korea, it is possible to understand if it does it, as it is previously mentioned.

"Difference in Japan, China, and Korea which was surprised with the foreigner seeing since 2000 years before" "As for the world, being disgusted last by China - Korea, why do you long for Japan"? (Ko Bunyu), in that Ko Bunyu is an eminent savant in the world about China, Japan, and this book be proving, I introduced to the world.

However, this book is proving that he is an eminent savant in the world about Korean Peninsula, too.

In the chapter which he is writing about Korean Peninsula, it had the above right answer to suppose above-mentioned friend.

The text emphasis except the index is me.


The terrible sight of Korean Peninsula which the missionary told

In 1666, Hendrick Hamel and eight people succeeded in the ejection from Korean Peninsula and were delivered to the Dutch Factory of Dejima by the Nagasaki magistrate from Goto Islands.

Seven holdovers are delivered 2 years later by the negotiation by the Shogunate.

*Hendrick Hamel (1630 – 1692) was the first Westerner to provide a first-hand account of Joseon Korea. After spending thirteen years there, he wrote "Hamel's Journal and a Description of the Kingdom of Korea, 1653-1666," which was subsequently published in 1668.

According to the report of Hendrick Hamel "Hamel's Journal and a Description of the Kingdom of Korea, 1653-1666", the Korean king is a sultan but decides a successor, getting the official from the consent of Manchu monarch.

The Imperial envoy of the Tartar and Uriankhai come to collect a tribute three times per year.

The high-ranking official in the Korea is frightened by the Tartar and pays bribery and a hush-up money.

Also, when the envoy of the Manchu person comes, the Korean king defers, going to the Yeongeunmun, being personally accompanied by the high-ranking official and there is a crown prince, he must entertain in the junket and the accomplishment.

It is the time when Injo of Joseon of the king sank in 1649 and Hyojong of Joseon of the child succeeded when seeing history on the side of the Korea.

There was a past in Hyojong of Joseon at the crown prince times, 8 years were interned in Shenyang in China as the hostage.

In 1616, Aisin Gioro Nurhaci of the Manchu person founds the later Jin Dynasty (1616-1636), putting up "Seven Grievances" to Ming dynasty.

The Korea in those days invaded the territory of the Jurchen person, conquering repeat the later Jin Dynasty as the genus feudal clan of Ming dynasty and in borrowed plumes of Ming dynasty, expanded a territory compared with Goryeo.

Therefore, Hong Taiji who is the The later Jin Dynasty monarch of the 2nd generation counterattacked in the Korea, building imperial Mongolia Qing dynasty of the union.

It is Manchu invasion which it says by the Korean history.

The Korea changes from the dependency of Ming dynasty to the Qing dynasty dependency as a result of First Manchu invasion of Korea in 1627 and Second Manchu invasion of Korea in 1636,

the crown prince and a prince, 三公六卿 and the hundreds of family are done by the hostage and compulsion is taken to the north by Manchuria-Mongolia Eight Banners.

Together, the taken public is made 500,000 who are equivalent to the about half with population in those days but there is a record to make its equal to or more than, too.

Then, Hong Taiji have made the side of the Korea have made facilities such as 頌徳碑 and Yeongeunmun, 慕華館 and moreover decided that the Korea is "the going down to one's post below" in the Tribute country.

"Han soldier" is timid, in addition to running away immediately in case of really and becoming, there are many massacres of the civilian, it is because it hardly became war potential.

The omission

"They have the strong tendency that they steal, that they tell a lie and that they deceive. Don't trust them so much. For them, it thinks that causing a damage to a stranger is an exploit and it doesn't think that causing is disgrace."

The omit the last part

This clarification of Hamel, the one of the friend of being above-mentioned excellent office worker and being a man of the divine profession, too, with that it is difficult to believe of the criminal to me being on incomprehensibly, I am convinced that it is the best answer.

At Mr. Ko Bunyu, this book is a book required reading for all of Japan people.

It is completely ignorant in Asia, the people in the world, specifically the staff of the United Nations where the fact gets high reward at the tax of the Japanese, it made Alexis Dudden and John W. Dower and so on the first on the list, the too poor scholars in the U.S., too, are a book required reading.

