文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Es ist eine riesige Spionageorganisation

2019年01月29日 18時20分08秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorherigen Kapitels.
Autor, Huawei: "Es ist eine riesige Spionageaktion im realen Raum, die Informationen des menschlichen Netzwerks, der Regierung der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas (KPCh), aufsaugt" und "Bis zu den Vereinigten Staaten unseres letzten Auswegs, da sie wissen, dass sie bereits ausgehöhlt worden sind Von China fühlte sie sich wie Schrecken, als ob sie Gänsehaut bekommen würde “, beschuldigt sie dieses Buch.
Ein Konflikt mit einem nationalen Spionageunternehmen hat eine Wahrheit, die Angst vor einer internationalen chinesischen Spionageorganisation wurde übertragen.
Ich kenne einen Teil des schrecklichen Wesens des chinesischen Spionagenetzwerks, das tief in die japanischen Medien und die politische Welt eingegangen ist. Deshalb hob ich die Stimme als "Oh" mit dem Gedanken, die Realität der IT-Branche zu sehen, die ich in gelesen hatte Keine Zeit.
Dass dieses Buch, die # MeToo-Kampagne und die Leute, die vor der Demonstration der Nationalversammlung sitzen und vor dieser sitzen, ohne zu wissen, dass sie das Manövrieren der Männer und den Anschein haben, als würden sie "ausspioniert".
<Die Honigfalle ist die stärkste Waffe in China>, behauptet der Autor
* Ich erinnerte mich daran, dass der Gründer von Facebook einen Chinesen geheiratet hat, der auf den ersten Blick kein gewöhnlicher Mensch ist. *
Interessant ist auch, dass der Autor selbst eine Honigfalle bekam.
In China ist nicht nur die heterosexuelle Liebe, sondern auch das „Homosexualitätspersonal“ von Honey Traps vorbereitet.
Verschiedene Erfahrungen sind Informationskraft und analytische Fähigkeiten, die der Autor auf weltweiter Ebene einzigartig macht und sich nicht langweilen kann.
Die historische Bedeutung des Handelskriegs zwischen den USA und China, der letztes Jahr begann, besteht schließlich darin, dass die Vereinigten Staaten die wahre Figur Chinas „erwischt“ haben.
Er hat jahrelang große wirtschaftliche Hilfe für das große arme Land / China geleistet und im Jahr 2001 versucht, China in die WTO (Welthandelsorganisation) aufzunehmen und in die Regeln der Weltwirtschaft zu integrieren. Bei seiner Rückkehr stiehlt China fortschrittliche Technologien und militärische Fähigkeiten durch illegale Spionagetätigkeit und hat wiederholt gehackt.
Für das China, das jetzt die größte Bedrohung wurde, wurden die Vereinigten Staaten mit Geduld überwältigt. Am 4. Oktober des vergangenen Jahres hielt Vizepräsident Pence vor dem Hudson Institute eine große Rede, in der er sagte, er habe "Kriegserklärung" an China gerichtet bekannt.
Diese drastische Veränderung schafft einen neuen Fluss in der Welt.
Die Welt ist gekommen, "die Zeit, in der es sich lohnt", dass "Wie weit weg von China"
* Da dieser Trend umgekehrt proportional ist, macht NHK (insbesondere Uhr 9), wie bereits erwähnt, eine Verschwörung mit China als Großmacht und Macht. Weit entfernt von der Tatsache, dass NHK eine japanische nationale Sendung ist, nicht einmal die Sache, die sie japanisch sind, selbst die chinesischen Lobpreisabweichungen ... Ich möchte Arima sagen ... Welches große Land? Ob Sie ein großartiges Land sind, das die Menschenrechte ignoriert, ein großartiges Land ohne Meinungsfreiheit, ein großartiges Land mit rampigem Verhalten, das das Völkerrecht außer Acht lässt, ein mächtiges Land mit unendlicher Absicht, in andere Länder einzugreifen, die militärische Macht haben, ein großartiges Land des Bösen Kommunistische Partei, ein Partei-Diktatorstaat, schreckliches Übel und plausible Lüge, große Macht !, also möchte ich zu NHK sagen *
Dieser Entwurf geht weiter.

