文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Natürlich geht es Ihnen nichts an.

2019年01月09日 17時05分37秒 | 日記
Was die kausale Beziehung zwischen Le Clézio und mir angeht, so sind die Menschen um mich und der Leser eines anspruchsvollen Mannes so, wie Sie wissen.
Aber im letzten Jahr haben französische Medien (hauptsächlich Pariser Medien),
Offensichtliche antijapanische Propaganda auf der koreanischen Halbinsel ... es ist auch lächerlich ... Sasaki Kume ist ein Spionageagent, der die Form und Gestalt eines koreanischen Menschen geprägt hat, absichtlich ein in Paris veröffentlichtes Buch, in Japan belästigt war ihr Leben ruiniert ... ein lächerliches Buch, wie man es auch bei Kindergartenkindern sehen kann,
Als die französischen Medien zu dieser Propaganda sprangen und Japan kritisierten, verachtete ich die Franzosen von Herzen.
Ich verabscheute es auch, als ich erfuhr, wie der Goldpreis in Cannes einstimmig an das von einer norwegischen Fluggesellschaft produzierte CM herangetragen wurde.
In Ghosns Fall war ich diesmal sogar verachtenswert.
Für was verteidigst du so einen gierigen Kerl?
Wenn ja, müssen Sie keine Straßendemos oder irgendetwas anderes machen.
Frankreich ist inkohärent, aber diesmal habe ich es ruhig bemerkt.
Es sind nicht die Franzosen, die ich kenne,
Jenseits von Ost und West Pseudo-Moralismus, der von den Medien lebt,
"Linker" Kommunismus: Eine kindliche Störung ist keine Hilfe ...
Wie aus dem folgenden Sansei-Auszug von heute deutlich wird, leben die Einwohner, die unerfahren, arm und voller Vorurteile und Rassismusbewusstsein sind.
"Es ist mehr als Ihre Vorstellung, wie sehr Frankreich in Japan nicht bekannt ist ... In Japan gibt es nicht einmal Bücher über französische Literatur."
Dies ist ein Brief, der von Paul Claudel, einem berühmten französischen Botschafter in Japan, an sein Heimatland gerichtet wurde.
Kurz nach seinem Einsatz im Jahr 1922 appellierte er an den Außenminister, die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit neu zu organisieren ("Das einsame Imperium Japan in den 1920er Jahren").
▼ "Mir wurde klar, ob das Verständnis gegen Japan in Frankreich so schlecht war".
Mitsui Mina, Reporter des Sankei Shimbun Paris Bureau Directors, trauert in der Februar-Ausgabe der Zeitschrift 'Sound Argument'.
Reportern über den Fall, dass Carlos Ghosn, der ehemalige Vorsitzende von Nissan Motors, festgenommen wurde, ist zu schade
▼ Sogar die Japaner von Le Monde, die sich mit hochwertigem Papier schmeicheln, haben das Kernkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi ohne Beziehung zur Kritik der Langzeithaftigkeit gebracht.
* Le Monde ist eine unsinnige Zeitung, die wie der Asahi Shimbun aussieht und jeder anspruchsvolle Mann denkt, es müsste es haben *
"TEPCOs Führer, der einen katastrophalen Atomunfall hatte, lebte nie im Gefängnis"
Außerdem gab es eine voreingenommene Aussage, dass „Ghosn gezwungen wird, im Gefängnis japanisch zu sprechen.“
Die Person selbst erschien gestern vor dem Bezirksgericht Tokio und behauptete, die Unschuld wegen eines im Englischen vermuteten schweren Vertrauensbruches geltend gemacht zu haben.
Es gibt auch einen Bericht, dass das Gewicht beträchtlich abgenommen hat, und die japanischen Medien in den französischen Medien scheinen intensiver zu werden
▼ Interessant ist auch die Diskussion von Professor Yoshitaka Fukui an der Aoyama Gakuin University in derselben Zeitschrift.
Ghosn vermutet, dass die außerordentliche Vergütung europäischer und amerikanischer Führungskräfte das Ergebnis der nach dem Kalten Krieg beschleunigten Globalisierung ist.
Er sagt, dass ignorierte Massen an verschiedenen Orten "Revolte" verursachen
Ich verstehe, ich bin mit der Unterstützung der französischen Bevölkerung gegen 'Mouvement des Gilets jaunes' zufrieden.
Es wird wahrscheinlich zu einem bedeutungsvollen Artikel, wenn interviewt wird, warum in Japan nicht der gleiche Aufstand stattfindet.
Natürlich geht es Ihnen nichts an.

Por supuesto, no es de tu incumbencia.

