文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Never again do not sin with them, you must recognize it.

2019年01月16日 23時46分08秒 | 日記

A while ago, it was broadcasting Tezuka Osamu with NHK's history historia.

Tezuka Osamu 16 years old and mobilization of labor services...All the people of the country who participated in the second war in the century of war, that was experienced by all the countries.

My father was also mobilized.

At the factory at the mobilization destination, he met a mother who was born and raised in Gunma prefecture far from Miyagi prefecture and got married.

And I was born.

Just before the defeat, Japan applied the people of the mainland (inside), both mobilization of labor services and soldiers.

People outside the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan were not mobilized.

Is there such a colonial state! ... The colonial state, contrary to that, does not fight for themselves, but brings colonists to the front!

Of course, there were many people who came to work in Japan seeking high income.

As typified by Park Chung-hee, there were many people who applied for volunteering as Japanese volunteers and became officers by entering military academies.

With people on the Korean Peninsula who told that it was a compulsory takeoff, etc., who ignored the GHQ's order and left somewhere in Japan without returning to the Korean Peninsula, Fukuhsima Mizuho, mixed with Anti-Japanese Thought and Communism, Takagi Kenichi and the severity of abysmal evil and plausible lie on the Korean Peninsula and China,

People around the world, the lowest in humanity, evil,

Please read this chapter, never mistake ...

Never again do not sin with them, you must recognize it.

People around the world, the lowest in humanity, evil…Please read this chapter, never mistake

2019年01月16日 23時45分25秒 | 日記

A while ago, it was broadcasting Tezuka Osamu with NHK's history historia.

Tezuka Osamu 16 years old and mobilization of labor services...All the people of the country who participated in the second war in the century of war, that was experienced by all the countries.

My father was also mobilized.

At the factory at the mobilization destination, he met a mother who was born and raised in Gunma prefecture far from Miyagi prefecture and got married.

And I was born.

Just before the defeat, Japan applied the people of the mainland (inside), both mobilization of labor services and soldiers.

People outside the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan were not mobilized.

Is there such a colonial state! ... The colonial state, contrary to that, does not fight for themselves, but brings colonists to the front!

Of course, there were many people who came to work in Japan seeking high income.

As typified by Park Chung-hee, there were many people who applied for volunteering as Japanese volunteers and became officers by entering military academies.

With people on the Korean Peninsula who told that it was a compulsory takeoff, etc., who ignored the GHQ's order and left somewhere in Japan without returning to the Korean Peninsula, Fukuhsima Mizuho, mixed with Anti-Japanese Thought and Communism, Takagi Kenichi and the severity of abysmal evil and plausible lie on the Korean Peninsula and China,

People around the world, the lowest in humanity, evil,

Please read this chapter, never mistake ...

Never again do not sin with them, you must recognize it.

With people on the Korean Peninsula who told that it was a compulsory takeoff, etc.,

2019年01月16日 23時43分43秒 | 日記

A while ago, it was broadcasting Tezuka Osamu with NHK's history historia.

Tezuka Osamu 16 years old and mobilization of labor services...All the people of the country who participated in the second war in the century of war, that was experienced by all the countries.

My father was also mobilized.

At the factory at the mobilization destination, he met a mother who was born and raised in Gunma prefecture far from Miyagi prefecture and got married.

And I was born.

Just before the defeat, Japan applied the people of the mainland (inside), both mobilization of labor services and soldiers.

People outside the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan were not mobilized.

Is there such a colonial state! ... The colonial state, contrary to that, does not fight for themselves, but brings colonists to the front!

Of course, there were many people who came to work in Japan seeking high income.

As typified by Park Chung-hee, there were many people who applied for volunteering as Japanese volunteers and became officers by entering military academies.

With people on the Korean Peninsula who told that it was a compulsory takeoff, etc., who ignored the GHQ's order and left somewhere in Japan without returning to the Korean Peninsula, Fukuhsima Mizuho, mixed with Anti-Japanese Thought and Communism, Takagi Kenichi and the severity of abysmal evil and plausible lie on the Korean Peninsula and China,

People around the world, the lowest in humanity, evil,

Please read this chapter, never mistake ...

Never again do not sin with them, you must recognize it.

Of course, there were many people who came to work in Japan seeking high income.

2019年01月16日 23時38分15秒 | 日記

A while ago, it was broadcasting Tezuka Osamu with NHK's history historia.