Es una enorme organización

2019年01月29日 18時19分08秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la continuación del capítulo anterior.
Autor, Huawei 'Es una gran organización de espías en el espacio real que absorbe información de la red humana, el propio gobierno del Partido Comunista Chino', y 'Hasta los Estados Unidos de nuestro último recurso, sabiendo que ya se ha erosionado. Por China, sintió terror como si se pusiera la piel de gallina ", está acusando en este libro.
Un conflicto con una compañía nacional de espionaje tiene una verdad, se ha transmitido el temor de una organización internacional china de espías.
Conozco una parte de la terrible naturaleza de la red de espionaje china que se adentraba en los medios japoneses y el mundo político, por lo que levanté la voz como 'oh' con la idea de ver la realidad de la industria de TI, que había leído en no hay tiempo.
Que este libro, la campaña # MeToo, y las personas que se sientan y se sientan frente a la manifestación de la Asamblea Nacional, sin saberlo en la maniobra de ellos, y la apariencia de que están siendo "espiados".
<La trampa de la miel es el arma más poderosa en China> y el autor afirma
* Recordé que el fundador de Facebook se casó con un chino que no es una persona común a primera vista *
También es interesante que el propio autor haya conseguido una trampa de miel.
En China, el personal de la trampa de la miel también está preparado no solo para el amor heterosexual sino también para la "homosexualidad".
Varias experiencias son poder de información y habilidades analíticas únicas para el autor en el trabajo a nivel mundial y no pueden aburrirse.
Que la guerra comercial entre Estados Unidos y China que comenzó el año pasado tenga un significado histórico es, finalmente, que Estados Unidos "atrapó" a la verdadera figura de China.
Continuó brindando una gran asistencia económica al gran país pobre / China durante muchos años y en 2001 intentó incorporar a China en la OMC (Organización Mundial del Comercio) e incorporarla a las reglas de la economía mundial. A medida que regresa, China roba tecnología avanzada y habilidades militares por la actividad de espionaje ilegal y ha repetido el pirateo.
Para China, que se convirtió en la mayor amenaza ahora, Estados Unidos se sintió abrumado por la paciencia, y el 4 de octubre del año pasado, el Vicepresidente Pence pronunció un gran discurso en el Instituto Hudson diciendo que la "declaración de guerra" virtual a China está bien. conocido.
Este cambio drástico crea un nuevo flujo en el mundo.
El mundo ha llegado "al momento en que vale la pena" y "a la distancia de China" vale la pena.
* Como inversamente proporcional a esta tendencia, NHK (especialmente el reloj 9) ha estado conspirando con China como una potencia importante, como ya se mencionó. Lejos del hecho de que NHK es una emisión nacional japonesa, ni siquiera lo que son japoneses, ni siquiera los chinos elogian las anomalías ... Quiero decirle a Arima ... ¿Qué país grande? Si usted es un gran país que ignora los derechos humanos, un gran país sin libertad de expresión, un gran país de comportamiento desenfrenado que ignora el derecho internacional, un país poderoso con una intención infinita de invadir a otros países con poder militar, un gran país del mal como un Partido comunista, partido, estado dictatorial, maldad abismal y plausible, ¡gran poder !, por eso quiero decirle a NHK *
Este borrador continúa.

È un'enorme organizzazione

2019年01月29日 18時18分32秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è la continuazione del capitolo precedente.
Autore, Huawei "È un'enorme organizzazione di spionaggio nello spazio reale che risucchia le informazioni dalla rete umana, dal governo del Partito Comunista Cinese stesso" e "Fino agli Stati Uniti di ultima istanza, sapendo che è già stato eroso dalla Cina, ha sentito il terrore come una pelle d'oca ', lei è accusata in questo libro.
Un conflitto con una compagnia di spionaggio nazionale ha una verità, la paura di un'organizzazione internazionale di spionaggio cinese è stata trasmessa.
Conosco una parte della natura terribile della rete di spionaggio cinese che è andata a fondo nei media giapponesi e nel mondo politico, quindi ho alzato la voce come "oh" con il pensiero di vedere la realtà del settore IT, avevo letto in non c'è tempo.
Che questo libro, la campagna # MeToo e le persone sedute e sedute di fronte alla manifestazione dell'Assemblea Nazionale, senza sapere che sta guidando la loro manovra, e l'apparenza di essere "spiati".
<La trappola del miele è l'arma più forte in Cina> e l'autore afferma
* Ho ricordato che il fondatore di Facebook ha sposato un cinese che non è una persona normale a prima vista *
È anche interessante che l'autore stesso abbia preso una trappola per il miele.
In Cina, non solo l'amore eterosessuale ma anche l '"omosessualità" sono preparati anche i dipendenti della trappola per il miele.
Diverse esperienze sono il potere di informazione e l'abilità analitica unica dell'autore sul lavoro a livello mondiale e non possono annoiarsi.
Che la guerra commerciale USA-Cina che è iniziata lo scorso anno abbia un significato storico è infine che gli Stati Uniti "hanno colto" la vera figura della Cina.
Ha continuato a fornire un'enorme assistenza economica al grande paese povero / Cina per molti anni e nel 2001 ha cercato di incorporare la Cina nell'OMC (Organizzazione mondiale del commercio) e incorporarla nelle regole dell'economia mondiale. Mentre ritorna, la Cina ruba tecnologia avanzata e abilità militari da attività di spionaggio illegale e ha ripetuto l'hacking.
Alla Cina che divenne la più grande minaccia adesso, gli Stati Uniti furono sopraffatti dalla pazienza, e il 4 ottobre, l'anno scorso, il Vicepresidente Pence fece un grande discorso all'Hudson Institute dicendo "dichiarazione di guerra" virtuale alla Cina, è ben conosciuto.
Questo drastico cambiamento crea un nuovo flusso nel mondo.
Il mondo è arrivato "nel momento in cui vale la pena" che "Quanto lontano dalla Cina" valga.
* Come inversamente proporzionale a questa tendenza, la NHK (in particolare l'orologio 9) ha fatto della cospirazione con la Cina una potenza e una potenza maggiori, come già menzionato. Lungi dal fatto che la NHK sia la trasmissione nazionale giapponese, nemmeno la cosa che sono giapponesi, anzi i cinesi elogiano l'anormalità ... Voglio dire ad Arima ... quale grande paese? Che tu sia un grande paese che ignora i diritti umani, un grande paese senza libertà di parola, un grande paese di comportamento sfrenato che ignora il diritto internazionale, un paese potente con l'intenzione infinita di invadere altri paesi in potere militare, un grande paese di malvagità come Partito comunista partito uno stato dittatoriale, male abissale e plausibile si trovano grandi poteri !, quindi voglio dire a NHK *
Questo progetto continua.

