文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

later for the world People struggling in the practical world every day for people, they never know

2019年01月15日 20時55分15秒 | 日記

Takayama Masayuki is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.

It was after August 4 years ago that I learned that he is serializing a special column in weekly Shincho entitled 'examine things from various perspectives and verify the truth.'

Subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun and carefully read it, it watches NHK, TV Asahi, TBS's coverage program, later for the world People struggling in the practical world every day for people, they never know the name of Takayama Masayuki.

This is a great loss for Japan and the world, even if it is said that the Asahi Shimbun and NHK etc. are doing outrageous biased coverage, it is not an exaggeration at all.

Because it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a treasure of Japan It does not make any intellect appear at all,

Because it is their actual situation to let their masochistic historical views and pretended moralism talk by so-called scholars and cultural people like waste.

Ce sera déjà la Corée du Nord et la Corée du Sud.

2019年01月15日 16時31分48秒 | 日記

Je pense que la réunion du scénario de la réunification complète de l’inter-nord et du sud est terminée. Le chapitre envoyé au 2018-12-12, intitulé «La Corée du Nord et la Corée du Sud ne feront qu'un», figure actuellement dans le 6e nombre de recherches effectuées par Ameba.
Les livres suivants sont non seulement une lecture incontournable pour tous les citoyens japonais, mais également pour les habitants du monde entier.
Dans ce chapitre, les pages 56 à 57 sont extraites et présentées.
Ceci est une spécialité du Dr Furuta, mais il est dit que M. Meng Jing, directeur adjoint du Front unifié de la Corée du Nord, s’est rendu en Corée en tant que membre de la délégation olympique de Pyeongchang et a été près d’un mois.
Je pense que la réunion du scénario de la réunification complète de l’inter-nord et du sud est terminée.
Ce sera déjà la Corée du Nord et la Corée du Sud.
Moon Jae-in se considère comme un régime révolutionnaire qui a battu le gouvernement violent avec la révolution des bougies.
L’ambiance règne déjà: le Front de libération du Sud-Vietnam (Viet Cong) (Note 1).
Oui oui. C’est un régime révolutionnaire qui a écrasé la "République de Corée" qui était un anticommunisme.
Les chiffres sont donc ceux de la Corée du Nord et du Sud, du Japon et des États-Unis.
La "République démocratique fédérale de Goryeo" (* 2) avant l'unification sera unie à la sécurité et à la diplomatie, et l'unification du système national sera reportée.
Si cela se produit, la Corée du Nord dominera.
La Corée du Nord gagnera si elle peut aller aussi loin et retirer les forces américaines en Corée.
S'ils commencent le système fédéral, il faudra dix ans ou plus pour devenir une condition décente.
Clairement, il n’ya pas de compétence pour unifier non plus.
Il est facile de revenir aux temps anciens car le nord est "l’ancienne dynastie" en pleine floraison, le sud est "un état incomplet moderne".
Dans le même temps, la caractéristique ancienne est "le contrôle de la tyrannie, le système de statut, l'immense bâtiment".
C'est différent de l'unification de l'Allemagne de l'Est et de l'Ouest.
En outre, si cela peut ou non atteindre le système fédéral.
La Chine hésite à la réunification intercoréenne.
Je suis d'accord. S'il y a une différence de température subtile entre la Corée du Nord et la Corée du Sud, la Corée du Nord veut prendre une distance avec la Chine, la Coréenne Moon Jae-in pense qu'il est bon d'être près de la Chine sans le savoir. C'est un point.
De plus, le président Moon ne pense même pas qu'il soit utile que la Corée du Nord se lie d'amitié avec la Chine.
Je le pense.
Parce que c'est un État «insulaire» sur la 38ème ligne, ils ne savent rien de la Chine.
Contrairement au Nord, ils ne se sentent pas réels.
De la Corée du Nord, ils voudraient dire que "les gens du sud ne sont pas encore au courant du Juche" (rire).
Moon Jae-in ne sait pas que la Corée du Nord a arrêté les forces chinoises.

Es wird schon Nord und Südkorea sein.