This article continues


2016年10月24日 20時06分35秒 | 日記

























Lors de l'interprétation préalable de la présente constitution, avec un, dans le cas de

2016年10月24日 10時17分29秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.
La personne âgée veut dire, avant d'accrocher à l'entrée de l'état de l'actuel Japon, qui a sorti un terme, «le principe du constitutionnalisme», des piles qui sont pleins de suie dans Meiji - Taishou, car «il se sur la bonne Constitution ", il est seulement le fait d'argumenter sur« la qualité de la présente constitution »en premier.
Lors de l'interprétation préalable de la présente constitution, avec un, dans le cas de «la seigneurie existe dans le peuple» (clause de préambule 1), il n'y a même pas un sens qui est sur les significations unworldly comme la souveraineté du pouvoir souverain, juste (pour la politique intérieure et extérieure), il faut comprendre que la chose du droit du monde de «dernier mot».
Alors, maintenant que "national" est dans "le pays se lève sur le flux de l'histoire", il faut prendre en cas d'être "personnes au total historiques»,
si cela, en supposant que seigneurie nationale est «l'esprit de la tradition qui est provoquée par l'histoire" est correcte.
Cet article continue

Nell'interpretare anticipo sul presente Costituzione, con una sola, nel caso di

2016年10月24日 10時16分55秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è il sequel del capitolo precedente.
La persona anziana vuole dire, prima di appendere all'entrata dello stato l'attuale Giappone, che tirò fuori un termine, "il principio del costituzionalismo", dalle pile che sono pieni di fuliggine in Meiji - Taishou, per "com'è sulla Costituzione buono ", è solo il fatto di discutere" la qualità della presente Costituzione "prima.
Nell'interpretare anticipo sul presente Costituzione, con una sola, nel caso di "Signoria esiste nel popolo" (clausola preambolo 1), non c'è nemmeno un significato che è circa i significati unworldly come sovranità in potere sovrano, semplicemente (per la politica interna ed estera) deve essere chiaro che la cosa del diritto mondana di "ultima parola".
Quindi, ora che "nazionale" è nel "paese si alza sul flusso della storia", si dovrebbe prendere in caso di essere "persone storici totale",
se così facendo, supponendo che signoria nazionale è "la mente della tradizione che viene portato dalla storia" è corretta.
Questo articolo continua

En la interpretación de antemano sobre la actual constitución, con uno, en el caso de

2016年10月24日 10時16分25秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la secuela del capítulo anterior.
La persona mayor quiere decir, antes que cuelga en la entrada de la situación del Japón actual que se llevó a cabo un término, "el principio del constitucionalismo", desde las pilas que están llenos de hollín en Meiji - Taishou, por "su forma actual en la buena Constitución ", es sólo el hecho de que discutir sobre" la calidad de la actual Constitución "en primer lugar.
En la interpretación de antemano sobre la actual constitución, con uno, en el caso de "existe la Señoría en la gente" (cláusula preámbulo 1), no hay ni siquiera un significado que se trata de los significados no mundanos como la soberanía en el poder soberano, que sólo (para la política interior y exterior) debe entenderse que la cosa de la derecha mundana de "última palabra".
Entonces, ahora que "nacional" se encuentra en "el país se pone de pie sobre el desarrollo de la historia", debe ponerse en caso de ser "gente total históricos",
si al hacerlo, suponiendo que Signory nacional es "la mente de la tradición, que se produjo a partir de la historia" es correcta.
Este artículo continúa

Bei der Interpretation vorher über die gegenwärtige Konstitution, mit einem, im Fall von

2016年10月24日 10時15分23秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.
Der alte Mensch will sagen, bevor er am Eingang des Staates des heutigen Japans hängt, der aus den Stäben, die in Meiji-Taishou voller Ruß sind, "das Prinzip des Konstitutionalismus" herausnahm, denn es steht Über die Verfassung gut ", ist es nur die Tatsache, über" die Qualität der gegenwärtigen Verfassung "zuerst zu streiten.
Bei der Interpretation im voraus über die gegenwärtige Verfassung, mit einer, im Falle der "Signatur existiert im Volk" (Präambel-Klausel 1), gibt es nicht einmal einen Sinn, der über die weltfremden Bedeutungen wie Souveränität in souveräner Macht gerecht ist (Für die Innen-und Außenpolitik) sollte verstanden werden, dass die Sache der weltlichen Recht auf "endgültig sagen".
Dann, jetzt, dass "national" ist in "das Land steht auf dem Fluss der Geschichte", sollte es fangen, im Falle von "historischen insgesamt Menschen", "
Wenn dies geschieht, wenn man annimmt, daß die nationale Signatur "der Geist der Tradition ist, der aus der Geschichte hervorgebracht wird" richtig ist.
Dieser Artikel geht weiter

