文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Both countries think that it is better to have as many as one harassed anti-Japanese cards

2017年08月11日 20時50分00秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Korea is not the only party to fight the information warfare.

Former Chinese workers who complained of Mitsubishi Materials (formerly Mitsubishi Mining) as being forced to work in Hashima Island coal mine, etc. in June 2016 have won the settlement.

The contents of the settlement that Mitsubishi Materials exchanged with the representatives of the former workers paid 100,000 yuan (about 1.7 million yen) per person after expressing "apologies" and "reflections of pain", apologizing monument in Japan To build the. To bear the investigation expenses of missing victims.

It is said that more than 3,700 people worked for the company, and if all received compensation, the total amount will be between 6 billion and 7 billion yen. In case of

In response to this issue, the government stood up as a "private matter", but it seems to be true that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommended Mitsubishi Materials to settle.

Why did such a thing?

In the first place, the postwar compensation problem with China should have already been settled by the Chinese government in 1972’s Japan - China Joint Statement that the Chinese government "abandons claims for war against Japan".

The lawsuits that former Chinese workers have filed against the Japanese court are also in line with the framework of the San Francisco Convention that the Supreme Court established in 2007 that the Japan-China Joint Statement will waive, including individual claim rights And has dismissed the appeal. In case of

In such a framework of post-war processing, the court in China once did not accept even a lawsuit seeking post-war reparations from former workers to two companies such as Mitsubishi Materials in 2014 The court of Beijing accepted the case.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe worshiped Yasukuni Shrine in December last year, Accepting lawsuits as the relationship between Japan and China froze,

It can be seen that there was a political intention of "retaliation" in Japan.

Chinese judicial organizations are practically under the guidance of the Communist Party.

Here, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs fears further cooling of the relationship between Japan and China, whispered "reconciliation" to Mitsubishi Materials that had won over all cases until then by the principle that "compensation problems after war have been resolved legally, including personal compensation" right.

It is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with only subordinate warfare thinking.

If the Japanese side accepts the settlement, the Chinese government will surely "hypothesise" that it will hold down further lawsuits.

It lost its national interests due to the optimistic desire.

If we break down the principle of "resolved" and respond to an unfounded claim by emotional judgment, it will lead to further unfair demands.

Actually, in December last year, former Chinese workers and 27 bereaved families sued Kajima Construction in Beijing city court.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs granted a new Japanese denunciation card to China and South Korea over "Hashima Island (Warship Island)".

Both countries think that it is better to have as many as one harassed anti-Japanese cards.

There is also the possibility of getting a large amount of reparations (China has already acquired it).

This draft continues.

Fabrication, not only a girl image of a comfort woman but also a compulsory boy coal miners

2017年08月11日 20時32分15秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Here are the facts that you should know at a minimum as a Japanese. 

In accordance with the "National Mobilization Act" which came into effect in 1938, the following year, the "National Civil Declaration Order" was issued as a ruling to allow the people to engage in general mobilization work such as munitions production.

This was not a kind of thing that the authorities thrust a bayonet to drive the people, but was called by a warrant called "blank paper".

The Declaration Order was applied to the Japanese citizens of the Korean Peninsula from September 1944. Until then, "recruitment" and "official mediation" were the subjects, so the official constitution could not force them to take them It was.

What makes "drafting" to "compulsory entrainment", it is clearly a mistake as a matter of fact.

In the movie, as "discrimination" to Korean workers, the meals were poor and inadequate, the wages was cheaper than the Japanese and the dangerous work deeply digging down the vein deep into the ground was made by the Koreans It seems to be drawn, But this is not the fact again.

The former Korean workers thought that Japanese workers with high technology should get high salaries.

According to Professor Choe Kilsung of the University of East Asia who interviewed former Korean workers, they were based on experience and skills if there was a difference in wages, the former Korean workers thought that Japanese workers with high technology should get High salaries.

Therefore, excavation under severe circumstances was actually carried out by a skilled Japanese with excellent skills, otherwise it could lead to accidents such as falling falls.

