文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Yesterday's popular page best 50.

2017年08月12日 22時42分34秒 | 日記




Fabrication, not only a girl image of a comfort woman but also a compulsory boy coal miners


If you love your country and respecting the Prime Minister of your country, you absolutely do




Feche seus olhos para os fatos, o compromisso ou a covardia, que não tem honra é


Nem o trabalho forçado nem o abuso do trabalhador


Schließe deine Augen auf die Tatsachen, Kompromisse oder Feigheit, die keine Ehre


Korea wanting to condemn Japan in any way, after disseminating comfort women as




Tutup mata anda kepada fakta, kompromi atau pengecut, yang tidak menghormati


Cierra los ojos a los hechos, compromiso o cobardía, que no tienen honor es


Закройте глаза на факты,


The following is the 50 best popularity yesterday.


Fermez les yeux sur les faits, le compromis ou la lâcheté, qui n'ont aucun honneur.


명예가없는 사실


"Hypothesise" to China and Korea not understanding the law is unnecessary








Ni le travail forcé ni l'abus du rédacteur coréen ni le massacre ne sont vrais


They do not notice that their day and night work sold that beautiful Japan to the evil empire and


Chiudi gli occhi ai fatti, al compromesso o alla codardia, che non hanno alcun onore


Both countries think that it is better to have as many as one harassed anti-Japanese cards


In order not to let Japan work to fill this hole, not to take countermeasures · policy,


Né il lavoro forzato né l'abuso del lavoratore di redazione coreano né il massacro


Weder Zwangsarbeit noch Missbrauch




とんでもない人だった 柳家小三治、立川談志を悼む/奔放さ 鋭さ 怪しい魅力…朝日新聞11月28日16面より






Tidak ada kerja paksa atau penyalahgunaan pekerja drafting Korea atau pembantaian


Saya fikir ada ramai orang yang tahu buat kali pertama yang sangat keterlaluan


Ni el trabajo forzoso ni el abuso del trabajador


Penso che ci siano molte persone che per la prima


Je pense qu'il y a beaucoup de gens qui savaient pour la première fois que l'indignation


Я думаю, что есть


Eu acho que há muitas pessoas que sabiam pela primeira vez que o ultrajante


Ich denke, dass es viele Leute gibt, die zum ersten Mal wussten, dass das




Saya pikir ada banyak orang yang tahu untuk pertama kalinya yang memalukan


मला वाटते की असे अनेक


Creo que hay mucha gente que sabía por primera vez que el escandaloso


강제 노동이나 한국


나는 처음으로




Tutup mata Anda dengan fakta, kompromi atau kepengecutan, yang tidak dihormati


Tiada kerja paksa atau penyalahgunaan


कोरियन ड्राफ्टिंग कार्यकर्ता




Ни принудительный





2017年08月12日 22時39分14秒 | 日記




Fabrication, not only a girl image of a comfort woman but also a compulsory boy coal miners


If you love your country and respecting the Prime Minister of your country, you absolutely do




Feche seus olhos para os fatos, o compromisso ou a covardia, que não tem honra é


Nem o trabalho forçado nem o abuso do trabalhador


Schließe deine Augen auf die Tatsachen, Kompromisse oder Feigheit, die keine Ehre


Korea wanting to condemn Japan in any way, after disseminating comfort women as




Tutup mata anda kepada fakta, kompromi atau pengecut, yang tidak menghormati


Cierra los ojos a los hechos, compromiso o cobardía, que no tienen honor es


Закройте глаза на факты,


The following is the 50 best popularity yesterday.


Fermez les yeux sur les faits, le compromis ou la lâcheté, qui n'ont aucun honneur.


명예가없는 사실


"Hypothesise" to China and Korea not understanding the law is unnecessary








Ni le travail forcé ni l'abus du rédacteur coréen ni le massacre ne sont vrais


They do not notice that their day and night work sold that beautiful Japan to the evil empire and


Chiudi gli occhi ai fatti, al compromesso o alla codardia, che non hanno alcun onore


Both countries think that it is better to have as many as one harassed anti-Japanese cards


In order not to let Japan work to fill this hole, not to take countermeasures · policy,


Né il lavoro forzato né l'abuso del lavoratore di redazione coreano né il massacro


Weder Zwangsarbeit noch Missbrauch




とんでもない人だった 柳家小三治、立川談志を悼む/奔放さ 鋭さ 怪しい魅力…朝日新聞11月28日16面より






Tidak ada kerja paksa atau penyalahgunaan pekerja drafting Korea atau pembantaian