2019年01月15日 16時30分33秒 | 日記

Ich denke, dass das Treffen des Szenarios für die vollständige Wiedervereinigung von Nord und Süd abgeschlossen wurde. Das Kapitel, das mit dem Titel „Bereits Nord- und Südkorea wird eins sein wird“ an das Jahr 2018-12-12 gesendet wurde, umfasst nun die 6. Anzahl von Suchanfragen der Ameba.
Die folgenden Bücher sind nicht nur ein Muss für alle japanischen Bürger, sondern auch für Menschen auf der ganzen Welt.
In diesem Kapitel werden die Seiten 56 bis 57 dargestellt und vorgestellt.
Dies ist eine Spezialität von Dr. Furuta, aber es wird gesagt, dass Herr Meng Jing vom stellvertretenden Direktor der Einheitsfront Nordkoreas als Mitglied der olympischen Delegation von Pyeongchang nach Korea reiste und fast einen Monat war.
Ich denke, dass das Treffen des Szenarios für die vollständige Wiedervereinigung von Nord und Süd abgeschlossen wurde.
Es wird schon Nord und Südkorea sein.
Moon Jae-in hält sich für ein revolutionäres Regime, das die gewaltsame Regierung mit der Kerzenrevolution besiegt.
Nur die Stimmung ist bereits die Südvietnamesische Befreiungsfront (Viet Cong) (Anmerkung 1).
Ja ja. Es ist ein revolutionäres Regime, um die "Korea-Republik", die der Antikommunismus war, zu vernichten.
Die Zahlen sind also Nord- und Südkorea VS, Japan und die USA.
Die "Demokratische Demokratische Republik Goryeo" (* 2) vor der Vereinigung wird mit Sicherheit und Diplomatie vereinigt, und die Vereinigung des innerstaatlichen Systems wird verschoben.
In diesem Fall wird Nordkorea dominieren.
Nordkorea wird gewinnen, wenn es so weit geht und die US-Truppen in Korea abgezogen werden.
Wenn sie das föderale System beginnen, wird es zehn Jahre oder länger dauern, bis sie sich in einem anständigen Zustand befinden.
Natürlich gibt es auch keine Kompetenz zur Vereinheitlichung.
Es ist leicht, in die Antike zurückzukehren, da der Norden "die alte Dynastie" in voller Blüte und der Süden "moderner unvollständiger Zustand" ist.
Zur gleichen Zeit ist das alte Merkmal "Tyrannei-Kontrolle, Statussystem, riesiges Gebäude".
Es unterscheidet sich von der Vereinigung von Ost- und Westdeutschland.
Außerdem, ob es das föderale System erreichen kann oder nicht.
China zögert gegen die Wiedervereinigung zwischen Korea.
Genau. Wenn es einen geringfügigen Temperaturunterschied zwischen Nordkorea und Südkorea gibt, will Nordkorea mit China Abstand nehmen, meint der koreanische Moon Jae-in, dass es gut ist, China nahe zu sein, ohne es zu wissen. Es ist ein Punkt.
Präsident Moon glaubt nicht einmal, dass es für Nordkorea nützlich ist, sich mit China anzufreunden.
Ich glaube schon.
Da es sich um einen Inselstaat auf der 38. Linie handelt, wissen sie überhaupt nichts über China.
Im Gegensatz zum Norden fühlen sie sich nicht real an.
Aus Nordkorea würden sie gerne sagen, dass "die Menschen im Süden Juche noch nicht kennen" (lacht).
Moon Jae-in weiß nicht, dass Nordkorea Chinas Streitkräfte aufgehalten hat.

Sarà già la Corea del Nord e della Corea.