2019年01月09日 17時00分54秒 | 日記

El lector sabe que soy un ser humano al que Francia le gustaba mucho como Italia.
En cuanto a la relación causal entre Le Clézio y yo, las personas que me rodean y el lector del hombre que discierne son como saben.
Pero el año pasado, los medios franceses (principalmente medios parisinos),
Obviosa propaganda antijaponesa en la península coreana...también es ridícula...Sasaki Kume es un agente espía de Corea. Su rostro tiene la forma de la mayoría de los coreanos...coreanos y no japoneses, publicaron un libro en París, a propósito, que ella estaba abusando sexualmente de Japón y que estaba arruinada....un libro ridículo como se puede ver incluso en niños de jardín de infantes,

Cuando los medios de comunicación franceses se lanzaron a esta propaganda y criticaron a Japón, desprecié a los franceses desde el fondo de mi corazón.
También despreciaba cuando me enteré de cómo unánime subí el premio de oro en Cannes al CM producido por una aerolínea noruega.
En el caso de Ghosn, esta vez, incluso fui desdeñoso.
¿Para qué defiendes a un hombre tan codicioso?
Si es así, no tienes que hacer demostraciones callejeras ni nada más.
Francia es incoherente, pero esta vez me di cuenta con calma.
No son los franceses los que conozco,
Más allá del pseudo moralismo de Oriente y Occidente, que se está ganando la vida con los medios de comunicación,
El comunismo de 'izquierda': un desorden infantil más allá de la ayuda ...
Como queda claro a partir del siguiente extracto de Sansei de hoy, son los medios de comunicación los que viven los habitantes sin experiencia, pobres y llenos de prejuicios y conciencia de racismo.
"Es más que tu imaginación lo mucho que Francia no es conocida por Japón ... Ni siquiera hay libros sobre literatura francesa en Japón".
Esta es una carta dirigida a su país de origen por Paul Claudel, famoso escritor y embajador de Francia en Japón.
Poco después de su asignación en 1922, apeló al ministro de Relaciones Exteriores para reorganizar las actividades de relaciones públicas ("El imperio solitario de Japón en la década de 1920")
▼ "Me hicieron entender si la suerte de entender contra Japón en Francia había sido tan mala".
Mitsui Mina, reportera del Director de la Oficina de París de Sankei Shimbun, está de luto en el número de febrero de la revista ‘Sound Argument’.
Reporteros sobre el caso de que Carlos Ghosn, el ex presidente de Nissan Motors, fue arrestado es una pena
▼ Incluso los japoneses de Le Monde, que se muestran halagados con el papel de alta calidad, han traído la central nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi sin ninguna relación para criticar la detención prolongada.
* Le Monde es un periódico sin sentido que se parece al Asahi Shimbun y todos los hombres con discernimiento piensan que debería haberlo hecho.
"El líder de TEPCO que tuvo un accidente nuclear catastrófico nunca vivió en prisión"
▼ También hubo una declaración prejuiciosa de que "Ghosn está obligado a hablar japonés en prisión".
La persona misma compareció ayer en el Tribunal de Distrito de Tokio y afirmó ser inocente ante el agravante abuso de confianza sospechado en inglés.
También hay un informe de que el peso ha disminuido considerablemente, y el ataque a los medios franceses por parte de los japoneses parece ser cada vez más intenso.
▼ Discusión del profesor Yoshitaka Fukui en la Universidad Aoyama Gakuin sobre la misma revista también es interesante.
Ghosn sospecha que la extraordinaria remuneración de los ejecutivos europeos y estadounidenses es el resultado de la globalización acelerada después de la Guerra Fría.
Él dice que las masas ignoradas están causando una "revuelta" en varios lugares
▼ Ya veo, estoy satisfecho con el auge del apoyo de los franceses contra 'Mouvement des Gilets jaunes'.
Es probable que se convierta en un artículo significativo si se entrevista por qué no ocurren los mismos disturbios en Japón.
Por supuesto, no es de tu incumbencia.

Bien sûr, ça ne vous regarde pas.