Saya fikir ada ramai orang yang tahu buat kali pertama yang sangat keterlaluan


Ni el trabajo forzoso ni el abuso del trabajador


Penso che ci siano molte persone che per la prima


Je pense qu'il y a beaucoup de gens qui savaient pour la première fois que l'indignation


Я думаю, что есть


Eu acho que há muitas pessoas que sabiam pela primeira vez que o ultrajante


Ich denke, dass es viele Leute gibt, die zum ersten Mal wussten, dass das




Saya pikir ada banyak orang yang tahu untuk pertama kalinya yang memalukan


मला वाटते की असे अनेक


Creo que hay mucha gente que sabía por primera vez que el escandaloso


강제 노동이나 한국


나는 처음으로




Tutup mata Anda dengan fakta, kompromi atau kepengecutan, yang tidak dihormati


Tiada kerja paksa atau penyalahgunaan


कोरियन ड्राफ्टिंग कार्यकर्ता




Ни принудительный





2017年08月12日 18時27分12秒 | 日記










こんな小学生でも分かる常識が、有馬や桑子と、彼らを操縦している、今、NHKの報道部を支配している、似非モラリズムとマルキシズムやGHQのWar Guilt Information Programに依って洗脳された自虐史観の持ち主たちには、全く分からない。

















How can we deal with China's threats and protect Asian order and Japan's peace?

2017年08月12日 18時21分54秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Be sure to invade foreign invasion if it fulfills national unity

In the fall of 1949, the People's Liberation Army invaded and occupied the Xinjiang area, the Uygur land, by the order of Mao Zedong, the first president that year, when the People's Republic of China was established.

In 1950, the following year, we conducted a military invasion against Tibet which was an independent nation.

After controlling all the Tibet, we annexed it to China.

In 1950, he also went on the Korean Peninsula to participate in the Korean War.

And under the same Maoist administration, China invaded India in neighboring country in 1962 and caused a war, and in 1969 it brought fire with the former Soviet Union, a friendly country, across the border. 

In this way, it is clear that the country of the People's Republic of China has been committed to promoting the hegemonic strategy of expanding territory by invoking aggressive war every year since the foundation, but Mao Zedong is also "Be sure To invade foreign invasion if it fulfills national unity "The tradition of the Chinese empire is inherited. 

Mao Zedong died in 1976, Deng Xiaoping grabbed power by replacing it.

Deng Xiaoping thought that rebuilding the Chinese economy just before the collapse was urgently the most was a strategy of "to hide one's talents, to bide one's time in obscurity and wait for the right opportunity"

With other countries, 'friendly relationship and goodwill', then,

We advanced the route devoted to developing the Chinese economy and strengthening national strength. 

And as a result of the Deng Xiaoping route being advanced for decades, China now becomes the world's second largest economic power and gained a mighty military power.

But therefore, China no longer has to hide ambitions or tolerate it.

The strategy for "to hide one's talents, to bide one's time in obscurity and wait for the right opportunity" has already been used. 

And, "to hide one's talents, to bide one's time in obscurity and wait for the right opportunity," bid farewell to Deng Xiaoping route discard the strategy is now of Xi Jinping regime.

Since the 2012 fall of a Communist Party of the supreme leader, by Xi Jinping president is to inherit the aggression policy of Mao Zedong and the emperor, carried out the stark military expansion into the South China Sea and the East China Sea, to dominate the Asia of the sea We are doing our utmost to promote strategies that dominate Asia as a whole.

His aim is exactly the restructuring of the world of Hua-Yi distinction that the Chinese empire reigns again in Asia as the master of this Asia.

On the other hand, Xi Jinping regime in the internal affairs performs a harsh speech repression and human rights repression, such as back to Mao's Cultural Revolution era, it is going to drop into hell again pandemonium China. 

In this way, the Confucian policy and the hegemonic strategy of Hua-Yi distinction that emanates from Confucianism once again became the central policy line of the current Chinese Communist regime, a barbarian state with a strong military power, China the existence is again becoming the biggest threat to Asia and the world. 

How can we deal with China's threats and protect Asian order and Japan's peace?

It is a matter of life and death for us now.

Aggression policy that has been passed on to Xi Jinping

2017年08月12日 17時55分43秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Aggression policy that has been passed on to Xi Jinping

If you sprinkle such violent logic, it would not be a neighboring country, but rather China itself, that is appropriate for the word "barbaric".

