文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The judiciary which cannot support this completely, too, is a problem.

2016年10月01日 22時00分10秒 | 日記

Today, it attempted to search opposite SEO and negative SEO and so on.

As for saying the world at the Net, well, well, I was disgusted when leaving such an evil beforehand.

In the Internet, the company which became big and so on are hardly exaggerated even if it says that it is same as the devil.

The judiciary which cannot support this completely, too, is a problem.

Because it continues to leave the hotbed of the evil.

It came out to Umeda in the evening to dine.

Before the meal appeared, today, it read the article which was sent for the world with the smart phone. It opened Goo. I was disgusted.

As for my article, on nothing, being, the relation is on the article which is the work of my whole body or in lower (three below) because there was an advertisement of the stupid index, vulgar.

This thinks that that goo goes will stop delivering a manuscript to goo for the time being after confirming in goo.

It isn't really possible to permit if being that the devil of the matter is doing.

I said to the friend.

In the same way the complete state that the fascists which grew up at Nazism of the name the education about which to say to do is anti-Japanese, in the fascism of it continue to attack Japan persistently as the main battlefield in the U.S., of this man alone, it is proving that tens of millions Korean lives in the world of "the evil which isn't known in the bottom" and "the plausible lie".

It is you make light of Japan and the Japanese forever, it doesn't agree if to underestimating law in Japan.

I said in Nobunaga's very loud voice.

The friends appealed for the excitement and agreed though.


2016年10月01日 21時35分12秒 | 日記








Japan's brain crush is not only Patent Office. The more stupid newspaper was added.

2016年10月01日 21時16分18秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The text emphasis is me.

Fast-breeder reactor "Monju" which was said to be the nuclear reactor of the dream became decommissioning of reactor actually.

The world began this, too, in on your mark, get set, go! and Japan reached a first prompt criticality in 94.

The second began to move just the other day in Russia.

It knew how Japan was advanced but the trouble to have been just moved to and for sodium for the cooling to spill over it only occurred.

Being different from the light-water reactor, the coolant leakage is a story with the degree which spilled coffee.

However, the time was bad.

The time when foolish Tomiichi Murayama is a prime minister and Asahi Shimbun acts like the Chief Cabinet Secretary

It let out to the suicide, keeping blaming.

As for the ultra-advanced technology in Japan, decommissioning of reactor was decided by that day, the lie and the surplus report.

Japan's brain crush is not only Patent Office.

The more stupid newspaper was added.

Well, in the future, how do you do?

It says the Asahi to be joint development soon with second-class France.

At the 2nd, are you useless?

Renhō or you


2016年10月01日 17時22分20秒 | 日記


















it takes a patent by the technology which resembles Nishizawa closely,

2016年10月01日 17時14分31秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The year which had Tokyo Olympic, Jun'ichi Nishizawa,Tohoku University professor, applied for the patent of the epoch-making optical networking technology.

Patent Office rejected application in "it is lack in the format" "incomprehensible".

Nishizawa repeated resubmission 20 times but another fate followed each time.

It resorted to the trial, too, but after all, fighting for 20 years, patent application wasn't accepted.

The same time, Charles K. Kao who was an old friend of Nishizawa announced the same paper over to the United States.

He won Nobel Prize later in it.

On the other hand, the U.S. Corning Inc., too, it takes a patent by the technology which resembles Nishizawa closely, it complains of the Japanese company which adopts Nishizawa method by the patent, it made undue profit.

It is the good example that the incompetent Japanese ruined intelligence in Japan.

This article continues.

A stealth fighter is made if setting this up to the fuselage.

2016年10月01日 16時54分03秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The text emphasis is me.

So even when the Tohoku University Professor Hidetsugu Yagi invented the directional antenna of ultra-short-wave radio.

The patent was down in Japan, Britain and the United States.

The U.S. confirmed usability, testing airplane induction and radar reception in the dark night and so on at once.

