文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Vögel haben keine Probleme wie familiäre Zwietracht.

2020年12月26日 16時49分54秒 | 全般
Florence + the Machine - Shake It Out (Lyrics)

Das Folgende ist ein grober Entwurf.
Es ist keine Übertreibung zu sagen, dass Shinzo Abes Erfolge und Beiträge zu Japan und der Welt als Politiker die größten in der Nachkriegszeit waren.
Es ist keine Übertreibung zu sagen, dass seine Leistungen und Beiträge zu Japan und der Welt als Politiker die größten seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg waren.
Aber es ist mit Ausnahme der japanischen Staatsanwälte, Universitätsprofessoren, die hohe Gehälter und lebenslange Sicherheit von den Steuern des japanischen Volkes erhalten, und derjenigen, die ihren Lebensunterhalt von den Massenmedien wie Asahi, NHK usw. verdienen.
Ausgerechnet letzte Nacht waren es NHK-Nachrichten, und sie zeigten glücklich, wie Kiyomi Tsujimoto den ehemaligen Premierminister Abe unter Druck setzte, vom Landtag zurückzutreten.
Es war damals, als "It TV bis zum Morgen" seinen Höhepunkt erreichte.
Die Leute, die das Immobiliengeschäft führten, das ich als meinen Lebensberuf gewählt hatte, litten unter unbeschreiblichem Leid.
In jenen Tagen habe ich oft alleine in der ANA Hotel Bar am Eingang zu Kitashinchi getrunken.
Es war eine charmante und entspannende Bar.
Ich habe es immer bevormundet, weil ich viel frischen Saft und Gin getrunken habe.
Zweimal traf ich Takano Hajime und Ozawa Ryoko, die Stammgäste der oben genannten Show waren und nebeneinander redeten.
Ich erinnere mich noch lebhaft an den Gesprächsinhalt, den ich gehört habe, obwohl ich nicht wollte.
Beide Male ging es um eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen Generalunternehmern.
Neulich sah ich Takano Hajimes Namen zum ersten Mal seit langer Zeit im Twitter-Feed von Hiroshi Yamada, einem Mitglied des House of Councilors. Herr Yamada kritisiert ihn mit tiefer Bestürzung für seine Kommentare, die nur als Stellvertreter für China bezeichnet werden können.
Der Bau des linearen Shinkansen, auf den die meisten Japaner mit Spannung gewartet haben, ist ein seltenes und herausforderndes Projekt.
Es ist ein kompliziertes Bauprojekt, das nur die technischen Fähigkeiten von Japans erstklassigen Generalunternehmern erfordert.
Wie ich bereits erwähnt habe, hatte ich enorme Zweifel, dass die Staatsanwälte mit Beginn des Projekts nach ihnen suchten.
Dieser Zweifel wurde sofort ausgeräumt, als ich den Namen Hajime Takano sah.
Das ist also der Typ. Takano Hajime und sein Team sprechen immer über Korruption bei Generalunternehmern.
Es sind die Personen in der Sonderermittlungsabteilung, die mit ihnen verbunden sind.
Der letzte Schliff ist die unglaubliche Komplizenschaft des Gouverneurs der Präfektur Shizuoka, Kawakatsu, eines seltenen pro-chinesischen Politikers.
Im Jahr 2011 nutzte China die Tatsache, dass Japan unter der Regierung der Demokratischen Partei Japans (DPJ) stand, voll aus, um Japan von der weltweit führenden Macht der Atomkrafttechnologie abzuziehen und schnell zur weltweit führenden Atomkraft zu werden.
Nicht nur Kernkraftwerke, sondern auch China stiehlt JR-Technologie und hat es sich zum nationalen Ziel gemacht, als erstes Land der Welt einen linearen Hochgeschwindigkeitszug zu vermarkten.
Aufgrund der Macken von Kawakatsu hat sich der lineare Shinkansen-Prozess erheblich verzögert, und jetzt gibt es keine Aussicht mehr.
Es ist keine Übertreibung zu sagen, dass die Politiker, die lediglich Gouverneure der Präfektur sind, Agenten Chinas sind. Sie können nichts gegen die Situation unternehmen, in der Japans nationale Politik für China gestoppt wird.
Die Staatsanwaltschaft unternimmt nichts, und die Massenmedien sagen nichts über eine Situation, die dem nationalen Interesse unglaublich schadet.
An meiner Alma Mater, der Sendai-Daini High School, auf die ich stolz bin, hatte ich 440 Klassenkameraden.
Sie waren alle echte Eliten. Kein einziger von ihnen war ein Misserfolg.
Sie alle folgten dem Weg der Elite und spielten in Japan eine zentrale Rolle.
Bis man Mitglied der Gesellschaft wird (bis man einen Job bekommt), ist die Familie wie ein Quartier für Vögel, die in der Dämmerung zum Nest zurückkehren.
Vögel haben keine Probleme wie familiäre Zwietracht.
Aber nur Menschen leben mit verschiedenen Problemen.
Es ist ein ernstes Problem für diejenigen, die intelligent und weise sind.
Dies liegt daran, dass Kazumi Takahashi, ein brillanter Mann, der der Universität Kyoto würdig ist, einmal sagte: "Die Grundlage der Originalität liegt in der Vielfalt, und die Grundlage der Vielfalt liegt in der Homöostase.
Dies ist der Grund, warum alle Spitzensportler Routinen als Homöostase haben.
Der Mentor meiner Alma Mater hielt mich auf dem Flur an und sagte: "Du solltest an der Universität von Kyoto bleiben. Du musst an der Universität von Kyoto bleiben und diese Universität auf deinen Schultern tragen.
Da der frühere Präsident Yamagiwa, ein bestimmter Takagi und andere dort lebten, war es nicht schade, dass ich den Anweisungen meines Lehrers nicht folgen konnte.
Ich stand nicht auf dem Rücken der Universität Kyoto, aber jetzt trage ich mehr als das.
Ich schreibe weiterhin für die 120 Millionen Menschen in Japan und die 6,5 Milliarden Menschen weltweit.
Es gibt ein kostenpflichtiges englisches Softwareprogramm, das ich seit einiger Zeit benutze.
In regelmäßigen Abständen erhalte ich so etwas wie einen Bericht über meine Leistung.
Es gibt mehrere Elemente.
Unter den fast drei Millionen Nutzern bin ich der beste von allen.
Einige Englischlehrer der Junior High School, Studenten und andere Personen, die in ständigem Kontakt mit Englisch stehen, sagen jetzt gemeinsam: "Ich habe in letzter Zeit Google Translate und Wörterbücher verwendet.
In letzter Zeit ist die Japanisch-Englisch-Übersetzung von Google und Deepl so viel besser geworden.
Sage ich und lache ohne Pedanterie.
Ich mache es als der beste und schwerste Benutzer der Welt.
Im Juli 2010 veranlasste mich der Vorfall Umeda-Kita Yard, diese Kolumne zu schreiben.
Es ist für niemanden überraschend, dass diese Kolumne täglich etwa 30.000 Suchanfragen und 3.000 Besucher auf goo hat, die von einer Tochtergesellschaft von NTT betrieben werden.
Sobald ich jedoch am 1. Juni 2011 die Entscheidung über die Veröffentlichung aus dem Krankenzimmer bekannt gab, startete ein Mann, der mehr als 100 Millionen Geld von unserem Unternehmen gestohlen hatte, einen umgekehrten SEO-Angriff auf diese Kolumne.
Nachdem ich 2012 eine lebensbedrohliche Krankheit überwunden hatte, konsultierte ich einen Anwalt, der ein ehemaliger Staatsanwalt war, ein Mann, der Computer und das Internet hasste. Trotzdem sagte er auf den ersten Blick: "Das ist schrecklich.
Er nannte einige der Strafen.
Er sagte: "Er hat Sie um viel Geld betrogen, und infolgedessen mussten Sie erneut viel Geld ausgeben, um einen siebenmonatigen Krankenhausaufenthalt zu bezahlen. Wenn ich eine formelle Anfrage erhalten würde, würde ich dies tun." Ich muss eine Vorabgebühr von mehr als 500.000 Yen zahlen, und ich kann es mir nicht leisten, diese zu bezahlen. Sie können eine Beschwerde bei der Polizei selbst einreichen. Ich werde Ihnen einen Brief schreiben, und das können Sie tun.
Die Polizei brauchte weniger als drei Jahre, aber sie untersuchte es als Strafverfahren und brachte es zur Staatsanwaltschaft.
Das Ergebnis war jedoch wie bereits erwähnt.
Sie lassen das Böse auf den Straßen.
Aber Shinzo Abes Fall wurde dem Yomiuri Shimbun zugespielt und wurde weithin berichtet.
Der vernachlässigte Schurke führt jetzt viele umgekehrte SEO-Angriffe durch und senkt die Anzahl der Suchanfragen für diese Spalte auf satte 2.000.
Er erstellt gefälschte Seiten für die Titelsuche dieser Spalte in Google und reduziert die Spalte auf 8 oder 10 Seiten oder weniger.
Wenn Sie suchen, werden Sie feststellen, dass klar ist, dass das, was er tut, gegen das Gesetz verstößt und nicht getan werden sollte.
Sowohl Google als auch die Staatsanwaltschaft haben es jedoch in Ruhe gelassen.
Der Bau von Chūō Shinkansen (lineares Auto) wurde gestoppt, Shinzo Abe wurde angegriffen, Japans nationale Macht wurde geschwächt und die öffentliche Meinung wurde geteilt.
Ist das die richtige Einstellung für einen japanischen Regierungsbeamten?
Ist es eine notwendige Organisation für Japan?
Der oben erwähnte Anwalt, der ein ehemaliger Staatsanwalt ist, hasst Staatsanwälte aus irgendeinem Grund.
Er sagte: "In einer Gesellschaft, in der beruflicher Aufstieg alles ist, werden nur Fälle eingereicht, die zu 100% verurteilt werden können.
Deshalb ist Ihr Fall von Anfang an unwahrscheinlich. Warum schreibst du nicht über das große Übel der Staatsanwälte, seit du jetzt Schriftsteller bist? "
Wie Sie wissen, habe ich zu diesem Zweck nicht mit dem Schreiben begonnen.
Der Zustand der Welt verändert sich jedoch, wie der Anwalt sagte.
Dieser Artikel wird fortgesetzt.