And the first Chinese emperor who promoted aggressive policy extensively according to the logic of such barbarian countries is the Emperor Wu of Han mentioned above.

In the reign of Emperor Wu of Han, the Chinese empire not only invoked a frequent subjugation war against the "warriors" in the west and the north of the border, but also invaded troops to the south and eastern "barbarians" countries For the occupation of the Korean Peninsula and invasion of Vietnam, we promoted the unlimited hegemonic policy that we wanted to do.

Even from the fact that Emperor Wu of Han, the boss of promotion of such imperialist invasion policy, is a lone person who has congregated Confucianism as a national ideological position, Confucianism is the only thing that conflicts with the Chinese traditional hegemonic policy It is spiritual support, which shows that it forms the core of distorted thinking of Chinese thought.

Of course, since Emperor Wu of Han, except for some exceptions, Chinese successive dynasties and emperors are constantly promoting expansion of external territory and invasion policy according to hegemonic Chinese thought as usual.

Among them are successful dynasties and emperors, as well as dynasties and emperors who failed to expand their territory.

In that case, for example, if Emperor Yang of Sui of Sui dynasty fails to conquer the Goguryeo, as can be seen from the case where the Sui dynasty collapsed immediately, whether or not it can succeed in the hegemonic invasion policy depends on the dynasty It is also one of the major factors affecting the survival of.

In this way, after all the Chinese dynasties unify the whole of China and strengthen the foundation of the administration, they will surely run into a foreign invasion war.

And it goes without saying that it will cause huge damage to neighboring countries and ethnic groups each time. In other words, the Hua-Yi distinction that originated from the Confucian toxin and the hegemonic policy of the Chinese empire based on it are sources of disaster for neighboring peoples and countries. In case of

This tradition of Chinese hegemonic in China is well handed down to the present People's Republic of China.

This draft continues.

how far the Chinese empire extends its territory it is also free to occupy some country

2017年08月12日 17時43分12秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.


Hua-Yi distinction is the greatest toxin

Confucian-spawned toxins are not the only obscurantist policy.

Another "Confucian poison" that brought about great disaster to ethnic groups and countries around China from the time of the Han dynasty to the present age.

That is, it is a notorious "Hua-Yi distinction".

In short, Hua-Yi distinction means that China's dynasty and emperor are the only rulers of this world, China's civilization is the only civilization in the world, while the surrounding ethnic groups are all barbarians, It is an idea that it must obey the Chinese dynasty and the emperor and have to undergo "cultivation" of Chinese civilization. From our values of modern society, such self-centered thinking is too absurdity, but Chinese people themselves seriously think so long ago.

And the source of such absurdity "Hua - Yi distinction" is still Confucianism.

For example, in "Analects eight rows Third", the following words of Confucius are put on it.

"Confucius said," China without a monarch is superior to barbarians with a monarch. "

If it is translated into contemporary Japanese, "even if there is a monarch in the barbarian country, it will not reach the state without a monarch in China"

It is the way to lift China by thoroughly defeating the surrounding countries rather than thoroughly defeating the surrounding countries.

Confucius’s words are exactly the Chinese thought itself, it should be said that the origin of Chinese thought.

Confucius calls neighboring countries and ethnicities with the discriminatory derogatory term "barbarians", but in reality, in China It is a barbarian like a Beast.

And the source of a fine discrimination term "the barbarians beyond the borders of old China" is in "Book of Rites" which is regarded as one of Confucian sacred scriptures alongside "Analects".

Hua-Yi distinction, which thoroughly discriminates against neighboring ethnic groups and advocates Chinese "vainglory", is clearly being born out of Confucianism in this way, but what is further born from such thought is that China It is a traditional hegemonic invasion policy.

As the surrounding countries are barbarians, it is rather natural that the Chinese empire rulers them and "edifies" them.

Since barbarians like beasts are exorbitant from the beginning such as having "territory" and "sovereignty", the emperor of China is the sole ruler of the world, so how far the Chinese empire extends its territory it is also free to occupy some country.

It is neither "occupation" nor "invasion".

performing harsh speech repression to tramples freedom and human rights of citizens arbitrarily

2017年08月12日 17時16分47秒 | 日記

The following is from Seki-hei's paper published in the monthly magazine Voice released the other day.

As I mentioned that I always respect him.