2019年01月09日 16時43分06秒 | 日記

Le lecteur sait que je suis un être humain qui aimait beaucoup la France, tout comme l’Italie.
En ce qui concerne la relation de cause à effet entre Le Clézio et moi-même, les gens autour de moi et le lecteur de l'homme perspicace sont comme vous le savez.
Mais l’année dernière, les médias français (principalement parisiens),
Une propagande anti-japonaise évidente sur la péninsule coréenne ... c'est aussi ridicule ... Sasaki Kume est un agent d'espionnage de Corée. Son visage a la forme de la plupart des Coréens… coréenne et non japonaise, a publié un livre à Paris, exprès, qu'elle a été molester au Japon et qu'elle a été ruinée.
... un livre ridicule comme vous pouvez le voir même dans les enfants de la maternelle,
Lorsque les médias français se sont ralliés à cette propagande et ont critiqué le Japon, j'ai méprisé les Français du fond du cœur.
J'ai aussi méprisé lorsque j'ai appris à quel point le prix d'or à Cannes avait été unanimement attribué au CM produit par une compagnie aérienne norvégienne.
Dans le cas de Ghosn cette fois, j'étais même dédaigneux.
Pourquoi défendez-vous un gars aussi gourmand?
Si c'est le cas, vous n'êtes pas obligé de faire des démonstrations de rue ou quoi que ce soit d'autre.
La France est incohérente, mais cette fois j'ai remarqué calmement.
Ce ne sont pas les Français que je connais,
Au-delà du pseudo-moralisme oriental et occidental qui vit des médias,
Le communisme «de gauche»: une aide au-delà de l'aide des désordres infantiles ...
Comme le montre l'extrait d'aujourd'hui de Sansei ci-dessous, ce sont les médias que vivent des habitants inexpérimentés, pauvres et pleins de préjugés et de sensibilisation au racisme.
"C'est plus que votre imagination combien la France n'est pas connue au Japon ... Il n'y a même pas de livres sur la littérature française au Japon."
Il s’agit d’une lettre adressée à son pays par Paul Claudel, célèbre écrivain, ambassadeur de France au Japon.
Peu de temps après son affectation en 1922, il a demandé au ministre des Affaires étrangères de réorganiser ses activités de relations publiques («L’empire solitaire au Japon dans les années 1920»).
▼ 'On m'a fait comprendre que la chance de comprendre le Japon en France avait été si mauvaise'.
Le journaliste du directeur du bureau de Sankei Shimbun à Paris, Mitsui Mina, est en deuil dans le numéro de février du magazine "Sound Argument".
Les journalistes sur l'affaire de l'arrestation de Carlos Ghosn, l'ancien président de Nissan Motors, c'est dommage
▼ Même les Japonais du Monde qui flattent avec du papier haut de gamme ont ramené la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima Daiichi sans critique pour ce qui est de la détention de longue durée.
* Le Monde est un journal insensé qui ressemble à l'Asahi Shimbun et que tout homme perspicace pense qu'il devrait avoir *
"Le chef de TEPCO qui a eu un accident nucléaire catastrophique n'a jamais vécu en prison"
▼ Il y avait aussi une déclaration préjudiciée selon laquelle «Ghosn est obligé de parler japonais en prison».
La personne elle-même a comparu devant le tribunal de district de Tokyo hier et a affirmé son innocence au sujet d'un abus de confiance aggravé soupçonné en anglais.
Il a également été rapporté que le poids avait considérablement diminué et que les médias français semblaient de plus en plus critiqués par les Japonais.
▼ La discussion du professeur Yoshitaka Fukui à l'Université Aoyama Gakuin dans le même magazine est également intéressante.
Ghosn soupçonne que la rémunération extraordinaire des dirigeants européens et américains est le résultat de la mondialisation accélérée après la guerre froide.
Il dit que des masses ignorées provoquent une "révolte" à différents endroits
▼ Je vois, je suis satisfait de l'ampleur du soutien des Français contre le 'Mouvement des Gilets jaunes'.
Il est susceptible de devenir un article significatif si on interroge pourquoi la même émeute ne se produit pas au Japon.
Bien sûr, ça ne vous regarde pas.

Конечно, это не твое дело.

2019年01月09日 16時09分13秒 | 日記

Читатель знает, что я человек, который очень любил Францию, как Италию.
Что касается причинно-следственных связей между Ле Клезио и мной, то люди, которые меня окружают, и читатель проницательного человека, как вы знаете.
Но в прошлом году французские СМИ (в основном парижские СМИ),
Явная антияпонская пропаганда на Корейском полуострове ... это также смешно ... Сасаки Куме - шпионский агент, который придавал форму корейскому образцу, нарочно издавая в Париже книгу, издевающуюся в Японии. была разрушена ее жизнь ... смешная книга, которую можно увидеть даже в детском саду,
Когда французские СМИ поспешили к этой пропаганде и раскритиковали Японию, я от всего сердца презирал французов.
Я также презирал, когда узнал, как единодушно поднял золотой приз в Каннах на CM, произведенный норвежской авиакомпанией.
В случае с Госном на этот раз я был даже презрительным.
За что ты защищаешь такого жадного парня?
Если это так, вам не нужно делать уличные демонстрации или что-то еще.
Франция бессвязна, но на этот раз я заметил спокойно.
Это не французы, которых я знаю,
За пределами Востока и Запада псевдоморализм, который зарабатывает на жизнь средствами массовой информации,
Коммунизм «левого крыла»: инфантильная болезнь беспомощна ...
Как видно из следующего сегодняшнего отрывка из Сансея, именно в средствах массовой информации живут неопытные, бедные и полные предрассудков и расизма люди.
«Больше, чем вы можете себе представить, насколько Франция не известна Японии ... В Японии даже нет книг по французской литературе».
Это письмо, адресованное его родине Полю Клоделем, известным писателем, послом Франции в Японии.
Вскоре после его назначения в 1922 году он обратился к министру иностранных дел с просьбой реорганизовать деятельность по связям с общественностью («Одиночная империя Японии в 1920-х годах»).
▼ «Меня заставили понять, была ли неудача в понимании против Японии во Франции такой плохой».
Мицуи Мина, репортер директора парижского бюро Sankei Shimbun, оплакивает февральский номер журнала «Sound Argument».
Журналисты по делу о том, что Карлос Госн, бывший председатель Nissan Motors, был арестован, это слишком плохо
▼ Даже японцы Le Monde, которые льстят высококлассной бумагой, привели АЭС Фукусима-Дайичи к критике долгосрочного задержания.
* Le Monde - бессмысленная газета, похожая на Asahi Shimbun, и каждый проницательный человек думает, что она должна иметь *
«Лидер TEPCO, который попал в катастрофическую ядерную аварию, никогда не жил в тюрьме»
▼ Было также предвзятое заявление, что «Госн вынужден говорить по-японски в тюрьме».
Сам человек вчера явился в Токийский окружной суд и заявил о своей невиновности по поводу злоупотребления доверием при подозрении на английском языке.
Есть также сообщение о том, что вес значительно уменьшился, и японские избиения французских СМИ, кажется, становятся более интенсивными
▼ Обсуждение профессора Ёситака Фукуи в университете Аояма Гакуин в том же журнале также интересно.
Госн подозревает, что экстраординарное вознаграждение европейских и американских руководителей является результатом ускорения глобализации после холодной войны.
Он говорит, что игнорируемые массы вызывают в нем «восстание» в разных местах.
▼ Я вижу, я удовлетворен высотой поддержки французского народа против "Mouvement des Gilets jaunes".
Скорее всего, она станет значимой статьей, если взять интервью, почему такой же бунт не происходит в Японии.
Конечно, это не твое дело.

