文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

pensar que não é mais necessário romper as relações diplomáticas com este país

2019年01月10日 23時50分12秒 | 日記

Muitos japoneses que conheciam a coletiva de imprensa da lua Jae-in da Coréia hoje pareciam pensar que não é mais necessário romper as relações diplomáticas com este país.

Antes disso, eu sugiro que é melhor abolir o Asahi Shimbun. O motivo não é necessário dizer.

Ao mesmo tempo, o departamento de imprensa da NHK (especialmente aqueles que controlam o relógio 9) fará uma disposição dura e reformará a NHK como uma verdadeira transmissão nacional para se especializar em beleza visual e transmissão de esportes, etc.

Nós relataremos os fatos apenas completamente, e não faremos relatórios de creches, relatórios de operações emocionais e relatórios como representantes da China e da Península Coreana novamente para funcionários como Kuwako e Arima.

Desde que você pode ver claramente mostrou à comunidade internacional que nós nunca aceitaremos 'mal abismal' e 'mentira plausível' no futuro de agora em diante contra a Coréia e a China, é mais que qualquer outra medida.

Se a Coréia ainda não entender, interrompa imediatamente todas as trocas - corte as relações diplomáticas.

Ao mesmo tempo, emendar a Constituição para uma Constituição decente que é o mesmo que os países ao redor do mundo que não seja o Japão, e o exército para autodefesa ...

De fato, o Japão ainda é a segunda maior potência econômica do mundo,

É adequado para essa situação 、

Em 170 anos mais tarde, como um país onde os gira-discos da civilização circulam também para liderar o mundo ao lado dos EUA, em vista da China e da Península Coreana, o único grupo de nação inimiga do mundo para o vizinho Japão é o nuclear. estados de armas ...

Eles são um país de "mal abismal" e "mentira plausível", cuja essência é acreditar apenas no poder ... ou ser um país que só segue o poder, em vista disso.

Além disso, no momento em que o povo japonês e o mundo devem estar cientes ... Está chegando,

A menos que minha recomendação seja realizada, não podemos estabilizar o mundo e tornar o mundo rico em democracia que o intelecto e a liberdade dominam.

penser qu'il n'était plus nécessaire de rompre les relations diplomatiques avec ce pays

2019年01月10日 23時48分43秒 | 日記

Beaucoup de Japonais qui connaissaient la conférence de presse du coréen Moon Jae-in aujourd'hui semblaient penser qu'il n'était plus nécessaire de rompre les relations diplomatiques avec ce pays.

Avant cela, je suggère qu'il soit préférable d'abolir le Asahi Shimbun. Inutile de le dire.

Dans le même temps, le service de presse de la NHK (en particulier ceux qui contrôlent Watch 9) fera preuve de fermeté et transformera NHK en une véritable émission nationale se spécialisant dans les domaines de la beauté visuelle et sportive, etc.

Nous rapporterons les faits de manière exhaustive et nous ne rédigerons pas de rapports sur la garde des enfants, des rapports sur les opérations émotionnelles ni sur des rapports en tant que représentants de la Chine et de la péninsule coréenne à des employés comme Kuwako et Arima.

Puisque vous pouvez voir qu'il est clairement montré à la communauté internationale que nous n'accepterons jamais le "mal abyssal" et le "mensonge plausible" à l'avenir contre la Corée et la Chine, c'est plus que toute autre mesure.

Si la Corée ne comprend toujours pas, arrêtez immédiatement tous les échanges - coupez les relations diplomatiques.

Dans le même temps, amender la Constitution pour en faire une Constitution décente identique à celle des pays du monde autres que le Japon et de l'armée de légitime défense ...

En fait, le Japon est toujours la deuxième puissance économique du monde,

Il convient à cette situation

Dans 170 ans plus tard, en tant que pays où les platines de la civilisation vont tout autour, le monde est aux côtés des États-Unis, compte tenu de la Chine et de la péninsule coréenne, le seul groupe de nations ennemies au monde voisin du Japon, est le nucléaire états d'armes ...

C’est un pays de «mal abyssal» et de «mensonge plausible» dont l’essence est de ne croire que dans le pouvoir ... ou d’être un pays qui ne fait que suivre le pouvoir, en vue de celui-ci,

A côté de cela, au moment où le peuple japonais et le monde entier devraient être conscients…

Si ma recommandation n'est pas réalisée, nous ne pouvons pas stabiliser le monde et l'enrichir de démocratie riche en intelligence et en liberté.

es nicht mehr notwendig sei, die diplomatischen Beziehungen zu diesem Land zu zerbrechen

2019年01月10日 23時46分51秒 | 日記

Viele Japaner, die die Pressekonferenz von Koreas Moon Jae-in kannten, schienen zu glauben, dass es nicht mehr notwendig sei, die diplomatischen Beziehungen zu diesem Land zu zerbrechen.