It is probable that Koreans who had experienced and improved skills had been in charge, but that is a problem of ability and not related to "discrimination".

Fabrication, not only a girl image of a comfort woman but also a compulsory boy coal miners forcibly taken away, Korea thinks of doing it, Hashima Island Coal mine etc. "Meiji Japanese Industrial Revolution Heritage" was registered as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, there is a strong opposition to them.

And here too, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, considering Korea, "Many people from the Korean Peninsula were brought in against the will and were for to work in harsh environments", it is expressed to have a harmful result.

Only the subordinate warfare thinking The Ministry of Foreign Affairs "hypothesise"

Hashima Island coal mine was never "Prison Island"

The Japanese government needs to urgently send out to the world as a "fact known to all people."

This draft continues.

Korea wanting to condemn Japan in any way, after disseminating comfort women as

2017年08月11日 20時26分23秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Next to "girl statue" is "innocent boy"

In Korea, the President changed from Park Geun-il to Moon Jae-in, but there is no sign of quitting "anti-Japanese publicity."

ChungHyunBaek appointed as minister Ministry of Gender Equality and Family by the President Moon supported the registration of UNESCO’s "World Memory Heritage" of the comfort women related data as the Korean government and the plan of the National Comfort Women Museum.

Regarding the Japan-ROK agreement at the end of 2015, "I believe we have to discuss again, she said, but the governments of Japan and South Korea should have agreed on "final and irreversible solution".

It is a promise between the countries that never bring up the comfort women problem again.

The attitude of South Korea breaks its promise and it cannot be reconciled as Japan.

The comfort woman in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul and in front of the consular office in Busan is still not removed.

On the contrary, on June 29, the image of the comfort women set up in front of the Japanese Embassy was protected as a public model despite being illegal.

On the 30th, a Korean-based group in the United States set up a second comfort woman in the US in the park in Brookhaven City, Georgia.

In addition to the problem of comfort women, this time, "fabricated" that many Korean workers were forcibly taken and abused by Hashima Island (Warship Island) coal mine in Nagasaki City by prewar Japan will be sent to the world.

A picture book for children is published in Korea, and in late July, a movie named "The Battleship Island" will be released.

Approximately 400 Korean workers (some boys also exist) were forced into harsh labor as slaves with coals mines over 1000 meters below the sea level and as high as 40 degrees Celsius, and they could not bear this "prison island" According to the story of Challenging the Japanese like the devil to escape from the evil spirits, according to Korean movie officials attracted attention as "the biggest topic work of the year" and they are saying there is no mistake the audience mobilization number exceeds 10 million.

Before the launch, it has been touted as a "movie based on historical facts", but there is no fact that the Korean boys miners were forced to work in the coal mine in Japan at the time.

Korea wanting to condemn Japan in any way, after disseminating comfort women as "girl statues" they are meaning that there are "innocent boys" in mineral workers.

This draft continues.

"Hypothesise" to China and Korea not understanding the law is unnecessary

2017年08月11日 18時45分04秒 | 日記

The monthly magazine Voice (780 yen) released yesterday is packed with all the papers that all Japanese citizens need to subscribe to the nearest bookstore right now.

The following is from Mr. Kusaka Kimindo's paper.

Fabricated, Forced entrainment to Warship Island

"Hypothesise" to China and Korea not understanding the law is unnecessary

Partisan politics' fuss

North Korea announced on July 4 that the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) was successfully launched and the US government confirmed it.

North Korea clearly crossed the "red line" that Mr. Trump warned of before the president's inauguration, but now the US government ambiguously interprets the interpretation of the red line itself.

Although the nuclear threat of North Korea against the Japanese archipelago is not beginning now, while seeing the political bargaining of North Korea and the United States, it also makes the violation of the territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands regular, Chinese public vessel ,

At last it began to invade the territorial sea of the northern part of Kyushu.

On July 17, a patrol boat of the 2nd Regional Coast Guard Headquarters (Shiogama-shi, Miyagi Prefecture) confirmed that two vessels of the Chinese Maritime Police Station are sailing in the waters off the coast of Aomori Prefecture.

