文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is stunning! Japan is stunning! I was proud of my being Japanese.

2016年10月26日 19時22分37秒 | 日記

It is when riding Midosuji Line of the subway for Senri-chuo from Umeda yesterday.

I noticed being the vehicle of the latest model to see for the first time.

I felt that the air of the train interior was different.

If looking up, the sense of beauty which the Japanese cultivated since the history, it is peculiar to the Japanese not to be able to settle down if we do not the perfect job, the air conditioner which is the fruit of the craftsmanship was operating.

Indeed, it was seeing, thinking that it was an excellent work, there was a mark to recognize on either side of the vent.

With what, it is the mark of the plasma cluster of the Sharp which is in the room of the home.

It is stunning! Japan is stunning! I was proud of my being Japanese.

Of course, the one with the completely different air of the train interior, too, because it is operating on either side of the ceiling every entrance.

The probability of having a cold from someone by the train interior by the people who are taking this vehicle becomes low substantially.

It is the world.

If self-confident in case of being an advanced, right now, introduce a vehicle in this Japan.

When the developing country, too, introduces a subway, entrust to Japan.

It will not be necessary to say a reason.

Such perfection is because it isn't possible to make it except the Japanese.

It is the ignorant, coarse and inaccurate world.

It is the U.S. which is the country which heads the world as well as Japan.

Apart from good meaning's or bad meaning's being rough

If feeling in case of being the leader in the world, the vehicle at the subway introduce being made in Japan.

If the income gap and the feelings which split in etc., too, suck this air, it is eased very much.

It is the ignorant, coarse and inaccurate world, the United Nations which is the representative, it is New York Times, it is South Germany newspaper, it is Alexis Dudden and it is John W. Dower.

It has never made the sexual slave of the woman in Japan which is the country which is made of the people who make such a vehicle.

It should know that it isn't possible to do silently.

The country which made a sexual slave, it is the various countries to be saying to be a sexual slave to Japan, and it is yourself, the time you should know it, it comes long ago.

and it is yourself, the time you should know it, it comes long ago.

2016年10月26日 19時21分32秒 | 日記

It is when riding Midosuji Line of the subway for Senri-chuo from Umeda yesterday.

I noticed being the vehicle of the latest model to see for the first time.

I felt that the air of the train interior was different.

If looking up, the sense of beauty which the Japanese cultivated since the history, it is peculiar to the Japanese not to be able to settle down if we do not the perfect job, the air conditioner which is the fruit of the craftsmanship was operating.

Indeed, it was seeing, thinking that it was an excellent work, there was a mark to recognize on either side of the vent.

With what, it is the mark of the plasma cluster of the Sharp which is in the room of the home.

It is stunning! Japan is stunning! I was proud of my being Japanese.

Of course, the one with the completely different air of the train interior, too, because it is operating on either side of the ceiling every entrance.

The probability of having a cold from someone by the train interior by the people who are taking this vehicle becomes low substantially.

It is the world.

If self-confident in case of being an advanced, right now, introduce a vehicle in this Japan.

When the developing country, too, introduces a subway, entrust to Japan.

It will not be necessary to say a reason.

Such perfection is because it isn't possible to make it except the Japanese.

It is the ignorant, coarse and inaccurate world.

It is the U.S. which is the country which heads the world as well as Japan.

Apart from good meaning's or bad meaning's being rough

If feeling in case of being the leader in the world, the vehicle at the subway introduce being made in Japan.

If the income gap and the feelings which split in etc., too, suck this air, it is eased very much.

It is the ignorant, coarse and inaccurate world, the United Nations which is the representative, it is New York Times, it is South Germany newspaper, it is Alexis Dudden and it is John W. Dower.

It has never made the sexual slave of the woman in Japan which is the country which is made of the people who make such a vehicle.

It should know that it isn't possible to do silently.

The country which made a sexual slave, it is the various countries to be saying to be a sexual slave to Japan, and it is yourself, the time you should know it, it comes long ago.


2016年10月26日 17時33分18秒 | 日記


















It is the ignorant, coarse and inaccurate world, the United Nations which is the representative

2016年10月26日 17時09分09秒 | 日記

It is when riding Midosuji Line of the subway for Senri-chuo from Umeda yesterday.

I noticed being the vehicle of the latest model to see for the first time.

I felt that the air of the train interior was different.

If looking up, the sense of beauty which the Japanese cultivated since the history, it is peculiar to the Japanese not to be able to settle down if we do not the perfect job, the air conditioner which is the fruit of the craftsmanship was operating.

Indeed, it was seeing, thinking that it was an excellent work, there was a mark to recognize on either side of the vent.

