文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2017年08月20日 23時20分26秒 | 日記






















Considering that, if China with GDP a little less than Japan behaves like Russia, it seems to have

2017年08月20日 23時01分09秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

There is a high possibility that it is clearly inflating.

If this inflating system is a story of the People's Republic since the founding of the People's Republic of China, it will be surprising, but it will not be true.

If you believe in the article of 'Sankei Shimbun' 'Reform and liberation route of 1985, China has become strange' and accumulated paddling statistics from 1985, estimate the size of China's economy I tried out.

We simulated 3%, 6%, 9% inflation rate, classified in 3 cases and each "dehydrated" value showed that the result was 3% of the most conservative, not exceeding Japan's GDP figures, the truth of the impact was revealed (see figure).

Country without self-purification

In fact, the whole country is vibrant when going to China, there are people who insist that the role in international politics is large and the military power is also powerful even if I turn over to overseas.

At that time, I will answer as follows.

"Please consider the country Russia."

Russia's GDP is about half that of Japan.

However, the military power is the second largest in the world after the United States, and its presence in international politics is also very large.

Considering that, if China with GDP a little less than Japan behaves like Russia, it seems to have more than double the power of Russia.

In other words, China is just "paper tiger".

Do not be fooled by it.

I think you need to think about the real figures.

However, China itself seems to want to correct this dressing account settlement.

On 1 August this year, the State Council of China was reported to enforce the "statistical law" implementation ordinance.

By doing so, it is said that they will rigorously punish the padding and data alteration over economic indicators such as GDP.

However, these attempts have been carried out in China many times so far.

Mr. MA JIANTANG who served as the Director of the National Statistics Bureau from 2008 to 2015 also declared that "padding of statistics will be eradicated" and struggled fighting.

He prepared in 2014 and tried to implement the reform plan seriously from 2015, but he decided to retire shortly before that and the attempt to rectify the statistics was torn down.

Speaking of why China dresses up statistics, there is one domestic situation first.

It is from the Mao Zedong era that they must achieve the imposed quota.

If you argue that "I cannot achieve such numbers", immediately, it is in trouble, it is purge.

It is better to set the target higher, the evaluation is also high, the authorities' remembrance is remarkable.

It uses a bribe and flaunts "I am issuing this number."

Especially when it was in the 2008 Lehman shock, it was terrible.

As local governments do not grow, they keep saying they have grown, and as a result, the rate of padding (the rate of deviation from the figures of the National Bureau of Statistics) is 13%!

It is figures like to freeze a person's blood

This draft continues.


2017年08月20日 22時58分05秒 | 日記































2017年08月20日 17時24分46秒 | 日記













It is now time to gain the understanding of the people and aim for the establishment of

2017年08月20日 17時19分03秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

If we accept new shares at the Industrial Innovation Organization, it will be possible to expect recovery from Toshiba's market capitalization of 1.1 trillion yen, which currently incorporates the risk of bankruptcy, to market value of 1.8 trillion yen before announcing excess debt.

Depending on the share price at the time of allocation, government funds can also earn profits, and if you avoid escape from bankruptcy, you will be able to gain shareholder gains as well as shareholder benefits.

And the most important thing is the understanding of the people.

Loss of a semiconductor company will weaken both peripheral technology and downstream industry.

If so, it could affect the automobile industry engaged by 5.34 million people.

That is why automakers supported them at the time of the crisis of Renesas supplying car manufacturers and microcomputer chips.

Renesas is also in crisis as the president of China used cash as he likes.

Furthermore, Takata of the air bag applied for civil rehabilitation, and the next day that the asset and business of all were purchased by the Chinese group.

The crisis of the Japanese economy is beginning to erode not only the semiconductor and precision equipment industry but also the automobile industry already.

Even if Toshiba successfully completed financing and accomplished steady rebuilding, in order to prevent the recurrence of technology leakage damage, it is not possible to overcome the industry spy problem involving the state alone by employees of private companies.

It is now time to gain the understanding of the people and aim for the establishment of the Anti - Spy Act.

I doubt that it really is necessary to sell "Toshiba Memory".

2017年08月20日 17時09分45秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

Toshiba in blocked in every direction

I doubt that it really is necessary to sell "Toshiba Memory".

Without "Toshiba Memory" called Toshiba’s dollar box, Toshiba will have difficulty rebuilding in true sense only with nuclear power plant projects which profit is large but loss of accident is huge even if it obtains temporary funds.

The average age of executives of Toshiba is 69 years old which is considerably older, more than 70% of the executives are outside directors and there are only three directors from Toshiba.

If you "conjecture" their feelings, it is natural that motivation to make a long-term strategy is low because if you earn a temporary stop time, you will be retiring, it also get enough retirement allowance.

Even if the government intervenes in Toshiba, total replacement of officers will be a necessary condition.