Las aves no tienen problemas como la discordia familiar.

2020年12月26日 16時48分35秒 | 全般
Florence + the Machine - Shake It Out (Lyrics)

El siguiente es un borrador.
No es exagerado decir que los logros y contribuciones de Shinzo Abe a Japón y al mundo como político han sido los mayores en la era de la posguerra.
No es exagerado decir que sus logros y contribuciones a Japón y al mundo como político han sido los más grandes desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Pero lo es a excepción de los fiscales japoneses, los profesores universitarios, que reciben altos salarios y seguridad vitalicia de los impuestos del pueblo japonés y aquellos que se ganan la vida con los medios de comunicación como Asahi, NHK, etc.
Anoche eran noticias de NHK, de todos los lugares, y mostraban felizmente a Kiyomi Tsujimoto presionando al ex primer ministro Abe para que renunciara a la Dieta.
Fue en los días en que "It TV until morning" estaba en su apogeo.
Las personas que dirigían el negocio inmobiliario que había elegido como profesión de mi vida estaban pasando por un sufrimiento indescriptible.
En aquellos días, a menudo bebía solo en el bar del hotel ANA a la entrada de Kitashinchi.
Era un bar encantador y relajante.
Solía frecuentarlo por beber mucho jugo fresco y ginebra.
Dos veces me encontré con Takano Hajime y Ozawa Ryoko, quienes eran habituales en el programa mencionado anteriormente, hablando uno al lado del otro.
Todavía recuerdo vívidamente el contenido de la conversación que escuché a pesar de que no quería.
En ambas ocasiones se trató de una colaboración entre contratistas generales.
El otro día, vi el nombre de Takano Hajime en la cuenta de Twitter de Hiroshi Yamada, miembro de la Cámara de Consejeros, por primera vez en mucho tiempo. Yamada lo critica con profunda consternación por sus comentarios que solo pueden describirse como un sustituto de China.
La construcción del shinkansen lineal, que la mayoría de los japoneses esperaban con impaciencia, es un proyecto poco común y desafiante.
Es un proyecto de construcción complicado que no requiere nada más que las habilidades técnicas de los contratistas súper generales de clase mundial de Japón.
Como ya mencioné, tenía tremendas dudas de que los fiscales comenzaran a buscarlos nada más comenzar el proyecto.
Esa duda se aclaró instantáneamente cuando vi el nombre de Hajime Takano.
Entonces, este es el chico. Takano Hajime y su equipo siempre hablan sobre la corrupción de los contratistas generales.
Son las personas del Departamento de Investigación Especial las que están relacionadas con ellos.
El toque final es la increíble complicidad del gobernador de la prefectura de Shizuoka, Kawakatsu, un raro político pro China.
En 2011, China aprovechó al máximo el hecho de que Japón estaba bajo la administración del Partido Democrático de Japón (PDJ) para sacar a Japón de ser la principal potencia de tecnología de energía nuclear del mundo y rápidamente se convirtió en la principal potencia nuclear del mundo.
No solo las plantas de energía nuclear, sino que China también está robando la tecnología JR y ha hecho que su objetivo nacional sea ser el primer país del mundo en comercializar un tren bala lineal.
Debido a las peculiaridades de Kawakatsu, el proceso de shinkansen lineal se ha retrasado significativamente y ahora no hay perspectivas.
No es exagerado decir que los políticos, que son simplemente gobernadores de prefectura, son agentes de China. No pueden hacer nada sobre la situación en la que se detiene la política nacional de Japón para China.
La Fiscalía no hace nada y los medios de comunicación no dicen nada sobre una situación que es increíblemente dañina para el interés nacional.
En mi alma mater, Sendai-Daini High School, de la que estoy orgulloso, tuve 440 compañeros.
Todos eran élites reales. Ninguno de ellos fue un fracaso.
Todos siguieron el camino de la élite y jugaron un papel central en Japón.
Hasta que uno se convierte en miembro de la sociedad (hasta que consigue un trabajo), la familia es como un gallinero para los pájaros que regresan al nido al anochecer.
Las aves no tienen problemas como la discordia familiar.
Pero solo los humanos viven con varios problemas.
Es un problema grave para quienes son inteligentes y sabios.
Se debe a que, como dijo una vez Kazumi Takahashi, un hombre brillante digno de la Universidad de Kyoto, "La base de la originalidad radica en la diversidad, y la base de la diversidad radica en la homeostasis.
Es la razón por la que todos los atletas profesionales de élite tienen rutinas como homeostasis.
El mentor de mi alma mater me detuvo en el pasillo y me dijo: "Deberías quedarte en la Universidad de Kyoto. Tienes que quedarte en la Universidad de Kyoto y llevar esa universidad sobre tus hombros.
Debido a que el ex presidente Yamagiwa, un tal Takagi y otros vivían allí, no fue una pena que no pudiera seguir las instrucciones de mi maestro.
No me paré en la espalda de la Universidad de Kyoto, pero ahora llevo más que eso.
Sigo escribiendo para los 120 millones de habitantes de Japón y los 6.500 millones de habitantes del mundo.
Hay un programa de software de pago en inglés que he estado usando durante algún tiempo.
Periódicamente, recibo algo parecido a un informe de mi desempeño.
Hay varios elementos.
Entre los casi tres millones de usuarios, soy el mejor de todos.
Algunos profesores de inglés de secundaria, estudiantes universitarios y otras personas que están en contacto constante con el inglés ahora dicen al unísono: "Últimamente he estado usando Google Translate y diccionarios.
Recientemente, la traducción del japonés al inglés de Google y Deepl ha mejorado mucho.
Digo, riendo sin pedantería.
Lo hago como el mejor y más pesado usuario del mundo.
En julio de 2010, el incidente de Umeda-Kita Yard me impulsó a comenzar a escribir esta columna.
No sorprende a nadie que esta columna haya recibido alrededor de 30.000 búsquedas y 3.000 visitantes diarios en goo, operado por una subsidiaria de NTT.
Sin embargo, tan pronto como anuncié la decisión de publicación desde la habitación del hospital el 1 de junio de 2011, un hombre que robó más de 100 millones de dinero de nuestra empresa inició un ataque de SEO inverso en esta columna.
En 2012, después de superar una enfermedad que amenazaba mi vida, consulté a un abogado que era ex fiscal, un hombre que odiaba las computadoras e Internet. Aún así, a primera vista, dijo: "Esto es terrible.
Nombró algunas de las penas.
Dijo: "Te defraudó mucho dinero y, como resultado, tuviste que gastar mucho dinero nuevamente para pagar una estadía de siete meses en el hospital. Si recibiera una solicitud formal, Tengo que pagar una tarifa inicial de más de 500.000 yenes, y no puedo pagar eso. Puede presentar una denuncia ante la policía usted mismo. Le escribiré una carta y podrá hacerlo.
A la policía le tomó menos de tres años, pero lo investigaron como un caso penal y lo llevaron a la fiscalía.
El resultado, sin embargo, fue como ya se mencionó.
Están dejando el mal en las calles.
Pero el caso de Shinzo Abe se filtró al Yomiuri Shimbun y se informó ampliamente.
El sinvergüenza olvidado ahora está realizando muchos ataques de SEO inverso, reduciendo el número de búsquedas de esta columna a la friolera de 2000.
Está creando páginas falsas para la búsqueda del título de esta columna en Google, colapsando la columna a 8 o 10 páginas o menos.
Si busca, verá que claramente indica que lo que está haciendo es ilegal y no debe hacerse.
Sin embargo, tanto Google como la fiscalía lo han dejado en paz.
La construcción del Chūō Shinkansen (automóvil lineal) se ha detenido, Shinzo Abe ha sido atacado, el poder nacional de Japón se ha debilitado y la opinión pública se ha dividido.
¿Es esa la actitud correcta para un funcionario del gobierno japonés?
¿Es una organización necesaria para Japón?
El abogado mencionado anteriormente, que es un ex fiscal, odia a los fiscales por alguna razón.
Dijo: "En una sociedad donde el avance profesional lo es todo, solo los casos que pueden ser condenados, el 100% se archivan.
Es por eso que su caso es poco probable desde el principio. Ya que ahora es escritor, ¿por qué no escribe sobre el gran mal de los fiscales? "
Como saben, no comencé a escribir con ese propósito.
Sin embargo, el estado del mundo está cambiando, como dijo el abogado.
Este artículo continúa.