Claro, não é da sua conta.

2019年01月09日 16時08分34秒 | 日記

O leitor sabe que eu sou um ser humano que gostava muito da França como a Itália.
Quanto à relação causal entre Le Clézio e eu, as pessoas ao meu redor e o leitor do homem perspicaz são como você sabe.
Mas no ano passado, a mídia francesa (principalmente a mídia parisiense),
Propaganda anti-japonesa óbvia na península coreana ... também é ridículo ... Sasaki Kume é um agente de espionagem que modelou e moldou como um coreano, de propósito, um livro publicado em Paris, ser molestado no Japão foi arruinada a vida dela ... um livro ridículo como você pode ver até mesmo em crianças de jardim de infância,
Quando a mídia francesa pulou para essa propaganda e criticou o Japão, eu desprezei os franceses do fundo do meu coração.
Eu também desprezava quando aprendi como unanimemente levantou o prêmio de ouro em Cannes para o CM produzido por uma companhia aérea norueguesa.
No caso de Ghosn, desta vez, fui até desdenhoso.
Por que você defende um cara tão ganancioso?
Se assim for, você não precisa fazer demonstrações de rua ou qualquer outra coisa.
A França é incoerente, mas desta vez notei calmamente.
Não é o povo francês que eu conheço
Além do pseudo-moralismo oriental e ocidental que está ganhando a vida pela mídia,
Comunismo 'de esquerda': uma desordem infantil além da ajuda ...
Como fica claro no seguinte extrato de Sansei de hoje, são os meios de comunicação que vivem moradores inexperientes, pobres e cheios de preconceito e racismo.
"É mais do que sua imaginação o quanto a França não é conhecida no Japão ... Não há nem mesmo livros sobre literatura francesa no Japão."
Esta é uma carta dirigida ao seu país de origem por Paul Claudel, famoso escritor, um embaixador francês no Japão.
Pouco depois de sua designação em 1922, apelou ao Ministério das Relações Exteriores para reorganizar as atividades de relações públicas ("O Império Solitário do Japão na década de 1920").
"Fui levado a perceber se a sorte de entender contra o Japão na França tinha sido tão ruim".
Mitsui Mina, repórter do diretor do departamento Sankei Shimbun Paris, está de luto na edição de fevereiro da revista "Sound Argument".
Repórteres sobre o caso que Carlos Ghosn, o ex-presidente da Nissan Motors, foi preso é muito ruim
Even Mesmo os japoneses do Le Monde, que lisonjeiam o papel de alta qualidade, não levaram a Usina Nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi a criticar a detenção de longo prazo.
* Le Monde é um jornal absurdo parecendo o Asahi Shimbun e todo homem perspicaz pensa, deveria ter *
"O líder da TEPCO que teve um acidente nuclear catastrófico nunca viveu na prisão"
Houve também uma declaração preconceituosa de que "Ghosn é forçado a falar japonês na prisão".
A própria pessoa apareceu ontem na Corte Distrital de Tóquio e alegou inocência sobre a violação de confiança agravada suspeita em inglês.
Há também um relato de que o peso diminuiu consideravelmente, e os ataques japoneses da mídia francesa parecem estar ficando mais intensos.
▼ Discussão do professor Yoshitaka Fukui na Universidade Aoyama Gakuin na mesma revista também é interessante.
Ghosn suspeita que a extraordinária remuneração dos executivos europeus e americanos é o resultado da globalização acelerada após a Guerra Fria.
Ele diz que massas ignoradas estão causando "revolta" em vários lugares
▼ Vejo, estou satisfeito com o auge do apoio do povo francês contra o "Mouvement des Gilets jaunes".
É provável que se torne um artigo significativo se for entrevistado porque o mesmo motim não ocorre no Japão.
Claro, não é da sua conta.

Certo, non sono affari tuoi.