With what, it is the mark of the plasma cluster of the Sharp which is in the room of the home.

It is stunning! Japan is stunning! I was proud of my being Japanese.

Of course, the one with the completely different air of the train interior, too, because it is operating on either side of the ceiling every entrance.

The probability of having a cold from someone by the train interior by the people who are taking this vehicle becomes low substantially.

It is the world.

If self-confident in case of being an advanced, right now, introduce a vehicle in this Japan.

When the developing country, too, introduces a subway, entrust to Japan.

It will not be necessary to say a reason.

Such perfection is because it isn't possible to make it except the Japanese.

It is the ignorant, coarse and inaccurate world.

It is the U.S. which is the country which heads the world as well as Japan.

Apart from good meaning's or bad meaning's being rough

If feeling in case of being the leader in the world, the vehicle at the subway introduce being made in Japan.

If the income gap and the feelings which split in etc., too, suck this air, it is eased very much.

It is the ignorant, coarse and inaccurate world, the United Nations which is the representative, it is New York Times, it is South Germany newspaper, it is Alexis Dudden and it is John W. Dower.

It has never made the sexual slave of the woman in Japan which is the country which is made of the people who make such a vehicle.

It should know that it isn't possible to do silently.

The country which made a sexual slave, it is the various countries to be saying to be a sexual slave to Japan, and it is yourself, the time you should know it, it comes long ago.

As the depicter, it isn't exaggerated even if it says that there is no kind of role except it

2016年10月26日 16時06分38秒 | 日記

To the country which is terrible really such as Korea, China, as the country which is in counter-electrode in their country, Japan which continued to be orderly country in the world as rare, it came without having ideas such as making others a slave, rarely in the world, making Japan which is the country (it isn't exaggerated even if it says the one and only country in) to know in the world, it is saying that it tells the truth.

It is serving as the person who received the ability that it is possible to say, the ability that it is possible to write, i.e. the ability that it is possible to express.

As the depicter, it isn't exaggerated even if it says that there is no kind of role except it.

After the war, put on faces such as it is a depicter in Japan, some person doesn't concern even to be a complete plagiarist essentially,

it flatters from the publishing company which was pushed by the Net, It becomes ten billions of yen billionaires though, above-mentioned terrible country, of all things in addition to continuing to permit continuing to overrun Japan as the anticipation, becoming together Asahi Shimbun which continued to diminish Japan, being the member of the men of culture so called who side with the Asahi,

it sent the paper which is that it is difficult to permit, how much they are scarlet and being wicked and it anyone convicts ever in the severity which doesn't have writing yesterday and I sent the world.

Giving fellow which is above-mentioned member Nobel Prize is the story which is indeed terrible.

As it referred several times that the person like Mr. Ko Bunyu who continues to tell the true truth should be given if giving Nobel Prize.


2016年10月26日 16時04分50秒 | 日記














The step which it is possible to just neglect about the fault which they committed is passing

2016年10月26日 12時11分30秒 | 日記

As for the news about the actual state of the Park Geun-hye president yesterday, I was proving the right of the paper to have sent the world before by 100 %.

For the world with the Japanese people, again, it sends the world.

The article which Hakoda Tetsuya (International editorial responsibility) was writing in the serialization column of Asahi Shimbun on September 4th, 2015, it is the article of me who criticized it. " - " is his article. The paper from * to * is me.

"The summer which had various knots tries to pass. It will be that the breast of the Park Geun-hye president in Korea was not peace in August Because of Abe talk in 70 after the war."

*I on the day wasn't reading this beginning. If being the article which the reporter of the Korean wrote in this, the problem is in nothing. However, being the paper which the human being where there is this in the core in the newspaper which seems to be externally the newspaper which represents Japan to say to be Asahi Shimbun, i.e. the human being who embodies a thought in the newspaper wrote is a problem. Therefore in..., if saying the conclusion to understand in an instant with the keen eyed man, Japan-Korea relations were aggravated.*

"The talk followed the Korea slight railway which Abe administration took."

*It is the fact which is historic now that the military comfort woman problem which Asahi Shimbun popularized in the world, fabricating aggravated Japan-Korea relations. Prime Minister Abe tries to improve anyhow still as the politician. However, it isn't necessary to say that it isn't never in admitting the attack which is supported by the absurd lie of the partner. If seeing from Japan, (Suppress the rage to Asahi Shimbun which it is difficult to permit), in the reality, the politics, recently, the realist to see rarely as I referred many times, the human being who doesn't have a total distorted thought and is seeing a reality straight, to see a reality straight, as for the history, too, it isn't necessary to say that it is necessary to see straight in spite of the distorted thought. Therefore, the excellent talk which could be done, however, all of these aren't exaggerated even if it says that it is the affliction which was brought about, supported by Asahi Shimbun. The paper of the reporter who is in the core in this Asahi that the Asahi is not even in a word of the reconsideration about the important crime to committing Japan and the people is telling all of the Asahi.