Davor möchte ich sagen, dass es am besten ist, Asahi Shimbun abzuschaffen. Der Grund ist nicht nötig zu sagen.

Zur gleichen Zeit wird die Presseabteilung von NHK (insbesondere diejenigen, die Watch 9 kontrollieren) eine harte Haltung einnehmen und NHK zu einer echten nationalen Sendung machen, die sich auf visuelle Schönheit, Sportübertragungen usw. spezialisiert.

Wir werden die Fakten nur ausführlich berichten, und wir werden als Mitarbeiter Chinas und der koreanischen Halbinsel nicht erneut Kinderbetreuungsberichte, Berichte über emotionale Operationen und Berichte an Mitarbeiter wie Kuwako und Arima erstellen.

Da Sie der internationalen Gemeinschaft klar und deutlich zeigen können, dass wir künftig gegen Korea und China niemals „abgrundtiefes Böses“ und „plausible Lüge“ akzeptieren werden, ist dies mehr als jede andere Maßnahme.

Wenn Korea es immer noch nicht versteht, unterbrechen Sie sofort den Austausch - unterbrechen Sie die diplomatischen Beziehungen.

Gleichzeitig ändern Sie die Verfassung in eine anständige Verfassung, die den Ländern in der ganzen Welt außer Japan und der Armee zur Selbstverteidigung entspricht.

Japan ist nach wie vor die zweitgrößte Wirtschaftsmacht der Welt.

Es ist für diese Situation geeignet.

170 Jahre später, als ein Land, in dem die Turntables der Zivilisation umhergehen, um die Welt neben den USA zu führen, sind China und die koreanische Halbinsel, die einzige feindliche Nationengruppe der Welt im benachbarten Japan, atomar Waffenstaaten ...

Sie sind ein Land des "grausamen Übels" und der "plausiblen Lüge", deren Essen darin besteht, nur an die Macht zu glauben ... oder ein Land zu sein, das nur der Macht folgt, angesichts dessen,

Abgesehen davon, zu einer Zeit, als das japanische Volk und die Welt sich dessen bewusst sein sollten ... Es kommt,

Wenn meine Empfehlung nicht umgesetzt wird, können wir die Welt nicht stabilisieren und die Welt an Demokratie reich machen, die Intellekt und Freiheit beherrschen.

pensar que ya no es necesario romper las relaciones diplomáticas con este país.

2019年01月10日 23時44分07秒 | 日記

Muchos japoneses que conocían la rueda de prensa de Moon Jae-in de Corea parecían pensar que ya no es necesario romper las relaciones diplomáticas con este país.

Antes de eso, sugiero que es mejor abolir el Asahi Shimbun. No es necesario decir la razón.

Al mismo tiempo, el departamento de prensa de NHK (especialmente aquellos que controlan el reloj 9) hará una disposición difícil y reformará NHK como una verdadera transmisión nacional para especializarse en belleza visual y transmisión de deportes, etc.

Informaremos los hechos solo a fondo, y no haremos reportes de cuidado infantil, informes de operaciones emocionales e informes como representantes de China y la Península de Corea de nuevo a empleados como Kuwako y Arima.

Como se puede ver, a la comunidad internacional se le muestra claramente que nunca aceptaremos 'mal abismal' y 'mentira plausible' en el futuro a partir de ahora contra Corea y China, es más que cualquier otra medida.

Si Corea aún no comprende, suspenda de inmediato todos los intercambios, corte las relaciones diplomáticas.

Al mismo tiempo, enmiende la Constitución a una Constitución decente que sea igual a los países de todo el mundo que no sean Japón, y al ejército para la autodefensa ...

De hecho, Japón sigue siendo la segunda potencia económica más grande del mundo,

Es adecuado para esa situación 、

En 170 años más tarde, como país donde giran los giradiscos de la civilización también para liderar el mundo junto a los Estados Unidos, en vista de que China y la Península de Corea, el único grupo de naciones enemigas en el vecino Japón, son nucleares. estados de armas ...

Son un país de "maldad abismal" y "mentira plausible" cuya esencia es creer solo en el poder ... o ser un país que solo sigue al poder, a la vista,

Además de eso, en el momento en que los japoneses y el mundo deberían estar conscientes ... Ya viene,

A menos que se cumpla mi recomendación, no podemos estabilizar el mundo y hacer que el mundo sea rico en democracia que dominan el intelecto y la libertad.

che non fosse più necessario spezzare le relazioni diplomatiche con questo paese.