2019年01月09日 16時05分44秒 | 日記

Il lettore sa che io sono un essere umano a cui piaceva molto la Francia come l'Italia.
Per quanto riguarda la relazione causale tra Le Clézio e me stesso, le persone intorno a me e il lettore di un uomo esigente sono come tu sai.
Ma l'anno scorso, i media francesi (principalmente media parigini),
Evidente propaganda anti-giapponese nella penisola coreana ... è anche ridicolo ... Sasaki Kume è un agente di spionaggio che ha plasmato e plasmato come una persona coreana, di proposito, un libro pubblicato a Parigi, molestato in Giappone è stata rovinata la sua vita ... un libro ridicolo come puoi vedere anche nei bambini dell'asilo,
Quando i media francesi sono saltati su questa propaganda e hanno criticato il Giappone, ho disprezzato i francesi dal profondo del mio cuore.
Ho anche disprezzato quando ho appreso come unanimemente alzato il premio d'oro a Cannes per il CM prodotto da una compagnia aerea norvegese.
Nel caso di Ghosn questa volta, ero persino sdegnoso.
Per cosa difendi un ragazzo così avido?
Se è così, non devi fare demo di strada o altro.
La Francia è incoerente, ma questa volta ho notato con calma.
Non sono i francesi che conosco,
Oltre lo pseudo-moralismo orientale e occidentale che si sta guadagnando da vivere con i media,
Comunismo "di sinistra": un disturbo infantile oltre l'aiuto ...
Come risulta dal seguente estratto di Sansei di oggi, sono i media che vivono gli abitanti inesperti, poveri e pieni di pregiudizi e consapevolezza del razzismo.
"È più della tua immaginazione quanto la Francia non sia conosciuta in Giappone ... Non ci sono nemmeno libri sulla letteratura francese in Giappone".
Questa è una lettera indirizzata al suo paese d'origine da Paul Claudel, famoso scrittore, un ambasciatore francese in Giappone.
Poco dopo il suo incarico nel 1922, fece appello al Ministro degli Esteri per riorganizzare le attività di pubbliche relazioni ("L'impero solitario del Giappone negli anni '20")
▼ 'Mi è stato fatto capire se la fortuna di capire contro il Giappone in Francia fosse stata così brutta'.
Mitsui Mina, giornalista del direttore del Sankei Shimbun Paris Bureau, è in lutto per il numero di febbraio della rivista "Sound Argument".
I giornalisti sul caso che Carlos Ghosn, l'ex presidente di Nissan Motors, sia stato arrestato è un peccato
▼ Persino il giapponese Le Monde, che si appiattisce con la carta di fascia alta, ha portato la centrale nucleare di Fukushima Daiichi senza alcuna relazione nel criticare la detenzione a lungo termine.
* Le Monde è un giornale senza senso che assomiglia all'Asahi Shimbun e ogni uomo esigente pensa che dovrebbe avere *
"Il capo della TEPCO che ha avuto un catastrofico incidente nucleare non ha mai vissuto in prigione"
▼ C'era anche una dichiarazione pregiudicata che "Ghosn è costretto a parlare giapponese in carcere".
La persona stessa è apparsa ieri nel tribunale distrettuale di Tokyo e ha dichiarato innocenza in merito alla violazione aggravata della fiducia sospettata in inglese.
C'è anche un rapporto secondo il quale il peso è diminuito considerevolmente e l'attacco giapponese dei media francesi sembra essere diventato più intenso
▼ La discussione del Professor Yoshitaka Fukui presso l'Università Aoyama Gakuin sulla stessa rivista è anche interessante.
Ghosn sospetta che la straordinaria remunerazione dei dirigenti europei e americani sia il risultato della globalizzazione accelerata dopo la Guerra Fredda.
Dice che le masse ignorate stanno causando "rivolta" in vari luoghi
▼ Vedo, sono soddisfatto dell'altezza del sostegno del popolo francese nei confronti di "Mouvement des Gilets jaunes".
È probabile che diventi un articolo significativo se viene intervistato perché la stessa sommossa non si verifica in Giappone.
Certo, non sono affari tuoi.

Of course, it's none of your business.

2019年01月09日 15時59分03秒 | 日記

The reader knows that I am a human being who liked France very much like Italy.

Regarding the causal relationship between Le Clézio and myself, the people around me and the reader of discerning man are as you know.

But last year, French media (mainly Parisian media),

Obvious anti-Japanese propaganda on the Korean peninsula ... it is also ridiculous ... Sasaki Kume is an espionage agent who has shaped shaping and shaping like a Korean person, on purpose, a book published in Paris, be molested in Japan it was ruined her life ... a ridiculous book as you can see even in kindergarten children,

When the French media jumped to this propaganda and criticized Japan, I despised the French from the bottom of my heart.

I also despised when I learned how unanimously raised the gold prize in Cannes to the CM produced by a Norwegian airline.

In Ghosn's case this time, I was even disdainful.

For what do you defend such a greedy guy?

If so, you do not have to do street demos or anything else.

France is incoherent, but this time I noticed calmly.

It is not the French people I know,

Beyond East and West pseudo-moralism who is making a living by the media,

'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder's beyond help ...