qui veulent connaître la vérité des choses

2019年01月29日 18時12分26秒 | 日記

Ces magazines mensuels sont des livres auxquels tous les Japonais qui souhaitent connaître la vérité sur les êtres humains du XXIe siècle doivent souscrire.
Le magazine mensuel plein de vérités est emballé non seulement pour ce citoyen japonais, mais également pour tous les peuples du monde, soit 900 yens.
D'autre part, payer un abonnement mensuel d'environ 5 000 yens et s'abonner au journal Asahi ne peut pas connaître la vérité, les Asahis vous font lire beaucoup de tels éditoriaux, par exemple, un homme arrêté en Corée du Sud comme un espion nord-coréen était chargé de cours à l'université de Ritsumeikan ... Hakoda Tetsuya, de son meilleur élève, est devenu le comité de rédaction du journal Asahi, éditorial ridicule, écrit de toutes pièces, regardant la Corée, le pays du mal absolu et du mensonge plausible, regardant le Japon.
De même que moi, il y a cinq ans, pour ne pas avoir plus de regret, il a immédiatement cessé de s'abonner au journal Asahi et de s'abonner à quatre magazines mensuels recommandés par moi (total: 3 600 yens), ou devrait passer à deux magazines. + un autre abonnement à un journal.
Parce que, chez vous, la décision est due au sauvetage du Japon.
Ce qui suit est extrait d’un article de Kadota Ryusho, l’un des vrais journalistes du périodique mensuel WiLL publié dans le magazine WiLL et intitulé "La peur du réseau d'espionnage chinois" pénétrant le monde.
Dans un livre que j'ai pris à la nouvelle année, il y a un livre dans lequel je sens un frisson me parcourir.
«L’industrie japonaise des technologies de l’information est volée par la Chine» (WAC).
L’auteur est M me Moe Fukada, elle est analyste des technologies de l’information et a été accusée de Huawei (Huawei Technology Co., Ltd.) en tant que «société espion» pendant six ans.
Il y a huit ans, la bataille entre l'auteur et Huawei a commencé à peu près au moment où elle se préparait à faire affaire avec un ingénieur américain qui a développé la solution à puce F35.
Au moment où le site Web n’était pas encore installé, Huawei nous a contactés en nous disant: "Nous voudrions signer une licence".
Lorsque l’ingénieur américain a rejeté le fait que ‘Huawei est une société d’espionnage, le gouvernement américain n’autorisera plus les échanges commerciaux’, et un an plus tard, Huawei pirate les communications satellitaires japonaises dans le cadre d’une expérience menée avec des laboratoires gouvernementaux Tenter de nuire au développement.
Auteur qui reçoit l’avis «d’informer la police».
Cependant, la police n’a pas agi comme "quel genre de crime ce serait?", Même si nous avions contacté le ministère de l’Intérieur et des Communications, ils n’avaient pas abordé la question, puis nous avons consulté la police des Affaires étrangères cette fois, mais cela ne fonctionne pas non plus.
Pendant ce temps, le personnel de recherche japonais est muté, les Iraniens proches de Huawei sont aux commandes et nous subissons des pressions pour remplacer les produits Huawei par des outils et du matériel.
L’auteur a informé le FBI américain cette fois, mais l’officier du FBI l’a érigée en espionne de Chine, à l’inverse,
Il s'avère plus tard que le faux rapport a été donné à la CIA ...
La façon dont des choses étranges se passent l'une après l'autre est comme un roman d'espionnage.
Ce projet continue.


2019年01月29日 18時11分54秒 | 日記

另一方面,每月支付约5000日元的订阅费和订阅朝日新闻无法知道真相,Asahi让你阅读这样的社论很多,例如,一名在朝鲜被捕的朝鲜间谍是一名男子立命馆大学的讲师...他最好的学生的Hakoda Tetsuya成为朝日报的编辑委员会,荒谬的社论,所有的东西,写着抬头看韩国,这是一个极度邪恶和看似合理的谎言的国家,低头看日本。
以下内容来自Kadota Ryusho的论文,该论文是1月26日发布的月刊“WiLL”中序列化的真正的新闻记者之一,题为“恐惧中国间谍网络”渗透世界。
作者是Moe Fukada女士,她是IT业务分析师,被指控华为(华为技术有限公司)担任“间谍公司”六年。