Gli uccelli non hanno problemi come la discordia familiare.

2020年12月26日 16時46分57秒 | 全般
Florence + the Machine - Shake It Out (Lyrics)

Quella che segue è una bozza approssimativa.
Non è esagerato affermare che i risultati ei contributi di Shinzo Abe al Giappone e al mondo come politico sono stati i più grandi nel dopoguerra.
Non è esagerato affermare che i suoi successi e contributi al Giappone e al mondo come politico sono stati i più grandi dalla seconda guerra mondiale.
Ma è fatta eccezione per i pubblici ministeri giapponesi, i professori universitari, che ricevono alti stipendi e sicurezza a vita dalle tasse del popolo giapponese e coloro che si guadagnano da vivere con i mass media come Asahi, NHK, ecc.
Era la notizia della NHK la scorsa notte, di tutti i posti, e stavano mostrando felicemente Kiyomi Tsujimoto che faceva pressioni sull'ex primo ministro Abe per dimettersi dalla dieta.
Erano i tempi in cui "It TV until morning" era al suo apice.
Le persone che gestivano l'attività immobiliare che avevo scelto come professione della mia vita stavano soffrendo indicibili.
In quei giorni bevevo spesso da solo al bar dell'ANA Hotel all'ingresso di Kitashinchi.
Era un bar affascinante e rilassante.
L'ho usato con condiscendenza per aver bevuto un sacco di succo fresco e gin.
Due volte mi sono imbattuto in Takano Hajime e Ozawa Ryoko, che erano clienti abituali allo spettacolo sopra menzionato, che parlavano uno accanto all'altro.
Ricordo ancora vividamente il contenuto della conversazione che ho sentito anche se non volevo.
Entrambe le volte si trattava di una collaborazione tra appaltatori generali.
L'altro giorno, ho visto il nome di Takano Hajime sul feed Twitter di Hiroshi Yamada, un membro della Camera dei consiglieri, per la prima volta da molto tempo. Il signor Yamada lo critica con profondo sgomento per i suoi commenti che possono essere descritti solo come un procuratore per la Cina.
La costruzione dello shinkansen lineare, che la maggior parte dei giapponesi attendeva con impazienza, è un progetto raro e impegnativo.
È un progetto di costruzione complicato che non richiede altro che le capacità tecniche dei super appaltatori generali giapponesi di livello mondiale.
Come ho già accennato, avevo enormi dubbi che i pubblici ministeri iniziassero a cercarli non appena il progetto è iniziato.
Quel dubbio è stato subito chiarito quando ho visto il nome di Hajime Takano.
Quindi, questo è il ragazzo. Takano Hajime e il suo team parlano sempre di corruzione da general contractor.
Sono le persone del dipartimento investigativo speciale che sono collegate a loro.
Il tocco finale è l'incredibile complicità del governatore della prefettura di Shizuoka Kawakatsu, un raro politico filo-cinese.
Nel 2011, la Cina ha sfruttato appieno il fatto che il Giappone era sotto l'amministrazione del Partito Democratico del Giappone (DPJ) per far cadere il Giappone dall'essere la principale potenza tecnologica nucleare del mondo e diventare rapidamente la principale potenza nucleare del mondo.
Non solo le centrali nucleari, ma la Cina sta anche rubando la tecnologia JR e si è posta l'obiettivo nazionale di essere il primo paese al mondo a commercializzare un treno proiettile lineare.
A causa delle stranezze di Kawakatsu, il processo di shinkansen lineare è stato notevolmente ritardato e ora non ci sono prospettive.
Non è esagerato affermare che i politici, che sono semplicemente governatori prefettizi, sono agenti della Cina. Non sono in grado di fare nulla per la situazione in cui la politica nazionale del Giappone viene interrotta per la Cina.
L'ufficio del pubblico ministero non sta facendo nulla ei mass media non dicono nulla su una situazione che è incredibilmente dannosa per l'interesse nazionale.
Alla mia alma mater, la Sendai-Daini High School, di cui sono orgoglioso, avevo 440 compagni di classe.
Erano tutte vere élite. Nessuno di loro è stato un fallimento.
Tutti hanno seguito il percorso dell'élite e hanno svolto un ruolo centrale in Giappone.
Fino a quando non si diventa membri della società (fino a quando non si ottiene un lavoro), la famiglia è come un posatoio per gli uccelli che tornano al nido al tramonto.
Gli uccelli non hanno problemi come la discordia familiare.
Ma solo gli esseri umani vivono con vari problemi.
È un grave problema per coloro che sono intelligenti e saggi.
È perché, come disse una volta Kazumi Takahashi, un uomo brillante degno dell'Università di Kyoto, "Il fondamento dell'originalità sta nella diversità e il fondamento della diversità sta nell'omeostasi.
Questo è il motivo per cui tutti i migliori atleti professionisti hanno la routine come loro omeostasi.
Il mentore della mia alma mater mi ha fermato nel corridoio e ha detto: "Dovresti restare all'Università di Kyoto. Devi rimanere all'Università di Kyoto e portare quell'università sulle tue spalle.
Poiché l'ex presidente Yamagiwa, un certo Takagi e altri vivevano lì, non era un peccato che non potessi seguire le istruzioni del mio insegnante.
Non stavo sulle spalle dell'Università di Kyoto, ma ora ne porto molto di più.
Continuo a scrivere per i 120 milioni di persone del Giappone e per i 6,5 miliardi di persone nel mondo.
Esiste un programma software inglese a pagamento che utilizzo da tempo.
Periodicamente, ricevo qualcosa di simile a un report delle mie prestazioni.
Ci sono diversi elementi.
Tra i quasi tre milioni di utenti, sono il migliore in assoluto.
Alcuni insegnanti di inglese delle scuole medie, studenti universitari e altre persone che sono in costante contatto con l'inglese ora dicono all'unisono: "Ultimamente ho utilizzato Google Traduttore e dizionari.
Recentemente, la traduzione dal giapponese all'inglese di Google e Deepl è migliorata molto.
Dico ridendo senza pedanteria.
Lo sto facendo come utente migliore e più pesante del mondo.