As is clear from the following Sansei extract of today, it is the media that inhabitants who are inexperienced, poor and full of prejudice and racism awareness live.

"It is more than your imagination how much France is not known to Japan...There are not even books on French literature in Japan."

This is a letter addressed to his home country by Paul Claudel, famous writer, a French ambassador to Japan.

Shortly after his assignment in 1922, appealed to the Foreign Minister to reorganize public relations activities (‘The Solitary Empire Japan in the 1920s’)

▼ 'I was made to realize if luck of understanding against Japan in France had been so bad'.

Mitsui Mina reporter of the Sankei Shimbun Paris Bureau Director is mourning in the magazine ‘Sound Argument’ February issue.

Reporters over the case that Carlos Ghosn, the former chairman of Nissan Motors, was arrested is too bad

▼ Even Le Monde Japanese who flatter with high-end paper, they have brought Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant with no relation in criticizing long-term detention.

*Le Monde is a nonsense newspaper looking like the Asahi Shimbun and every discerning man thinks, it should have*

‘TEPCO's leader who had a catastrophic nuclear accident never lived in prison’

▼ There was also a prejudiced statement that ‘Ghosn is forced to speak Japanese in prison.’

The person himself appeared in the Tokyo District Court yesterday and claimed innocence about aggravated breach of trust suspected in English.

There is also a report that the weight has decreased considerably, and Japanese bashing of the French media seems to be getting more intense

▼ Discussion of Professor Yoshitaka Fukui at Aoyama Gakuin University on the same magazine is also interesting.

Ghosn suspects the extraordinary remuneration of European and American executives is the result of globalization accelerated after the Cold War.

He says that ignored masses are causing ‘revolt’ in it in various places

▼ I see, I am satisfied with the height of the support of the French people against 'Mouvement des Gilets jaunes'.

It is likely to become a meaningful article if it is interviewed why the same riot does not occur in Japan.

Of course, it's none of your business.

claimed innocence about aggravated breach of trust suspected in English

2019年01月09日 15時57分38秒 | 日記

The reader knows that I am a human being who liked France very much like Italy.

Regarding the causal relationship between Le Clézio and myself, the people around me and the reader of discerning man are as you know.

But last year, French media (mainly Parisian media),

Obvious anti-Japanese propaganda on the Korean peninsula ... it is also ridiculous ... Sasaki Kume is an espionage agent who has shaped shaping and shaping like a Korean person, on purpose, a book published in Paris, be molested in Japan it was ruined her life ... a ridiculous book as you can see even in kindergarten children,

When the French media jumped to this propaganda and criticized Japan, I despised the French from the bottom of my heart.

I also despised when I learned how unanimously raised the gold prize in Cannes to the CM produced by a Norwegian airline.

In Ghosn's case this time, I was even disdainful.

For what do you defend such a greedy guy?

If so, you do not have to do street demos or anything else.

France is incoherent, but this time I noticed calmly.

It is not the French people I know,

Beyond East and West pseudo-moralism who is making a living by the media,

'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder's beyond help ...

As is clear from the following Sansei extract of today, it is the media that inhabitants who are inexperienced, poor and full of prejudice and racism awareness live.

"It is more than your imagination how much France is not known to Japan...There are not even books on French literature in Japan."

This is a letter addressed to his home country by Paul Claudel, famous writer, a French ambassador to Japan.

Shortly after his assignment in 1922, appealed to the Foreign Minister to reorganize public relations activities (‘The Solitary Empire Japan in the 1920s’)

▼ 'I was made to realize if luck of understanding against Japan in France had been so bad'.

Mitsui Mina reporter of the Sankei Shimbun Paris Bureau Director is mourning in the magazine ‘Sound Argument’ February issue.

Reporters over the case that Carlos Ghosn, the former chairman of Nissan Motors, was arrested is too bad

▼ Even Le Monde Japanese who flatter with high-end paper, they have brought Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant with no relation in criticizing long-term detention.

*Le Monde is a nonsense newspaper looking like the Asahi Shimbun and every discerning man thinks, it should have*

‘TEPCO's leader who had a catastrophic nuclear accident never lived in prison’

▼ There was also a prejudiced statement that ‘Ghosn is forced to speak Japanese in prison.’

The person himself appeared in the Tokyo District Court yesterday and claimed innocence about aggravated breach of trust suspected in English.

There is also a report that the weight has decreased considerably, and Japanese bashing of the French media seems to be getting more intense

▼ Discussion of Professor Yoshitaka Fukui at Aoyama Gakuin University on the same magazine is also interesting.

Ghosn suspects the extraordinary remuneration of European and American executives is the result of globalization accelerated after the Cold War.

He says that ignored masses are causing ‘revolt’ in it in various places

▼ I see, I am satisfied with the height of the support of the French people against 'Mouvement des Gilets jaunes'.

It is likely to become a meaningful article if it is interviewed why the same riot does not occur in Japan.

Of course, it's none of your business.

There was also a prejudiced statement that ‘Ghosn is forced to speak Japanese in prison.’

2019年01月09日 15時53分50秒 | 日記

The reader knows that I am a human being who liked France very much like Italy.