It is the first time he confirmed the invasion of a Chinese public ship in the same waters.

According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, ships in all countries have "harmless trucking rights" that travel through the territorial seas unless they harm the safety of coastal states, but always looking at the gap of Japan, To China, "harmless passage" It is not good to overlook with interpretation. In case of

While witnessing such a situation, in the National Assembly "Moritomo, it is Kake", the fuss of partisan politics by bunch who hate the Abe administration continues, and flippant journalism exaggerate to it.

The threat to Japan is not just military power.

As usual, China and Korea have launched information warfare using "history cards", Japan continues to struggle with it.

This draft continues.

If you love your country and respecting the Prime Minister of your country, you absolutely do

2017年08月11日 18時06分14秒 | 日記

She looks like that because NHK's press department is moving with anti-Abe.
If you love your country and respecting the Prime Minister of your country, you absolutely do not look like that.
Oh, the way that those who are selling the soul to the opposing party against Japan are moderating the signboard program of the national public broadcasting in Japan.
In the first place, when GSDF log etc. are infiltrated not only by China invading the territorial waters of the Senkaku Islands but also by the Tsugaru Strait and the Chinese ship to the waters off the coast of Aomori,
A fishing boat on board a North Korean military uniform is entering the Yamato shelf which is a territorial waters of Japan completely and robbed the fish that made the main squid in the drift net fishing that is prohibited in Japan When saying that,
If we were to close the National Assembly closed and judge it in order to stop the wrongdoing ignoring the international laws of the evil nations,
As the material of government attacks, the Asahi Shimbun who wants to defeat the Abe administration and other opposition parties such as the DPP and the Communist Party are doing,
GSDF log etc. In fact, in fact it is not a problem at all,
NHK = Japanese national broadcasting is in sync.
Why are they doing all these things at once?
Why are TBS and TV Asahi's talk and variety TV show broadcasting the affair of former female singer's cheating etc. like a major incident every day?
From the bad business that the countries of China and the Korean Peninsula is doing it is only to say that it is to divert the eyes of the Japanese people.
This draft continues.

They do not notice that their day and night work sold that beautiful Japan to the evil empire and

2017年08月11日 17時53分04秒 | 日記

China ignores the international law, seeking the hegemony of the world itself, at least the Asian hegemony, of ambition itself as an evil empire, making the South China Sea a Chinese military base.

It is said that it is not only Senkaku, but also Okinawa as its territory.

In Senkaku every day, it repeats violating territorial waters.

In Okinawa, China not only provide funding for opposition to the US military bases, China is handling the two newspapers that control Okinawa completely in their hands and manipulating them at will.

China is planning to raise Okinawa independence theory and withdraw the US military base.

At that time, what the Japanese media is doing is as I have continued to mention.

Let's notice Japan and the world as a recent case of NHK · watch 9 last night.

As Moderator's Arima tells the opponent Kuwako the beginning of the report saying 5 W 1 H and so on, he will explain the board repeatedly, but the Chinese intention to clearly oppose Japan, that is, the threat, the North Korean missile is the Japanese territory they do not say anything about the most important thing, how to prepare for the possibility of falling into the waters and territorial waters.

Kuwako of female casters only said that "North Korea is shooting missiles towards Guam and that route is via Shimane, Hiroshima, etc.," is scary. "

Far from impression manipulation, it is only to tell the impression.

In fact, there is no trace of properly investigating this thing against what it actually does not matter, such as GSDF log etc.

Also last night she gave a comment that it was not cleared of a charge, and she diffused the problem further.

If you are a moderator of signage programs of Japanese national broadcasting, you should originally say that Japan is not going to do such silly things now.

They cannot say such a thing, people who are brainwashed by GHQ, it is probably human beings who have been brainwashed by strange ideas at university.

That being said, it is just a matter of saying that where is there beautiful.

They do not notice that their day and night work sold that beautiful Japan to the evil empire and the country of the lie.

This draft continues.

In order not to let Japan work to fill this hole, not to take countermeasures · policy,

2017年08月11日 17時23分43秒 | 日記

When I was a golf freak, every summer I also went to Hawaii.