Nel luglio 2010, l'incidente Umeda-Kita Yard mi ha spinto a iniziare a scrivere questa colonna.
Non sorprende nessuno che questa rubrica riceva circa 30.000 ricerche e 3.000 visitatori ogni giorno su goo, gestita da una filiale di NTT.
Tuttavia, non appena ho annunciato la decisione di pubblicazione dalla stanza d'ospedale il 1 giugno 2011, un uomo che ha rubato più di 100 milioni di soldi dalla nostra azienda ha iniziato un attacco SEO inverso a questa colonna.
Nel 2012, dopo aver superato una malattia mortale, ho consultato un avvocato che era un ex pubblico ministero, un uomo che odiava i computer e Internet. Tuttavia, a prima vista, ha detto: "Questo è terribile.
Ha nominato alcune delle sanzioni.
Ha detto: "Ti ha defraudato di molti soldi e, di conseguenza, hai dovuto spendere di nuovo molti soldi per pagare una degenza ospedaliera di sette mesi. Se dovessi ricevere una richiesta formale, devo pagare una quota iniziale di oltre 500.000 yen, e non posso permettermi di pagarla. Puoi presentare un reclamo alla polizia da solo. Ti scriverò una lettera e puoi farlo.
La polizia ha impiegato meno di tre anni, ma ha indagato come un caso penale e l'ha portata all'ufficio del pubblico ministero.
Il risultato, tuttavia, è stato come già accennato.
Stanno lasciando il male nelle strade.
Ma il caso di Shinzo Abe è trapelato allo Yomiuri Shimbun ed è stato ampiamente riportato.
Il mascalzone trascurato sta ora eseguendo molti attacchi SEO inversi, riducendo il numero di ricerche per questa colonna a un enorme 2.000.
Sta creando pagine false per la ricerca del titolo di questa colonna su Google, comprimendo la colonna a 8 o 10 pagine o meno.
Se cerchi, vedrai che sta chiaramente affermando che ciò che sta facendo è contro la legge e non dovrebbe essere fatto.
Tuttavia, sia Google che l'ufficio del pubblico ministero hanno lasciato perdere.
La costruzione del Chūō Shinkansen (automobile lineare) è stata interrotta, Shinzo Abe è stato attaccato e il potere nazionale giapponese è stato indebolito e l'opinione pubblica è stata divisa.
È questo l'atteggiamento giusto per un funzionario del governo giapponese?
È un'organizzazione necessaria per il Giappone?
L'avvocato di cui sopra, che è un ex pubblico ministero, odia i pubblici ministeri per qualche motivo.
Ha detto: "In una società in cui l'avanzamento di carriera è tutto, solo i casi che possono essere condannati, vengono archiviati al 100%.
Ecco perché il tuo caso è improbabile dall'inizio. Dato che ora sei uno scrittore, perché non scrivi del grande male dei pubblici ministeri? "
Come sai, non ho iniziato a scrivere per quello scopo.
Tuttavia, lo stato del mondo sta cambiando, come ha detto l'avvocato.
Questo articolo continua.

以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。pm 4:00

2020年12月26日 15時57分46秒 | 全般


Florence + the Machine - Shake It Out (Lyrics)


I continue to write for the 120 million people of Japan and the world's 6.5 billion people


The foundation of originality lies in diversity, and the foundation of diversity lies in homeostasis




It is the reason why all the top professional athletes have routines as their homeostasis


Birds do not have problems such as family discord.


TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」




it is a popular page






2020年12月26日 15時40分49秒 | 全般


2020年12月26日 11時40分34秒 | 全般

Florence + the Machine - Shake It Out (Lyrics)








以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。am 11:30

2020年12月26日 11時29分20秒 | 全般




Florence + the Machine - Shake It Out (Lyrics)


I continue to write for the 120 million people of Japan and the world's 6.5 billion people


以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。am 7:30


The foundation of originality lies in diversity, and the foundation of diversity lies in homeostasis


It is the reason why all the top professional athletes have routines as their homeostasis


it is a popular page yesterday


it is a popular page yesterday on ameba


Suffer (original song)


it is a popular page



Birds do not have problems such as family discord.

2020年12月26日 11時24分20秒 | 全般
Hunger - Florence + The Machine Lyrics
The following is a rough draft.
It is no exaggeration to say that Shinzo Abe's achievements and contributions to Japan and the world as a politician have been the greatest in the postwar era.
It is no exaggeration to say that his achievements and contributions to Japan and the world as a politician have been the greatest since World War II.
But it is except for the Japanese prosecutors, university professors, who receive high salaries and lifetime security from the Japanese people's taxes and those who make their living from the mass media such as Asahi, NHK, etc.
It was NHK news last night, of all places, and they were happily showing Kiyomi Tsujimoto pressuring former Prime Minister Abe to resign from the Diet.

It was back in the days when "It TV until morning" was at its peak.
The people running the real estate business I had chosen as my life's profession were undergoing unspeakable suffering.
In those days, I often drank alone at the ANA Hotel bar at the entrance to Kitashinchi.
It was a charming and relaxing bar.
I used to patronize it for drinking plenty of fresh juice & gin.
Twice I ran into Takano Hajime and Ozawa Ryoko, who were regulars at the show mentioned above, talking next to each other.
I still vividly remember the conversation content that I heard even though I didn't want to.
Both times it was about a collaboration among general contractors.
The other day, I saw Takano Hajime's name on the Twitter feed of Hiroshi Yamada, a member of the House of Councilors, for the first time in a long time. Mr. Yamada criticizes him with deep dismay for his comments that can only be described as a proxy for China.