Regarding the causal relationship between Le Clézio and myself, the people around me and the reader of discerning man are as you know.

But last year, French media (mainly Parisian media),

Obvious anti-Japanese propaganda on the Korean peninsula ... it is also ridiculous ... Sasaki Kume is an espionage agent who has shaped shaping and shaping like a Korean person, on purpose, a book published in Paris, be molested in Japan it was ruined her life ... a ridiculous book as you can see even in kindergarten children,

When the French media jumped to this propaganda and criticized Japan, I despised the French from the bottom of my heart.

I also despised when I learned how unanimously raised the gold prize in Cannes to the CM produced by a Norwegian airline.

In Ghosn's case this time, I was even disdainful.

For what do you defend such a greedy guy?

If so, you do not have to do street demos or anything else.

France is incoherent, but this time I noticed calmly.

It is not the French people I know,

Beyond East and West pseudo-moralism who is making a living by the media,

'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder's beyond help ...

As is clear from the following Sansei extract of today, it is the media that inhabitants who are inexperienced, poor and full of prejudice and racism awareness live.

"It is more than your imagination how much France is not known to Japan...There are not even books on French literature in Japan."

This is a letter addressed to his home country by Paul Claudel, famous writer, a French ambassador to Japan.

Shortly after his assignment in 1922, appealed to the Foreign Minister to reorganize public relations activities (‘The Solitary Empire Japan in the 1920s’)

▼ 'I was made to realize if luck of understanding against Japan in France had been so bad'.

Mitsui Mina reporter of the Sankei Shimbun Paris Bureau Director is mourning in the magazine ‘Sound Argument’ February issue.

Reporters over the case that Carlos Ghosn, the former chairman of Nissan Motors, was arrested is too bad

▼ Even Le Monde Japanese who flatter with high-end paper, they have brought Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant with no relation in criticizing long-term detention.

*Le Monde is a nonsense newspaper looking like the Asahi Shimbun and every discerning man thinks, it should have*

‘TEPCO's leader who had a catastrophic nuclear accident never lived in prison’

▼ There was also a prejudiced statement that ‘Ghosn is forced to speak Japanese in prison.’

The person himself appeared in the Tokyo District Court yesterday and claimed innocence about aggravated breach of trust suspected in English.

There is also a report that the weight has decreased considerably, and Japanese bashing of the French media seems to be getting more intense

▼ Discussion of Professor Yoshitaka Fukui at Aoyama Gakuin University on the same magazine is also interesting.

Ghosn suspects the extraordinary remuneration of European and American executives is the result of globalization accelerated after the Cold War.

He says that ignored masses are causing ‘revolt’ in it in various places

▼ I see, I am satisfied with the height of the support of the French people against 'Mouvement des Gilets jaunes'.

It is likely to become a meaningful article if it is interviewed why the same riot does not occur in Japan.

Of course, it's none of your business.

I was made to realize if luck of understanding against Japan in France had been so bad

2019年01月09日 15時50分57秒 | 日記

The reader knows that I am a human being who liked France very much like Italy.

Regarding the causal relationship between Le Clézio and myself, the people around me and the reader of discerning man are as you know.

But last year, French media (mainly Parisian media),

Obvious anti-Japanese propaganda on the Korean peninsula ... it is also ridiculous ... Sasaki Kume is an espionage agent who has shaped shaping and shaping like a Korean person, on purpose, a book published in Paris, be molested in Japan it was ruined her life ... a ridiculous book as you can see even in kindergarten children,

When the French media jumped to this propaganda and criticized Japan, I despised the French from the bottom of my heart.

I also despised when I learned how unanimously raised the gold prize in Cannes to the CM produced by a Norwegian airline.

In Ghosn's case this time, I was even disdainful.

For what do you defend such a greedy guy?

If so, you do not have to do street demos or anything else.

France is incoherent, but this time I noticed calmly.

It is not the French people I know,

Beyond East and West pseudo-moralism who is making a living by the media,

'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder's beyond help ...

As is clear from the following Sansei extract of today, it is the media that inhabitants who are inexperienced, poor and full of prejudice and racism awareness live.

"It is more than your imagination how much France is not known to Japan...There are not even books on French literature in Japan."

This is a letter addressed to his home country by Paul Claudel, famous writer, a French ambassador to Japan.

Shortly after his assignment in 1922, appealed to the Foreign Minister to reorganize public relations activities (‘The Solitary Empire Japan in the 1920s’)

▼ 'I was made to realize if luck of understanding against Japan in France had been so bad'.

Mitsui Mina reporter of the Sankei Shimbun Paris Bureau Director is mourning in the magazine ‘Sound Argument’ February issue.

Reporters over the case that Carlos Ghosn, the former chairman of Nissan Motors, was arrested is too bad

▼ Even Le Monde Japanese who flatter with high-end paper, they have brought Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant with no relation in criticizing long-term detention.

*Le Monde is a nonsense newspaper looking like the Asahi Shimbun and every discerning man thinks, it should have*

‘TEPCO's leader who had a catastrophic nuclear accident never lived in prison’

▼ There was also a prejudiced statement that ‘Ghosn is forced to speak Japanese in prison.’