The number of times I went to Hawaii is about I am surprised at myself.

In recent years, I went to Hozugyo during the current season and went swimming at Shirahama.

This year, I will not go anywhere and keep writing.

Because I am now, the crisis there ... Depending on the evil that the countries of unknown evil and mysterious lies are committing,

When it is obvious that China will land on the Senkaku Islands,

Or when Japan is being attacked by being shaken all over the world for a completely bullish tokens in Korea,

It can not afford to be looking idly.

If there is something that the Abe administration will collapse,

In other words, it is totally not an exaggeration to say that a traitor with the Asahi Shimbun as the lead,

It is because how much outrageous it is, and how dangerous it is to inform the Japanese citizens and the world.

If the Abe government fell, at that moment China will land on the Senkaku Islands.

Why is it that you can understand by reading my corresponding chapter so far.

It is such a country that is a country with a single party dictatorship of the Communist Party, a country of unknown evil and mysterious lies.

They know that there is a hole in the Japan - US alliance, and every day they repeat such a violation of territorial waters.

In order not to let Japan work to fill this hole, not to take countermeasures · policy,

China manages the media such as the Asahi Shimbun, NHK, and opposition parties such as DP and the Communist Party,
Moritomo, Kake, GSDF log etc, really bad, unscrupulous attack,
Far from saying that it is not exaggeration to say that they are continuing to do so to the Abe administration, that would be a perfect answer.

Besides this, NHK 's watch 9, TBS and TV Asahi' s talk and variety TV show 's aspect can not be explained.

As their symbol, I say to NHK's Arima and Kuwako,

Emperor Saga and Kukai are really angry.

Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu, you will not be merely amazed.

In 2,600 years, the myriads of great men from Japan are really angry.

The Japanese mountain, the sea, the forest, the river, the lake are really angry about your form.

In what kind of intention, you guys are equal to selling Japan to other countries,

You can do it straight with your face of justice.

This draft continues.


2017年08月11日 16時51分22秒 | 日記















2017年08月11日 16時50分04秒 | 日記



















2017年08月11日 16時36分48秒 | 日記



























The following is the 50 best popularity yesterday.

2017年08月11日 10時39分33秒 | 日記






In the first place, the word such as unreliable personality is a word that can be issued to people


Like myself, there are many people who are disgusted to know that such a university professor exists


what I think is the lowest human being in the world is the same as I have mentioned.


Pero creo que la fabricación reciente




All Japanese citizens must know in this chapter that it is a gathering of untrustworthy human beings


Tetapi saya fikir bahawa tahap fabrikasi / palsu baru-baru ini adalah serupa dengan




हे अहवालात सांगण्यासारखे




Même si je forcément, en force, je veux blesser l'administration d'Abe de toute façon,


Но я думаю,


I noticed that this scene is exactly like a scene once used to.




Auch wenn ich gewaltsam gewaltsam die Abe-Administration verletzen will,


Mais je pense que les niveaux récents


Tidak dapat difikirkan dengan cara melaporkan bahawa mengubah fakta dengan ketara.




내가 강제로 강제로


पण मला वाटते की






Es ist unvorstellbar in einer Art zu berichten, dass die Tatsache deutlich verändert.


Aber ich denke, dass die jüngsten


Il est impensable d'informer que cela modifie considérablement le fait.


Mas acho que os últimos níveis de fabricação / falso são semelhantes aos delitos


Anche se forzando, con forza, voglio fare del male l'amministrazione di Abe,


Es impensable en una forma de informar que cambia el hecho de manera significativa.


하지만 최근의


Bahkan seandainya secara paksa saya paksa, saya ingin menyakiti administrasi Abe,


É impensável em uma maneira de relatar que muda o fato significativamente.


Walaupun saya secara paksa, secara paksa saya mahu menyakiti pentadbiran Abe,


とんでもない人だった 柳家小三治、立川談志を悼む/奔放さ 鋭さ 怪しい魅力…朝日新聞11月28日16面より


Это немыслимо




Mesmo que eu forçe, na força, eu quero machucar




È impensabile in un modo di segnalare che modifica significativamente il fatto.