21 세기에 살고있는 인간으로

2019年01月29日 18時11分04秒 | 日記

이 월간 잡지는 21 세기의 인간으로서의 사물의 진실을 알고 싶어하는 모든 일본인이 구독해야하는 책입니다.
이 일본인뿐만 아니라 전 세계 사람들을위한 진실로 가득 찬 매월 잡지는 900 엔입니다.
한편 월간 가입비 약 5,000 엔을 지불하고 아사히 신문을 구독하면 진실을 알 수 없으므로 아사히는 편집인을 많이 읽게한다. 예를 들어, 북한 스파이로 체포 된 한 남성은 리츠 메이 칸 대학 강사 ... 그의 눈동자의 하코다 테츠야 (Hakoda Tetsuya)는 아사히 신문의 사설 이사회가되었다. 사치스러운 사설이며, 우스운 사해의 나라 인 한국을 바라보며 일본을 바라 보았다.
5 년 전의 8 월까지 나뿐만 아니라 더 이상 아쉽지 않으려 고 즉각 아사히 신문 구독을 중단하고 나에게 추천 된 4 권의 매거진 (총 3,600 엔)을 구독하거나 2 권의 잡지로 전환해야한다. + 다른 신문 구독.
왜냐하면, 당신에게 결정은 그것이 일본을 구출하기 때문입니다.
다음은 1 월 26 일에 발간 된 월간 잡지 WiLL에서 연재 된 진정한 언론인 중 한 명인 카도 타 류쇼 (Kadota Ryusho)가 쓴 "중국 간첩 네트워크"에 대한 두려움.
새해 첫날에 찍은 책에는 척추가 차가워지는 느낌을 느낄 수있는 책이 있습니다.
'일본의 IT 산업은 중국에 의해 도난 당했다'(WAC).
필자는 Moe Fukada입니다. Huawei (Huawei Technology Co., Ltd.)를 '스파이 회사'로 6 년간 비난 한 IT 비즈니스 분석가입니다.
8 년 전, 저자와 화웨이 간의 전투는 F35 칩 솔루션을 개발 한 미국 엔지니어와 사업을 준비 할 즈음 시작되었다.
웹 사이트가 설치되지 않은 단계에서 Huawei는 우리에게 '라이센스에 서명하고 싶습니다.'라고 말했습니다.
미국 엔지니어가 '화웨이가 스파이 회사라는 사실을 거부하면 미국 정부는 거래를 허용하지 않을 것입니다.'그리고 1 년 후 화웨이는 정부 연구소와 실험을 통해 일본 위성 통신을 해킹하여 개발을 시도하고 방해합니다.
저자는 '경찰에게 알리기 위해 조언을 받는다.'
그러나 경찰은 '어떤 범죄가 될 것인가'로 옮기지 않았다. 우리가 총무부와 접촉해도 문제를 해결하지 않았지만 이번에는 외교부 경찰과상의했다. 이것은 또한 작동하지 않습니다.
한편, 일본 연구원이 이관되며, 화웨이와 긴밀한 관계가있는이란 사람들이 담당하고 있으며 화웨이 제품을 공구 및 자재로 대체해야한다는 압박을 받고 있습니다.
저자는 이번에 미국 FBI에 통보했지만 FBI의 장교는 그녀를 중국의 스파이로 역으로 설정했다.
나중에 거짓 보고서가 CIA에 주어 졌음이 밝혀졌습니다.
이상한 일들이 차례로 진행되는 방식은 간첩 소설과 같습니다.
이 초안은 계속됩니다.

Wer die Wahrheit der Dinge als ein im 21.

2019年01月29日 18時10分19秒 | 日記

Diese Monatszeitschriften sind Bücher, die alle Japaner, die die Wahrheit über die Dinge eines im 21. Jahrhundert lebenden Menschen wissen wollen, abonnieren müssen.
Das monatliche Magazin voller Wahrheiten, nicht nur für diesen japanischen Bürger, sondern auch für Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, ist mit 900 Yen gefüllt.
Auf der anderen Seite, wenn Sie die monatliche Abonnementgebühr von etwa 5.000 Yen bezahlen und die Zeitung Asahi abonnieren, können Sie die Wahrheit nicht wissen. Die Asahi bringen Sie dazu, ein solches Editorial zu lesen, zum Beispiel war ein in Südkorea verhafteter Mann ein nordkoreanischer Spion Dozent an der Ritsumeikan-Universität ... Hakoda Tetsuya seines besten Schülers wurde der Redaktionsausschuß der Zeitung Asahi, lächerlicher Leitartikel, aus allen Dingen.
Soweit ich bis August vor fünf Jahren nicht mehr bedauert hatte, hörte ich sofort auf, die Zeitung Asahi zu abonnieren, und abonnierte vier von mir empfohlene Monatszeitschriften (insgesamt 3 600 Yen) oder sollte auf zwei Magazine wechseln + ein weiteres Zeitungsabonnement.
Weil bei Ihnen die Entscheidung darauf zurückzuführen ist, dass sie Japan rettet.
Das Folgende ist aus einem Artikel von Kadota Ryusho, einem der echten Journalisten, der in der am 26. Januar erschienenen Monatszeitschrift WiLL mit dem Titel "Die Angst vor dem chinesischen Spionetzwerk Penetrating the World" veröffentlicht wurde.
In einem Buch, das ich am neuen Jahr aufgenommen habe, gibt es ein Buch, in dem ein Schauer über meinen Rücken laufen kann.
"Japans IT-Industrie wird von China gestohlen" (WAC).
Die Autorin ist Frau Moe Fukada, sie ist IT-Business-Analystin und wird seit sechs Jahren von Huawei (Huawei Technology Co., Ltd.) als "Spionageunternehmen" beschuldigt.
Vor acht Jahren begann der Kampf zwischen der Autorin und Huawei zu der Zeit, als sie sich auf einen amerikanischen Ingenieur vorbereitete, der die F35-Chip-Lösung entwickelte.
In der Phase, in der die Website nicht eingerichtet war, meldete sich Huawei mit uns: „Wir möchten eine Lizenz unterschreiben.“
Wenn der amerikanische Ingenieur ablehnt, dass "Huawei ein Spionageunternehmen ist, wird die US-Regierung den Handel nicht zulassen". Ein Jahr später hackt Huawei die japanische Satellitenkommunikation in einem Experiment mit staatlichen Laboratorien und versucht, die Entwicklung zu behindern.
Der Autor erhält den Rat, „die Polizei zu informieren“.
Die Polizei bewegte sich jedoch nicht als "welche Art von Verbrechen würde es sein?". Selbst wenn wir uns mit dem Ministerium für innere Angelegenheiten und Kommunikation in Verbindung setzten, nahmen sie die Angelegenheit nicht auf, dann konsultierten wir diesmal die Polizei für auswärtige Angelegenheiten das funktioniert auch nicht.
Mittlerweile sind japanische Forschungsmitarbeiter versetzt, Iraner, die eng mit Huawei verwandt sind, sind verantwortlich und wir stehen unter dem Druck, die Huawei-Produkte durch Werkzeuge und Materialien zu ersetzen.
Der Autor informierte diesmal das amerikanische FBI, der FBI-Offizier setzte sie jedoch als Chinas Spion ein.
Es stellt sich später heraus, dass der falsche Bericht an die CIA übermittelt wurde ...
Die Art und Weise, wie seltsame Dinge nacheinander vor sich gehen, ist wie ein Spionageroman.
Dieser Entwurf geht weiter.