Ao interpretar de antemão sobre a actual Constituição, com um, no caso de

2016年10月24日 10時14分53秒 | 日記

O que se segue é a sequela do capítulo anterior.
A pessoa idosa quer dizer, antes de pendurar na entrada do estado do Japão atual, que tirou um termo, "o princípio de constitucionalismo", a partir das pilhas que estão cheios de fuligem na Meiji - Taishou, pois "como está na Constituição bom ", é apenas o fato de a discutir sobre" a qualidade da actual Constituição "em primeiro lugar.
Ao interpretar de antemão sobre a actual Constituição, com um, no caso de "o Signoria existe nas pessoas" (cláusula preâmbulo 1), não há sequer um significado que é sobre os significados extraterrestre como a soberania do poder soberano, ele só (para a política interna e externa) deve ser entendido que a coisa do direito mundana a "palavra final".
Então, agora que "nacional" está em "o país ergue-se no fluxo da história", ele deve pegar no caso de ser "pessoas totais históricas",
se isso, supondo que Signoria nacional é "a mente da tradição que é provocada a partir da história" é adequada.
Este artigo continua


2016年10月24日 10時14分22秒 | 日記

老人想說,在懸掛在當今日本的國家的入口之前,從日本明治 - 泰壽的充滿煙灰的堆棧中取出一個術語“憲法原則”,“它站在憲法良好“,只是首先爭論”當前憲法的質量“的事實。


2016年10月24日 10時13分52秒 | 日記

老人想说,在悬挂在现在日本的国家的入口之前,从日本明治 - 太极粉煤灰堆积的“宪法原则”,“它站立宪法良好“,只是首先争论”当前宪法的质量“的事实。


2016年10月24日 10時13分14秒 | 日記

다음은 앞 장에서의 속편이다.
그것이 의미 "에 대한, Taishou - 옛 사람은 메이지 (明治)에서 매연이 가득 스택에서, 용어"고 입헌 원리 "를 꺼내 본 일 일본의 국가의 입구에 매달려 전에 말을하고 싶어 헌법 좋은에서 처음 본 헌법 "의 품질",에 대해 주장 할 만 사실이다 ".
(프리앰블 절 1)의 "signory는 사람 존재"의 경우, 하나, 본 구성에 대해 미리 해석하면, 같은 주권 주권으로 속세를 떠난 의미 관한에도 의미가없는 경우, 단지 (국내 및 해외 정책은) 이해되어야한다 그 세속적 권리의 일 "마지막 말"로 설정합니다.
그리고, 지금 "국가"은 "역사적인 총 사람들"인 경우 잡으려고한다 "나라가 역사의 흐름에 버틴다"에 있음을,
국가 signory이라고 가정하면, 이렇게하면 "역사에서 초래되는 전통의 마음은"적절한이다.
이 문서는 계속


2016年10月24日 10時12分37秒 | 日記

Ниже является продолжением предыдущей главе.
Старый человек хочет сказать, прежде чем повесить на входе в состояние современной Японии, который вынул термин «принцип конституционализма», из штабеля, которые полны сажи в Мэйдзи - Taishou, ибо "он стоит по конституции хорошо », это только тот факт, спорить о том," качество нынешней конституции "первой.
При интерпретации заранее о нынешней конституции, с одним, в случае "синьории существует в народе" (преамбула пункта 1), есть даже не смысл, который идет о мира сего смыслов, таких как суверенитет в суверенной власти, это просто (для внутренней и внешней политики) следует понимать, что дело мирского права на "последнее слово".
Затем, в настоящее время, что "национальный" находится в "страна встает на поток истории", он должен поймать в случае того, чтобы быть "исторические всего народа",
если делать это, если предположить, что национальный синьории это "ум традиции, которая вызывается из истории" является правильным.
Эта статья продолжает

Atunci când interpretarea în prealabil cu privire la actuala constituție,

2016年10月24日 10時11分40秒 | 日記

Următoarele este continuarea capitolului precedent.
Persoana care în vârstă vrea să spună, înainte de agățat pe intrarea în starea de azi Japonia, care a scos un termen, "principiul constituționalismul", din stack-urile care sunt pline de funingine în Meiji - Taishou, pentru "ea stă pe bună Constituție ", este doar faptul de a argumenta despre" calitatea prezentei constituții "mai întâi.
Atunci când interpretarea în prealabil cu privire la actuala constituție, cu unul, în cazul "există signory în oameni" (clauza preambul 1), nu există nici măcar un sens care este vorba despre semnificațiile nelumesc, cum ar fi suveranitatea în puterea suverană, pur și simplu (pentru politica internă și externă), ar trebui să se înțeleagă că lucrul dreptului lumesc la "ultimul cuvânt".
Apoi, acum că "național" este în "țară se ridică pe fluxul istoriei", ar trebui să prindă în caz de a fi "oameni totale istorice",
în cazul în care acest lucru, presupunând că signory național este "mintea tradiției, care este adus din istorie" este propriu-zis.
Acest articol continuă