Incluso si forzadamente, forzosamente quiero herir


사실을 현저하게


Даже если я насильно


Tidak terpikirkan dengan cara melaporkan perubahan fakta secara signifikan.


Ma penso che i recenti livelli di fabbricazione / falso siano simili a quelli criminali











Fermez les yeux sur les faits, le compromis ou la lâcheté, qui n'ont aucun honneur.

2017年08月11日 10時34分40秒 | 日記

Voici la suite du chapitre précédent.

M. Munehiro Miwa, professeur de l'Université de Kyushu, souligne le fait que beaucoup de travailleurs qui sont retournés en Corée une fois de plus en 1945 sont rentrés au Japon.

À partir des données statistiques «Entrée illégale de Coréens» des Archives nationales des États-Unis, il est clair qu'une trentaine de Coréens ont été capturés, la contrebande au Japon a été renvoyée en 1945.

"Si le travail des esclaves et le massacre se déroulaient, il ne pouvait pas expliquer pourquoi ils retournaient au Japon jusqu'à ce qu'ils aient contrebassé", a déclaré M. Miwa.

Néanmoins, le ministère des Affaires étrangères a reconnu que le Japon a abusé des travailleurs coréens et a promis au centre d'information de faire de la publicité.

L'inscription au site du patrimoine mondial est faite par la recommandation de l'organe consultatif de l'UNESCO, le Conseil international des monuments et des sites (ICOMOS).

En mai 2015, le Japon a obtenu une réponse complète pour que toutes les inscriptions soient acceptées dans 23 établissements (y compris l'île de Hashima) qui couvrent 8 préfectures.

Cependant, le ministère des Affaires étrangères a commencé à dire: "J'aimerais demander l'intention de la Corée".

L'inscription aux sites du patrimoine mondial est appliquée par la responsabilité et le jugement de chaque pays, et il est jugé par l'ICOMOS.

Malgré le fait que ni la Corée du Sud ni la Chine ne sont impliquées, le ministère des Affaires étrangères s'est préoccupé de la Corée du Sud, la Corée a évolué pour empêcher l'enregistrement au Japon.

Le ministère japonais des Affaires étrangères a concédé à la Corée et le rédacteur s'est écrit "obligé de travailler". Sur le plan international, il est équivalent d'admettre un péché inopérant, le travail forcé.

Confortez les femmes et les travailleurs de rédaction, tous nés de la diplomatie japonaise sans défaitisme national.

Le ministère des Affaires étrangères devrait reconnaître l'intention de la Corée du Sud de poursuivre la poursuite du Japon par tous les moyens, tels que la distorsion, la fabrication, l'invalidation des traités, et devrait être armé d'un soutien théorique fondé sur les faits.

Le 10 juillet 13, la Cour suprême de Séoul a ordonné à quatre demandeurs coréens qui ont déposé des plaintes contre NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION pour payer un salaire de 100 millions de won pour le travail en temps de guerre.

Les demandeurs avaient déjà été défait au Japon.

En octobre 2003, la Cour suprême a estimé que le problème des revendications des rédacteurs était résolu dans le traité de base japonais-coréen.

Ce qu'ils ont prévalu en Corée est dû au changement de l'attitude de la justice coréenne et à l'attitude envers le Japon.

Ils appellent l'empereur "Le roi japonais" dans une phrase et ont renversé le jugement judiciaire japonais fondé sur le traité de base japonais-coréen pour les raisons suivantes.

"La règle de la péninsule coréenne au Japon pendant la période d'occupation japonaise est simplement un pouvoir illégitime d'un point de vue normatif et ceux qui sont incompatibles avec l'esprit constitutionnel de la République de Corée parmi les relations juridiques fondées sur la domination illégale au Japon sont rejeté"

Ainsi, contrairement au bon sens international, le traité de base Japon-Corée du Sud qui a résolu le droit de réclamation a été refusé et le côté japonais a perdu.

Les Chinois ont appris à combattre les Coréens et ont commencé à déposer un appel en Chine.