"Nevertheless, in the speech in the ceremony to celebrate 70 of colony release in the next day, Park Geun-hye did constant evaluation while it charged efforts in Japan in the future with the expectation."

*If knowing that it is the reporter who is in the nucleus in the Asahi that represents this and that he is not a Korean and that he is Japanese, anyone should be disgusted. *

"There is a place to resemble in the character of Japan and the Republic of Korea both leaders. Especially, egocentric is common, the story is complex."

*This man has proved 100 percent the correctness of my definition, which I reported in the world for the first time, whether they are what human beings.*

"On the points, it is Park Geun-hye with excellent reputation in the country but this time, she showed the appearance which had a countermeasure by the adult earlier."

*Because this man is talking, put Park Geun-hye on the higher rank, putting the Prime Minister Abe who is the true politician who is worthy of the Nobel prize as I referred many times, and Park Geun-hye not to notice that it does which doesn't know even the ashamedness of doing tale bearing diplomacy on the same line, it is no longer to be jaw-dropping.*

"Completing miserable neighboring country relation today is the diplomacy of both which passed inwardly narrowly."

*Plainly, it isn't possible to be thing here only about being disgusted any more. It is Hakoda, it completed miserable neighboring country relation today, the world can do by your fabricating, the children of Ri Seung-man who grew up with the education of Nazism itself in this, or, the human beings under the influence in North Korea, as the material of the suitable anti-Japanese propaganda, to all over the world, in the inaccuracy which is supported by "the evil which isn't known in the bottom" and "the plausible lie" which is their racial tradition, persistently to continuing to attack the Japanese people and Japan, the Japanese people who aren't exaggerated even if it says that it is the people who are the gentlest in the world and are modest, about the the fact of being unable to put up with those Korean anymore now, you don't know that it doesn't notice at all. Indeed, it is a fearful story. As for that his paper points out clear at the same time, the Asahi is saying that it is doing no reconsideration to the fabrication report of the military comfort woman.*

"It is the diplomacy of both which passed inwardly narrowly."

*The wicked human beings as much as it don't know even that themselves are such existence at all and it will be or it hangs in the sermon to the government of Japan. Even though, making this poor, in the actual of the ugly mere reporter, it was very much a economic superpower in 2nd of the world even now actually, and the country in the turntable of civilization as the providence of the God to be turning around and as it, the newspaper which hangs in the sermon made a report in Japan a government in the oligopoly. Japan and the Japanese people, it must not continue to permit their oligopoly any more. No longer, there is grace at the moment, too. Making them take the consequences of the military comfort woman report first, to the prestige-paper all over the world, as Asahi Shimbun, immediately, it is necessary to make the advertisement of the ad-of-apology, the truth explanation deliver a manuscript. The step which it is possible to just neglect about the fault which they committed is passing long ago.*


2016年10月26日 10時59分31秒 | 日記



















However, as for God's never permitting you, you must know to bear in mind.

2016年10月26日 10時14分46秒 | 日記

By the way, as for the news which clarified the actual state of the Park Geun Hye president who flowed through the world last night, it attempted to check the Asahi, wondering how to report it. It was as expected.

Nihon Keizai Shimbun carries the details of the contents on nine stages, crossing, striking a big index by the International News column of page 7.

However, Asahi Shimbun only carries on page 11, dividing into four stages small in the small space of the small index.

The Japanese people don't do to say and should do severe reconsideration, knowing whether themselves are the human being how much who obstructed the developing of the human race about the media which is represented by New York Times and South Germany newspaper which fancied Asahi Shimbun to be the newspaper which represents Japan and so on and the human beings who sided with this.

Because, the actual state of Asahi Shimbun which you sided with,

Korea which is the country which continued to do the anti-Japanese education which is the education of Nazism, China which is a militarism state simultaneously with being a fascism state, in addition to continuing to speak for them, fabrication reports as the material of the figure to continue to attack Japan to them and distorted reports, it is because it is the newspaper which continued to do.

Just think what you would do, you continue to think that it is genuine for the newspaper which isn't exaggerated at all even if it says Nazism to be a substitute newspaper in the country which continues to do to your country.

If you, too, say that it is such a newspaper actually, in your case, it may come to say a substitute newspaper in China and Russia though.