The construction of the linear shinkansen, which most Japanese people have been eagerly awaited, is a rare and challenging project.
It is a complicated construction project that requires nothing but the technical skills of Japan's world-class super general contractors.
As I have already mentioned, I had tremendous doubts that the prosecutors began to search for them as soon as the project started.
That doubt was instantly cleared when I saw the name of Hajime Takano.
So, this is the guy. Takano Hajime and his team always talk about general contractor corruption.
It is the people in the Special Investigation Department who are connected to them.
The finishing touch is the unbelievable complicity of Shizuoka Prefecture Governor Kawakatsu, a rare pro-China politician.
In 2011, China took full advantage of the fact that Japan was under the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) administration to pull Japan down from being the world's leading nuclear power technology power and quickly became the world's leading nuclear power.
Not only nuclear power plants, but China is also stealing JR technology and has made it its national goal to be the first country in the world to commercialize a linear bullet train.
Due to Kawakatsu's quirks, the linear shinkansen process has been significantly delayed, and now there is no prospect.
It is no exaggeration to say that the politicians, who are merely prefectural governors, are agents of China. They are unable to do anything about the situation where Japan's national policy is stopped for China.
The prosecutor's office is doing nothing, and the mass media is saying nothing about a situation that is incredibly damaging to the national interest.

At my alma mater, Sendai-Daini High School, of which I am proud, I had 440 classmates.
They were all real elites. Not a single one of them was a failure.
They all followed the path of the elite and played a central role in Japan.
Until one becomes a member of society (until one gets a job), the family is like a roost for birds that return to the nest at dusk.
Birds do not have problems such as family discord.
But only humans live with various problems.
It is a severe problem for those who are intelligent and wise.

It is because, as Kazumi Takahashi, a brilliant man worthy of Kyoto University, once said, "The foundation of originality lies in diversity, and the foundation of diversity lies in homeostasis.
It is the reason why all the top professional athletes have routines as their homeostasis.

My alma mater's mentor stopped me in the hallway and said, "You should stay at Kyoto University. You have to stay at Kyoto University and carry that university on your shoulders.
Because the former president Yamagiwa, a certain Takagi, and others were living there, it was not a pity that I could not follow my teacher's instruction.
I did not stand on Kyoto University's back, but now I am carrying more than that.
I continue to write for the 120 million people of Japan and the world's 6.5 billion people.
There is a paid English software program that I have been using for some time.
Periodically, I receive something like a report of my performance.
There are several items.
Among the almost three million users, I am the best in all of them.
Some junior high school English teachers, university students, and other people who are in constant contact with English now say in unison, "I've been using Google Translate and dictionaries lately.
Recently, Google and Deepl's Japanese-to-English translation has gotten so much better.
I say, laughing without any pedantry.
I'm doing it as the world's best and heaviest user.

In July 2010, the Umeda-Kita Yard incident triggered me to start writing this column.
It is no surprise to anyone that this column has been getting about 30,000 searches and 3,000 visitors daily on goo, operated by a subsidiary of NTT.
However, as soon as I announced the publication decision from the hospital room on June 1, 2011, a man who stole more than 100 million money from our company started a reverse SEO attack on this column.
In 2012, after overcoming a life-threatening illness, I consulted a lawyer who was a former prosecutor, a man who hated computers and the Internet. Still, at first glance, he said, "This is terrible.
He named some of the penalties. 
He said, "He defrauded you of a lot of money, and as a result, you had to spend a lot of money again to pay for a seven-month-long hospital stay. If I were to receive a formal request, I would have to pay an up-front fee of more than 500,000 yen, and I can't afford to pay that. You can file a complaint with the police all by yourself. I'll write you a letter, and you can do that.
It took the police for less than three years, but they investigated it as a criminal case and took it to the prosecutor's office.
The result, however, was as already mentioned.
They are leaving the evil in the streets.
But Shinzo Abe's case was leaked to the Yomiuri Shimbun and was widely reported.
The neglected scoundrel is now doing many reverse SEO attacks, dropping the number of searches for this column to a whopping 2,000.
He is creating fake pages for the title search of this column in google, collapsing the column to 8 or 10 pages or less.
If you search, you will see that it is clearly stating that what he is doing is against the law and should not be done.
However, both Google and the prosecutor's office have left it alone.
Chūō Shinkansen (linear motor car) construction has been halted, Shinzo Abe has been attacked, and Japan's national power has been weakened, and public opinion has been divided.
Is that the right attitude for a Japanese government official?
Is it a necessary organization for Japan?
The lawyer mentioned above, who is a former prosecutor, hates prosecutors for some reason.
He said, "In a society where career advancement is everything, only cases that can be convicted, 100% are filed.
That's why your case is unlikely from the start. Since you are now a writer, why don't you write about the prosecutors' great evil?"
As you know, I did not start writing for that purpose.
However, the state of the world is shifting, as the lawyer said.
This article continues.

It is the reason why all the top professional athletes have routines as their homeostasis

2020年12月26日 11時14分35秒 | 全般
Florence + the Machine - Shake It Out (Lyrics)
The following is a rough draft.
It is no exaggeration to say that Shinzo Abe's achievements and contributions to Japan and the world as a politician have been the greatest in the postwar era.
It is no exaggeration to say that his achievements and contributions to Japan and the world as a politician have been the greatest since World War II.
But it is except for the Japanese prosecutors, university professors, who receive high salaries and lifetime security from the Japanese people's taxes and those who make their living from the mass media such as Asahi, NHK, etc.
It was NHK news last night, of all places, and they were happily showing Kiyomi Tsujimoto pressuring former Prime Minister Abe to resign from the Diet.

It was back in the days when "It TV until morning" was at its peak.
The people running the real estate business I had chosen as my life's profession were undergoing unspeakable suffering.
In those days, I often drank alone at the ANA Hotel bar at the entrance to Kitashinchi.
It was a charming and relaxing bar.
I used to patronize it for drinking plenty of fresh juice & gin.
Twice I ran into Takano Hajime and Ozawa Ryoko, who were regulars at the show mentioned above, talking next to each other.
I still vividly remember the conversation content that I heard even though I didn't want to.
Both times it was about a collaboration among general contractors.
The other day, I saw Takano Hajime's name on the Twitter feed of Hiroshi Yamada, a member of the House of Councilors, for the first time in a long time. Mr. Yamada criticizes him with deep dismay for his comments that can only be described as a proxy for China.

The construction of the linear shinkansen, which most Japanese people have been eagerly awaited, is a rare and challenging project.
It is a complicated construction project that requires nothing but the technical skills of Japan's world-class super general contractors.
As I have already mentioned, I had tremendous doubts that the prosecutors began to search for them as soon as the project started.
That doubt was instantly cleared when I saw the name of Hajime Takano.
So, this is the guy. Takano Hajime and his team always talk about general contractor corruption.
It is the people in the Special Investigation Department who are connected to them.
The finishing touch is the unbelievable complicity of Shizuoka Prefecture Governor Kawakatsu, a rare pro-China politician.
In 2011, China took full advantage of the fact that Japan was under the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) administration to pull Japan down from being the world's leading nuclear power technology power and quickly became the world's leading nuclear power.
Not only nuclear power plants, but China is also stealing JR technology and has made it its national goal to be the first country in the world to commercialize a linear bullet train.
Due to Kawakatsu's quirks, the linear shinkansen process has been significantly delayed, and now there is no prospect.
It is no exaggeration to say that the politicians, who are merely prefectural governors, are agents of China. They are unable to do anything about the situation where Japan's national policy is stopped for China.
The prosecutor's office is doing nothing, and the mass media is saying nothing about a situation that is incredibly damaging to the national interest.

At my alma mater, Sendai-Daini High School, of which I am proud, I had 440 classmates.
They were all real elites. Not a single one of them was a failure.
They all followed the path of the elite and played a central role in Japan.
Until one becomes a member of society (until one gets a job), the family is like a roost for birds that return to the nest at dusk.
Birds do not have problems such as family discord.
But only humans live with various problems.
It is a severe problem for those who are intelligent and wise.

It is because, as Kazumi Takahashi, a brilliant man worthy of Kyoto University, once said, "The foundation of originality lies in diversity, and the foundation of diversity lies in homeostasis.
It is the reason why all the top professional athletes have routines as their homeostasis.