Cette tête est la liste de Mitsubishi Materials.

Les armes contre les pays qui fabriquent l'histoire, il n'y a que des faits.

Fermez les yeux sur les faits, le compromis ou la lâcheté, qui n'ont aucun honneur est inacceptable.

Cierra los ojos a los hechos, compromiso o cobardía, que no tienen honor es

2017年08月11日 10時34分06秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la continuación del capítulo anterior.

El Sr. Munehiro Miwa, profesor de la Universidad de Kyushu, señala el hecho de que muchos de los trabajadores que regresaron a Corea una vez más en 1945 regresaron a Japón.

De los datos estadísticos "Entrada ilegal de coreanos" de los Archivos Nacionales de los Estados Unidos, está claro que unos 10.000 coreanos fueron atrapados contrabando a Japón fue devuelto en 1945.

"Si el trabajo de esclavos y la masacre estaban ocurriendo, no puede explicar por qué están regresando a Japón hasta que contrabandearon de nuevo", dijo Miwa.

Sin embargo, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores ha reconocido que Japón abusó de los trabajadores coreanos y prometió al centro de información que lo anunciara.

La inscripción en el sitio del Patrimonio Mundial se realiza por recomendación del Consejo Internacional de Monumentos y Sitios (ICOMOS) de la UNESCO.

En mayo de 2015, Japón obtuvo una respuesta completa de que todos los registros se aceptan en 23 instalaciones (incluida la isla de Hashima) que abarcan 8 prefecturas.

Sin embargo, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores comenzó diciendo "Me gustaría preguntar la intención de Corea".

El registro de los sitios del Patrimonio Mundial se aplica por la responsabilidad y el juicio de cada país, y es juzgado por el ICOMOS.

A pesar de que ni Corea del Sur ni China están involucrados, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores se ha preocupado por Corea del Sur, Corea se trasladó a la prevención de registro en Japón.

El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores japonés concedió a Corea y el trabajador de redacción se escribió "obligado a trabajar". Internacionalmente, es equivalente a admitir un pecado inoperante, el trabajo forzado.

Confortar a las mujeres y los trabajadores de redacción, todos nacidos de la diplomacia japonesa sin derrotismo nacional de interés.

El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores debe reconocer la intención de Corea del Sur de perseguir el Japón por cualquier medio, como la distorsión, la fabricación, la invalidación de tratados y debe estar armado con un respaldo teórico basado en los hechos.

El 10 de julio, el Tribunal Supremo de Seúl ordenó a cuatro demandantes coreanos que presentaran denuncias contra NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION a pagar un salario de 100 millones de won por mano de obra durante la guerra.

Los demandantes habían sido derrotados en Japón antes de eso.

En octubre de 2003, la Corte Suprema juzgó que el problema de las reclamaciones de los trabajadores de redacción se resolvió en el tratado básico Japón-Corea.

Lo que prevalecieron en Corea se debe al cambio en la actitud de la justicia coreana y la actitud hacia Japón.

Ellos llaman al Emperador "Rey Japonés" en una sentencia y revocó la sentencia judicial japonesa basada en el tratado básico Japón-Corea por las siguientes razones.

"La regla de la península coreana en Japón durante el período de ocupación japonesa es meramente un poder ilegítimo desde un punto de vista normativo y los que son incompatibles con el espíritu constitucional de la República de Corea entre las relaciones jurídicas basadas en la dominación ilegal en Japón son rechazado"

Por lo tanto, contrariamente al sentido común internacional, el tratado básico Japón-Corea del Sur que resolvió el derecho de reclamación fue denegado y el lado japonés perdió.

Los chinos aprendieron cómo luchar contra los coreanos y comenzaron a presentar una apelación en China.

Esa cabeza de la lista es el caso de Mitsubishi Materiales.

Las armas contra los países que fabrican la historia, sólo hay hechos.

Cerrar los ojos a los hechos, el compromiso o la cobardía, que no tienen honor es inaceptable.