2019年01月15日 16時24分05秒 | 日記

Penso che l'incontro dello scenario per la completa riunificazione dell'inter-nord e del sud sia stato completato. Il capitolo inviato al 2018-12-12 dal titolo "La Corea del Nord e del Sud ne sarà già uno", è ora al sesto numero di ricerche di Ameba.
I seguenti libri non sono solo una lettura obbligata per tutti i cittadini giapponesi, ma anche per le persone di tutto il mondo.
In questo capitolo da p56 a 57 vengono estratti e introdotti.
Questa è una specialità del dott. Furuta, ma si dice che il signor Meng Jing, vicedirettore del Fronte unificato della Corea del Nord, sia andato in Corea come membro della delegazione olimpica di Pyeongchang e che fosse quasi un mese.
Penso che l'incontro dello scenario per la completa riunificazione dell'inter-nord e del sud sia stato completato.
Sarà già la Corea del Nord e della Corea.
Moon Jae-in pensa di essere un regime rivoluzionario che ha battuto il governo violento con la rivoluzione delle candele.
Solo l'umore è già il Fronte di liberazione del Vietnam del Sud (Viet Cong) (Nota 1).
Si si. È un regime rivoluzionario per schiacciare la "Repubblica della Corea" che era anticomunismo.
Quindi, le cifre sono Corea del Nord e Corea del Sud, Giappone e Stati Uniti.
La "Repubblica federale democratica di Goryeo" (* 2) prima dell'unificazione sarà unita alla sicurezza e alla diplomazia e l'unificazione del sistema interno sarà rinviata.
Se ciò accade, la Corea del Nord dominerà.
La Corea del Nord vincerà se riuscirà a fare altrettanto e ritirerà le forze statunitensi in Corea.
Se avviano il sistema federale, ci vorranno dieci anni o più per diventare una condizione decente.
Chiaramente, non vi è alcuna competenza per unificare neanche.
È facile tornare ai tempi antichi perché il nord è "l'antica dinastia" piena fioritura, il sud è "stato moderno incompleto".
Allo stesso tempo, l'antica caratteristica è "controllo della tirannia, sistema di stato, enorme edificio".
È diverso dall'unificazione della Germania orientale e occidentale.
Inoltre, se o non può raggiungere il sistema federale.
La Cina è riluttante alla riunificazione inter-coreana.
Sono d'accordo. Se c'è una sottile differenza di temperatura tra il Nord e la Corea del Sud, la Corea del Nord vuole prendere le distanze con la Cina, il coreano Moon Jae-in pensa che sia bello essere vicini alla Cina senza saperlo. È un punto.
Inoltre, il presidente Moon non pensa nemmeno che sia utile per la Corea del Nord fare amicizia con la Cina.
Credo di si.
Poiché è uno stato "insulare" sulla 38a linea, non sanno nulla della Cina.
A differenza del Nord, non si sentono reali.
Dalla Corea del Nord, vorrebbe dire che "le persone nel sud non sono ancora a conoscenza di Juche" (ride).
Moon Jae-in non sa che la Corea del Nord ha fermato le forze della Cina.

Es unterscheidet sich von der Vereinigung von Ost- und Westdeutschland.

2019年01月15日 16時12分06秒 | 日記

Ich denke, dass das Treffen des Szenarios für die vollständige Wiedervereinigung von Nord und Süd abgeschlossen wurde. Das Kapitel, das mit dem Titel „Bereits Nord- und Südkorea wird eins sein wird“ an das Jahr 2018-12-12 gesendet wurde, umfasst nun die 6. Anzahl von Suchanfragen der Ameba.

Die folgenden Bücher sind nicht nur ein Muss für alle japanischen Bürger, sondern auch für Menschen auf der ganzen Welt.

In diesem Kapitel werden die Seiten 56 bis 57 dargestellt und vorgestellt.



Dies ist eine Spezialität von Dr. Furuta, aber es wird gesagt, dass Herr Meng Jing vom stellvertretenden Direktor der Einheitsfront Nordkoreas als Mitglied der olympischen Delegation von Pyeongchang nach Korea reiste und fast einen Monat war.

Ich denke, dass das Treffen des Szenarios für die vollständige Wiedervereinigung von Nord und Süd abgeschlossen wurde.

Es wird schon Nord und Südkorea sein.


Moon Jae-in hält sich für ein revolutionäres Regime, das die gewaltsame Regierung mit der Kerzenrevolution besiegt.

Nur die Stimmung ist bereits die Südvietnamesische Befreiungsfront (Viet Cong) (Anmerkung 1).


Ja ja. Es ist ein revolutionäres Regime, um die „Antikommunismus“ der „Korea Republik“ zu vernichten.
Daher ist das Diagramm Nord- und Südkorea VS Japan-USA.