If saying that it is your actual state, by supposing that the article of Asahi Shimbun is right one, it is so far accepted, in the international community, it despises Japan and it will should continue to diminish us.

However, as for God's never permitting you, you must know to bear in mind.

Because, it is because you stopped the developing of the turntable of civilization, continuing to permit the tyrannies of the fascism and Nazism state and made the very unstable and dangerous world in now.


2016年10月26日 09時44分32秒 | 日記










Il ne résiste pas si ne pas voir le monde franchement, la remarque de l'homme d'affaires

2016年10月26日 09時35分58秒 | 日記

Oe Kenzaburo qui est l'un des êtres humains qui représentent soi-disant hommes de culture qui se rangèrent avec Asahi Shimbun nié le Japon, la Belle, et moi-même, qui est le prix Nobel de Kawabata Yasunari gagner la parole, mais il n'a pas à dire que Kawabata Yasunari était l'être humain qui n'a pas eu à ancré dans le vice de faux moralisme du tout.

Il ne faut pas dire que ce fut l'être humain qui a vécu dans un endroit inconnu, aussi, du tout avec la théorie du méchant japonais qui GHQ créé et ainsi de suite.

Il est l'être humain qui, comme il a été vécu dans la vie héroïque d'avoir été soulevée par la personne parent, devenant orphelin au moment de la petite enfance.

Il a vécu, se sentant toujours la solitude de l'être humain.

Il a souscrit à Asahi Shimbun et les êtres humains qui ont grandi, parcourant pris le Japon en tant que pays qui devrait être refusée en tant que pays qui est pas belle, et ils reconnaissent le Japon comme pays laid et le pays qui a fait une guerre comme Oe.

Enfin, il a planté dans le peuple japonais aux mess tels que la fabrication de la péninsule coréenne une colonie.

La vérité de 35 ans que le Japon et la Corée ont un état d'annexion à laquelle la péninsule coréenne dans ces jours et il espère le Japon a répondu est comme précédemment mentionné.

Dropping 20% sur le budget national chaque année, il a fait de la péninsule coréenne, qui était l'un des pays du monde les moins moins développés une nation moderne, à un souffle.

Il y a une tribu pour qui il est difficile de croire, il se réjouit de blesser les sentiments de tous les gens du Japon dans ces jours, et après avoir entièrement perdu l'honneur et la confiance du peuple japonais.

Il y a Oe et un écrivain qui veut faire la prise trop du prix Nobel et ainsi de suite que pour leur représentant.

Quant à eux, la péninsule coréenne en ces jours (a été l'un des pires systèmes de discrimination de rang dans le monde en ces jours), le système de discrimination de rang qui est une tradition depuis l'histoire, le fait d'exister, faisant sévèrement, le fait que le statut de la femme a été la pire, le Japon, qui pénétrèrent que l'un du monde des pays les moins moins développés d'entre eux était la péninsule coréenne, il ne sait même pas qu'il a aboli cet abus à un souffle.

Une telle tribu méprisant, aussi, donne et le prix Nobel est parlé, en disant être un candidat.

Il ne pas écrire la vérité du Japon, il utilise leur propre pensée déformée et après tout, même si elle dit avoir été exploité par la Chine et la Corée, ces médias comme un kindergartner il est pas exagéré du tout, en disant pas une personne qui est en train de lire Joyce Carol Oates en eux.

En plus de ne pas être exagéré de la même manière, même si la personne de lecture dit qu'il est nul, au nazisme, le fascisme lui-même, le jeune en Chine, en Corée, qui a grandi avec l'éducation anti-japonaise, l'écrivain d'être lu, agissant comme la réaction, (leur nombre, comme le lecteur de cet écrivain, il semble que le maximum de monde).

L'auteur dit que le Japon doit continuer à présenter des excuses à la Corée du Sud de façon permanente.

Il se réjouit, verser des larmes si Park Geun-hye quand continuer à faire conte portant la diplomatie pour faire circuler un abus au Japon partout dans le monde a entendu et de donner une décoration.

Parce qu'il est un être humain, il peut être spécifiquement lu bien en Corée et en Chine.

Il ne résiste pas si ne pas voir le monde franchement, la remarque de l'homme d'affaires en Chine, qui est en train de faire le travail qui obtient le long du monde, il a été réalisé sur le Nikkei Shimbun, avant-hier.

Il est une remarque dans le haut de Sany Heavy Industry pour être équivalent à Komatsu Ltd en Chine et d'être les grandes entreprises en Chine déjà.

Il a dit, dans l'avenir de Sany Heavy Industry, il est lumineux.

