文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2016年10月25日 15時16分12秒 | 日記







ほかに、1925年には『三十年前の朝鮮』(工藤重雄抄訳、東亜経済時報社)、1998年には『朝鮮紀行 英国婦人の見た李朝末期』(時岡敬子訳、講談社学術文庫)も出版されている。 













In the first place, the Korea was a sexual slave state traditionally and should to acquire knowledge

2016年10月25日 15時13分51秒 | 日記

"Difference in Japan, China, and Korea which was surprised with the foreigner seeing since 2000 years before" "As for the world, being disgusted last by China - Korea, why do you long for Japan"? (Ko Bunyu), the following is the excerpt which is.

The text emphasis except the title is me.

The shadow of death in "the country of the dead person" which Bird saw

Isabella Lucy Bird which was introduced in the first chapter, January 1894, January 1995, December, four times in 1997, over a period of virtually 11 months, the Korea that was in upheaval life of politics and society, it traveled 60 years old at the passing age

"Korea Up-country Travel literature" is the complete translation of "Korea and Her Neighbours" which was published in London in 1896.

Besides, in 1925, "Korean 30 years before" (Kudo Shigeo abridged translation, the East Asia economy time signal Inc.), and in 1998 " is published, "Korea Travel literature, it saw a British woman, the last years of the Rhee Dynasty" (Tokioka Keiko translation, the Kodansh art and science library), too, is published.

She was also the special member of Royal Geographical Society, in addition to the knowledge of the geography and the history, it has the observing eye which rich traveling experience matured to the nature and the society, too, it is the contents of the highlights in Korea Travel literature in those days.

The Korea when having escaped from a long state of the national isolation just now, there is little in the place where it should see, it was "the tedious country", it is the opinion which the tripper in those days agreed with.

The Korea which was in the doldrums as "the apoptosis country" "the country of the hermit" "the country which is dominated by the dead person (the tomb)" may be reflected in the trivial country to the eyes of anyone.

Bird, too, makes "the Korea got the impression to be the country which isn't the funniest while traveling formerly by first traveling" in the introduction.

However, at the same time, it says "it strongly in political the anxious and rapid change of the Korea and fate in future interested and it was woken up" before and after Sino-Japanese war.

The Korea in those days, in "the art is nil", "The fault is exaggerated by the most ignominious dress in this world, the width is wide, thickset and the unshapely diagram of the women is vulgar" "It is suspicion, slyly to the Korean, and he habit which tells a lie such as oriental vices are seen, the trust by the fellow creature is thin. A woman is isolated and is placed in the terribly inferior status.".

In present Korea, the women who become the sacrifice of the sex crimes are many and are helpless status.

"The legislation of the physical treatment", i.e. a gelding operation is even proposed in the Diet.

The European and American government, too, calls an attention to the single person tripper of the woman as "the critical section", but the national policy organization in Korea protests, making this "the defamation of character".

As for such a story, it is too many to count.

In the first place, the Korea was a sexual slave state traditionally and should to acquire knowledge "the right history recognition" to its own country.

They are really incorrigibly the people for whom it is difficult to permit.

2016年10月25日 14時06分04秒 | 日記

The people all over the world which read a preceding chapter will know that the sexual slave is tradition itself of Korean Peninsula.

There was not such a tradition at all in Japan.

In the first place, the Japanese are the people which is rare in the world which didn't bring ideas such as making others a slave.

When attempting to think from the viewpoint, be in the important post of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations then, go to the United Nations many times, continuing to say that it is the sexual slave who is not a comfort woman, to the end, in the U.S. and so on, the lawyer to have resembled as if to be true and to have rooted at it and so on, surely, it may have been the human being who comes from Korean Peninsula.

It may have diminished Japan using the word which was inscribed by its deoxyribonucleic acid.

In the same way, I remember in the feelings to regret.

There was a cartoon which did browsing by the secondhand bookstore when young to have been in Kyoto.

It is "the Kamui Anecdote" Sampei Shirato's work.