Schließe deine Augen auf die Tatsachen, Kompromisse oder Feigheit, die keine Ehre

2017年08月11日 10時33分27秒 | 日記

Das folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.

Herr Munehiro Miwa von der Universität Kyushu Professor weist darauf hin, dass viele der Arbeiter, die 1945 wieder in Korea zurückkehrten, nach Japan zurückkehrten.

Aus den statistischen Daten "Illegaler Eintritt der Koreaner" des Nationalarchivs der Vereinigten Staaten, ist es klar, dass etwa 10.000 Koreaner gefangen wurden Schmuggel nach Japan wurde im Jahr 1945 zurückgeschickt.

"Wenn Sklavenarbeit und Massaker vor sich gehen, kann es nicht erklären, warum sie nach Japan zurückkehren, bis sie wieder geschmuggelt haben", sagte Herr Miwa.

Dennoch hat das Ministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten anerkannt, dass Japan koreanische Arbeiter missbraucht und dem Informationszentrum versprochen hat, es zu werben.

Die Anmeldung zum Weltkulturerbe erfolgt durch die Empfehlung des UNESCO-Beratungsgremiums, Internationaler Rat für Denkmäler und Standorte (ICOMOS).

Im Mai 2015 erhielt Japan eine volle Antwort, dass alle Anmeldungen an 23 Einrichtungen (einschließlich Hashima Island) akzeptiert werden, die 8 Präfekturen überspannen.

Doch das Ministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten begann zu sagen: "Ich möchte Koreas Absicht fragen."

Die Registrierung für Welterbestätten wird von der Verantwortung und dem Urteil des jeweiligen Landes angewandt und wird von ICOMOS beurteilt.

Trotz der Tatsache, dass weder Südkorea noch China beteiligt ist, hat sich das Ministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten über Südkorea besorgt, Korea zog zur Verhinderung der Registrierung in Japan.

Das japanische Außenministerium räumte nach Korea ein und der Redakteur schrieb sich "gezwungen zu arbeiten". International ist es gleichbedeutend mit der Zulassung einer inoperativen Sünde, Zwangsarbeit.

Komfort Frauen und Zeichnung Arbeiter, alle aus der japanischen Diplomatie ohne nationalen Interesse Defeatismus geboren.

Das Ministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten sollte die Absicht Südkoreas anerkennen, die Verfolgung von Japan mit irgendwelchen Mitteln, wie Verzerrung, Herstellung, Invalidierung von Verträgen, zu verfolgen und sollte mit theoretischen Unterstützung auf der Grundlage der Tatsachen bewaffnet sein.

Am 10. Juli 13 bestellte das Seoul High Court vier koreanische Kläger, die Beschwerden gegen NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION eingereicht hatten, um einen Lohn von 100 Millionen gewonnen für Kriegsarbeit zu zahlen.

Die Kläger waren in Japan vorher geschlagen worden.

Im Oktober 2003 beurteilte der Oberste Gerichtshof, dass das Problem der Ansprüche des Entwurfs des Arbeitnehmers in Japan-Korea-Grundvertrag gelöst wurde.

Was sie in Korea vorherrschten, ist auf die Veränderung der Haltung der koreanischen Gerechtigkeit und der Haltung gegenüber Japan zurückzuführen.

Sie nennen den Kaiser "Japanischen König" in einem Satz und stürzten das japanische Gerichtsurteil auf der Grundlage von Japan - Korea Grundvertrag aus den folgenden Gründen.

"Die Herrschaft der koreanischen Halbinsel in Japan während der japanischen Besatzungszeit ist nur eine illegitime Macht aus normativer Sicht und diejenigen, die mit dem Verfassungsgeist der Republik Korea unter den Rechtsverhältnissen, die auf illegaler Herrschaft in Japan beruhen, unvereinbar sind, sind abgelehnt"

So wurde im Gegensatz zum internationalen gesunden Menschenverstand der Japan-Südkorea-Grundvertrag, der das Anspruchsrecht gelöst hat, verweigert und die japanische Seite verloren.

Die Chinesen lernten, Koreaner zu bekämpfen und begannen, in China einen Appell einzulegen.