- Suppress expansion of China

Confucian poison

Among "Analects" there is Hua-Yi distinction to discriminate peripheral peoples


Aomori off the coast like a Chinese garden

There were two events clearly showing the abnormality of the country of China in July this year.

One is the de facto prison death of Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo.

While refusing the request of Mr. Liu and his family's departure treatment while showing pretending that Chinese authorities are doing their utmost to treat Mr. Liu after being diagnosed with liver cancer at the end of May this year, He was also refusing to visit by medical experts in the United States and Germany at once.

As a result, the treatment of Mr. Liu took a lag and became a mortgage person no longer than two months after being diagnosed as a terminal cancer.

As can be seen from Berit Reiss-Andersen, chairperson of the Nobel Prize committee, he remarks "The Chinese government has a heavy responsibility for his premature death", by killing him by intentionally delaying appropriate treatment It is not exaggeration to say that it Was the Chinese government that did it.

Mr. Liu Xiaobo, a pacifist with "nonviolent revolution" as a mode, was imprisoned by innocent sins and "willful murder" by insidious extremely way.

Also from this one case, it is clearly understood that the country of China is a barbarian nation that is free from common sense of civilization society such as freedom and human rights.

The savageness of the Chinese government is not limited to any domestic repression of speech.

In the same year, the barbarian government in Beijing has also stripped fangs in Japan.

On July 15, after the public ship belonging to the Chinese Maritime Police Station invaded the Japanese territorial waters of the northern part of Kyushu, on the 17th, the public ship of the same Chinese maritime police station had twice the Japanese waters off Aomori it came Invading.

The invasion of the Chinese ship to the Japanese territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands has become a daily event, but this time, even the Chinese government itself is the territory / territorial waters of Japan The waters near Kyushu and Aomori I came invading.

Just as China likes, infest, as if the territorial waters of other countries were their own gardens, this outrageous attitude,

There is no fragility of consciousness, which respects the sovereignty of other countries and the rules of the international community.

In this way, while internally performing harsh speech repression to tramples freedom and human rights of citizens arbitrarily, leave it to the force externally and violate the sovereignty and territory of neighboring countries without hesitation.

This is exactly the appearance of the reality of a barbarian state / China.

But since when has China been such a heterogeneous barbarian state?

who do not think about measures to prevent a declining birthrate and aging population

2017年08月12日 16時30分54秒 | 日記

The current situation that I mentioned, the Japanese mass media in a form that it is no longer a traitor and can only say that it is an agent of China and the Korean Peninsula, deal with the serious situation Japan faces, Rather than letting Japanese citizens think, for China and the Korean Peninsula, A mode that Japanese citizens do not consider,

Japanese mass media like making someone populace Japanese citizens,

The finally emerging, pretty prime minister, the Asahi Shimbun, the Mainichi Shimbun, the Tokyo Newspaper and other media and the press department of NHK who is in communication with it all mobilized public radio waves and newspapers and attacked it, that that is Rocking up to the foundation of the administration,

When I was being seen,

This week's Newsweek Japanese version is about Japan in 2050,

(When doing such a thing), it made a special feature that it will be a tough result.

For Japan who do not think about measures to prevent a declining birthrate and aging population, with the villainous foolish upheaval that the Asahi Shimbun made,

The population greatly decreases with the falling birthrate and aging population.

Is the future image of Japan unable to maintain its current influence on an international stage whether it is a satellite country in China?

How should Japanese people face up in a terrible future approaching?

Seven future prospects showing "survival in predicament".

I saw this issue that was delivered to me, I saw the situation of the Japanese media now, and it was caught up in a really dark feeling.

But I noticed.

This is all I shown in the Turntable of Civilization.

A reader of a sincerity ought to think the same way.

The problem with the current media is the sixth television stations including NHK are concentrated in Tokyo, I told it first time in Japan and I appeared.

Presenting that solution ... ... 5 commercial stations excluding NHK should be dispersed and dispersed in rural area ... that at the same time bring about real local revitalization, otherwise,

It suggested that there was no true local revitalization.

Since private broadcasting stations are listed companies, the country keeps stock holdings of each company's shares (because it is regional decentralization done as a national policy) so that stock prices do not fall.

Among them, excellent local players from each region joined each television station, and population reduction in each region is also solved.

This draft continues.