It read because the ninja who reached a skill like transcendence was the cartoon which plays an active part as the hero though, the farm village scenery which was pictured in that work, it was plundered and it continued to be marauded by Yangban, that the image in the farm village in Korea is a deeply projected work, and all persons who knew the truth to read this labor of Mr. Ko Bunyu, it should think so.

It continued to be violated by the terrible state to the truth such as Korea and China, it made the postwar days in Japan, to Asahi Shimbun and so-called men of culture who side with this, it is necessary to criticize severely with any more the contempt and the rage which is not.

They are really incorrigibly the people for whom it is difficult to permit.


2016年10月25日 13時47分31秒 | 日記











That Marco Polo who was trusted in Khubilai and was appointed to the high-ranking official

2016年10月25日 13時22分27秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

It is in the 17th century that Korea is finally recognized in the Western countries.

For the Western countries, existence itself was vague and there was not even a correct map in the Korea until it led at the end of the 16th century.

The Order of Saint Augustine missionary Martin de Rada who stayed at Ming dynasty in 1505 makes Koma Shina's dependency but "the Shina big kingdom will" by Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza in the 16th century isn't touching at all about the Korea.

"The Travels of Marco Polo" which was written at the end of the 13th century, too, is touching golden country Zipangu but as for Koma (Korean), it is hardly touching.

Since conquered by Khubilai which was Chingis Khan's grandchild, equal to or more than 100 years of Koma were under the Yuan dynasty government.

That Marco Polo who was trusted in Khubilai and was appointed to the high-ranking official hardly touches Korea is very mysterious.

Koma suffers to make which of Liao dynasty of Khitan people, Jin Dynasty of Jurchen people, Song dynasty of the Han Chinese a suzerain since founding and is seeing off 貢女(generally, present a woman as one of the tribute articles) as the sexual slave about Chingis Khan beyond the desert and Mongol.

Nevertheless, may you have been treated as "the insignificant dependency" as this?

For the Western countries, Korean Peninsula was one land of mystery and the information was equal in the nil.

At the world map in the early stages, it is written not as the peninsula but "the island".

As for there not being correct view of the world, China, too, is the same and as for above-mentioned "Classic of Mountains and Seas", too, the contents are absurd.

It thought that it is "the island" until even Fujian district led to the Tang dynasty and 天円地方 (the idea in the heaven is circle, the earth is a square) continued until the recent times.

The westerner came to have an interest in the Korea in earnest, it would be from the dispatch of troops to Korea in the last years of 16 centuries which depend on Toyotomi Hideyoshi (Japanese invasions of Korea, 1592-98).

The missionary Gregorio de Cespedes who accompanied Yukinaga Konishi of the early Christian Daimyō writes about Korean Peninsula with the yearbook to have directed to the Roman headquarters.

This article continues.

Rather, the historical fact be opposite and, for example, it was supposed to have been

2016年10月25日 12時42分36秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.
As for the roots of the Korean, there is a research with various fields such as the archaeology, the anthropology, the deoxyribonucleic acid and there are many, too, opinions.
Thinking from the geopolitics and the geography, the ecology, Korean Peninsula of the east different ethnic groups was after all the frontier which doesn't suit the residence of the human being.
Therefore, as for Korean Peninsula, it is rational to think that it is the snowdrifts of the refugee, 土幕民 (it is a kind of slum resident who existed in former Korean Peninsula) such as Han ancestry (the Murray Polynesia type), the Yamato type, the Han type from the west, the Tungus (Tung-hu) type in the north, even if it sees from the history, as for appearing on the East Asia history, thinking that it is "Three Kingdoms of Korea" times is proper.
Therefore, the influence from Japan, too, is strong and it is natural that Shragi's king was a Japanese as above-mentioned, too.
The preamble abbreviation
The Korean is maintaining that the ancestor of the Japanese is "the dropping out" which crossed from Korean Peninsula but if seeing historically, it is opposite.
The Korean also said "it told a civilization to Japan through Korean Peninsula" and so on, but Japan underwent various influence from Mainland China until abolition of Japanese missions to Tang China (894), hardly benefits from the civilization from Korean Peninsula.
Rather, the historical fact be opposite and, for example, it was supposed to have been conveyed to Japan from the Korea in the past even if it made rice though, it is a mistake, being conveyed to Japan from Shina continent and that it was introduced into Korean Peninsula with the paddy rice technology are sure approximately from the deoxyribonucleic acid investigation at the rice and so on.
The omit the last part

can be said also as founder of the rip-off and fantasy creation of the Korean literary man

2016年10月25日 12時22分41秒 | 日記

"Difference in Japan, China, and Korea which was surprised with the foreigner seeing since 2000 years before" "As for the world, being disgusted last by China - Korea, why do you long for Japan"? (Ko Bunyu), the following is the excerpt which is.