The primary obstacle is that WD interrupts trying to sell only "Toshiba Memory".

Since the future cash flow for the next fiscal year to Toshiba's announcement is minus sixty to seventy billion yen,

Simply let the Toshiba main body's shares be undertaken by the industrial innovation organization, which is a joint public and private committee.

Doing so will not cause problems of Foreign Exchange and Anti-Monopoly Law and Anti-Monopoly Law, nor will it fall under the sale of companies, so the WD will not interrupt and negligence of debt excess and cash flow minus will be eliminated at once.

Furthermore, if you make necessary funds from the policy investment bank, the core business itself is expected to be in the black for the coming year, so you should be able to rebuild it sufficiently.

This draft continues.

What Toshiba should have been the case here was not WD, but rather a securities company that

2017年08月20日 16時49分19秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

"Western Digital" (hereinafter referred to as WD) made a request in the state court to stop Toshiba from selling Toshiba Memory Corporation.

Toshiba is in the mudslinging at each other that the Tokyo district court will appeal that the injunction by WD is a violation of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act.

What Toshiba should have been the case here was not WD, but rather a securities company that entered "due diligence" (survey of assets etc.) at the time of WD acquisition, and the Westinghouse of the time that concealed important matters concerning management He is an officer.

It is natural for WD to oppose the acquisition by the Japan - US - ROK coalition this time, and WD shares some technologies with Toshiba Memory.

If it is sold to SK Hynix via Bain Capital, the technical information of WD will be leaked and it is matter of life and death for them.

Even so, when WD acquires Toshiba Memory, there is a high possibility that the review will be prolonged because there is a fear that it will be in violation of the Antimonopoly Act.

If the appraisal is prolonged and it is delayed that funds come in, Toshiba will not be able to resolve the excess of debt within the year and will be forced to delist.

If that happens, Toshiba will be a matter of life and death as it will have to repay the funds borrowed under the condition of maintaining listing at an early date.

It cannot decide to sell to WD early.

This draft continues.

Otherwise, you must know that their evil cannot be rectified.

2017年08月20日 16時39分20秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Japanese government and Japanese citizens will finally make the right policy.

As opposed to this, the Asahi Shimbun will say this time ... "People's Taxes ...", Asahi Shimbun and those who are in accord with this, opposition parties, and NHK's,

This time the Japanese government and Japanese citizens are to the best of our ability, we have to slap them in the face.

The Asahi Shimbun made people's taxes on massive, unbelievable, against China ... aimed at the greatest aid of humanity. The same is true for South Korea.

The amount is 30 trillion yen.

Yamada who was a reporter of the economic department of the Asahi Shimbun deepened deflation and lost taxes are huge astronomical.

Not only that, the Asahi Shimbun, in Osaka where the decline was fierce, in order to make the real estate business of two Nakanoshima Festival Towers that bet their own company a success (in a depressed economy Osaka, in order to secure building tenants, they Confused the Umeda North Yard where the business was overlapped) It is a company that has lost several tens of trillion yen in the blood tax of the people.

In other words, the Asahi Shimbun is a company that has lost the taxation of Japanese citizens, the largest after the war, including at a giveaway price which is acquiring the state land owned by the headquarters of Osaka, Tokyo.

Everyone who is in line with this is the same sin.

Besides, it is not quite an exaggeration to say that these people are agents of China and Korea.

The truth that Ms. Fukada Moe informed for the first time is also the reason why the Spy bill is urgently needed.

What did not establish this bill was that the major chorus of the media such as the Asahi Shimbun, the opposition parties, NHK,

As it is during this time, Japanese citizens should remember.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they were, for example, all of the agents of SK Hynix.

It is absolutely impossible for these people to sell Toshiba, the wealth of the Japanese government and Japanese citizens, to SK Hynix and Hon Hai, according to their intentions.

On the contrary, we must deal with Toshiba and denounce their illegality and lawlessness thoroughly internationally.

That time is coming.

That is also the beginning to correct their "abysmal evil" and "plausible lie", such as comfort women's problem.

Otherwise, you must know that their evil cannot be rectified.

This is an urgent issue as the Japanese government and the Japanese citizens.

Japanese government and Japanese citizens will finally make the right policy.

2017年08月20日 16時30分31秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Japanese government and Japanese citizens will finally make the right policy.

As opposed to this, the Asahi Shimbun will say this time ... "People's Taxes ...", Asahi Shimbun and those who are in accord with this, opposition parties, and NHK's,

This time the Japanese government and Japanese citizens are to the best of our ability, we have to slap them in the face.

The Asahi Shimbun made people's taxes on massive, unbelievable, against China ... aimed at the greatest aid of humanity. The same is true for South Korea.

The amount is 30 trillion yen.

Yamada who was a reporter of the economic department of the Asahi Shimbun deepened deflation and lost taxes are huge astronomical.