Die "Demokratische Demokratische Republik Goryeo" (* 2) vor der Vereinigung wird mit Sicherheit und Diplomatie vereinigt, und die Vereinigung des innerstaatlichen Systems wird verschoben.

In diesem Fall wird Nordkorea dominieren.

Nordkorea wird gewinnen, wenn es so weit geht und die US-Truppen in Korea abgezogen werden.


Wenn sie das föderale System beginnen, wird es zehn Jahre oder länger dauern, bis sie sich in einem anständigen Zustand befinden.

Natürlich gibt es auch keine Kompetenz zur Vereinheitlichung.

Es ist leicht, in die Antike zurückzukehren, denn der Norden ist "die alte Dynastie", der Süden ist "moderner unvollständiger Zustand".

Zur gleichen Zeit ist das alte Merkmal "Tyrannei-Kontrolle, Statussystem, riesiges Gebäude".

Es unterscheidet sich von der Vereinigung von Ost- und Westdeutschland.

Außerdem, ob es das föderale System erreichen kann oder nicht.

China zögert gegen die Wiedervereinigung zwischen Korea.


Genau. Wenn es einen geringfügigen Temperaturunterschied zwischen Nordkorea und Südkorea gibt, will Nordkorea mit China Abstand nehmen, meint der koreanische Moon Jae-in, dass es gut ist, China nahe zu sein, ohne es zu wissen. Es ist ein Punkt.

Präsident Moon glaubt nicht einmal, dass es für Nordkorea nützlich ist, sich mit China anzufreunden.


Ich glaube schon.

Da es sich um einen Inselstaat auf der 38. Linie handelt, wissen sie überhaupt nichts über China.

Im Gegensatz zum Norden fühlen sie sich nicht real an.


Aus Nordkorea würden sie gerne sagen, dass "die Menschen im Süden Juche noch nicht kennen" (lacht).


Moon Jae-in weiß nicht, dass Nordkorea Chinas Streitkräfte aufgehalten hat.


그것은 동서독 통일과는 다릅니다.

2019年01月15日 16時08分12秒 | 日記

남북간의 통일을위한 시나리오 회의가 완료되었다고 생각합니다. '이미 북한과 남한은 하나가 될 것'이라는 제목의 2018-12-12에 보낸 장이 제 6 회 아메바의 수색 수입니다.

다음의 책들은 모든 일본 시민들을 위해서 읽혀질뿐만 아니라 전 세계 사람들을 위해서 읽혀 져야합니다.

이 장에서 p56-57은 발췌되고 소개됩니다.


이것은 후루타 (Furuta) 박사의 명물이지만, 북한 통일 전선 부국장 인 멩 징 (Meng Jing)은 평창 올림픽 대표단의 일원으로 한국에 갔으며 거의 한 달이되었다고한다.

남북간의 통일을위한 시나리오 회의가 완료되었다고 생각합니다.

이미 남한과 북한은 하나가 될 것입니다.


문재인은 촛불 혁명으로 폭력적인 정부를 이길 수있는 혁명 정권이라고 생각한다.

이미 분위기 만이 남 베트남 해방 전선 (베트콩)이다 (주 1).


예 예. 반 공산주의 인 "한국 공화국"을 분쇄하는 것은 혁명적 인 정권이다.

따라서 차트는 북한과 한국 VS 일본 - 미국입니다.

통일 이전의 "고려 민주 공화국"(* 2)은 안보와 외교로 단결 될 것이고 국내 체제의 통일은 연기 될 것이다.

그렇게된다면 북한이 지배하게 될 것이다.

북한이 그토록 오래 걸릴 수 있고 한국에서 미군을 철수시킬 수 있다면 승리 할 것이다.


연방 제도를 시작하면 10 년 또는 그 이상으로 적절한 상태가됩니다.

분명히 통일 할 역량이 없다.

북쪽은 '고대 왕조'만개, 남쪽은 '현대 불완전 국가'이기 때문에 고대로 돌아 가기 쉽습니다.

동시에 고대의 특징은 '독재자 통제, 지위 제도, 거대한 건물'이다.