The person himself appeared in the Tokyo District Court yesterday and claimed innocence about aggravated breach of trust suspected in English.

There is also a report that the weight has decreased considerably, and Japanese bashing of the French media seems to be getting more intense

▼ Discussion of Professor Yoshitaka Fukui at Aoyama Gakuin University on the same magazine is also interesting.

Ghosn suspects the extraordinary remuneration of European and American executives is the result of globalization accelerated after the Cold War.

He says that ignored masses are causing ‘revolt’ in it in various places

▼ I see, I am satisfied with the height of the support of the French people against 'Mouvement des Gilets jaunes'.

It is likely to become a meaningful article if it is interviewed why the same riot does not occur in Japan.

Of course, it's none of your business.

The reader knows that I am a human being who liked France very much like Italy.

2019年01月09日 15時49分13秒 | 日記

The reader knows that I am a human being who liked France very much like Italy.

Regarding the causal relationship between Le Clézio and myself, the people around me and the reader of discerning man are as you know.

But last year, French media (mainly Parisian media),

Obvious anti-Japanese propaganda on the Korean peninsula ... it is also ridiculous ... Sasaki Kume is an espionage agent who has shaped shaping and shaping like a Korean person, on purpose, a book published in Paris, be molested in Japan it was ruined her life ... a ridiculous book as you can see even in kindergarten children,

When the French media jumped to this propaganda and criticized Japan, I despised the French from the bottom of my heart.

I also despised when I learned how unanimously raised the gold prize in Cannes to the CM produced by a Norwegian airline.

In Ghosn's case this time, I was even disdainful.

For what do you defend such a greedy guy?

If so, you do not have to do street demos or anything else.

France is incoherent, but this time I noticed calmly.

It is not the French people I know,

Beyond East and West pseudo-moralism who is making a living by the media,

'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder's beyond help ...

As is clear from the following Sansei extract of today, it is the media that inhabitants who are inexperienced, poor and full of prejudice and racism awareness live.

"It is more than your imagination how much France is not known to Japan...There are not even books on French literature in Japan."

This is a letter addressed to his home country by Paul Claudel, famous writer, a French ambassador to Japan.

Shortly after his assignment in 1922, appealed to the Foreign Minister to reorganize public relations activities (‘The Solitary Empire Japan in the 1920s’)

▼ 'I was made to realize if luck of understanding against Japan in France had been so bad'.

Mitsui Mina reporter of the Sankei Shimbun Paris Bureau Director is mourning in the magazine ‘Sound Argument’ February issue.

Reporters over the case that Carlos Ghosn, the former chairman of Nissan Motors, was arrested is too bad

▼ Even Le Monde Japanese who flatter with high-end paper, they have brought Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant with no relation in criticizing long-term detention.

*Le Monde is a nonsense newspaper looking like the Asahi Shimbun and every discerning man thinks, it should have*

‘TEPCO's leader who had a catastrophic nuclear accident never lived in prison’

▼ There was also a prejudiced statement that ‘Ghosn is forced to speak Japanese in prison.’

The person himself appeared in the Tokyo District Court yesterday and claimed innocence about aggravated breach of trust suspected in English.

There is also a report that the weight has decreased considerably, and Japanese bashing of the French media seems to be getting more intense

▼ Discussion of Professor Yoshitaka Fukui at Aoyama Gakuin University on the same magazine is also interesting.

Ghosn suspects the extraordinary remuneration of European and American executives is the result of globalization accelerated after the Cold War.

He says that ignored masses are causing ‘revolt’ in it in various places

▼ I see, I am satisfied with the height of the support of the French people against 'Mouvement des Gilets jaunes'.

It is likely to become a meaningful article if it is interviewed why the same riot does not occur in Japan.

Of course, it's none of your business.


2019年01月09日 14時33分12秒 | 日記









赴任してまもなくの大正11年、外務大臣に広報活動の再編成を訴えた(『孤独な帝国 日本の1920年代』) 






▼ 「ゴーン容疑者は獄中で日本語を話すよう強要される」との偏見に満ちた記述もあった。










2019年01月09日 14時32分19秒 | 日記









赴任してまもなくの大正11年、外務大臣に広報活動の再編成を訴えた(『孤独な帝国 日本の1920年代』) 






▼ 「ゴーン容疑者は獄中で日本語を話すよう強要される」との偏見に満ちた記述もあった。










2019年01月09日 14時31分50秒 | 日記









赴任してまもなくの大正11年、外務大臣に広報活動の再編成を訴えた(『孤独な帝国 日本の1920年代』) 






▼ 「ゴーン容疑者は獄中で日本語を話すよう強要される」との偏見に満ちた記述もあった。










2019年01月09日 14時30分54秒 | 日記









赴任してまもなくの大正11年、外務大臣に広報活動の再編成を訴えた(『孤独な帝国 日本の1920年代』) 






▼ 「ゴーン容疑者は獄中で日本語を話すよう強要される」との偏見に満ちた記述もあった。