Not only that, the Asahi Shimbun, in Osaka where the decline was fierce, in order to make the real estate business of two Nakanoshima Festival Towers that bet their own company a success (in a depressed economy Osaka, in order to secure building tenants, they Confused the Umeda North Yard where the business was overlapped) It is a company that has lost several tens of trillion yen in the blood tax of the people.

In other words, the Asahi Shimbun is a company that has lost the taxation of Japanese citizens, the largest after the war, including at a giveaway price which is acquiring the state land owned by the headquarters of Osaka, Tokyo.

Everyone who is in line with this is the same sin.

Besides, it is not quite an exaggeration to say that these people are agents of China and Korea.

Not only did the Asahi Shimbun bring about the loss of a huge amount of taxes, they continued to do a number of fabricating reports as the intention of China and South Korea, dropping the value of Japan in the international community, It has continued to abandon honor and trust of the country and the Japanese citizen no more.

On the other hand, Toshiba is not only a company that has contributed tens of trillion yen to Japan, but also continues to make a significant contribution to the honor and credibility of Japan and the Japanese people in the international community It is a company.

In August of three years ago, we did not do the Asahi Shimbun which was obviously to be abandoned. In other words, it relieved.

It goes without saying that we have to budget Toshiba instantly, with 100 times our labor and our taxes.


2017年08月20日 16時12分05秒 | 日記














First of all, politicians listen to her words and immediately rescue Toshiba as a politician to do

2017年08月20日 13時25分40秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

First of all, politicians listen to her words and immediately rescue Toshiba as a politician to do.

SK Hynix, a thief who is driving in the real culprits who are driving Toshiba to the bottom of the abyss, is even more, as he is about to get Toshiba at any cost.

The Japanese government and Japanese citizens have to relieve Toshiba and afterwards have to make legal damages for SK Hynix which is a ridiculous thief.

Only then can the Japanese government and Japanese citizens to realize that the country of the abysmal evil and plausible lie can be corrected.

Do not be dragged again to the Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc. and the opposition party, such as discourse of those who seem to be the Chinese and Korean spies and agents' den.

Instantly, a bill to prevent spying must be enacted.

Because it is not a problem only with Sharp or Toshiba.

It is a matter of the existence of Japan.

In particular, the poor nature of reporters in the economic department is an unavoidable level

2017年08月20日 13時14分41秒 | 日記

The splendor of Ms.Fukada Moe's paper reminded me of some facts.

It is as I have mentioned many times that the studying abilities and bad brains of the employees of the media such as the Asahi Shimbun, etc. are at a level that cannot be overstated.

In particular, the poor nature of reporters in the economic department is an unavoidable level.

In other words, Sharp and Toshiba are absolutely nothing to do, and in reality, they cannot do anything, so Sharp and Toshiba have been driven to hardships.

Not only for the two companies but for Japan itself, due to their low power, for over twenty years, the worst in the history of developed nations, fell into the lowest deflation and stagnated.

As a result, the world was unstable at once and became dangerous.

Because they were agents of China and Korea, still more, China and South Korea's tyranny and oppression are caused, making a very unstable and dangerous world right now.

As I mentioned before, Toshiba, the government of Japan, we have to save.

For that reason, my editorial, Fukada Moe, as one of Japan's leading professionals, in this paper 100% all facts, the truth is unraveled, they make a living in the mass media world of Japan it is a dissertation that they could not write as anyone in the group who they have.

She attracted about 300,000 people who concentrated on Tokyo's one pole and got a high salary, such as Asahi and NHK etc., without a ability to write,

She is the only one and has a work equivalent to 30,000 people.

This draft continues.


2017年08月20日 12時25分08秒 | 日記



















2017年08月20日 11時59分17秒 | 日記





















a spy heaven that will not be a crime if you acquire it later, even if you steal the technology and

2017年08月20日 11時23分37秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

Although SK Hynix has only 4.8 trillion won (about 450 billion yen) as of the end of March 2017 total of cash and short-term financial products on hand,

That's why they want to acquire Toshiba Memory Corporation until 400 billion yen is issued.

While the case of stolen technology, evaluation from the market is not greatly evaluated, while the PER of competing memory companies is 40 to 80 times stuck, but SK Hynix is just tenfold.

Of course, SK Hynix shares are low rating in the market because the two issues of future legal risk and can they innovate on their own discount factors.

However, it is capital relations with Toshiba Memory, even if "legalization of technology thief" is attained, SK Hynix can solve two problems in a breath.

That's why they want at any cost "Toshiba Memory".

However, if Japan permits it, Japanese companies will be evaluated as "a spy heaven that will not be a crime if you acquire it later, even if you steal the technology and worsen performance," Japanese products from the world will be it will a Trend of "stealing rather than buying".

As a result, Japanese products will not be sold anymore, even if a company is established in Japan it will be the factor that the stock price will be discounted by the country risk "spy legal state".

This draft continues.