Parce qu'il est nécessaire de faire pour faire de la Chine un beau pays comme la Suisse et le Japon est parce qu'il est beaucoup.

Sa remarque prouve le droit de mon article de 100%.

Dans le même temps, que les soi-disant hommes de culture qui côte avec les médias, qui a fait l'Asahi le premier sur la liste et cela a continué à diminuer le Japon est extraordinaire et se révèle être étrange, aussi.

Essa non regge se non vedere il mondo candidamente, l'osservazione dell'uomo d'affari

2016年10月26日 09時35分30秒 | 日記

Oe Kenzaburo che è uno degli esseri umani che rappresentano i cosiddetti uomini di cultura che si sono schierati con Asahi Shimbun negato il Giappone, la bella, e me stesso, che è il premio Nobel Kawabata Yasunari discorso vincente, ma non deve dire che Kawabata Yasunari era l'essere umano che non aveva bisogno di intriso di vizio del falso moralismo a tutti.

Non è necessario dire che era l'essere umano che ha vissuto in luogo sconosciuto, troppo, a tutti con la teoria cattivo giapponese che GHQ creato e così via.

Egli è l'essere umano che come fosse vissuto nella vita eroica di essere stato sollevato dalla persona consanguineo, divenendo orfano al momento della prima infanzia.

E 'vissuto, sentendo sempre la solitudine dell'essere umano.

Si sottoscritto Asahi Shimbun e gli esseri umani che sono cresciuti, sfogliando preso il Giappone come il paese che dovrebbe essere negato come il paese che non è bello, e riconoscono il Giappone come il brutto paese e il paese che ha fatto una guerra come Oe.

Infine, piantato nel popolo giapponese ai pasticci come la realizzazione della penisola coreana una colonia.

La verità 35 anni che il Giappone e Corea erano uno stato annessione al quale penisola coreana in quei giorni sperato ed il Giappone ha risposto è come accennato in precedenza.

La caduta del 20% nel corso del bilancio nazionale, ogni anno, ha fatto della penisola coreana, che è stato uno dei meno paesi meno sviluppati del mondo una nazione moderna in un soffio.

C'è una tribù per i quali è difficile da credere, si rallegra di ferire i sentimenti di tutto il Giappone la gente in quei giorni, e dopo aver perso del tutto l'onore e la fiducia del popolo giapponese.

Ci sono Oe e uno scrittore che vuole fare la presa troppo del premio Nobel e così via, come per il loro rappresentante.

Quanto a loro, penisola coreana in quei giorni (era uno dei peggiori sistemi di discriminazione rango nel mondo in quei giorni) il sistema di discriminazione rango che è una tradizione che risale alla storia, il fatto di esistere, facendo severamente, il fatto che lo stato della donna è stato il peggiore, il Giappone, che penetrato che uno del mondo meno paesi meno sviluppati di questi era penisola coreana, non sa nemmeno che essa ha abolito questo abuso in un soffio.

Tale tribù disprezzo, troppo, dà e il premio Nobel è parlato, dicendo di essere un candidato.

Non scrivere la verità del Giappone, utilizza il proprio pensiero distorto e, dopo tutto, anche se dice di essere gestito da Cina e Corea, tali media come un kindergartner non è esagerato a tutti, dicendo: non una persona che sta leggendo Joyce Carol Oates in loro.

Oltre a non essere esagerato nello stesso modo, anche se la persona che legge dice che è pari a zero, a il nazismo, il fascismo stesso, il giovane in Cina, Corea, che è cresciuto con l'educazione anti-giapponese, lo scrittore di leggere, comportandosi come la reazione, (nel loro numero, come il lettore di questo scrittore, sembra che il massimo di mondo).

Lo scrittore ha detto che il Giappone deve continuare a scusarsi con la Corea del Sud in modo permanente.

Si gioisce, versando lacrime se Park Geun-hye quando continuando a fare la diplomazia cuscinetto racconto a circolare un abuso in Giappone in tutto il mondo, ascoltato e dare una decorazione.

Perché è un tale essere umano, può essere specificamente letta anche se in Corea e Cina.

Essa non regge se non vedere il mondo candidamente, l'osservazione dell'uomo d'affari in Cina, che sta facendo il lavoro che va d'accordo il mondo, è stata effettuata sul Nikkei Shimbun l'altro ieri.

Si tratta di un'osservazione nella parte superiore della Sany Heavy Industry per essere equivalente a Komatsu Ltd. in Cina e di essere grandi imprese in Cina già.

Stava dicendo, in futuro, di Sany Heavy Industry, è luminoso.

Perché, che è necessario fare per rendere la Cina un paese bellissimo come la Svizzera e il Giappone è perché è molto.