그것은 동서독 통일과는 다릅니다.

게다가 그것이 연방 제도에 도달 할 수 있는지 여부.

중국은 남북 통일을 꺼린다.


동의한다. 북한과 남한 사이에 미묘한 온도차가 있다면 북한은 중국과 거리를두고 싶어한다. 한국의 문재인은 그것을 모르는 사이에 중국에 가까운 것이 좋다라고 생각한다.

또한, 대통령 달에도 북한이 중국과 친구가하는 것이 유용하다고 생각하지 않습니다.


나도 그렇게 생각해.

그것은 38 선에 '고립 된'국가이기 때문에 중국에 대해 전혀 모른다.

북한과는 달리 그들은 실감 나지 않는다.


북한으로부터는 '남쪽의 사람들은 아직 주체를 알지 못한다'고 말하고 싶다 (웃음).


문재인 (Moon Jae-in)은 북한이 중국군을 중단 시켰다는 것을 알지 못한다.


From North Korea, they would like to say that 'people in the south are not yet aware of Juche'

2019年01月15日 15時53分27秒 | 日記

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed. The chapter sent to 2018-12-12 entitled ‘Already North and South Korea will be one,’ is now in the 6th Ameba's number of searches.

The following books are not only a must read for all Japanese citizens, but also for people all over the world.

In this chapter p56 to 57 are excerpted and introduced.



This is a specialty of Dr. Furuta, but it is said that Mr. Meng Jing of Deputy Director of the Unified Front of North Korea went to Korea as a member of the Pyeongchang Olympic delegation and was nearly a a month.

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed.

It already North and South Korea will be one.


Moon Jae-in thinks themselves as a revolutionary regime that beat the violent government with the candle revolution.

Only the mood is already the South Vietnam Liberation Front (Viet Cong) (Note 1).


Yes Yes. It is a revolutionary regime to crush the 'Korea Republic' that was Anti-communism.

So, the figures are North and South Korea VS, Japan and the US.

The "Federal Democratic Republic of Goryeo" (* 2) before the unification will be united with security and diplomacy, and unification of the domestic system will be postponed.

If that happens, North Korea will dominate.

North Korea will win if it can take that far and withdraw US forces in Korea.


If they start the federal system, it will take ten years or more to become a decent condition.

Clearly, there is no competence to unify either.

It is easy to return to the ancient times because the north is 'the ancient dynasty' full bloom, south is 'modern incomplete state'.

At the same time, the ancient characteristic is 'tyranny control, status system, huge building'.

It is different from the unification of East and West Germany.

Besides, whether or not it can reach the federal system.

China is reluctant to inter-Korean reunification.


I agree. If there is a subtle temperature difference between the North and the South Korea, North Korea wants to take a distance with China, Korean Moon Jae-in thinks that it is good to be close to China without knowing it It is a point.

Moreover, President Moon does not even think that it is useful for North Korea to make friends with China.


I think so.

Because it is an 'islandized' state on the 38th line, they do not know anything about China at all.

Unlike the North, they do not feel real.


From North Korea, they would like to say that 'people in the south are not yet aware of Juche' (laugh).


Moon Jae-in does not know that North Korea has stopped China's forces.


President Moon does even think that it is useful for North Korea to make friends with China

2019年01月15日 15時52分21秒 | 日記

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed. The chapter sent to 2018-12-12 entitled ‘Already North and South Korea will be one,’ is now in the 6th Ameba's number of searches.

The following books are not only a must read for all Japanese citizens, but also for people all over the world.

In this chapter p56 to 57 are excerpted and introduced.



This is a specialty of Dr. Furuta, but it is said that Mr. Meng Jing of Deputy Director of the Unified Front of North Korea went to Korea as a member of the Pyeongchang Olympic delegation and was nearly a a month.

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed.

It already North and South Korea will be one.


Moon Jae-in thinks themselves as a revolutionary regime that beat the violent government with the candle revolution.

Only the mood is already the South Vietnam Liberation Front (Viet Cong) (Note 1).


Yes Yes. It is a revolutionary regime to crush the 'Korea Republic' that was Anti-communism.