2019年01月10日 23時40分47秒 | 日記

Molti giapponesi che conoscevano la conferenza stampa di Moon Jae-in della Corea di oggi sembravano pensare che non fosse più necessario spezzare le relazioni diplomatiche con questo paese.

Prima di ciò, suggerisco che è meglio abolire Asahi Shimbun. Il motivo non è necessario.

Allo stesso tempo, il reparto stampa di NHK (in particolare quelli che controllano l'orologio 9) farà una disposizione difficile e riformerà l'NHK come una trasmissione nazionale per specializzarsi in trasmissioni di bellezza visiva e sportive ecc.

Riferiremo i fatti solo a fondo e non invieremo rapporti di assistenza all'infanzia, rapporti sulle operazioni emotive e rapporti come rappresentanti della Cina e della penisola coreana di nuovo a impiegati come Kuwako e Arima.

Dal momento che puoi vedere chiaramente mostrato chiaramente alla comunità internazionale che non accetteremo mai il "male abissale" e la "plausibile bugia" in futuro da ora in poi contro la Corea e la Cina, è più di ogni altra misura.

Se la Corea continua a non capire, interrompi immediatamente tutti gli scambi, interrompendo le relazioni diplomatiche.

Allo stesso tempo, modifica la Costituzione in una Costituzione decente che è la stessa dei paesi di tutto il mondo tranne il Giappone e l'esercito per l'autodifesa ...

In effetti, il Giappone è ancora la seconda potenza economica più grande del mondo,

È adatto a quella situazione,

In 170 anni dopo, come paese in cui girano i giradischi della civiltà, anche a guidare il mondo insieme agli Stati Uniti, visto che la Cina e la penisola coreana, l'unico gruppo nemico al mondo nel vicino Giappone, sono nucleari stati d'armi ...

Sono un paese di "male abissale" e "bugia plausibile" la cui essenza è di credere solo al potere ... o di essere un paese che segue solo il potere, in considerazione di esso,

Oltre a ciò, nel momento in cui il popolo giapponese e il mondo dovrebbero essere consapevoli ... Sta arrivando,

A meno che la mia raccomandazione non venga realizzata, non possiamo stabilizzare il mondo e rendere il mondo ricco di democrazia dominato dall'intelletto e dalla libertà.

Besides that, at the time when the Japanese people and the world should be aware...It is coming

2019年01月10日 23時33分37秒 | 日記

Many Japanese who knew the press conference of Korea's Moon Jae-in today seemed to think that it is no longer necessary to rupture of diplomatic relations to this country.

Before that, I suggest that it is best to abolish the Asahi Shimbun.The reason is no need to say.

At the same time, NHK's press department (especially those who control watch 9) will make a tough disposition and reform NHK as a true national broadcast to specialize in visual beauty and sports broadcasting etc.

We will report the facts only thoroughly, and we will not make childcare reports, emotional operation reports, and reports as representatives of China and the Korean Peninsula again to employees like Kuwako and Arima.

Since you can see it clear clearly showed to the international community that we will never accept 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' in the future from now on against Korea andChina, it is more than any other measure.

If Korea still does not understand, immediately discontinue all exchanges - cut off diplomatic relations.

At the same time, amend the Constitution to a decent Constitution that is the same as the countries around the world other than Japan, and the army for self-defense...

In fact, Japan is still the second largest economic power in the world,

It is suitable for that situation、

In 170 years later, as a country where the turntables of civilization are going around it also to lead the world alongside the US, in view of that China and the Korean Peninsula, the only enemy nation group in the world to neighboring Japan, are nuclear weapon states ...

They are a country of 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' whose essence is to believe only in power ... or to be a country that only follows power, in view of it,

Besides that, at the time when the Japanese people and the world should be aware...It is coming,

Unless my recommendation is realized, we cannot stabilize the world and make the world rich in democracy that intellect and freedom dominate.

They are a country of 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' whose essence is to believe only in power

2019年01月10日 23時31分30秒 | 日記

Many Japanese who knew the press conference of Korea's Moon Jae-in today seemed to think that it is no longer necessary to rupture of diplomatic relations to this country.

Before that, I suggest that it is best to abolish the Asahi Shimbun.The reason is no need to say.

At the same time, NHK's press department (especially those who control watch 9) will make a tough disposition and reform NHK as a true national broadcast to specialize in visual beauty and sports broadcasting etc.