La sua osservazione si sta rivelando il diritto del mio articolo del 100%.

Allo stesso tempo, che i cosiddetti uomini di cultura che si schierano con i media che ha reso la Asahi il primo della lista e questo ha continuato a diminuire in Giappone è straordinario e sta dimostrando di essere strano, troppo.

Que no se sostiene si no ver el mundo con franqueza, la observación del hombre de negocios

2016年10月26日 09時35分05秒 | 日記

Oe Kenzaburo que es uno de los seres humanos que representan los llamados hombres de cultura que se pusieron del lado de Asahi Shimbun negaron Japón, el hermoso, y yo mismo, que es premio Nobel de Kawabata Yasunari discurso ganador, pero no tiene que decir que Kawabata Yasunari era el ser humano que no tenía necesidad de lleno en el vicio de falso moralismo en absoluto.

No es necesario decir que era el ser humano que vivió en el lugar desconocido, también, en absoluto con la teoría villano japonesa que GHQ creado y así sucesivamente.

Él es el ser humano que ya que se vivió en la vida heroica de haber sido planteada por la persona pariente, convirtiéndose en un huérfano en el momento de la primera infancia.

Se vivió, siempre sintiendo la soledad del ser humano.

Se suscribió a Asahi Shimbun y los seres humanos que crecieron, hojeando atrapado Japón como el país que debe ser negado como el país que no es bello, y reconocen a Japón como el país feo y el país que hizo una guerra como Oe.

Por último, se plantó en el pueblo japonés a los líos como hacer península coreana una colonia.

Los 35 años la verdad que Japón y Corea fueron un estado anexión a la cual península coreana en esos días esperaba y Japón respondió que se menciona anteriormente.

Dejar caer un 20% más del presupuesto nacional todos los años, se hizo península de Corea, que era uno de los países menos adelantados del mundo menos una nación moderna en un soplo.

Hay una tribu para los que es difícil de creer, se goza de herir los sentimientos de todo el pueblo de Japón en esos días, y después de haber perdido por completo el honor y la confianza del pueblo japonés.

Hay Oe y un escritor que quiere hacer la toma demasiado del Premio Nobel y así sucesivamente como por su representante.

En cuanto a ellos, Península de Corea en aquellos días (fue uno de los peores sistemas de discriminación de rango en el mundo en esos días) el sistema de discriminación rango que es una tradición desde la historia, el hecho de existir, haciendo con severidad, el hecho de que el estado de la mujer era el peor, Japón, que penetraron en que una parte del mundo menos los países menos desarrollados de ellos fue península de Corea, que no sabe siquiera que abolió este abuso en un soplo.

Tal tribu despreciar, también, da y el Premio Nobel se habla, que dice ser un candidato.

No escribe la verdad de Japón, que utiliza su propio pensamiento distorsionado y después de todo, incluso si se dice que ser operado por China y Corea, tales medios como un jardín de niños no es exagerado en absoluto, sin decir una persona que está leyendo a Joyce Carol Oates en ellos.

Además de no ser exagerado de la misma manera, incluso si la persona que lee dice que es nulo, en el nazismo, el fascismo en sí, los jóvenes en China, Corea, que creció con la educación contra el Japón, el escritor de estar leyendo, actuando como la reacción, (en su número, como el lector de este escritor, parece que el máximo de mundo).

El escritor dijo que Japón debe seguir disculpas a Corea del Sur de forma permanente.

Se regocijaba, derramando lágrimas si Park Geun-hye, cuando seguir haciendo la diplomacia rodamiento cuento para hacer circular un abuso en Japón en todo el mundo escuchó y dando una decoración.

Debido a que es un ser humano tal, se puede leer en concreto, aunque en Corea y China.

Que no se sostiene si no ver el mundo con franqueza, la observación del hombre de negocios en China, que está haciendo el trabajo que se pone a lo largo del mundo, que se llevó el Nikkei Shimbun el día antes de ayer.

Es una observación en la parte superior de la industria pesada Sany sea equivalente a Komatsu Ltd en China y para ser grandes empresas en China ya.

Él estaba diciendo, en el futuro de la industria pesada Sany, es brillante.

Debido a que es necesario hacer para hacer de China un país hermoso como Suiza y Japón es porque es mucho.

Su observación está demostrando la derecha de mi artículo de 100%.

Al mismo tiempo, que los llamados hombres de cultura que se alían con los medios que hizo que el Asahi el primero en la lista y esto continuó disminuyendo Japón es extraordinario y está demostrando ser extraño, también.