So, the figures are North and South Korea VS, Japan and the US.

The "Federal Democratic Republic of Goryeo" (* 2) before the unification will be united with security and diplomacy, and unification of the domestic system will be postponed.

If that happens, North Korea will dominate.

North Korea will win if it can take that far and withdraw US forces in Korea.


If they start the federal system, it will take ten years or more to become a decent condition.

Clearly, there is no competence to unify either.

It is easy to return to the ancient times because the north is 'the ancient dynasty' full bloom, south is 'modern incomplete state'.

At the same time, the ancient characteristic is 'tyranny control, status system, huge building'.

It is different from the unification of East and West Germany.

Besides, whether or not it can reach the federal system.

China is reluctant to inter-Korean reunification.


I agree. If there is a subtle temperature difference between the North and the South Korea, North Korea wants to take a distance with China, Korean Moon Jae-in thinks that it is good to be close to China without knowing it It is a point.

Moreover, President Moon does even think that it is useful for North Korea to make friends with China.


I think so.

Because it is an 'islandized' state on the 38th line, they do not know anything about China at all.

Unlike the North, they do not feel real.


From North Korea, they would like to say that 'people in the south are not yet aware of Juche' (laugh).


Moon Jae-in does not know that North Korea has stopped China's forces.


Besides, whether or not it can reach the federal system.

2019年01月15日 15時50分27秒 | 日記

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed. The chapter sent to 2018-12-12 entitled ‘Already North and South Korea will be one,’ is now in the 6th Ameba's number of searches.

The following books are not only a must read for all Japanese citizens, but also for people all over the world.

In this chapter p56 to 57 are excerpted and introduced.



This is a specialty of Dr. Furuta, but it is said that Mr. Meng Jing of Deputy Director of the Unified Front of North Korea went to Korea as a member of the Pyeongchang Olympic delegation and was nearly a a month.

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed.

It already North and South Korea will be one.


Moon Jae-in thinks themselves as a revolutionary regime that beat the violent government with the candle revolution.

Only the mood is already the South Vietnam Liberation Front (Viet Cong) (Note 1).


Yes Yes. It is a revolutionary regime to crush the 'Korea Republic' that was Anti-communism.

So, the figures are North and South Korea VS, Japan and the US.

The "Federal Democratic Republic of Goryeo" (* 2) before the unification will be united with security and diplomacy, and unification of the domestic system will be postponed.

If that happens, North Korea will dominate.

North Korea will win if it can take that far and withdraw US forces in Korea.


If they start the federal system, it will take ten years or more to become a decent condition.

Clearly, there is no competence to unify either.

It is easy to return to the ancient times because the north is 'the ancient dynasty' full bloom, south is 'modern incomplete state'.

At the same time, the ancient characteristic is 'tyranny control, status system, huge building'.

It is different from the unification of East and West Germany.

Besides, whether or not it can reach the federal system.

China is reluctant to inter-Korean reunification.


I agree. If there is a subtle temperature difference between the North and the South Korea, North Korea wants to take a distance with China, Korean Moon Jae-in thinks that it is good to be close to China without knowing it It is a point.

Moreover, President Moon does not even think that it is useful for North Korea to make friends with China.


I think so.

Because it is an 'islandized' state on the 38th line, they do not know anything about China at all.

Unlike the North, they do not feel real.


From North Korea, they would like to say that 'people in the south are not yet aware of Juche' (laugh).


Moon Jae-in does not know that North Korea has stopped China's forces.


It is different from the unification of East and West Germany.

2019年01月15日 15時49分22秒 | 日記

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed. The chapter sent to 2018-12-12 entitled ‘Already North and South Korea will be one,’ is now in the 6th Ameba's number of searches.

The following books are not only a must read for all Japanese citizens, but also for people all over the world.

In this chapter p56 to 57 are excerpted and introduced.



This is a specialty of Dr. Furuta, but it is said that Mr. Meng Jing of Deputy Director of the Unified Front of North Korea went to Korea as a member of the Pyeongchang Olympic delegation and was nearly a a month.

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed.

It already North and South Korea will be one.