Der Kopf der Liste ist der Fall von Mitsubishi Materialien.

Waffen gegen Länder, die Geschichte herstellen, gibt es nur Tatsache.

Schließe deine Augen auf die Tatsachen, Kompromisse oder Feigheit, die keine Ehre haben, ist nicht akzeptabel.

Feche seus olhos para os fatos, o compromisso ou a covardia, que não tem honra é

2017年08月11日 10時32分52秒 | 日記

O seguinte é a continuação do capítulo anterior.

O Sr. Munehiro Miwa, professor da Universidade de Kyushu, ressalta o fato de que muitos dos trabalhadores que voltaram para a Coréia mais uma vez em 1945 retornaram ao Japão.

A partir dos dados estatísticos "Entrada ilegal de coreanos" dos Arquivos Nacionais dos Estados Unidos, é claro que cerca de 10 mil coreanos foram pegos, o contrabando para o Japão foi enviado de volta em 1945.

"Se o trabalho e o massacre escravos estavam acontecendo, não pode explicar por que eles voltarão para o Japão até que contrabandearam novamente", disse Miwa.

No entanto, o Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros reconheceu que o Japão abusou de trabalhadores coreanos e prometeu ao centro de informação para anunciá-lo.

O registro no Site do Patrimônio Mundial é feito pela recomendação do órgão consultivo da UNESCO, Conselho Internacional de Monumentos e Sítios (ICOMOS).

Em maio de 2015, o Japão recebeu uma resposta completa de que todos os registros são aceitos em 23 instalações (incluindo a Ilha de Hashima) que abrangem 8 prefeituras.

No entanto, o Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros começou a dizer "eu gostaria de pedir a intenção da Coréia".

O registro para sites do Patrimônio Mundial é aplicado pela responsabilidade e julgamento de cada país, e é julgado pelo ICOMOS.

Apesar do fato de que nem a Coréia do Sul nem a China estão envolvidas, o Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros ficou preocupado com a Coréia do Sul, a Coréia mudou-se para a prevenção do registro no Japão.

O Ministério das Relações Exteriores japonês concedeu à Coréia e o redator se escreveu "forçado a trabalhar". Internacionalmente, é equivalente a admitir um pecado inoperante, trabalho forçado.

Mulheres confortáveis e trabalhadores de redação, todos nascidos da diplomacia japonesa sem derrotismo nacional.

O Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros deve reconhecer a intenção da Coréia do Sul de prosseguir a busca do Japão por qualquer meio, como distorção, fabricação, invalidação de tratados e deve ser armado com suporte teórico com base nos fatos.

Em 10 de julho, 13, o Tribunal Superior de Seul ordenou quatro autores coreanos que apresentaram queixas contra a NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION para pagar um salário de 100 milhões de won para o trabalho em guerra.

Os queixosos foram derrotados no Japão antes disso.

Em outubro de 2003, o Supremo Tribunal julgou que o problema das reivindicações de trabalhador de redação foi resolvido no tratado básico Japão-Coréia.

O que prevaleceram na Coréia é devido à mudança na atitude da justiça coreana e à atitude em relação ao Japão.

Eles chamam o Imperador "Rei japonês" em uma sentença e derrubaram o julgamento judicial japonês com base no tratado básico Japão - Coreia pelas seguintes razões.

"A regra da península coreana no Japão durante o período de ocupação japonês é meramente um poder ilegítimo do ponto de vista normativo e aqueles que são incompatíveis com o espírito constitucional da República da Coréia entre as relações legais baseadas na dominação ilegal no Japão são Rejeitado "

Assim, contrariamente ao senso comum internacional, o tratado básico Japão-Coreia do Sul que resolveu o direito de reclamação foi negado e o lado japonês perdeu.

Os chineses aprenderam a lutar contra os coreanos e começaram a apresentar um apelo na China.

Essa lista é o caso da Mitsubishi Materials.

Armas contra países que fabricam história, há apenas um fato.

Feche seus olhos para os fatos, o compromisso ou a covardia, que não tem honra é inaceitável.