Es steht nicht auf, wenn man die Welt nicht ehrlich sieht,

2016年10月26日 09時34分10秒 | 日記

Oe Kenzaburo, einer der Menschen, die so genannte Kulturmenschen vertreten, die Asahi Shimbun beidseitig verleugneten, verweigerten Japan, das Schöne und Mich, die Kawabata Yasunari's Nobelpreisträgerin, aber das muss nicht Kawabata sagen Yasunari war der Mensch, der es nicht nötig hatte, in Laster des falschen Moralismus getaucht zu werden.

Es ist nicht notwendig, zu sagen, dass es der Mensch war, der an der unbekannten Stelle überhaupt lebte, überhaupt mit der japanischen Bösewichtstheorie, die GHQ schuf und so weiter.

Er ist der Mensch, der sozusagen im heroischen Leben gelebt hat, um von der Verwandtenperson aufgewachsen zu sein, zur Zeit der frühen Kindheit Waise zu werden.

Es lebte, immer das Gefühl der Einsamkeit des Menschen.

Sie zählte Asahi Shimbun und die Menschen, die aufwuchsen, und fing Japan als das Land auf, das als das Land, das nicht schön ist, verweigert werden sollte, und sie erkennen Japan als das hässliche Land und das Land, das einen Krieg wie Oe tat.

Schließlich pflanzte es in den Japanern zu den Verwirrungen wie die Herstellung der koreanischen Halbinsel eine Kolonie.

Die 35-jährige Wahrheit, dass Japan und Korea ein Annexionsstaat waren, auf den die koreanische Halbinsel damals hoffte und es Japan antwortete, ist bereits erwähnt.

Mit einem jährlichen Rückgang von 20% des Staatshaushaltes machte sie die koreanische Halbinsel zu einem der am wenigsten entwickelten Länder der Welt.

Es gibt einen Stamm, für den es schwer zu glauben ist, er freut sich, die Gefühle aller Japaner damals zu verletzen und die Ehre und das Vertrauen der Japaner völlig verloren zu haben.

Es gibt Oe und einen Schriftsteller, der die Übernahme des Nobelpreises und so weiter als für ihren Vertreter tun möchte.

Für sie war die koreanische Halbinsel damals (damals eines der schlimmsten Rassendiskriminierungssysteme der damaligen Welt) das Rassendiskriminierungssystem, das seit der Geschichte eine Tradition ist, die Tatsache, dass es existiert, streng genommen, die Tatsache, dass der Status Der Frau war das Schlimmste, Japan, das eingedrungen, dass einer der Welt am wenigsten weniger entwickelten Ländern dieser war Koreanische Halbinsel, es weiß nicht, auch, dass es abgeschafft diesen Missbrauch mit einem Atemzug.

Solch ein verachtender Stamm gibt auch, und der Nobelpreis wird gesprochen, sagend, ein Kandidat zu sein.

Es schreibt nicht Japans Wahrheit, es verwendet ihre eigenen verzerrten Gedanken und schließlich, auch wenn es heißt, von China und Korea betrieben werden, solche Medien wie ein Kindergärtner ist es überhaupt nicht übertrieben, sagt nicht eine Person, die Joyce liest Carol Oates in ihnen.

Neben der nicht in der gleichen Weise nicht übertrieben, auch wenn die Leser sagt, dass er null, im Nationalsozialismus, auf dem Faschismus selbst, die jungen in China, Korea, die mit der antijapanischen Bildung, der Schriftsteller zu lesen, Wie die Reaktion, (in ihrer Zahl, als der Leser dieses Schriftstellers, scheint es die Welt maximal).

Der Schriftsteller sagte, dass Japan muss sich weiterhin entschuldigen, um Südkorea dauerhaft.

Es ist Jubel, vergießen Tränen, wenn Park Geun-Hye, wenn weiterhin zu tun Märchen tragenden Diplomatie, um einen Missbrauch in Japan auf der ganzen Welt zu hören und geben eine Dekoration.

Weil es ein solcher Mensch ist, kann er auch in Korea und China gezielt gelesen werden.

Es steht nicht auf, wenn man die Welt nicht ehrlich sieht, die Bemerkung des Geschäftsmannes in China, die die Arbeit macht, die die Welt bekommt, sie wurde am Nikkei Shimbun vorgestern getragen.

Es ist eine Bemerkung an der Spitze der SANY Heavy Industry zu entsprechen Komatsu Ltd in China und zu großen Unternehmen in China bereits sein.

Er sagte, in der Zukunft von SANY Heavy Industry, es ist hell.

Denn, dass es notwendig ist, um China ein schönes Land wie die Schweiz und Japan zu machen ist, weil es viel ist.