In Japan, the military refused even an experiment with "the maniac matter to send an electric wave personally, and so on".

Patent Bureau refused a patent update in 1941, following the right.

It knew in the next year that all radar equipment which is made in UK which was seized by Singapore's yielding in February functioned in Yagi Antenna.

Takeshi Takei of present TDK Corp. invented nonmetallic magnet ferrite when the same and took a patent.

A stealth fighter is made if setting this up to the fuselage.

However, after the war, Phillips Inc. demanded the abandonment of the ferrite patent to Japanese Government using the position of the victorious country and Patent Office signed amiably.

Patent Office doesn't know the rights and wrongs of goods, nevertheless, it thinks that the white is God, by the point, it resembles Asahi Shimbun well.

This article continues


2016年10月01日 16時38分34秒 | 日記






















Because the good stimulation was not at all, after all, it was in the specifying

2016年10月01日 16時22分47秒 | 日記

I referred many times when Takayama Masayuki was the one and only journalist in the world after the war.
The following is from his serialization column "See things in the protean perspective" of weekly Shincho of this week's issue.
The newspaper like Renhō
For example, when seeing the history of the iron manufacturing, Sweden sold good iron first but the United Kingdom put on sale the iron with the better purity which used cokes.
In it, it studied a new fireplace in the Western countries to stimulate and the open hearth furnace and the electric furnace, Bessemer converter of the hot wind blowing formula and so on appeared one after another.
The competition is the mother of the invention.
In the point, as for Japan, the neighborhood is Shina Korea.
Because the good stimulation was not at all, after all, it was in the specifying which goes on my road alone.
By the way, therefore, Karakuri Giemon who is equal to the walking type robot in now, too, was not in the idea about how it makes it arms even if it came out.
Japan was peaceful from the old days.
However, if a goal is set in the international community, Japan is strong.
It discovers that Pierre Curie does correct vibration to crystal when turning on.
A correct watch is made if using it.
The watchmaker all over the world aimed at a quartz watch but the equipment didn't become smaller than the chest.
There is not even conceited "the correct watch" in the chest.
When the world gave up, my Seikosha had put a chest into the watch at last.
As for the Seikosha, it exhibited the patent to the world for free.
It was different from small-minded Bill Gates.
In the dwarfing of the diesel which is how many times of the chest, Magokichi Yamaoka of Yanmar succeeded.
Now, a car in the world is favored with the beneficence but Wagen is letting out a characteristic, putting the application of the emission control escape in addition to the Yamaoka type engine.
But Japan which is strong when there is a goal, there was a problem in the idea which crossed a frame.
Doing the stunning, the neighborhood, especially, the government office could not be understood.

This article continues.


2016年10月01日 15時39分59秒 | 日記

























2016年10月01日 15時26分44秒 | 日記























2016年10月01日 15時07分42秒 | 日記






It is the woman who became a celebrity as the writer in the world of the speech.

2016年10月01日 12時11分03秒 | 日記

When reading the serialization column of Ms. Ayako Sono in the number of monthly magazine VOICE (780 yen) in October, for example, she knows my status, I thought that would have written this paper.

There was no need for her to appear on the Net at all.

It is the woman who became a celebrity as the writer in the world of the speech.

She was writing the happiness of the thing concisely.

In other words I for the world and for Japan, readers by the situation to know well, it appeared on the Net reluctantly in the latter half of life of its life.

As a result, as 2 % of the population, it exists in this world, being aimed at to the evil, it had the experience which it is difficult to believe.

All persons who subscribed to WiLL in the number in November should have re-recognized the persistence of the country of the evil of "the evil which isn't known in the bottom" and "the plausible lie".

(As for this thing, it mentions later).

That I am continuing to catch the attack of the evil still, too, is as it knows.

The text emphasis is me.

The preamble abbreviation

It was a unrelated thing to me but LINE which provides a free dialog application on 15 days listed a stock at the same time in Japan-U.S..