The preamble abbreviation

The present Korean, about the fact that the founder of the Korea foundation was a Chinese, it repels the fact that the part in Korean Peninsula was a territory in Chinese Empire, it is judging this with "a lie of the history".

Then, it is insisting on "the Dangun myth" that Dangu who is supposed to have been born between the God and the female bear to be described in "Samgungnyusa" which was written by the Il-yeon Oshō (the pongyi of Zen Buddhism in Koma times) in the 13th century and to have lived for equal to or more than 1800 years founded Korea but of course, there is not one where this "the Dangun myth" comes out to the history book in China.

The tale of this Dangun founding is carried on the textbook of the elementary, junior high and high schools in Korea, too, but the original is the one of less than 200 characters of kanjis only and no kind of historical fact is the absurd story which is.

However, in Korea, the scholar is arguing about this myth as the historical fact.

The myth of the country producing and so on come out in "Nihon Shoki" which is the oldest history in Japan and "the Kojiki" though,

of course, there is not a scholar who thinks that this is a historical fact, doing whether it existed about "Kesshi-hachidai" of Emperor Jinmu and after that, too, the discussion which is objective is done.

Anyway, present China maintains that Goguryeo (37 B.C. - 668) which was formed from the existence of above-mentioned Four Commanderies of Han after that is the part of the Chinese history and is the history arguing which is vigorous among Korea.

"Nihon Shoki" supposes that there were countries, 3 countries and Gaya confederacy in the peninsular southern part at Shragi, in Goguryeo, at Kudara, about Korean Peninsula in those days.

"The Three Hans conquest" by the Empress Zingu, the fact that Kudara and Shragi tributeed to Japan,  and the story of the fact that Japan had a governing institution in Mimana of the countries Gaya confederacy.

Of course, the present Korean denies this, too, as "a lie of the history".

There are but many, too, parts to have stolen contents from Official history "Book of the Later Han" and "Book of Liang" "Book of Tang" in China by in Samguk Sagi, about the description of the historical fact, e.g. the Goguryeo expedition of Emperor Yang of Sui of Sui dynasty, as being reversed writes the history book which a contemporary thing was described in, and so on, there are halfway contents, too, fairly.

Suspicion which is a creation from the imagining obsession of Kim Bu-sik of the editor is strong and is nearer the novel and the fantasy than the history.

The original is Chinese writing, but is said to be the hogwash which isn't made proper Chinese writing whoever reads but is understood.

Kim Bu-sik can be said also as founder of the rip-off and fantasy creation of the Korean literary man.

In any case, the fact that Korean Peninsula underwent the influence which is stronger from the neighboring countries such as Chinese Empire and Japan than the ancient times will be sure.

This article continues.

Il doit corriger par un moi. Moi qui est apparu complètement,

2016年10月25日 11時51分54秒 | 日記

Il a envoyé l'autre jour au Japon et dans le monde, la découverte d'un papier précieux Ara Kenichi qui est diplômé de l'Université du Tohoku département de littérature par le haut à Sendai-Dai-Ni l'école secondaire qui est mon alma mater avec le Net.

L'ami qui a lu cet argument a son volume séparé 26. Il y avait la mémoire au nom de M. Ara Kenichi et envoyé.

Je sais que pour la première fois, la grande partie des Japonais serait le fait de connaître pour la première fois. Bien sûr, les gens partout dans le monde ne savent pas du tout.