My alma mater's mentor stopped me in the hallway and said, "You should stay at Kyoto University. You have to stay at Kyoto University and carry that university on your shoulders.
Because the former president Yamagiwa, a certain Takagi, and others were living there, it was not a pity that I could not follow my teacher's instruction.
I did not stand on Kyoto University's back, but now I am carrying more than that.
I continue to write for the 120 million people of Japan and the world's 6.5 billion people.
There is a paid English software program that I have been using for some time.
Periodically, I receive something like a report of my performance.
There are several items.
Among the almost three million users, I am the best in all of them.
Some junior high school English teachers, university students, and other people who are in constant contact with English now say in unison, "I've been using Google Translate and dictionaries lately.
Recently, Google and Deepl's Japanese-to-English translation has gotten so much better.
I say, laughing without any pedantry.
I'm doing it as the world's best and heaviest user.

In July 2010, the Umeda-Kita Yard incident triggered me to start writing this column.
It is no surprise to anyone that this column has been getting about 30,000 searches and 3,000 visitors daily on goo, operated by a subsidiary of NTT.
However, as soon as I announced the publication decision from the hospital room on June 1, 2011, a man who stole more than 100 million money from our company started a reverse SEO attack on this column.
In 2012, after overcoming a life-threatening illness, I consulted a lawyer who was a former prosecutor, a man who hated computers and the Internet. Still, at first glance, he said, "This is terrible.
He named some of the penalties. 
He said, "He defrauded you of a lot of money, and as a result, you had to spend a lot of money again to pay for a seven-month-long hospital stay. If I were to receive a formal request, I would have to pay an up-front fee of more than 500,000 yen, and I can't afford to pay that. You can file a complaint with the police all by yourself. I'll write you a letter, and you can do that.
It took the police for less than three years, but they investigated it as a criminal case and took it to the prosecutor's office.
The result, however, was as already mentioned.
They are leaving the evil in the streets.
But Shinzo Abe's case was leaked to the Yomiuri Shimbun and was widely reported.
The neglected scoundrel is now doing many reverse SEO attacks, dropping the number of searches for this column to a whopping 2,000.
He is creating fake pages for the title search of this column in google, collapsing the column to 8 or 10 pages or less.
If you search, you will see that it is clearly stating that what he is doing is against the law and should not be done.
However, both Google and the prosecutor's office have left it alone.
Chūō Shinkansen (linear motor car) construction has been halted, Shinzo Abe has been attacked, and Japan's national power has been weakened, and public opinion has been divided.
Is that the right attitude for a Japanese government official?
Is it a necessary organization for Japan?
The lawyer mentioned above, who is a former prosecutor, hates prosecutors for some reason.
He said, "In a society where career advancement is everything, only cases that can be convicted, 100% are filed.
That's why your case is unlikely from the start. Since you are now a writer, why don't you write about the prosecutors' great evil?"
As you know, I did not start writing for that purpose.
However, the state of the world is shifting, as the lawyer said.
This article continues.

The foundation of originality lies in diversity, and the foundation of diversity lies in homeostasis

2020年12月26日 11時10分19秒 | 全般
Florence + the Machine - Shake It Out (Lyrics)
The following is a rough draft.
It is no exaggeration to say that Shinzo Abe's achievements and contributions to Japan and the world as a politician have been the greatest in the postwar era.
It is no exaggeration to say that his achievements and contributions to Japan and the world as a politician have been the greatest since World War II.
But it is except for the Japanese prosecutors, university professors, who receive high salaries and lifetime security from the Japanese people's taxes and those who make their living from the mass media such as Asahi, NHK, etc.
It was NHK news last night, of all places, and they were happily showing Kiyomi Tsujimoto pressuring former Prime Minister Abe to resign from the Diet.

It was back in the days when "It TV until morning" was at its peak.
The people running the real estate business I had chosen as my life's profession were undergoing unspeakable suffering.
In those days, I often drank alone at the ANA Hotel bar at the entrance to Kitashinchi.
It was a charming and relaxing bar.
I used to patronize it for drinking plenty of fresh juice & gin.
Twice I ran into Takano Hajime and Ozawa Ryoko, who were regulars at the show mentioned above, talking next to each other.
I still vividly remember the conversation content that I heard even though I didn't want to.
Both times it was about a collaboration among general contractors.
The other day, I saw Takano Hajime's name on the Twitter feed of Hiroshi Yamada, a member of the House of Councilors, for the first time in a long time. Mr. Yamada criticizes him with deep dismay for his comments that can only be described as a proxy for China.

The construction of the linear shinkansen, which most Japanese people have been eagerly awaited, is a rare and challenging project.
It is a complicated construction project that requires nothing but the technical skills of Japan's world-class super general contractors.
As I have already mentioned, I had tremendous doubts that the prosecutors began to search for them as soon as the project started.
That doubt was instantly cleared when I saw the name of Hajime Takano.
So, this is the guy. Takano Hajime and his team always talk about general contractor corruption.
It is the people in the Special Investigation Department who are connected to them.
The finishing touch is the unbelievable complicity of Shizuoka Prefecture Governor Kawakatsu, a rare pro-China politician.
In 2011, China took full advantage of the fact that Japan was under the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) administration to pull Japan down from being the world's leading nuclear power technology power and quickly became the world's leading nuclear power.
Not only nuclear power plants, but China is also stealing JR technology and has made it its national goal to be the first country in the world to commercialize a linear bullet train.
Due to Kawakatsu's quirks, the linear shinkansen process has been significantly delayed, and now there is no prospect.
It is no exaggeration to say that the politicians, who are merely prefectural governors, are agents of China. They are unable to do anything about the situation where Japan's national policy is stopped for China.
The prosecutor's office is doing nothing, and the mass media is saying nothing about a situation that is incredibly damaging to the national interest.

At my alma mater, Sendai-Daini High School, of which I am proud, I had 440 classmates.
They were all real elites. Not a single one of them was a failure.
They all followed the path of the elite and played a central role in Japan.
Until one becomes a member of society (until one gets a job), the family is like a roost for birds that return to the nest at dusk.
Birds do not have problems such as family discord.
But only humans live with various problems.
It is a severe problem for those who are intelligent and wise.

It is because, as Kazumi Takahashi, a brilliant man worthy of Kyoto University, once said, "The foundation of originality lies in diversity, and the foundation of diversity lies in homeostasis.
It is the reason why all the top professional athletes have routines as their homeostasis.

My alma mater's mentor stopped me in the hallway and said, "You should stay at Kyoto University. You have to stay at Kyoto University and carry that university on your shoulders.
Because the former president Yamagiwa, a certain Takagi, and others were living there, it was not a pity that I could not follow my teacher's instruction.
I did not stand on Kyoto University's back, but now I am carrying more than that.
I continue to write for the 120 million people of Japan and the world's 6.5 billion people.
There is a paid English software program that I have been using for some time.
Periodically, I receive something like a report of my performance.
There are several items.
Among the almost three million users, I am the best in all of them.
Some junior high school English teachers, university students, and other people who are in constant contact with English now say in unison, "I've been using Google Translate and dictionaries lately.
Recently, Google and Deepl's Japanese-to-English translation has gotten so much better.
I say, laughing without any pedantry.
I'm doing it as the world's best and heaviest user.