Quienes quieran saber la verdad

2019年01月29日 18時09分39秒 | 日記

Estas revistas mensuales son libros a los que deben suscribirse todos los japoneses que quieran saber la verdad de los seres humanos en el siglo XXI.
La revista mensual llena de verdades, no solo para este ciudadano japonés sino también para personas de todo el mundo, está llena de 900 yenes.
Por otro lado, pagar una cuota de suscripción mensual de unos 5,000 yenes y suscribirse al periódico Asahi no puede saber la verdad, los Asahi te hacen leer mucho ese editorial, por ejemplo, un hombre arrestado en Corea del Sur como un espía de Corea del Norte era un profesor de la Universidad Ritsumeikan ... Hakoda Tetsuya, de su mejor alumno, se convirtió en el comité editorial del periódico Asahi, editorial ridícula de todas las cosas, escrita en busca de Corea, que es el país del mal abismal y la mentira plausible, mirando hacia Japón.
Al igual que yo hasta agosto, hace cinco años, para no sentir más arrepentimiento, dejó de suscribirse al periódico Asahi y se suscribió a cuatro revistas mensuales recomendadas por mí (un total de 3, 600 yen), o debería cambiar a dos revistas. + otra suscripción al periódico.
Porque, a ti, la decisión se debe a que rescata a Japón.
Lo que sigue es de un artículo de Kadota Ryusho, uno de los verdaderos periodistas serializados en la revista mensual WiLL publicada el 26 de enero titulada, El miedo a la "red de espías chinos" Penetrando el mundo.
En un libro que saqué en el año nuevo, hay un libro para sentir un escalofrío en mi espalda.
"La industria de TI de Japón es robada por China" (WAC).
La autora es la Sra. Moe Fukada, es una analista de negocios de TI que ha sido acusada de Huawei (Huawei Technology Co., Ltd.) como "compañía de espías" durante seis años.
Hace ocho años, la batalla entre la autora y Huawei comenzó en la época en que se estaba preparando para hacer negocios con un ingeniero estadounidense que desarrolló la solución de chip F35.
En el momento en que no se configuró el sitio web, Huawei se puso en contacto con nosotros y nos dijo: "Nos gustaría firmar una licencia".
Cuando el ingeniero estadounidense rechaza que "Huawei es una compañía de espías, el gobierno de los EE. UU. No permitirá el intercambio", y un año después, Huawei piratea las comunicaciones satelitales japonesas en un experimento con laboratorios gubernamentales. Intenta e interfiere en el desarrollo.
Autor que recibe consejos "para informar a la policía".
Sin embargo, la policía no se movió como "¿Qué tipo de delito sería?". Incluso si contactamos con el Ministerio de Asuntos Internos y Comunicaciones, no abordaron el asunto, entonces consultamos a la policía de Asuntos Exteriores esta vez, pero Esto tampoco funciona.
Mientras tanto, se transfiere el personal de investigación japonés, los iraníes que están estrechamente relacionados con Huawei están a cargo y estamos bajo la presión de reemplazar los productos de Huawei con herramientas y materiales.
El autor informó esta vez al FBI estadounidense, pero el oficial del FBI la estableció como una espía china a la inversa,
Más tarde resulta que el informe falso fue entregado a la CIA ...
La forma en que suceden cosas extrañas una tras otra es como una novela de espías.
Este borrador continúa.

chi vuole conoscere la verità delle cose come

2019年01月29日 18時08分51秒 | 日記

Queste riviste mensili sono libri che tutti i giapponesi che vogliono conoscere la verità delle cose come esseri umani nel 21 ° secolo devono sottoscrivere.
La rivista mensile piena di verità non solo per questo cittadino giapponese ma anche per le persone di tutto il mondo è imballata è di 900 yen.
D'altra parte, pagando una quota mensile di circa 5.000 yen e abbonandosi al giornale Asahi non si può sapere la verità, l'Asahi ti fa leggere un tale editoriale molto, per esempio, un uomo arrestato in Corea del Sud come spia nordcoreana era un docente all'Università Ritsumeikan ... Hakoda Tetsuya, del suo miglior allievo, è diventato il comitato di redazione del giornale Asahi, ridicolo editoriale di tutte le cose, ha scritto una ricerca sulla Corea che è il paese del male abissale e della menzogna plausibile, guardando in basso verso il Giappone.
Oltre a me, fino ad agosto di cinque anni fa, per non sentirmi più dispiaciuto, ha immediatamente smesso di iscrivermi al giornale Asahi e ho sottoscritto quattro riviste mensili da me consigliate (in totale 3, 600 yen), o dovrebbe passare a due riviste + un altro abbonamento al giornale.
Perché, a te, la decisione è dovuta al salvataggio del Giappone.
Quello che segue è un articolo di Kadota Ryusho, uno dei veri giornalisti serializzati sulla rivista mensile WiLL, pubblicata il 26 gennaio, intitolata The Fear of the Chinese Spy Network, Penetrating the World.
In un libro che ho preso al nuovo anno, c'è un libro per sentire un brivido correre giù per la schiena.
"Il settore IT in Giappone viene rubato dalla Cina" (WAC).
L'autrice è la signora Moe Fukada, lei è analista di business IT che è stata accusata di Huawei (Huawei Technology Co., Ltd.) come "compagnia di spionaggio" per sei anni.
Otto anni fa, la battaglia tra l'autore e Huawei iniziò nel periodo in cui si stava preparando per il business con un ingegnere americano che sviluppò la soluzione di chip F35.
Nella fase in cui il sito Web non è stato configurato, Huawei ci ha contattato dicendo: "Vorremmo firmare una licenza".
Quando l'ingegnere americano rifiuta che "Huawei è una società di spionaggio, il governo degli Stati Uniti non permetterà il commercio", e un anno dopo, Huawei ha hackerato le comunicazioni satellitari giapponesi in un esperimento con i laboratori governativi. Cerca di interferire con lo sviluppo.
Autore che riceve consigli "per informare la polizia".
Tuttavia, la polizia non si è mossa come 'che tipo di crimine sarebbe?', Anche se abbiamo contattato il Ministero degli Affari Interni e delle Comunicazioni, non hanno preso in considerazione la questione, quindi questa volta abbiamo consultato la polizia estera, ma anche questo non funziona.
Nel frattempo, lo staff di ricerca giapponese viene trasferito, le persone iraniane strettamente legate a Huawei sono in carica e siamo sotto la pressione di sostituire i prodotti Huawei con strumenti e materiali.
L'autrice informò l'FBI americano questa volta, ma l'ufficiale dell'FBI la nominò inviatamente spia cinese,
Successivamente si scopre che il falso rapporto è stato dato alla CIA ...
Il modo in cui le cose strane stanno succedendo uno dopo l'altro è come un romanzo di spionaggio.
Questo progetto continua.