Seine Erwähnung beweist das Recht meines Artikels um 100%.

Zur gleichen Zeit, dass so genannte Männer der Kultur, die Seite mit den Medien, die die Asahi die erste auf der Liste und dies weiterhin Japan zu verringern ist außergewöhnlich und ist auch seltsam beweist.

Não se levantar se não vê o mundo abertamente, a observação do homem de negócios

2016年10月26日 09時33分30秒 | 日記

O Oe Kenzaburo que é um dos seres humanos que representam os chamados homens de cultura que apoiaram Asahi Shimbun negado o Japão, a bela, e eu, que é prêmio Nobel de Kawabata Yasunari discurso ganhando, mas não tenho que dizer que Kawabata Yasunari foi o ser humano que não tinha necessidade de mergulhado no vício de falso moralismo em tudo.

Não é necessário dizer que ele era o ser humano que viveu no lugar desconhecido, também, em tudo com a teoria vilão japonês que GHQ criados e assim por diante.

Ele é o ser humano que, uma vez que foram vividas na vida heróica ter sido criado pela pessoa parente, tornando-se um órfão no momento da primeira infância.

Ele viveu, sempre sentindo a solidão do ser humano.

Ele subscrito Asahi Shimbun e os seres humanos que cresceram, folheando pego Japão como o país que deve ser negado como o país que não é bonito, e eles reconhecem o Japão como o país feio eo país que fez uma guerra como Oe.

Finalmente, plantada no povo japonês para os messes, como fazer da Península Coreana uma colônia.

A verdade 35 anos que o Japão ea Coreia eram um estado anexação ao qual Península Coreana naqueles dias esperava e Japão respondida é como mencionado anteriormente.

Deixando cair 20% em relação ao do orçamento nacional a cada ano, ele fez da Península da Coreia, que foi um dos países menos desenvolvidos do mundo que menos de uma nação moderno, a um fôlego.

Há uma tribo para quem é difícil de acreditar, ele se regozija de ferir os sentimentos de todo o povo do Japão, naqueles dias, e tendo perdido inteiramente a honra ea confiança do povo japonês.

Há Oe e um escritor que quer fazer a tomar muito do Prêmio Nobel e assim por diante, quanto ao seu representante.

Quanto a eles, da Península Coreana naqueles dias (foi um dos piores sistemas de classificação de discriminação no mundo naqueles dias) o sistema de classificação discriminação que é uma tradição desde a história, o fato de existir, fazendo com severidade, o fato de que o estado da mulher foi o pior, Japão que penetrou que um do mundo países menos menos desenvolvidos destes era da Península coreana, ele não sabe mesmo que aboliu este abuso em uma respiração.

Essa tribo desprezo, também, dá e o Prémio Nobel é falado, dizendo ser candidato.

Ele não escreve a verdade do Japão, ele usa seu próprio pensamento distorcido e depois de tudo, mesmo se ele diz que estão sendo operados pela China e Coréia, esses meios de comunicação como um kindergartner não é exagerada em tudo, dizendo que não é uma pessoa que está lendo Joyce Carol Oates neles.

Além de não ser exagerada da mesma forma, mesmo que a pessoa que lê diz que ele é nulo, pelo nazismo, por si só o fascismo, o jovem na China, Coreia, que cresceu com a educação anti-japonesa, o escritor a ser leitura, agindo como a reação, (em seu número, como o leitor do escritor, parece que o máximo mundial).

O escritor disse que o Japão deve continuar a se desculpar com a Coreia do Sul de forma permanente.

Ele é alegria, derramando lágrimas se Park Geun-hye, quando continuando a fazer a diplomacia rolamento conto a circular um abuso no Japão em todo o mundo ouviu e dando uma decoração.

Porque é um tal ser humano, pode ser especificamente ler embora na Coréia e China.

Não se levantar se não vê o mundo abertamente, a observação do homem de negócios na China, que está fazendo o trabalho que recebe ao longo do mundo, foi realizado no Nikkei Shimbun anteontem.

É uma observação no topo da Sany Heavy Industry para ser equivalente a Komatsu Ltd. na China e ser grandes empresas na China já.

Ele estava dizendo, no futuro da Sany Heavy Industry, é brilhante.

Porque, de que é necessário fazer para tornar a China um belo país como a Suíça eo Japão é porque ele é muito.

Sua observação é provar o direito do meu artigo em 100%.

Ao mesmo tempo, que os chamados homens de cultura que lado com os meios de comunicação que fez o Asahi o primeiro na lista e isso continuou a diminuir Japão é extraordinário e está provando ser estranho, também.