We will report the facts only thoroughly, and we will not make childcare reports, emotional operation reports, and reports as representatives of China and the Korean Peninsula again to employees like Kuwako and Arima.

Since you can see it clear clearly showed to the international community that we will never accept 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' in the future from now on against Korea andChina, it is more than any other measure.

If Korea still does not understand, immediately discontinue all exchanges - cut off diplomatic relations.

At the same time, amend the Constitution to a decent Constitution that is the same as the countries around the world other than Japan, and the army for self-defense...

In fact, Japan is still the second largest economic power in the world,

It is suitable for that situation、

In 170 years later, as a country where the turntables of civilization are going around it also to lead the world alongside the US, in view of that China and the Korean Peninsula, the only enemy nation group in the world to neighboring Japan, are nuclear weapon states ...

They are a country of 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' whose essence is to believe only in power ... or to be a country that only follows power, in view of it,

Besides that, at the time when the Japanese people and the world should be aware ... It is coming,

Unless my recommendation is realized, we cannot stabilize the world and make the world rich in democracy that intellect and freedom dominate.

Unless my recommendation is realized, we cannot stabilize the world and make the world rich

2019年01月10日 23時29分36秒 | 日記

Many Japanese who knew the press conference of Korea's Moon Jae-in today seemed to think that it is no longer necessary to rupture of diplomatic relations to this country.

Before that, I suggest that it is best to abolish the Asahi Shimbun.The reason is no need to say.

At the same time, NHK's press department (especially those who control watch 9) will make a tough disposition and reform NHK as a true national broadcast to specialize in visual beauty and sports broadcasting etc.

We will report the facts only thoroughly, and we will not make childcare reports, emotional operation reports, and reports as representatives of China and the Korean Peninsula again to employees like Kuwako and Arima.

Since you can see it clear clearly showed to the international community that we will never accept 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' in the future from now on against Korea andChina, it is more than any other measure.

If Korea still does not understand, immediately discontinue all exchanges - cut off diplomatic relations.

At the same time, amend the Constitution to a decent Constitution that is the same as the countries around the world other than Japan, and the army for self-defense...

In fact, Japan is still the second largest economic power in the world,

It is suitable for that situation、

In 170 years later, as a country where the turntables of civilization are going around it also to lead the world alongside the US, in view of that China and the Korean Peninsula, the only enemy nation group in the world to neighboring Japan, are nuclear weapon states ...

They are a country of 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' whose essence is to believe only in power ... or to be a country that only follows power, in view of it,

Besides that, at the time when the Japanese people and the world should be aware ... It is coming,

Unless my recommendation is realized, we cannot stabilize the world and make the world rich in democracy that intellect and freedom dominate.

we will never accept 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' in the future from now on against Korea and

2019年01月10日 23時27分55秒 | 日記

Many Japanese who knew the press conference of Korea's Moon Jae-in today seemed to think that it is no longer necessary to rupture of diplomatic relations to this country.

Before that, I suggest that it is best to abolish the Asahi Shimbun.The reason is no need to say.

At the same time, NHK's press department (especially those who control watch 9) will make a tough disposition and reform NHK as a true national broadcast to specialize in visual beauty and sports broadcasting etc.

We will report the facts only thoroughly, and we will not make childcare reports, emotional operation reports, and reports as representatives of China and the Korean Peninsula again to employees like Kuwako and Arima.

Since you can see it clear clearly showed to the international community that we will never accept 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' in the future from now on against Korea andChina, it is more than any other measure.

If Korea still does not understand, immediately discontinue all exchanges - cut off diplomatic relations.

At the same time, amend the Constitution to a decent Constitution that is the same as the countries around the world other than Japan, and the army for self-defense...

In fact, Japan is still the second largest economic power in the world,

It is suitable for that situation、

In 170 years later, as a country where the turntables of civilization are going around it also to lead the world alongside the US, in view of that China and the Korean Peninsula, the only enemy nation group in the world to neighboring Japan, are nuclear weapon states ...

They are a country of 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' whose essence is to believe only in power ... or to be a country that only follows power, in view of it,

Besides that, at the time when the Japanese people and the world should be aware ... It is coming,

Unless my recommendation is realized, we cannot stabilize the world and make the world rich in democracy that intellect and freedom dominate.

Before that, I suggest that it is best to abolish the Asahi Shimbun.The reason is no need to say

2019年01月10日 23時24分59秒 | 日記

Many Japanese who knew the press conference of Korea's Moon Jae-in today seemed to think that it is no longer necessary to rupture of diplomatic relations to this country.

Before that, I suggest that it is best to abolish the Asahi Shimbun.The reason is no need to say.