Le nazisme, le fascisme, le parti de prendre une décision despotique report par le Parti communiste, le mal de l'être humain la bouée de sauvetage dont est publicité avec la commodité qui est bon pour eux, lui-même, il est pointu, parce que le monde ne sait pas la bonne chose, il est de dire qu'il dit un mensonge. Il dit, lui aussi, ne pas être un mensonge ordinaire du mensonge largement, ce qui rend persistant.

Les gens qui ont l'intelligence correcte ont pas le choix d'être stupéfait par la gravité de l'intelligence du monde qui est représenté par l'Organisation des Nations Unies, qui croyait bien.

Moi qui suis le peuple japonais rappelle la fureur cruelle qui est vigoureuse au monde débile comme ça.

Par conséquent, ici, je droit du monde, donnant voix très forte de Oda Nobunaga.

Il doit corriger par un moi. Moi qui semblait tout à fait, en disant qu'il a commencé avec un, il est la première personne à temps dans le monde.

Japon, le groupe de fabricant de l'appareil électrique pour être fier dans le monde, il a conduit à des difficultés, aussi, il est l'un du Japon et l'un des U.S ..

La technologie de centrale nucléaire dont le Japon est fier dans le monde, laisser stagner, l'un des Toshiba, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries et ainsi de suite, les grandes entreprises dont le Japon est fier dans le monde si l'entreprise liée, elle aussi, comprend , le grand groupe d'entreprises qui emploie le peuple japonais de dizaines de millions, il est l'un, trois en montant et Asahi Shimbun du Japon qui a conduit aux difficultés.

Un être humain jusqu'à ce avoir pratiqué en commençant par une complètement sur le mal, je le confiance en soi pour avoir nié fortement.

Dans la voix de Dieu, dans la providence de Dieu, il n'y a confiance en soi absolue qu'il est possible d'étaler une plaque tournante de la civilisation à travers le monde. Par conséquent, il fait référence, aussi, que j'étais Kūkai aujourd'hui, aussi.

J'envoie cette théorie établie de la mine et le travail de la suite Ara Kenichi principal du monde comme voix très forte de Oda Nobunaga.

Plus précisément, il est possible de rugir à l'intello dans le US qui est représenté par le journal New York Times et ainsi de suite dont il semble qu'il croit que le massacre de Nanjing est un fait historique.

Il sera possible d'écouter ma voix et lire le travail de la haute avec ces fous ouvrant de grands yeux et tendre l'oreille.

Il est un Américain et que pour être de gros dans le mauvais sens, il est nécessaire de savoir que cela ne conduit le monde à la ruine.

Essa correggere da un me. Io che è apparso del tutto, dicendo che è iniziato con uno,

2016年10月25日 11時51分26秒 | 日記

Ha inviato l'altro giorno per il Giappone e il mondo, alla scoperta di una carta con valore Ara Kenichi che si è laureato da Università di Tohoku dipartimento di letteratura al più anziano di Sendai-Dai-Ni liceo che è la mia alma mater con la rete.

L'amico che leggono questo ha portato il suono volume separato argomento 26. C'era la memoria in nome di Mr. Ara Kenichi ed è inviato.

So che per la prima volta, la gran parte dei giapponesi sarebbe il fatto di sapere per la prima volta. Naturalmente, le persone in tutto il mondo non conoscono affatto.

Il nazismo, il fascismo, il partito di prendere una decisione dispotica di effettuare-out da parte del partito comunista, il male del essendo la linfa vitale di chi è pubblicità con la convenienza che è buono per questi umana, in sé, è a punta, perché il mondo non sa la cosa buona, è nel dire che si dice una bugia. Si dice che, troppo, per non essere una bugia ordinario della menzogna ampiamente, rendendo persistente.

Le persone che hanno corretto l'intelletto non hanno altra scelta, ma per essere storditi dalla gravità dell'intelletto del mondo che è rappresentato dalle Nazioni Unite, che ha creduto, però.

Io che sono il popolo giapponese ricordo la rabbia crudele, che è vigorosa al mondo debole di mente come questo.

Pertanto, qui, ho ragione il mondo, dando voce molto forte di Oda Nobunaga.