Moon Jae-in thinks themselves as a revolutionary regime that beat the violent government with the candle revolution.

Only the mood is already the South Vietnam Liberation Front (Viet Cong) (Note 1).


Yes Yes. It is a revolutionary regime to crush the 'Korea Republic' that was Anti-communism.

So, the figures are North and South Korea VS, Japan and the US.

The "Federal Democratic Republic of Goryeo" (* 2) before the unification will be united with security and diplomacy, and unification of the domestic system will be postponed.

If that happens, North Korea will dominate.

North Korea will win if it can take that far and withdraw US forces in Korea.


If they start the federal system, it will take ten years or more to become a decent condition.

Clearly, there is no competence to unify either.

It is easy to return to the ancient times because the north is 'the ancient dynasty' full bloom, south is 'modern incomplete state'.

At the same time, the ancient characteristic is 'tyranny control, status system, huge building'.

It is different from the unification of East and West Germany.

Besides, whether or not it can reach the federal system.

China is reluctant to inter-Korean reunification.


I agree. If there is a subtle temperature difference between the North and the South Korea, North Korea wants to take a distance with China, Korean Moon Jae-in thinks that it is good to be close to China without knowing it It is a point.

Moreover, President Moon does not even think that it is useful for North Korea to make friends with China.


I think so.

Because it is an 'islandized' state on the 38th line, they do not know anything about China at all.

Unlike the North, they do not feel real.


From North Korea, they would like to say that 'people in the south are not yet aware of Juche' (laugh).


Moon Jae-in does not know that North Korea has stopped China's forces.


At the same time, the ancient characteristic is 'tyranny control, status system, huge building'

2019年01月15日 15時48分15秒 | 日記

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed. The chapter sent to 2018-12-12 entitled ‘Already North and South Korea will be one,’ is now in the 6th Ameba's number of searches.

The following books are not only a must read for all Japanese citizens, but also for people all over the world.

In this chapter p56 to 57 are excerpted and introduced.



This is a specialty of Dr. Furuta, but it is said that Mr. Meng Jing of Deputy Director of the Unified Front of North Korea went to Korea as a member of the Pyeongchang Olympic delegation and was nearly a a month.

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed.

It already North and South Korea will be one.


Moon Jae-in thinks themselves as a revolutionary regime that beat the violent government with the candle revolution.

Only the mood is already the South Vietnam Liberation Front (Viet Cong) (Note 1).


Yes Yes. It is a revolutionary regime to crush the 'Korea Republic' that was Anti-communism.

So, the figures are North and South Korea VS, Japan and the US.

The "Federal Democratic Republic of Goryeo" (* 2) before the unification will be united with security and diplomacy, and unification of the domestic system will be postponed.

If that happens, North Korea will dominate.

North Korea will win if it can take that far and withdraw US forces in Korea.


If they start the federal system, it will take ten years or more to become a decent condition.

Clearly, there is no competence to unify either.

It is easy to return to the ancient times because the north is 'the ancient dynasty' full bloom, south is 'modern incomplete state'.

At the same time, the ancient characteristic is 'tyranny control, status system, huge building'.

It is different from the unification of East and West Germany.

Besides, whether or not it can reach the federal system.

China is reluctant to inter-Korean reunification.


I agree. If there is a subtle temperature difference between the North and the South Korea, North Korea wants to take a distance with China, Korean Moon Jae-in thinks that it is good to be close to China without knowing it It is a point.

Moreover, President Moon does not even think that it is useful for North Korea to make friends with China.


I think so.

Because it is an 'islandized' state on the 38th line, they do not know anything about China at all.

Unlike the North, they do not feel real.


From North Korea, they would like to say that 'people in the south are not yet aware of Juche' (laugh).


Moon Jae-in does not know that North Korea has stopped China's forces.


because the north is 'the ancient dynasty' full bloom, south is 'modern incomplete state'

2019年01月15日 15時47分00秒 | 日記

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed. The chapter sent to 2018-12-12 entitled ‘Already North and South Korea will be one,’ is now in the 6th Ameba's number of searches.

The following books are not only a must read for all Japanese citizens, but also for people all over the world.