It was a unrelated thing to me but LINE which provides a free dialog application on July 15th listed a stock at the same time in Japan-U.S..

That there are 218 million users now in the world, soon, “Then, is it being so few?” it will come to say.

One of succeeding in the latter half of life of my life is not touching such LINE at all.

However, it finished, the one will be right.

It is because it is possible to use for another more useful thing that I was good above all in the time.

It was possible to meet a person above all.

It was workable for the family, too.

The omit the last part

This article continues.


2016年10月01日 10時36分52秒 | 日記









dans la publicité de plaidoyer qui a été publié en dépensant les frais de millions de yens

2016年10月01日 10時22分43秒 | 日記

En 1994, au Nikkei Shimbun abonnement tous les ménages à Osaka et à Asahi Shimbun abonnement tous les foyers de la partie centrale à Osaka-shi, dans la publicité de plaidoyer qui a été publié en dépensant les frais de millions de yens, il y avait une pièce à prouver sûrement que l'un, le problème militaire de femme de confort, est un mensonge évident, que je continue de se référer.

"Plusieurs années de 10 qui a été appelé par la bulle communication de masse au Japon"
Vous ne pensez pas que le nombre des prostituées de l'Asie du Sud-Est a diminué remarquablement récemment?
L'économie ne se compose pas de morale.
La morale est composé de l'économie.
L'avis de Asahi Shimbun ne diminue pas.
Notre travail comme un cheval de chariot 9:30-11:00 a diminué le nombre.
Qui at-il fait des investissements énormes la seule région de l'économie mondiale lors de la croissance?

* En d'autres termes, même que pendant environ 1994 années, des foules de courtisanes avançaient à Tokyo et Oosaka de l'Asie du Sud-Est.
Je me souvenais d'être le statut dont je puis dire qui relut à faire ces jours et il Akasaka à Tokyo peut dire d'être un village coréen.
Il y avait un magasin de prostitution qui prétendait faire un type rubdown coréen et faire une débarbouillette et ainsi de suite, aussi, innombrable.
Il est le lieu où il est le siège social de Tokyo Broadcasting System, la base d'accueil du SCT se disant Akasaka.
Ce ici a pris un aspect comme un village coréen peut ne pas être nécessairement accidentelle.

nella pubblicità di difesa che è stato pubblicato da spendere la quota dei milioni di yen

2016年10月01日 10時21分56秒 | 日記

Nel 1994, alla sottoscrizione Nikkei Shimbun ogni famiglia di Osaka e di sottoscrizione Asahi Shimbun ogni famiglia della parte centrale a Osaka-shi, nella pubblicità di difesa che è stato pubblicato da spendere la quota dei milioni di yen, c'era una parte per essere dimostrando sicuramente che l'uno, i militari confort problema donna, è una menzogna chiara, che io continuo a fare riferimento.

"Diversi anni di 10 che è stato chiamato bolla dalla comunicazione di massa in Giappone"
Non pensi che il numero delle prostitute del sud-est asiatico è diminuito notevolmente di recente?
L'economia non è composto da morale.
La morale è composto da economia.
Il parere di Asahi Shimbun non diminuisce.
Il nostro lavoro come un cavallo carrozza 9:30-11:00 diminuito il numero.
Chi ha fatto enormi investimenti l'unica regione di crescita dell'economia globale, quando?

* In altre parole, anche come per circa 1.994 anni, una folla di prostitute stavano avanzando a Tokyo e Oosaka dal sud-est asiatico.
Ricordavo di essere lo stato di cui ho riletto chi può dire di fare quei giorni e Akasaka a Tokyo si può dire di essere un villaggio coreano.
C'era un negozio di prostituzione, che fingeva di fare un tipo di rubdown coreano e per fare un panno e così via, anche, innumerably.
E 'il luogo dove si trova la sede di Tokyo Broadcasting System, la base di TBS per dire Akasaka.
Che qui ha assunto un aspetto come un villaggio coreano potrebbe non essere necessariamente accidentale.