The way that strange things are going on one after the other is like a spy novel.

2019年01月29日 18時01分48秒 | 日記

These monthly magazines are books that all Japanese people who want to know the truth of things as a human living in the 21st century must subscribe to.
The monthly magazine full of truths, not only for this Japanese citizen but also for people all over the world is packed is 900 yen.
On the other hand, paying the monthly subscription fee of about 5,000 yen and subscribing to the Asahi newspaper cannot know the truth.

The Asahi makes you read such an editorial a lot, for example, a man arrested in South Korea as a North Korean spy was a lecturer at Ritsumeikan University.

Hakoda Tetsuya of his best pupil became the editorial board of the Asahi Newspaper.

It is a ridiculous article, of all things, written looking up Korea, which is the country of abysmal evil and plausible lie, looking down at Japan.

As well as me until August five years ago, to not feel any more regret, it immediately stopped subscribing to the Asahi Newspaper and subscribed to four monthly magazines recommended by me (total 3, 600 yen), or should switch to two magazines + another newspaper subscription.
Because, at you, the decision is due to its rescues Japan.
The following is from a paper by Kadota Ryusho, one of the real journalists serialized in the monthly magazine WiLL released on January 26 entitled, The Fear of the ‘Chinese Spy Network’ Penetrating the World.
In a book I took in the new year, there is a book to feel a chill run down my spine.
‘Japan's IT industry is stolen by China’ (WAC).
The author is Ms. Moe Fukada, she is an IT business analyst.

She has been accused of Huawei (Huawei Technology Co., Ltd.) as a 'spy company' for six years.
Eight years ago, the battle between the author and Huawei began around the time she was preparing for business with an American engineer who developed the F35 chip solution.
At the stage when the website was not set up, Huawei got in touch with us saying, ‘We would like to sign a license.’
When the American engineer rejects that ‘Huawei is a spy company, the US government will not allow trading,’

And one year later, Huawei hacks Japanese satellite communications in an experiment with government laboratories. Try and interfere with development.
Author receiving advice ‘to inform the police.’
However, the police did not move as ‘what kind of crime would it be?’

Even if we contacted the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, they did not take up the matter.

Then we consulted Foreign Affairs police this time, but this also does not work.
Meanwhile, the Japanese research staff is transferred, Iranian people who are strictly related to Huawei are in charge, and we are under pressure to replace them with the Huawei products to the tools and materials.
The author informed the American FBI this time, but the officer of the FBI set her up as a China spy conversely,
It later turns out that the false report was given to the CIA ...
The way that strange things are going on one after another is like a spy novel.
This draft continues.

informed the American FBI this time, but the officer of the FBI set her up as a China spy conversely

2019年01月29日 18時01分13秒 | 日記

These monthly magazines are books that all Japanese people who want to know the truth of things as a human living in the 21st century must subscribe to.
The monthly magazine full of truths, not only for this Japanese citizen but also for people all over the world is packed is 900 yen.
On the other hand, paying the monthly subscription fee of about 5,000 yen and subscribing to the Asahi newspaper cannot know the truth.

The Asahi makes you read such an editorial a lot, for example, a man arrested in South Korea as a North Korean spy was a lecturer at Ritsumeikan University.

Hakoda Tetsuya of his best pupil became the editorial board of the Asahi Newspaper.

It is a ridiculous article, of all things, written looking up Korea, which is the country of abysmal evil and plausible lie, looking down at Japan.

As well as me until August five years ago, to not feel any more regret, it immediately stopped subscribing to the Asahi Newspaper and subscribed to four monthly magazines recommended by me (total 3, 600 yen), or should switch to two magazines + another newspaper subscription.
Because, at you, the decision is due to its rescues Japan.
The following is from a paper by Kadota Ryusho, one of the real journalists serialized in the monthly magazine WiLL released on January 26 entitled, The Fear of the ‘Chinese Spy Network’ Penetrating the World.
In a book I took in the new year, there is a book to feel a chill run down my spine.
‘Japan's IT industry is stolen by China’ (WAC).
The author is Ms. Moe Fukada, she is an IT business analyst.