Kai žodžiu iš anksto apie šio konstitucijos, su vienu, tokiais atvejais, kai

2016年10月24日 10時11分08秒 | 日記

Toliau yra ankstesniame skyriuje tęsinys.
Senas žmogus nori pasakyti, prieš kabo ant šios dienos Japonija, kurios paėmė terminą, "The konstitucionalizmo principu" iš rietuvių, kurios pilnas suodžių į Meidži valstybės įėjimo - Taishou, nes "jis yra ant Konstitucijos gėrio ", tai tik dėl to, kad ginčytis" dabartinio konstitucijos "pirmojo kokybę.
Kai iš anksto žodžiu apie dabartinę konstituciją, su vienu, o apie "signory egzistuoja žmonių" (preambulės 1 punktas) atveju, nėra net prasmės, kuri yra apie Nieziemski reikšmių, pavyzdžiui, suverenumo suverenios galios, jis tiesiog (vidaus ir užsienio politiką) turi būti suprantama, kad pasaulietiško teisingas dalykas "galutinis tarkim".
Tada, kad dabar "pilietis" yra "šalis atsistoja ant istorijos tėkmės", ji turėtų gaudyti, jei yra "istorinis Iš viso žmonių",
jei tai pamanė, kad nacionalinė signory yra "tradicija, kuri atnešė apie iš istorijos protas" yra tinkamas.
Šis straipsnis ir toliau

Ketika menafsirkan terlebih dahulu tentang perlembagaan ini,

2016年10月24日 10時10分29秒 | 日記

Berikut adalah kesudahan bab sebelumnya.
Orang tua mahu berkata, sebelum tergantung di pintu masuk keadaan masa kini Jepun yang mengeluarkan istilah, "prinsip perlembagaan itu", dari susunan yang penuh dengan jelaga dalam Meiji - Taishou, untuk "ia berdiri pada yang baik Perlembagaan ", ia hanya fakta untuk berdebat mengenai" kualiti perlembagaan ini "pertama.
Ketika menafsirkan terlebih dahulu tentang perlembagaan ini, dengan satu, dalam kes "signory wujud dalam rakyat" (mukadimah ayat 1), tidak ada walaupun makna iaitu kira-kira makna unworldly seperti kedaulatan berkuasa berdaulat, ia hanya (untuk dasar domestik dan asing) perlu difahami bahawa perkara hak duniawi "kata terakhir".
Dulu kini bahawa "negara" di "negara ini berdiri pada aliran sejarah", ia harus menangkap dalam kes yang "jumlah orang bersejarah",
jika berbuat demikian, menjangkakan bahawa signory negara adalah "fikiran tradisi yang dibawa dari sejarah" adalah betul.
Artikel ini terus


2016年10月24日 10時09分56秒 | 日記

खालील मागील धडा पर्यवसान आहे.
तो स्टॅण्ड साठी "Taishou, - जुना व्यक्ती उपस्थित-दिवस जपान Meiji मध्ये काजळी पूर्ण आहेत जे स्टॅक पासून एक शब्द," constitutionalism तत्त्व "बाहेर घेऊन राज्यातील प्रवेशद्वार टांगलेल्या आधी, म्हणू इच्छित संविधानाच्या चांगला उपस्थित घटना "प्रथम गुणवत्ता", याबद्दल वाद फक्त खरं आहे ".
तेव्हा, (उपोदघात खंड 1) "signory लोक अस्तित्वात" जर उपस्थित घटना बद्दल आधीच अर्थ लावणे एक सह, अशा सार्वभौम शक्ती सार्वभौमत्व म्हणून unworldly अर्थ आहे अगदी एक अर्थ नाही, तो फक्त (देशांतर्गत आणि परदेशी धोरण) समजले पाहिजे की ऐहिक अधिकार गोष्ट "अंतिम म्हणा" च्या पुढे.
तर मग आता "राष्ट्रीय" मध्ये "देशातील इतिहास प्रवाह वर याचा अर्थ आहे", तो "एकूण ऐतिहासिक लोक" जात बाबतीत पकडू पाहिजे आहे,
असे केल्याने राष्ट्रीय signory आहे असे समजून तर "परंपरा इतिहास सुमारे आणले मन" योग्य आहे.
हा लेख सुरू