2017年08月12日 16時05分55秒 | 日記



















2017年08月12日 13時31分22秒 | 日記










こんな小学生でも分かる常識が、有馬や桑子と、彼らを操縦している、今、NHKの報道部を支配している、似非モラリズムとマルキシズムやGHQのWar Guilt Information Programに依って洗脳された自虐史観の持ち主たちには、全く分からない。

















The stage at which we can overlook about the mistakes that they have committed has passed

2017年08月12日 12時39分58秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

What made today's miserable neighboring relations is the narrow and inward diplomatic diplomacy of both sides.

* Already it is here, I just cannot stay disgusting.

Mr. Hakoda, it is no longer a historical fact that it was the result of coercive women's coverage that you fabricated and spread to the world that made the disastrous neighborhood relationship of today.

This is the fact that children of Syngman Rhee or people under the influence of North Korea, who grew up with the education of Nazism themselves, are using it as a material for a good anti-Japanese propaganda,

To the fact that it continues attacking Japan and Japanese citizens persistently in haphazard which is based on abysmal evil and plausible lie all over the world,

It is no exaggeration to say that it is the most temperate and humble citizen in the world Japanese citizens no longer to be unable to put up with them anymore

It is said that,

Hakoda is completely unaware, he does not know.

It is a terrible story indeed, is not it?

At the same time, his article clearly points out that the Asahi Shimbun is not reflecting anything against the fabricating report of a comfort women comfort women *

"It's both narrow and inward-looking diplomacy."

* Preaching to the Government of Japan is that such a lot of malicious people do not know that they are such beings at all either.

Even so, such a poor, ugly, mere reporter,

Essentially, it is still the world's second super economic superpower, and as a providence of God, the country that the turntable of civilization is turning, Japan,

Preaching to the Japanese government,

Such a newspaper company has dominated Japanese media.

Japan and Japanese citizens cannot continue to allow their oligopolies any longer.

No longer, can afford no further delay,

First of all, let them take responsibility for fabrication of comfort women 's coverage,

Asahi Shimbun, they have to make an advertisement of an apology advertisement, a truth explanation advertisement instantly to influential newspapers all over the world.

The stage at which we can overlook about the mistakes that they have committed has passed. *

In other words, it is a problem that it is a manuscript written by a man who embodies

2017年08月12日 12時20分21秒 | 日記

The following are papers on Tetsuya Hakoda mentioned in the previous chapter.

The following is an article written in the series column of Asahi Shimbun on September 4, 2015 by Tetsuya Hakoda (in charge of international editorial).

The paper from * to * is mine.

"Summer with various milestones is about to go.

President Park Geun - hye in Korea’s heart was not quietude in August. For Abe’s 70-year postwar discourse. "

* I did not read this beginning on the day.

There is nothing wrong with this if it is an editorial written by a Korean reporter.

He is a human being at the core of the Newspaper companies that are considered to be Japan's leading newspaper externally,

In other words, it is a problem that it is a manuscript written by a man who embodies Asahi Shimbun's idea.

To the keen-eyed people, if you tell the conclusion to be understood in a moment ... ... So the relationship between Japan and the ROK worsened. *

Discourse followed the "make light of Korea" route that the Abe administration took.

* It is no longer a historical fact that the Asahi Shimbun fabricated and disseminated the world comfort women's problem to the world worsened the relationship between Japan and the ROK.

Abe is still trying to improve it as a politician, but it is needless to say that he can never admit attack based on opponent's absurd lie.

As seen from Japan, (As it restrained the unforgivable anger to the Asahi Shimbun, in the reality of politics, ... as I have mentioned many times, recently rare, realist = It is a human being who Does not have any distorted thought, and he is looking at the reality straight.

To see the reality straight, it is needless to say that the history has to be seen, it has to eliminate distorted ideas,

So, a brilliant discourse that you could have done, but it is not an exaggeration to say that all of these are disasters brought about by the Asahi Shimbun.

Reporters' papers at the core of this Asahi Newspaper have no reflection on the crimes committed by the Asahi Shimbun to Japan and the people, all of them are talking about them *

"In speech at a ceremony celebrating 70 years of colonial liberation the following day, Ms. Park made a constant evaluation with expectation for future efforts."

* It is a reporter who is writing at the center of the Asahi Shimbun, who knows that it is Japanese, not Korean, everyone should be surprised. *

"The characteristics of the two leaders are similar, especially because egoistic is common, so it is confusing to talk."

* But, what kind of human being is this man? All decent human beings will be disgusted.

This guy proves 100% correctness of the definition I made in the world for the first time what kind of human being they are. *

"In that respect Ms. Park, well-established domestically, this time it was a form of showing correspondence of 'adults'."