She has been accused of Huawei (Huawei Technology Co., Ltd.) as a 'spy company' for six years.
Eight years ago, the battle between the author and Huawei began around the time she was preparing for business with an American engineer who developed the F35 chip solution.
At the stage when the website was not set up, Huawei got in touch with us saying, ‘We would like to sign a license.’
When the American engineer rejects that ‘Huawei is a spy company, the US government will not allow trading,’

And one year later, Huawei hacks Japanese satellite communications in an experiment with government laboratories. Try and interfere with development.
Author receiving advice ‘to inform the police.’
However, the police did not move as ‘what kind of crime would it be?’

Even if we contacted the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, they did not take up the matter.

Then we consulted Foreign Affairs police this time, but this also does not work.
Meanwhile, the Japanese research staff is transferred, Iranian people who are strictly related to Huawei are in charge, and we are under pressure to replace them with the Huawei products to the tools and materials.
The author informed the American FBI this time, but the officer of the FBI set her up as a China spy conversely,
It later turns out that the false report was given to the CIA ...
The way that strange things are going on one after another is like a spy novel.
This draft continues.

in order to not feel any more regret, it immediately stopped subscribing to the Asahi

2019年01月29日 17時57分32秒 | 日記

These monthly magazines are books that all Japanese people who want to know the truth of things as a human living in the 21st century must subscribe to.
The monthly magazine full of truths, not only for this Japanese citizen but also for people all over the world is packed is 900 yen.
On the other hand, paying the monthly subscription fee of about 5,000 yen and subscribing to the Asahi newspaper cannot know the truth.

The Asahi makes you read such an editorial a lot, for example, a man arrested in South Korea as a North Korean spy was a lecturer at Ritsumeikan University.

Hakoda Tetsuya of his best pupil became the editorial board of the Asahi Newspaper.

It is a ridiculous article, of all things, written looking up Korea, which is the country of abysmal evil and plausible lie, looking down at Japan.

As well as me until August five years ago, to not feel any more regret, it immediately stopped subscribing to the Asahi Newspaper and subscribed to four monthly magazines recommended by me (total 3, 600 yen), or should switch to two magazines + another newspaper subscription.
Because, at you, the decision is due to its rescues Japan.
The following is from a paper by Kadota Ryusho, one of the real journalists serialized in the monthly magazine WiLL released on January 26 entitled, The Fear of the ‘Chinese Spy Network’ Penetrating the World.
In a book I took in the new year, there is a book to feel a chill run down my spine.
‘Japan's IT industry is stolen by China’ (WAC).
The author is Ms. Moe Fukada, she is an IT business analyst.

She has been accused of Huawei (Huawei Technology Co., Ltd.) as a 'spy company' for six years.
Eight years ago, the battle between the author and Huawei began around the time she was preparing for business with an American engineer who developed the F35 chip solution.
At the stage when the website was not set up, Huawei got in touch with us saying, ‘We would like to sign a license.’ 
When the American engineer rejects that ‘Huawei is a spy company, the US government will not allow trading,’

And one year later, Huawei hacks Japanese satellite communications in an experiment with government laboratories. Try and interfere with development.
Author receiving advice ‘to inform the police.’
However, the police did not move as ‘what kind of crime would it be?’

Even if we contacted the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, they did not take up the matter.

Then we consulted Foreign Affairs police this time, but this also does not work. 
Meanwhile, the Japanese research staff is transferred, Iranian people who are strictly related to Huawei are in charge.

And we are under pressure to replace them with the Huawei products to the tools and materials.
The author informed the American FBI this time, but the officer of the FBI set her up as a China spy conversely,
It later turns out that the false report was given to the CIA ...
The way that strange things are going on one after another is like a spy novel.
This draft continues.

who want to know the truth of things as a human living in the 21st century must subscribe to

2019年01月29日 17時48分02秒 | 日記

These monthly magazines are books that all Japanese people who want to know the truth of things as a human living in the 21st century must subscribe to.
The monthly magazine full of truths, not only for this Japanese citizen but also for people all over the world is packed is 900 yen.
On the other hand, paying the monthly subscription fee of about 5,000 yen and subscribing to the Asahi newspaper cannot know the truth.

The Asahi makes you read such an editorial a lot, for example, a man arrested in South Korea as a North Korean spy was a lecturer at Ritsumeikan University.

Hakoda Tetsuya of his best pupil became the editorial board of the Asahi Newspaper.

It is a ridiculous article, of all things, written looking up Korea, which is the country of abysmal evil and plausible lie, looking down at Japan.

As well as me until August five years ago, to not feel any more regret, it immediately stopped subscribing to the Asahi Newspaper and subscribed to four monthly magazines recommended by me (total 3, 600 yen), or should switch to two magazines + another newspaper subscription.
Because, at you, the decision is due to its rescues Japan.
The following is from a paper by Kadota Ryusho, one of the real journalists serialized in the monthly magazine WiLL released on January 26 entitled, The Fear of the ‘Chinese Spy Network’ Penetrating the World.
In a book I took in the new year, there is a book to feel a chill run down my spine.
‘Japan's IT industry is stolen by China’ (WAC).
The author is Ms. Moe Fukada, she is an IT business analyst.

She has been accused of Huawei (Huawei Technology Co., Ltd.) as a 'spy company' for six years.
Eight years ago, the battle between the author and Huawei began around the time she was preparing for business with an American engineer who developed the F35 chip solution.
At the stage when the website was not set up, Huawei got in touch with us saying, ‘We would like to sign a license.’ 
When the American engineer rejects that ‘Huawei is a spy company, the US government will not allow trading,’

And one year later, Huawei hacks Japanese satellite communications in an experiment with government laboratories. Try and interfere with development.
Author receiving advice ‘to inform the police.’
However, the police did not move as ‘what kind of crime would it be?’