Essa correggere da un me. Io che è apparso del tutto, dicendo che è iniziato con uno, è la prima persona a tempo in tutto il mondo.

Giappone l'apparecchio gruppo del produttore elettrico di cui essere orgogliosi nel mondo, ha guidato le difficoltà, anche, è uno del Giappone e uno dei fuori degli USA ..

La tecnologia centrale nucleare di cui il Giappone è orgoglioso del nel mondo, lasciate ristagnare, uno di Toshiba, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries e così via, le grandi imprese che il Giappone è orgoglioso del nel mondo se la relativa impresa, anche, include , il grande gruppo di imprese che impiega il popolo giapponese di decine di milioni, è uno, tre in quantità e Asahi Shimbun del giapponese che ha spinto alle difficoltà.

Un essere umano fino a questo di aver praticato a cominciare da quella completamente sul male, ho la fiducia in se stessi per aver negato con forza.

Nella voce del Dio, nella provvidenza di Dio, vi è assoluta fiducia in se stessi che è possibile diffondere un giradischi della civiltà attraverso il mondo. Pertanto, è fatto riferimento, anche, che ero Kukai oggi, troppo.

Mando questa teoria consolidata del mio e del lavoro di seguire Ara Kenichi anziano al mondo come voce molto forte di Oda Nobunaga.

In particolare, è possibile ruggire al highbrow nel brevetto che è rappresentato dal documento New York Times e così via di cui sembra che esso ritiene che Nanjing Massacre è un fatto storico.

E 'possibile ascoltare la mia voce e leggere il lavoro di alto livello con questi sciocchi aprire gli occhi ampiamente e tendendo un orecchio.

Si tratta di un americano e come per essere all'ingrosso nel senso cattivo, è necessario sapere che porta solo il mondo alla rovina.

Se corregirá por uno yo. Yo, que apareció por completo, diciendo que comenzó con uno,

2016年10月25日 11時50分59秒 | 日記

Se envió el otro día para Japón y el mundo, descubriendo un valioso papel con Ara Kenichi que se graduó de la Universidad de Tohoku departamento de literatura por el último año de secundaria Sendai-Dai-Ni, que es mi alma mater con la red.

El amigo que lea esto trajo argumento sólido volumen separado 26. No había memoria en el nombre del señor Ara Kenichi y que envió.

Sé que, por primera vez, la gran parte de los japoneses sería el hecho de conocer por primera vez. Por supuesto, las personas de todo el mundo no conocen en absoluto.

El nazismo, el fascismo, el partido de tomar una decisión despótica para llevar-a cabo por el Partido Comunista, el mal del ser humano, la línea de vida de los cuales es la publicidad con la comodidad que es bueno para ellos, en sí, es en pico, porque el mundo no sabe de lo bueno, es decir, en que dice una mentira. Se dice, también, que no sea una mentira ordinaria de la mentira ampliamente, haciendo persistente.

Las personas que tienen la inteligencia adecuada no tienen más remedio que ser aturdido por la gravedad de la inteligencia del mundo que está representado por las Naciones Unidas, que cree que aunque.

Yo, que soy el pueblo japonés Recuerdo la rabia cruel que es vigorosa al mundo de poco ánimo como este.

Por lo tanto, aquí, en lo cierto el mundo, dando voz muy alta de Oda Nobunaga.

Se corregirá por uno yo. Yo, que apareció por completo, diciendo que se inició con uno, es la primera persona a tiempo en el mundo.

Japón, el grupo fabricante del aparato eléctrico de altanero en el mundo, que condujo a las dificultades, también, es uno de Japón y uno de los U.S ..

La tecnología de la planta de energía nuclear que Japón es orgulloso en el mundo, deja que se estanque, una de Toshiba, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries y así sucesivamente, las grandes empresas que Japón está orgulloso en el mundo si la empresa relacionada, también, incluye , el gran grupo de empresas que emplea el pueblo japonés de decenas de millones, que es uno, tres en cantidad y Asahi Shimbun de los japoneses que condujo a las dificultades.

Un ser humano hasta que esto ha practicado comenzando con un completo sobre el mal, tengo la confianza en sí mismo al haber negado rotundamente.