In this chapter p56 to 57 are excerpted and introduced.



This is a specialty of Dr. Furuta, but it is said that Mr. Meng Jing of Deputy Director of the Unified Front of North Korea went to Korea as a member of the Pyeongchang Olympic delegation and was nearly a a month.

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed.

It already North and South Korea will be one.


Moon Jae-in thinks themselves as a revolutionary regime that beat the violent government with the candle revolution.

Only the mood is already the South Vietnam Liberation Front (Viet Cong) (Note 1).


Yes Yes. It is a revolutionary regime to crush the 'Korea Republic' that was Anti-communism.

So, the figures are North and South Korea VS, Japan and the US.

The "Federal Democratic Republic of Goryeo" (* 2) before the unification will be united with security and diplomacy, and unification of the domestic system will be postponed.

If that happens, North Korea will dominate.

North Korea will win if it can take that far and withdraw US forces in Korea.


If they start the federal system, it will take ten years or more to become a decent condition.

Clearly, there is no competence to unify either.

It is easy to return to the ancient times because the north is 'the ancient dynasty' full bloom, south is 'modern incomplete state'.

At the same time, the ancient characteristic is 'tyranny control, status system, huge building'.

It is different from the unification of East and West Germany.

Besides, whether or not it can reach the federal system.

China is reluctant to inter-Korean reunification.


I agree. If there is a subtle temperature difference between the North and the South Korea, North Korea wants to take a distance with China, Korean Moon Jae-in thinks that it is good to be close to China without knowing it It is a point.

Moreover, President Moon does not even think that it is useful for North Korea to make friends with China.


I think so.

Because it is an 'islandized' state on the 38th line, they do not know anything about China at all.

Unlike the North, they do not feel real.


From North Korea, they would like to say that 'people in the south are not yet aware of Juche' (laugh).


Moon Jae-in does not know that North Korea has stopped China's forces.


North Korea will win if it can take that far and withdraw US forces in Korea.

2019年01月15日 15時45分34秒 | 日記

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed. The chapter sent to 2018-12-12 entitled ‘Already North and South Korea will be one,’ is now in the 6th Ameba's number of searches.

The following books are not only a must read for all Japanese citizens, but also for people all over the world.

In this chapter p56 to 57 are excerpted and introduced.



This is a specialty of Dr. Furuta, but it is said that Mr. Meng Jing of Deputy Director of the Unified Front of North Korea went to Korea as a member of the Pyeongchang Olympic delegation and was nearly a a month.

I think that the meeting of the scenario for completely reunification of the inter-north and south was completed.

It already North and South Korea will be one.


Moon Jae-in thinks themselves as a revolutionary regime that beat the violent government with the candle revolution.

Only the mood is already the South Vietnam Liberation Front (Viet Cong) (Note 1).


Yes Yes. It is a revolutionary regime to crush the 'Korea Republic' that was Anti-communism.

So, the figures are North and South Korea VS, Japan and the US.

The "Federal Democratic Republic of Goryeo" (* 2) before the unification will be united with security and diplomacy, and unification of the domestic system will be postponed.

If that happens, North Korea will dominate.

North Korea will win if it can take that far and withdraw US forces in Korea.


If they start the federal system, it will take ten years or more to become a decent condition.

Clearly, there is no competence to unify either.

It is easy to return to the ancient times because the north is 'the ancient dynasty' full bloom, south is 'modern incomplete state'.

At the same time, the ancient characteristic is 'tyranny control, status system, huge building'.

It is different from the unification of East and West Germany.

Besides, whether or not it can reach the federal system.

China is reluctant to inter-Korean reunification.


I agree. If there is a subtle temperature difference between the North and the South Korea, North Korea wants to take a distance with China, Korean Moon Jae-in thinks that it is good to be close to China without knowing it It is a point.

Moreover, President Moon does not even think that it is useful for North Korea to make friends with China.


I think so.

Because it is an 'islandized' state on the 38th line, they do not know anything about China at all.

Unlike the North, they do not feel real.


From North Korea, they would like to say that 'people in the south are not yet aware of Juche' (laugh).


Moon Jae-in does not know that North Korea has stopped China's forces.