Even if we contacted the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, they did not take up the matter.

Then we consulted Foreign Affairs police this time, but this also does not work. 
Meanwhile, the Japanese research staff is transferred, Iranian people who are strictly related to Huawei are in charge.

And we are under pressure to replace them with the Huawei products to the tools and materials.
The author informed the American FBI this time, but the officer of the FBI set her up as a China spy conversely,
It later turns out that the false report was given to the CIA ...
The way that strange things are going on one after another is like a spy novel.
This draft continues.

The following is from a paper by Kadota Ryusho, one of the real journalists serialized in the

2019年01月29日 16時29分35秒 | 日記

These monthly magazines are books that all Japanese people who want to know the truth of things as a human living in the 21st century must subscribe to.
The monthly magazine full of truths, not only for this Japanese citizen but also for people all over the world is packed is 900 yen.
On the other hand, paying the monthly subscription fee of about 5,000 yen and subscribing to the Asahi newspaper cannot know the truth.

The Asahi makes you read such an editorial a lot, for example, a man arrested in South Korea as a North Korean spy was a lecturer at Ritsumeikan University.

Hakoda Tetsuya of his best pupil became the editorial board of the Asahi Newspaper.

It is a ridiculous article, of all things, written looking up Korea, which is the country of abysmal evil and plausible lie, looking down at Japan.

As well as me until August five years ago, to not feel any more regret, it immediately stopped subscribing to the Asahi Newspaper and subscribed to four monthly magazines recommended by me (total 3, 600 yen), or should switch to two magazines + another newspaper subscription.
Because, at you, the decision is due to its rescues Japan.
The following is from a paper by Kadota Ryusho, one of the real journalists serialized in the monthly magazine WiLL released on January 26 entitled, The Fear of the ‘Chinese Spy Network’ Penetrating the World.
In a book I took in the new year, there is a book to feel a chill run down my spine.
‘Japan's IT industry is stolen by China’ (WAC).
The author is Ms. Moe Fukada, she is an IT business analyst.

She has been accused of Huawei (Huawei Technology Co., Ltd.) as a 'spy company' for six years.
Eight years ago, the battle between the author and Huawei began around the time she was preparing for business with an American engineer who developed the F35 chip solution.
At the stage when the website was not set up, Huawei got in touch with us saying, ‘We would like to sign a license.’ 
When the American engineer rejects that ‘Huawei is a spy company, the US government will not allow trading,’

And one year later, Huawei hacks Japanese satellite communications in an experiment with government laboratories. Try and interfere with development.
Author receiving advice ‘to inform the police.’
However, the police did not move as ‘what kind of crime would it be?’

Even if we contacted the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, they did not take up the matter.

Then we consulted Foreign Affairs police this time, but this also does not work. 
Meanwhile, the Japanese research staff is transferred, Iranian people who are strictly related to Huawei are in charge.

And we are under pressure to replace them with the Huawei products to the tools and materials.
The author informed the American FBI this time, but the officer of the FBI set her up as a China spy conversely,
It later turns out that the false report was given to the CIA ...
The way that strange things are going on one after another is like a spy novel.
This draft continues.

Communist party one-party dictatorial state, abysmal evil and plausible lie big power!

2019年01月29日 12時17分30秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 
Author, Huawei's ‘It is a vast spy organization in the real space sucking up information by the social network, the Chinese Communist Party government itself.'

And ‘Until the United States of our last resort, knowing the fact that it has already been eroded by China,.

She felt terror like getting goosebumps,' she is accusing in this book.
A conflict with a national spy company has a truth, the fear of an international Chinese spy organization has been transmitted. 
I know a part of the terrible nature of the Chinese spy network that went deep into the Japanese media and the political world.

So I raised voice as ‘oh’ with the thought of seeing the reality of the IT industry, I had read through in no time.
It is this book, the # MeToo campaign, and people sitting in and sitting in front of the National Assembly demonstration.

Without knowing it riding the maneuvering of them, and the appearance that they are being 'spied.'
<The honey trap is the most potent weapon in China> and the author asserts
* I recalled that the founder of Facebook married a Chinese who is not an ordinary person at first glance *
It is also interesting that the author himself got a honey trap.
In China, not only heterosexual love but also ‘homosexuality’ Honey trap personnel are prepared, too.
Various experiences are information power and analytical skill unique to the author on work on a worldwide level and cannot get bored. 
That the US-China trade war that began last year has a historical meaning is finally that the United States ‘caught’ the exact figure of China. 
The United States continued substantial economic assistance to the tremendous miserable country / China for many years, and in 2001 it tried to incorporate China into the WTO (World Trade Organization) and incorporate it into the rules of the world economy.

As it returns, China steals advanced technology and military skills by illegal spying activity and has repeated hacking.
To China, that became the most significant threat now, the United States got overwhelmed with patience.

And on October 4, last year, Vice President Pence made a big speech at the Hudson Institute saying virtual ‘declaration of war' to China, it is well known. 

This drastic change creates a new flow in the world.
The world has come ‘the time when it is worth’ that ‘How far away from China’ is worth it.
*As inversely proportional to this trend, NHK (especially watch 9) has been making conspiracy with China as a significant power and power, as already mentioned. Far from the fact that NHK is a Japanese national broadcast, not even the thing that they are Japanese, even the Chinese praise abnormality ... I want to say to Arima ... What big country? Whether you are a great country ignoring human rights, a great nation without freedom of speech, a vast land of rampageous behavior ignoring international law. A powerful country with infinite intention to invade other countries in military buildup power, a vast area of evil as a Communist party one-party dictatorial state, abysmal evil and plausible lie significant power!, so I want to say to NHK*
This draft continues.