En la voz de Dios, en la providencia de Dios, no es absoluta confianza en sí mismo que es posible difundir una plataforma giratoria de la civilización a través del mundo. Por lo tanto, se hace referencia, también, que yo era Kūkai en la actualidad, también.

Envío esta teoría establecida de la mina y el trabajo de seguir Ara Kenichi alto en el mundo como voz muy alta de Oda Nobunaga.

En concreto, es posible a rugir en la culta en los EE.UU. que está representado por el periódico New York Times y así sucesivamente de los cuales parece que se cree que la Masacre de Nanjing es un hecho histórico.

Que sea posible escuchar mi voz y leer el trabajo de alto nivel con estos tontos abrir los ojos ampliamente y agotar una oreja.

Es un americano y en cuanto a ser mayor en el mal sentido, es necesario saber que sólo conduce al mundo a la ruina.

Es korrigiert durch mich. Ich, der vollständig erschien, sagte, dass es mit einem begann,

2016年10月25日 11時50分25秒 | 日記

Es schickte den anderen Tag nach Japan und die Welt und entdeckte ein Papier mit wertvoller Ara Kenichi, die von der Tohoku University Literaturabteilung des Senioren in Sendai-Dai-Ni High School, die meine Alma Mater mit dem Netz absolvierte.

Der Freund, der dies las, brachte eine separate Lautstärke Argument 26. Es gab Erinnerung in Mr. Ara Kenichi den Namen und es gesendet.

Ich weiß zum ersten Mal, der große Teil der Japaner wäre die Tatsache, zum ersten Mal wissen. Natürlich wissen die Menschen auf der ganzen Welt überhaupt nicht.

Der Nazismus, der Faschismus, die Partei, die eine despotische Entscheidung zur Durchführung der Kommunistischen Partei macht, das Böse des Menschen, dessen Lebensader Werbung mit der Bequemlichkeit ist, die gut für diese ist, selbst, sie ist hoch, weil die Welt Weiß nicht, um die gute Sache, es ist zu sagen, dass es eine Lüge sagt. Es heißt es auch, nicht zu einer gewöhnlichen Lüge der Lüge ausgiebig zu sein, hartnäckig zu machen.

Die Menschen, die den richtigen Verstand haben, haben keine andere Wahl, als erschüttert zu werden durch die Schwere des Intellekts der Welt, die von den Vereinten Nationen vertreten wird, die es aber glaubten.

Ich, der die Japaner sind, erinnern sich an die grausame Wut, die der schwachsinnigen Welt so kraftvoll ist.

Deshalb, hier, ich rechts die Welt, geben Oda Nobunaga sehr laute Stimme.

Es korrigiert durch mich. Ich, der vollständig erschien, sagte, dass es mit einem begann, ist es das erste Mal in der Welt.

Japan die elektrische Geräte-Hersteller-Gruppe, um stolz zu sein in der Welt, fuhr es auf die Schwierigkeiten, auch es ist eines von Japan und einer der USA

Die Kernkraftwerkstechnologie, die Japan auf die Welt stolz ist, lässt es stagnieren, eines der Toshiba, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries und so weiter, die großen Unternehmen, auf die Japan in der Welt stolz ist, wenn das verwandte Unternehmen auch beinhaltet , Die große Gruppe von Unternehmen, die das japanische Volk von Dutzenden von Millionen beschäftigt, ist es ein, drei in Höhe und Asahi Shimbun der Japaner, die auf die Schwierigkeiten fuhr.

Ein menschliches Wesen bis zu diesem geübt, beginnend mit einem vollständig über das Böse, habe ich das Selbstbewusstsein stark zu leugnen.

In der Stimme des Gottes, in der Vorsehung des Gottes, gibt es absolutes Selbstvertrauen, dass es möglich ist, einen Drehteller der Zivilisation durch die Welt zu verbreiten. Daher hat es auch darauf hingewiesen, dass ich heute auch Kūkai war.

Ich schicke diese etablierte Theorie von mir und die Arbeit der folgenden Ara Kenichi senior der Welt als Oda Nobunaga sehr laute Stimme.