At the same time, NHK's press department (especially those who control watch 9) will make a tough disposition and reform NHK as a true national broadcast to specialize in visual beauty and sports broadcasting etc.

We will report the facts only thoroughly, and we will not make childcare reports, emotional operation reports, and reports as representatives of China and the Korean Peninsula again to employees like Kuwako and Arima.

Since you can see it clear clearly showed to the international community that it will not accept 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' in the future from now on against Korea and China, it is more than any other measure.

If Korea still does not understand, immediately discontinue all exchanges - cut off diplomatic relations.

At the same time, amend the Constitution to a decent Constitution that is the same as the countries around the world other than Japan, and the army for self-defense...

In fact, Japan is still the second largest economic power in the world,

It is suitable for that situation、

In 170 years later, as a country where the turntables of civilization are going around it also to lead the world alongside the US, in view of that China and the Korean Peninsula, the only enemy nation group in the world to neighboring Japan, are nuclear weapon states ...

They are a country of 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' whose essence is to believe only in power ... or to be a country that only follows power, in view of it,

Besides that, at the time when the Japanese people and the world should be aware ... It is coming,

Unless my recommendation is realized, we cannot stabilize the world and make the world rich in democracy that intellect and freedom dominate.

seemed to think that it is no longer necessary to rupture of diplomatic relations to this country

2019年01月10日 23時23分28秒 | 日記

Many Japanese who knew the press conference of Korea's Moon Jae-in today seemed to think that it is no longer necessary to rupture of diplomatic relations to this country.

Before that, I suggest that it is best to abolish the Asahi Shimbun. The reason is no need to say.

At the same time, NHK's press department (especially those who control watch 9) will make a tough disposition and reform NHK as a true national broadcast to specialize in visual beauty and sports broadcasting etc.

We will report the facts only thoroughly, and we will not make childcare reports, emotional operation reports, and reports as representatives of China and the Korean Peninsula again to employees like Kuwako and Arima.

Since you can see it clear clearly showed to the international community that it will not accept 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' in the future from now on against Korea and China, it is more than any other measure.

If Korea still does not understand, immediately discontinue all exchanges - cut off diplomatic relations.

At the same time, amend the Constitution to a decent Constitution that is the same as the countries around the world other than Japan, and the army for self-defense...

In fact, Japan is still the second largest economic power in the world,

It is suitable for that situation、

In 170 years later, as a country where the turntables of civilization are going around it also to lead the world alongside the US, in view of that China and the Korean Peninsula, the only enemy nation group in the world to neighboring Japan, are nuclear weapon states ...

They are a country of 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' whose essence is to believe only in power ... or to be a country that only follows power, in view of it,

Besides that, at the time when the Japanese people and the world should be aware ... It is coming,

Unless my recommendation is realized, we cannot stabilize the world and make the world rich in democracy that intellect and freedom dominate.

Many Japanese who knew the press conference of Korea's Moon Jae-in today seemed to think

2019年01月10日 23時21分28秒 | 日記

Many Japanese who knew the press conference of Korea's Moon Jae-in today seemed to think that it is no longer necessary to rupture of diplomatic relations to this country.

Before that, I suggest that it is best to abolish the Asahi Shimbun. The reason is no need to say.

At the same time, NHK's press department (especially those who control watch 9) will make a tough disposition and reform NHK as a true national broadcast to specialize in visual beauty and sports broadcasting etc.

We will report the facts only thoroughly, and we will not make childcare reports, emotional operation reports, and reports as representatives of China and the Korean Peninsula again to employees like Kuwako and Arima.

Since you can see it clear clearly showed to the international community that it will not accept 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' in the future from now on against Korea and China, it is more than any other measure.

If Korea still does not understand, immediately discontinue all exchanges - cut off diplomatic relations.

At the same time, amend the Constitution to a decent Constitution that is the same as the countries around the world other than Japan, and the army for self-defense...

In fact, Japan is still the second largest economic power in the world,

It is suitable for that situation、

In 170 years later, as a country where the turntables of civilization are going around it also to lead the world alongside the US, in view of that China and the Korean Peninsula, the only enemy nation group in the world to neighboring Japan, are nuclear weapon states ...

They are a country of 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lie' whose essence is to believe only in power ... or to be a country that only follows power, in view of it,

Besides that, at the time when the Japanese people and the world should be aware ... It is coming,

Unless my recommendation is realized, we cannot stabilize the world and make the world rich in democracy that intellect and freedom dominate.


2019年01月10日 22時39分04秒 | 日記










2019年01月10日 22時34分00秒 | 日記










2019年01月10日 22時31分40秒 | 日記