Tezuka Osamu 16 years old and mobilization of labor services...All the people of the country who participated in the second war in the century of war, that was experienced by all the countries.

My father was also mobilized.

At the factory at the mobilization destination, he met a mother who was born and raised in Gunma prefecture far from Miyagi prefecture and got married.

And I was born.

Just before the defeat, Japan applied the people of the mainland (inside), both mobilization of labor services and soldiers.

People outside the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan were not mobilized.

Is there such a colonial state! ... The colonial state, contrary to that, does not fight for themselves, but brings colonists to the front!

Of course, there were many people who came to work in Japan seeking high income.

As typified by Park Chung-hee, there were many people who applied for volunteering as Japanese volunteers and became officers by entering military academies.

With people on the Korean Peninsula who told me that it was a compulsory takeoff, etc., who ignored the GHQ's order and left somewhere in Japan without returning to the Korean Peninsula, Fukuhsima Mizuho, mixed with Anti-Japanese Thought and Communism, Takagi Kenichi and the severity of abysmal evil and plausible lie on the Korean Peninsula and China,

People around the world, the lowest in humanity, evil,

Please read this chapter, never mistake ...

Never again do not sin with them, you must recognize it.

colonial state, contrary to that, does not fight for themselves, but brings colonists to the front!

2019年01月16日 23時37分21秒 | 日記

A while ago, it was broadcasting Tezuka Osamu with NHK's history historia.

Tezuka Osamu 16 years old and mobilization of labor services...All the people of the country who participated in the second war in the century of war, that was experienced by all the countries.

My father was also mobilized.

At the factory at the mobilization destination, he met a mother who was born and raised in Gunma prefecture far from Miyagi prefecture and got married.

And I was born.

Just before the defeat, Japan applied the people of the mainland (inside), both mobilization of labor services and soldiers.

People outside the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan were not mobilized.

Is there such a colonial state! ... The colonial state, contrary to that, does not fight for themselves, but brings colonists to the front!

Of course, there were many people who came to work in Japan seeking high income.

As typified by Park Chung-hee, there were many people who applied for volunteering as Japanese volunteers and became officers by entering military academies.

With people on the Korean Peninsula who told me that it was a compulsory takeoff, etc., who ignored the GHQ's order and left somewhere in Japan without returning to the Korean Peninsula, Fukuhsima Mizuho, mixed with Anti-Japanese Thought and Communism, Takagi Kenichi and the severity of abysmal evil and plausible lie on the Korean Peninsula and China,

People around the world, the lowest in humanity, evil,

Please read this chapter, never mistake ...

Never again do not sin with them, you must recognize it.

At the factory at the mobilization destination, he met a mother who was born and raised in Gunma

2019年01月16日 23時35分19秒 | 日記

A while ago, it was broadcasting Tezuka Osamu with NHK's history historia.

Tezuka Osamu 16 years old and mobilization of labor services...All the people of the country who participated in the second war in the century of war, that was experienced by all the countries.

My father was also mobilized.

At the factory at the mobilization destination, he met a mother who was born and raised in Gunma prefecture far from Miyagi prefecture and got married.

And I was born.

Just before the defeat, Japan applied the people of the mainland (inside), both mobilization of labor services and soldiers.

People outside the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan were not mobilized.

Is there such a colonial state! ... The colonial state, contrary to that, does not fight for themselves, but brings colonists to the front!

Of course, there were many people who came to work in Japan seeking high income.

As typified by Park Chung-hee, there were many people who applied for volunteering as Japanese volunteers and became officers by entering military academies.

With people on the Korean Peninsula who told me that it was a compulsory takeoff, etc., who ignored the GHQ's order and left somewhere in Japan without returning to the Korean Peninsula, Fukuhsima Mizuho, mixed with Anti-Japanese Thought and Communism, Takagi Kenichi and the severity of abysmal evil and plausible lie on the Korean Peninsula and China,

People around the world, the lowest in humanity, evil,

Please read this chapter, never mistake ...

Never again do not sin with them, you must recognize it.

Tezuka Osamu 16 years old and mobilization of labor services...All the people of the country

2019年01月16日 23時34分02秒 | 日記

A while ago, it was broadcasting Tezuka Osamu with NHK's history historia.

Tezuka Osamu 16 years old and mobilization of labor services...All the people of the country who participated in the second war in the century of war, that was experienced by all the countries.