Insbesondere ist es möglich, an der Hochburg in den USA, die durch die New York Times Papier und so weiter, so scheint es, dass es denkt, dass Nanjing Massacre ist eine historische Tatsache.

Es ist möglich, auf meine Stimme zu hören und die Arbeit des älteren Mannes mit diesen Narren zu lesen, die die Augen weit öffnen und ein Ohr anstrengen.

Es ist ein Amerikaner und als für den Großhandel im schlechten Sinne, ist es notwendig zu wissen, dass es nur führt die Welt zum Ruin.

Deve corrigir por uma mim. I que apareceu completamente, dizendo que ela começou com um,

2016年10月25日 11時49分49秒 | 日記

Ele enviou o outro dia para o Japão e para o mundo, descobrindo um papel com valiosa Ara Kenichi que se formou na Universidade de Tohoku departamento de literatura pela sênior em Sendai-Dai-Ni ensino médio que é a minha alma mater com a Net.

O amigo que leia este trouxe argumento sólido volume separado 26. Não havia memória em nome de Mr. Ara Kenichi e enviou.

Sei, pela primeira vez, a grande parte dos japoneses seria o facto de saber pela primeira vez. Claro, as pessoas de todo o mundo não conhece.

O nazismo, o fascismo, o partido tomar uma decisão despótica a levar a efeito pelo Partido Comunista, o mal do ser humano, a salvação de quem é propaganda com a conveniência que é bom para estes, em si, é repicado, porque o mundo não sabe a coisa boa, é em dizer que diz uma mentira. Ele diz que, também, não ser uma mentira ordinária da mentira extensivamente, fazendo persistente.

As pessoas que têm intelecto adequada não têm escolha, mas para ser atordoado com a gravidade do intelecto do mundo, que é representada pelas Nações Unidas, que acreditava-lo embora.

Eu que sou o povo japonês lembrar a raiva cruel que é vigorosa para o mundo feebleminded como este.

Portanto, aqui, eu bem o mundo, dando voz muito alta de Oda Nobunaga.

Deve corrigir por uma mim. I que apareceu completamente, dizendo que ela começou com um, é a primeira pessoa do tempo do mundo.

Japão o grupo fabricante de aparelho elétrico para se orgulhar do mundo, que levou para as dificuldades, também, é um do Japão e um dos U.S ..

A tecnologia usina nuclear que o Japão se orgulha de no mundo, deixá-lo estagnar, um dos Toshiba, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries e assim por diante, as grandes empresas que o Japão tem o orgulho de no mundo se a empresa relacionada, também, inclui , o grande grupo de empresas que emprega o povo japonês de dezenas de milhões, é um, três em quantidade e Asahi Shimbun do japonês que levou a essas dificuldades.

Um ser humano até este ter praticado começando com um completamente sobre o mal, eu tenho a auto-confiança para negaram fortemente.

Na voz do Deus, na providência de Deus, não é auto-confiança absoluta de que é possível para espalhar uma plataforma giratória da civilização através do mundo. Portanto, é feita referência, também, que eu estava Kūkai hoje também.

Eu enviar esta teoria estabelecida da mina e ao trabalho das seguintes Ara Kenichi sênior para o mundo como voz muito alta de Oda Nobunaga.

Especificamente, é possível rugem no intelectual na qual os EUA é representado pelo papel New York Times, e assim por diante dos quais parece que pensa que Nanjing Massacre é um facto histórico.

É possível ouvir a minha voz e ler o trabalho do idoso com estes tolos abrir os olhos amplamente e esticando uma orelha.

É um americano e quanto a ser atacado no mau sentido, é necessário saber que isso só leva o mundo à ruína.