In July 2010, the Umeda-Kita Yard incident triggered me to start writing this column.
It is no surprise to anyone that this column has been getting about 30,000 searches and 3,000 visitors daily on goo, operated by a subsidiary of NTT.
However, as soon as I announced the publication decision from the hospital room on June 1, 2011, a man who stole more than 100 million money from our company started a reverse SEO attack on this column.
In 2012, after overcoming a life-threatening illness, I consulted a lawyer who was a former prosecutor, a man who hated computers and the Internet. Still, at first glance, he said, "This is terrible.
He named some of the penalties. 
He said, "He defrauded you of a lot of money, and as a result, you had to spend a lot of money again to pay for a seven-month-long hospital stay. If I were to receive a formal request, I would have to pay an up-front fee of more than 500,000 yen, and I can't afford to pay that. You can file a complaint with the police all by yourself. I'll write you a letter, and you can do that.
It took the police for less than three years, but they investigated it as a criminal case and took it to the prosecutor's office.
The result, however, was as already mentioned.
They are leaving the evil in the streets.
But Shinzo Abe's case was leaked to the Yomiuri Shimbun and was widely reported.
The neglected scoundrel is now doing many reverse SEO attacks, dropping the number of searches for this column to a whopping 2,000.
He is creating fake pages for the title search of this column in google, collapsing the column to 8 or 10 pages or less.
If you search, you will see that it is clearly stating that what he is doing is against the law and should not be done.
However, both Google and the prosecutor's office have left it alone.
Chūō Shinkansen (linear motor car) construction has been halted, Shinzo Abe has been attacked, and Japan's national power has been weakened, and public opinion has been divided.
Is that the right attitude for a Japanese government official?
Is it a necessary organization for Japan?
The lawyer mentioned above, who is a former prosecutor, hates prosecutors for some reason.
He said, "In a society where career advancement is everything, only cases that can be convicted, 100% are filed.
That's why your case is unlikely from the start. Since you are now a writer, why don't you write about the prosecutors' great evil?"
As you know, I did not start writing for that purpose.
However, the state of the world is shifting, as the lawyer said.
This article continues.

Florence + the Machine - Shake It Out (Lyrics)

2020年12月26日 11時04分00秒 | 全般
Florence + the Machine - Shake It Out (Lyrics)
The following is a rough draft.
It is no exaggeration to say that Shinzo Abe's achievements and contributions to Japan and the world as a politician have been the greatest in the postwar era.
It is no exaggeration to say that his achievements and contributions to Japan and the world as a politician have been the greatest since World War II.
But it is except for the Japanese prosecutors, university professors, who receive high salaries and lifetime security from the Japanese people's taxes and those who make their living from the mass media such as Asahi, NHK, etc.
It was NHK news last night, of all places, and they were happily showing Kiyomi Tsujimoto pressuring former Prime Minister Abe to resign from the Diet.

It was back in the days when "It TV until morning" was at its peak.
The people running the real estate business I had chosen as my life's profession were undergoing unspeakable suffering.
In those days, I often drank alone at the ANA Hotel bar at the entrance to Kitashinchi.
It was a charming and relaxing bar.
I used to patronize it for drinking plenty of fresh juice & gin.
Twice I ran into Takano Hajime and Ozawa Ryoko, who were regulars at the show mentioned above, talking next to each other.
I still vividly remember the conversation content that I heard even though I didn't want to.
Both times it was about a collaboration among general contractors.
The other day, I saw Takano Hajime's name on the Twitter feed of Hiroshi Yamada, a member of the House of Councilors, for the first time in a long time. Mr. Yamada criticizes him with deep dismay for his comments that can only be described as a proxy for China.

The construction of the linear shinkansen, which most Japanese people have been eagerly awaited, is a rare and challenging project.
It is a complicated construction project that requires nothing but the technical skills of Japan's world-class super general contractors.
As I have already mentioned, I had tremendous doubts that the prosecutors began to search for them as soon as the project started.
That doubt was instantly cleared when I saw the name of Hajime Takano.
So, this is the guy. Takano Hajime and his team always talk about general contractor corruption.
It is the people in the Special Investigation Department who are connected to them.
The finishing touch is the unbelievable complicity of Shizuoka Prefecture Governor Kawakatsu, a rare pro-China politician.
In 2011, China took full advantage of the fact that Japan was under the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) administration to pull Japan down from being the world's leading nuclear power technology power and quickly became the world's leading nuclear power.
Not only nuclear power plants, but China is also stealing JR technology and has made it its national goal to be the first country in the world to commercialize a linear bullet train.
Due to Kawakatsu's quirks, the linear shinkansen process has been significantly delayed, and now there is no prospect.
It is no exaggeration to say that the politicians, who are merely prefectural governors, are agents of China. They are unable to do anything about the situation where Japan's national policy is stopped for China.
The prosecutor's office is doing nothing, and the mass media is saying nothing about a situation that is incredibly damaging to the national interest.

At my alma mater, Sendai-Daini High School, of which I am proud, I had 440 classmates.
They were all real elites. Not a single one of them was a failure.
They all followed the path of the elite and played a central role in Japan.
Until one becomes a member of society (until one gets a job), the family is like a roost for birds that return to the nest at dusk.
Birds do not have problems such as family discord.
But only humans live with various problems.
It is a severe problem for those who are intelligent and wise.

It is because, as Kazumi Takahashi, a brilliant man worthy of Kyoto University, once said, "The foundation of originality lies in diversity, and the foundation of diversity lies in homeostasis.
It is the reason why all the top professional athletes have routines as their homeostasis.

My alma mater's mentor stopped me in the hallway and said, "You should stay at Kyoto University. You have to stay at Kyoto University and carry that university on your shoulders.
Because the former president Yamagiwa, a certain Takagi, and others were living there, it was not a pity that I could not follow my teacher's instruction.
I did not stand on Kyoto University's back, but now I am carrying more than that.
I continue to write for the 120 million people of Japan and the world's 6.5 billion people.
There is a paid English software program that I have been using for some time.
Periodically, I receive something like a report of my performance.
There are several items.
Among the almost three million users, I am the best in all of them.
Some junior high school English teachers, university students, and other people who are in constant contact with English now say in unison, "I've been using Google Translate and dictionaries lately.
Recently, Google and Deepl's Japanese-to-English translation has gotten so much better.
I say, laughing without any pedantry.
I'm doing it as the world's best and heaviest user.

In July 2010, the Umeda-Kita Yard incident triggered me to start writing this column.
It is no surprise to anyone that this column has been getting about 30,000 searches and 3,000 visitors daily on goo, operated by a subsidiary of NTT.
However, as soon as I announced the publication decision from the hospital room on June 1, 2011, a man who stole more than 100 million money from our company started a reverse SEO attack on this column.
In 2012, after overcoming a life-threatening illness, I consulted a lawyer who was a former prosecutor, a man who hated computers and the Internet. Still, at first glance, he said, "This is terrible.
He named some of the penalties. 
He said, "He defrauded you of a lot of money, and as a result, you had to spend a lot of money again to pay for a seven-month-long hospital stay. If I were to receive a formal request, I would have to pay an up-front fee of more than 500,000 yen, and I can't afford to pay that. You can file a complaint with the police all by yourself. I'll write you a letter, and you can do that.
It took the police for less than three years, but they investigated it as a criminal case and took it to the prosecutor's office.
The result, however, was as already mentioned.
They are leaving the evil in the streets.
But Shinzo Abe's case was leaked to the Yomiuri Shimbun and was widely reported.
The neglected scoundrel is now doing many reverse SEO attacks, dropping the number of searches for this column to a whopping 2,000.
He is creating fake pages for the title search of this column in google, collapsing the column to 8 or 10 pages or less.
If you search, you will see that it is clearly stating that what he is doing is against the law and should not be done.
However, both Google and the prosecutor's office have left it alone.
Chūō Shinkansen (linear motor car) construction has been halted, Shinzo Abe has been attacked, and Japan's national power has been weakened, and public opinion has been divided.
Is that the right attitude for a Japanese government official?
Is it a necessary organization for Japan?
The lawyer mentioned above, who is a former prosecutor, hates prosecutors for some reason.
He said, "In a society where career advancement is everything, only cases that can be convicted, 100% are filed.
That's why your case is unlikely from the start. Since you are now a writer, why don't you write about the prosecutors' great evil?"
As you know, I did not start writing for that purpose.
However, the state of the world is shifting, as the lawyer said.
This article continues.