My father was also mobilized.

At the factory at the mobilization destination, he met a mother who was born and raised in Gunma prefecture far from Miyagi prefecture and got married.

And I was born.

Just before the defeat, Japan applied the people of the mainland (inside), both mobilization of labor services and soldiers.

People outside the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan were not mobilized.

Is there such a colonial state! ... The colonial state, contrary to that, does not fight for themselves, but brings colonists to the front!

Of course, there were many people who came to work in Japan seeking high income.

As typified by Park Chung-hee, there were many people who applied for volunteering as Japanese volunteers and became officers by entering military academies.

With people on the Korean Peninsula who told me that it was a compulsory takeoff, etc., who ignored the GHQ's order and left somewhere in Japan without returning to the Korean Peninsula, Fukuhsima Mizuho, mixed with Anti-Japanese Thought and Communism, Takagi Kenichi and the severity of abysmal evil and plausible lie on the Korean Peninsula and China,

People around the world, the lowest in humanity, evil,

Please read this chapter, never mistake ...

Never again do not sin with them, you must recognize it.

A while ago, it was broadcasting Tezuka Osamu with NHK's history historia.

2019年01月16日 23時28分57秒 | 日記

A while ago, it was broadcasting Tezuka Osamu with NHK's history historia.

Tezuka Osamu 16 years old and mobilization of labor services ... All the people of the country who participated in the second war in the century of war, that was experienced by all the countries.

My father was also mobilized.

At the factory at the mobilization destination, he met a mother who was born and raised in Gunma prefecture far from Miyagi prefecture and got married.

And I was born.

Just before the defeat, Japan applied the people of the mainland (inside), both mobilization of labor services and soldiers.

People outside the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan were not mobilized.

Is there such a colonial state! ... The colonial state, contrary to that, does not fight for themselves, but brings colonists to the front!

Of course, there were many people who came to work in Japan seeking high income.

As typified by Park Chung-hee, there were many people who applied for volunteering as Japanese volunteers and became officers by entering military academies.

With people on the Korean Peninsula who told me that it was a compulsory takeoff, etc., who ignored the GHQ's order and left somewhere in Japan without returning to the Korean Peninsula, Fukuhsima Mizuho, mixed with Anti-Japanese Thought and Communism, Takagi Kenichi and the severity of abysmal evil and plausible lie on the Korean Peninsula and China,

People around the world, the lowest in humanity, evil,

Please read this chapter, never mistake ...

Never again do not sin with them, you must recognize it.


2019年01月16日 23時08分44秒 | 日記












2019年01月16日 23時07分20秒 | 日記












2019年01月16日 23時06分12秒 | 日記












2019年01月16日 23時04分40秒 | 日記












2019年01月16日 23時01分48秒 | 日記











2019年01月16日 21時55分11秒 | 日記




よほど「全体主義」というフレーズが気に障ったのかもしれない。 中国共産党の機関紙、人民日報系の環球時報(電子版)が、筆者が書いた『全体主義と闘った男 河合栄治郎』(産経新聞出版)に「右翼の本だ」とかみついた。

共産党が気に入らない批判者を右翼と決めつけるのはいつものことで、それが「全体主義の批判者」という意味ならば、その通りである。  安倍晋三首相が年末年始の休暇を読書などをして過ごすとしてフェイスブックに投稿した写真の3冊の1つに拙書が入っていた。

テーブルの上には、作家の百田尚樹氏の『日本国紀』、垣根涼介氏の 『信長の原理』、そして『全体主義と闘った男』が並んでいた。 

























2019年01月16日 21時53分58秒 | 日記




よほど「全体主義」というフレーズが気に障ったのかもしれない。 中国共産党の機関紙、人民日報系の環球時報(電子版)が、筆者が書いた『全体主義と闘った男 河合栄治郎』(産経新聞出版)に「右翼の本だ」とかみついた。

共産党が気に入らない批判者を右翼と決めつけるのはいつものことで、それが「全体主義の批判者」という意味ならば、その通りである。  安倍晋三首相が年末年始の休暇を読書などをして過ごすとしてフェイスブックに投稿した写真の3冊の1つに拙書が入っていた。

テーブルの上には、作家の百田尚樹氏の『日本国紀』、垣根涼介氏の 『信長の原理』、そして『全体主義と闘った男』が並んでいた。 






