* As I have mentioned many times, Prime Minister Abe, who is a true politician deserving the Nobel Prize,

Park Geun-hye who does not know embarrassment of telling talk diplomacy and does not notice its stupidity,

This man, in line with Prime Minister Abe,

No, Park Geun-hye is on the top and saying something, it is jaw-dropping no longer. *

I finally noticed last night that the expression is a characteristic of a dictatorial person

2017年08月12日 11時38分58秒 | 日記

My friend also stopped watching NHK’s watch 9, read that time and said it was time to read the book.

That's why he had a rich time without seeing the severity of Kuwako and Arima last night.

I am the man who knew the most lately in Japan that North Korea was escalating so far.

Last night, President Trump stated that at the press conference following Vice President Pence, this was a declaration, not a provocation.

His remarks are common sense of the world.

Although it should have known to the Japanese government that cannot do anything if a large number of North Korean fishing boats continue to infiltrate the Yamato shelf which is the territory of the complete Japanese territory, without reporting anything about this,

Asahi Shimbun began the unprecedented fabrication coverage of the Abe administration,

NHK's watch 9 came to say "not to be cleared of a charge" and so on.

But Arima, Kuwako. There are no countries anywhere else in the world that continues to look idly to such a territorial invasion in Japan. For example, even in the Philippines, which is significantly inferior to armed forces, there is nothing to look on idly, even if the opponent is in China.

The common sense understanding even by such elementary school students is it of Arima and Kuwako, and now, the owner of the self-tormenting historical view which was brain-washued by pseudo-moralism and the Marxism and the War Guilt Information Program of GHQ, which dominates NHK's Press department. They do not know at all.

On the contrary, the United States absolutely defends allies, Japan and Korea. To the President Trump who declared that the United States would not let Japan and Korea attack,

Before mere NHK announcer,

The woman about 30 years old who did not study about domestic and foreign politics and diplomacy itself,

Since Mr. Trump is like that, and so on, as a caster of NHK = Japan national broadcasting signage coverage program, before the mischievous idiot,

She is a fool who compromises the country.

With Arima, as I explained the date when North Korea could launch a missile towards Guam, as he announced it as a memorial day, which is the day when North Korea was released from Japanese colonial rule is there, he declared calmly.


Colonialism is the mode of exploiting all the resources including human resources from the partner country,

It was an annexation that the other wanted, the world of the time also wanted,

In only 35 years,

More than 25% of the state's national budget at that time,

At that time, one of the world's poorest countries,

Having an identity discrimination system that is one of the worst in the world,

It is no exaggeration to say that it was an ancient society On the Korean Peninsula,

Dropping huge amounts of funds and technology,

It modernized this all at once.

Needless to say, the above discrimination system was broken down at once.

Arima does not know what it calls such a colonialism, except for the occupation policy of GHQ and the anti-Japanese propaganda of the totalitarian state like China and Korea.

I finally noticed last night that the expression is a characteristic of a dictatorial person, a so-called leftist, and sectarian person.

I read the paper I wrote in 2015-09-06 which was in the best 50 of yesterday, I felt quite understanding of what brain owners are Arima and Kuwako.

They are human beings who have exactly the same brains as Hakoda Tetsuya, this truly ridiculous man.

By the way, when Hakoda Tetsuya was a student at Ritsumeikan University, I knew for the first time in Sankei Shimbun what seemed to be Suh Sung arrested as a North Korean spy's most apprentice.

He is not just that, as well as all the guys who fabricated comfort women's coverage in the Asahi Shimbun and Wakamiya Yoshibumi,

He is studying at Yonsei University which I speculate that you will be a Mecca of anti-Japanese work.

In addition, he was at Yonsei University almost at the same time as Alexis Dudden.

This draft continues.


2017年08月12日 11時25分04秒 | 日記

More than 25% of the state's national budget at that timeを、

NHK報道部を支配している連中と司会者である有馬と桑子の頭脳の中身であるWar Guilt Information Program

2017年08月12日 10時48分12秒 | 日記

以下が、NHK・watch9を編集している今のNHK報道部を支配している連中と、司会者である有馬と桑子の頭脳の中身である、War Guilt Information Programの内容である。

江藤淳の調査によって、アメリカ国立公文書館分室の資料番号RG331,Box No.8568にA Brief Explanation of the Categories of Deletions and Suppressions,dated 25 November,1946が保管されていたことがわかった。