它應該由一個我糾正。 我完全出現了,說它從一開始,

2016年10月25日 11時49分14秒 | 日記

它發送了另一天到日本和世界,發現一篇有價值的Ara Kenichi的文章,從東北大學文學系畢業的仙台 - 戴尼高中的高級,這是我的母校與網。

閱讀這個的朋友帶來了單獨的音量聲音的論點26. Ara Kenichi先生的名字有記憶,並發送。





因此,在這裡,我對世界,給Oda Nobunaga的非常大的聲音。






我把這個既定的我的理論和跟隨Ara Kenichi先生的勞動傳送到世界作為Oda Nobunaga的非常大的聲音。




它应该由一个我纠正。 我完全出现了,说它从一开始,

2016年10月25日 11時48分40秒 | 日記

它发送了另一天到日本和世界,发现一篇有价值的Ara Kenichi的文章,从东北大学文学系毕业的仙台 - 戴尼高中的高级,这是我的母校与网。

阅读这个的朋友带来了单独的音量声音的论点26.在Ara Kenichi先生的名字中有记忆,并发送。





因此,在这里,我对世界,给Oda Nobunaga的非常大的声音。






我把这个既定的我的理论和跟随Ara Kenichi先生的劳动传送到世界作为Oda Nobunaga的非常大的声音。





2016年10月25日 11時47分57秒 | 日記

그것은 인터넷 내 모교 인 수석 센다이 - 다이 - 니켈 높은 학교 토호쿠 대학 문학학과를 졸업 가치 아라 켄이치와 종이를 발견, 일본과 세계에 다른 하루 보냈습니다.

이 글을 읽을 친구가 씨 아라 켄이치의 이름을 기억했다과 보낸 별도의 볼륨 사운드 인수 (26)을 가져왔다.

I 처음 일본의 큰 부분을 처음으로 알 수있는 사실을 알 것이다. 물론, 전 세계의 사람들은 전혀 알지 못한다.

나치즘은 파시즘은 반출하는 공산당에 의해이 좋다 편의 광고에 누구의 생명선 인 인간의 악을 독재 결정을 만드는 당사자는 그 자체가, 그것은 정점는 세계 때문에 좋은 일을 알고하지 않습니다, 그것은 거짓말을 알 수 있다는 말입니다. 그것은 역시 지속하고, 광범위하게 거짓말의 일반 거짓말하지 말한다.

적절한 지성이 사람들은 비록 그것을 믿고 유엔에 의해 표현되는 세계의 지성의 정도에 의해 기절 할 수 밖에 없습니다.

나는 내가 일본 사람들은이 같은 정신 박약 세계 활발하다 잔인한 분노를 기억한다.

따라서, 여기, 내가 바로 세계,오다 노부나가의 매우 큰 소리를 제공합니다.

그것은 하나의 나에 의해 해결된다. 그 하나로 시작한다는 완전히 나타나 나, 그것은 세계 최초의 사람이다.

일본은 전자 제품 제조 업체 그룹도는 일본의 하나는과 미국의 중 하나이며, 세계, 그것은 어려움에 몰았다 자랑합니다 ..

일본이 세계에 자랑하는 핵 발전소 기술, 관련 기업도 포함되어있는 경우는, 도시바, 히타치, 미쓰비시 중공업의 일 등, 일본이 세계에 자랑하는 큰 기업이 침체하자 , 수천만의 일본 명을 고용 기업의 큰 그룹은, 한, 양 어려움을 몰고 일본의 아사히 신문의 세 가지입니다.

이 한 인간까지 완전히 악한 약으로 시작하는 연습 한 것으로, 나는 자신감이 강력하게 부인한다.

하나님의 음성에, 하나님의 섭리, 세계를 통해 문명의 턴테이블을 확산 할 수 있음을 절대 자신감이있다. 따라서, 나도 오늘 카이 것을도 참조했다.

나는 내이 확립 된 이론과오다 노부나가의 아주 큰 소리로 세계에 아라 켄이치 고위 다음의 노동을 보냅니다.

특히, 뉴욕 타임즈 용지로 표시 등 어느 난징 대학살 역사적인 사실이라고 생각 보인다되는 U.S.의 지식인에 으르렁 수있다.

내 목소리를 듣고이 바보가 널리 눈을 열고 귀를 긴장과 수석 노동을 읽을 수 있어야.

이는 미국이며 불량 인 의미에서의 도매에 관해서는, 그것만 망치 세상 리드 것을 알 필요가있다.