I continue to write for the 120 million people of Japan and the world's 6.5 billion people

2020年12月26日 10時43分06秒 | 全般
The following is a rough draft.
It is no exaggeration to say that Shinzo Abe's achievements and contributions to Japan and the world as a politician have been the greatest in the postwar era.
It is no exaggeration to say that his achievements and contributions to Japan and the world as a politician have been the greatest since World War II.
But it is except for the Japanese prosecutors, university professors, who receive high salaries and lifetime security from the Japanese people's taxes and those who make their living from the mass media such as Asahi, NHK, etc.
It was NHK news last night, of all places, and they were happily showing Kiyomi Tsujimoto pressuring former Prime Minister Abe to resign from the Diet.

It was back in the days when "It TV until morning" was at its peak.
The people running the real estate business I had chosen as my life's profession were undergoing unspeakable suffering.
In those days, I often drank alone at the ANA Hotel bar at the entrance to Kitashinchi.
It was a charming and relaxing bar.
I used to patronize it for drinking plenty of fresh juice & gin.
Twice I ran into Takano Hajime and Ozawa Ryoko, who were regulars at the show mentioned above, talking next to each other.
I still vividly remember the conversation content that I heard even though I didn't want to.
Both times it was about a collaboration among general contractors.
The other day, I saw Takano Hajime's name on the Twitter feed of Hiroshi Yamada, a member of the House of Councilors, for the first time in a long time. Mr. Yamada criticizes him with deep dismay for his comments that can only be described as a proxy for China.

The construction of the linear shinkansen, which most Japanese people have been eagerly awaited, is a rare and challenging project.
It is a complicated construction project that requires nothing but the technical skills of Japan's world-class super general contractors.
As I have already mentioned, I had tremendous doubts that the prosecutors began to search for them as soon as the project started.
That doubt was instantly cleared when I saw the name of Hajime Takano.
So, this is the guy. Takano Hajime and his team always talk about general contractor corruption.
It is the people in the Special Investigation Department who are connected to them.
The finishing touch is the unbelievable complicity of Shizuoka Prefecture Governor Kawakatsu, a rare pro-China politician.
In 2011, China took full advantage of the fact that Japan was under the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) administration to pull Japan down from being the world's leading nuclear power technology power and quickly became the world's leading nuclear power.
Not only nuclear power plants, but China is also stealing JR technology and has made it its national goal to be the first country in the world to commercialize a linear bullet train.
Due to Kawakatsu's quirks, the linear shinkansen process has been significantly delayed, and now there is no prospect.
It is no exaggeration to say that the politicians, who are merely prefectural governors, are agents of China. They are unable to do anything about the situation where Japan's national policy is stopped for China.
The prosecutor's office is doing nothing, and the mass media is saying nothing about a situation that is incredibly damaging to the national interest.

At my alma mater, Sendai-Daini High School, of which I am proud, I had 440 classmates.
They were all real elites. Not a single one of them was a failure.
They all followed the path of the elite and played a central role in Japan.
Until one becomes a member of society (until one gets a job), the family is like a roost for birds that return to the nest at dusk.
Birds do not have problems such as family discord.
But only humans live with various problems.
It is a severe problem for those who are intelligent and wise.

It is because, as Kazumi Takahashi, a brilliant man worthy of Kyoto University, once said, "The foundation of originality lies in diversity, and the foundation of diversity lies in homeostasis.
It is the reason why all the top professional athletes have routines as their homeostasis.

My alma mater's mentor stopped me in the hallway and said, "You should stay at Kyoto University. You have to stay at Kyoto University and carry that university on your shoulders.
Because the former president Yamagiwa, a certain Takagi, and others were living there, it was not a pity that I could not follow my teacher's instruction.
I did not stand on Kyoto University's back, but now I am carrying more than that.
I continue to write for the 120 million people of Japan and the world's 6.5 billion people.
There is a paid English software program that I have been using for some time.
Periodically, I receive something like a report of my performance.
There are several items.
Among the almost three million users, I am the best in all of them.
Some junior high school English teachers, university students, and other people who are in constant contact with English now say in unison, "I've been using Google Translate and dictionaries lately.
Recently, Google and Deepl's Japanese-to-English translation has gotten so much better.
I say, laughing without any pedantry.
I'm doing it as the world's best and heaviest user.

In July 2010, the Umeda-Kita Yard incident triggered me to start writing this column.
It is no surprise to anyone that this column has been getting about 30,000 searches and 3,000 visitors daily on goo, operated by a subsidiary of NTT.
However, as soon as I announced the publication decision from the hospital room on June 1, 2011, a man who stole more than 100 million money from our company started a reverse SEO attack on this column.
In 2012, after overcoming a life-threatening illness, I consulted a lawyer who was a former prosecutor, a man who hated computers and the Internet. Still, at first glance, he said, "This is terrible.
He named some of the penalties. 
He said, "He defrauded you of a lot of money, and as a result, you had to spend a lot of money again to pay for a seven-month-long hospital stay. If I were to receive a formal request, I would have to pay an up-front fee of more than 500,000 yen, and I can't afford to pay that. You can file a complaint with the police all by yourself. I'll write you a letter, and you can do that.
It took the police for less than three years, but they investigated it as a criminal case and took it to the prosecutor's office.
The result, however, was as already mentioned.
They are leaving the evil in the streets.
But Shinzo Abe's case was leaked to the Yomiuri Shimbun and was widely reported.
The neglected scoundrel is now doing many reverse SEO attacks, dropping the number of searches for this column to a whopping 2,000.
He is creating fake pages for the title search of this column in google, collapsing the column to 8 or 10 pages or less.
If you search, you will see that it is clearly stating that what he is doing is against the law and should not be done.
However, both Google and the prosecutor's office have left it alone.
Chūō Shinkansen (linear motor car) construction has been halted, Shinzo Abe has been attacked, and Japan's national power has been weakened, and public opinion has been divided.
Is that the right attitude for a Japanese government official?
Is it a necessary organization for Japan?
The lawyer mentioned above, who is a former prosecutor, hates prosecutors for some reason.
He said, "In a society where career advancement is everything, only cases that can be convicted, 100% are filed.
That's why your case is unlikely from the start. Since you are now a writer, why don't you write about the prosecutors' great evil?"
As you know, I did not start writing for that purpose.
However, the state of the world is shifting, as the lawyer said.
This article continues.

it is a popular page

2020年12月26日 09時30分03秒 | 全般
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2020/11/18 at Tofukuji

it is a popular page yesterday

2020年12月26日 09時27分10秒 | 全般


TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」








Biden has even inherited the Chinese tradition of 'Corrupt in the whole family'






It shows how pro-China and anti-Japanese the Biden family is. 






















La identidad del cerebro









they are simple guys who will move if you increase the number of piles of money to two












That is why she is not shy at all.


ですから、布マスクは効果がないと喧伝したりしましたね。 日本でも一部報道機関がそんな主張をした。


De unnskyldelige onde kjøpmennene og lederne av det kinesiske kommunistpartiet






On the other hand, maybe it's time to consider the Olympics without the Koreans


Je pense qu'il y a une guerre de propagande plus profondément enracinée en cours.






Japan muss den deutschen Bezirk Berlin Mitte wegen seines nationalen Interesses verklagen








The person on the other end of the line was Mr. Seiji Yoshida


Os Inexusáveis Mercadores e Líderes Malignos do Partido Comunista Chinês



以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。pm 5:00


중국 공산당의 변명 할 수없는 사악한 상인과 지도자





