文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Una visione storica della nazione vittoriosa non funziona.

2022年03月30日 21時59分58秒 | 全般

Quanto segue è tratto da un articolo di Michio Ezaki nel Sankei Shimbun di oggi, Sound Argument, intitolato "A View of History to Confront Russian Aggression.
Come già notato, Ezaki è un critico emergente nel mondo del dopoguerra.
Questo articolo è una lettura obbligata per i cittadini giapponesi e le persone di tutto il mondo.
I lettori scopriranno che si applica esattamente come in Cina.
L'enfasi nel testo oltre al titolo è mia.
Soffrire per la privazione della libertà e la repressione
I paesi vicini come la Polonia e gli stati baltici si oppongono con veemenza all'"aggressione" della Russia contro l'Ucraina e continuano a sostenere l'Ucraina.
Questi paesi vicini hanno ricordi di essere stati occupati e governati dall'Unione Sovietica durante e dopo la seconda guerra mondiale e di aver sofferto per la soppressione dei diritti umani. Sentono che "La stessa cosa che succede a te oggi può succedere a qualcun altro domani".
Tuttavia, a causa del completo controllo delle informazioni da parte dell'Unione Sovietica, la comunità internazionale non era ben consapevole dei "crimini" dell'Unione Sovietica per molto tempo dopo la guerra.
Invece, la comunità internazionale, e la stampa liberale, in particolare, hanno sottolineato i risultati conseguiti dall'Unione Sovietica nel rovesciare la Germania nazista.
Fu solo con lo scioglimento dell'Unione Sovietica nel 1991, quando gli stati baltici, la Polonia e altri paesi riacquistarono la loro libertà, che la realtà dell'occupazione sovietica e della soppressione dei diritti umani divenne ampiamente nota.
I paesi vicini che erano stati privati ​​delle loro libertà e che avevano subito la repressione dei diritti umani hanno iniziato a raccogliere e pubblicare i documenti della situazione.
Grazie anche agli sforzi di questi paesi vicini, tre anni fa, il 19 settembre 2019, il Parlamento europeo, braccio dell'Unione europea (UE), in una risoluzione intitolata "Un'importante memoria europea per il futuro dell'Europa", ha affermato Quello ...
《Ottanta anni fa, il 23 agosto, l'Unione Sovietica Comunista e la Germania nazista hanno firmato un patto di non aggressione chiamato Patto Molotov-Ribbentrop. Nel loro protocollo segreto, l'Europa e le nazioni indipendenti hanno inserito questi due regimi olistici. Hanno diviso il territorio e lo hanno incorporato nei loro interessi, aprendo la strada allo scoppio della seconda guerra mondiale.》
Nell'80° anno di guerra, il Parlamento europeo ha finalmente criticato l'Unione Sovietica come una "nazione invasiva" e ha ammesso l'errore del processo di Norimberga che considerava l'Unione Sovietica una parte della giustizia.
La risoluzione continua
《Come diretta conseguenza del patto Molotov-Ribbentrop e del successivo Trattato di confine e amicizia tedesco-sovietico del 28 settembre 1939, la Repubblica di Polonia fu prima invasa da Hitler e poi due settimane dopo da Stalin, privandolo della sua indipendenza. Fu una tragedia senza precedenti per il popolo polacco. L'Unione Sovietica comunista iniziò una guerra di aggressione contro la Finlandia il 30 novembre 1939 e nel giugno 1940 occupò e annesse parte della Romania e non la restituì mai. L'Unione Sovietica ha annesso le repubbliche indipendenti Lituania, Lettonia ed Estonia.》
L'Unione Sovietica non ha rispettato l'accordo di cessate il fuoco.
L'"aggressione" sovietica continuò anche dopo il raggiungimento dell'accordo di cessate il fuoco.
L'Unione Sovietica non ha rispettato l'accordo di cessate il fuoco e ha continuato la sua "aggressione" contro i paesi vicini.
《Dopo la fine della seconda guerra mondiale, alcuni paesi europei rimasero sotto dittature e alcuni sotto l'occupazione o l'influenza sovietica diretta, privati ​​delle loro case, indipendenza, dignità, diritti umani e sviluppo socioeconomico per mezzo secolo.》
Durante la guerra, l'esecuzione di intellettuali, il saccheggio, l'assalto e il lavoro forzato in Siberia e altrove erano dilaganti nella Polonia occupata dai sovietici e negli stati baltici.
Inoltre, dopo l'accordo di cessate il fuoco, questi paesi, che avrebbero dovuto riconquistare la loro libertà e indipendenza, furono trasformati in stati satellite dell'Unione Sovietica.
Nel 1991 l'Unione Sovietica è stata sciolta, gli stati baltici hanno riconquistato la loro indipendenza e la Polonia ha riguadagnato la sua libertà.
Tuttavia, l'amministrazione Putin ha giustificato l'"aggressione" sovietica e ha iniziato a lavorare ancora una volta per ripristinare l'Unione Sovietica.
La Polonia e gli altri paesi vicini sono comprensibilmente allarmati.
Lo sottolinea anche il Parlamento europeo.
"Nell'agosto 2019, i funzionari russi hanno negato la responsabilità per il patto Molotov-Ribbentrop e le sue conseguenze. Ora stanno promuovendo l'opinione che la Polonia, gli stati baltici e l'Occidente abbiano causato la seconda guerra mondiale. (Omesso) Profondamente preoccupato per gli sforzi di l'attuale leadership russa di sorvolare sui crimini commessi dal regime totalitario sovietico distorcendo i fatti storici (Omesso).
Chiediamo alla Commissione europea di opporsi fermamente a questi sforzi russi.
Una visione storica della nazione vittoriosa" non funziona.
Tuttavia, il 18 giugno 2020, il presidente Putin ha scritto un articolo intitolato "The Real Lessons of 75 Years of World War II" nell'edizione elettronica del National Interest, una rivista politica e diplomatica statunitense, in which ha criticato la risoluzione del Parlamento europeo definendola "un mucchio di stronzate".
Così, il confronto tra i paesi occidentali che hanno criticato "l'aggressione e la repressione dei diritti umani" da parte dell'Unione Sovietica e l'amministrazione Putin, che ha insistito su una "visione storica della nazione vittoriosa" che giustificasse l'"aggressione" sovietica con l'obiettivo di rovesciare i nazisti, si stava intensificando, ma la parte giapponese ha prestato poca attenzione.
Tuttavia, nel rispetto della libertà e dei diritti umani, non dovrebbe partecipare anche il Giappone a questo dibattito?
Ad ogni modo, dopo aver accettato la Dichiarazione di Potsdam, molti giapponesi sono stati detenuti in Siberia dall'Unione Sovietica, uccisi e privati ​​del Territorio del Nord, e sono ancora occupati illegalmente.
In risposta alla recente "invasione" dell'Ucraina, anche il Giappone ha provveduto a imporre sanzioni contro la Russia nell'ottica di opporsi al "cambiamento di status quo con la forza.
Allo stesso tempo, il Giappone dovrebbe anche confrontarsi e criticare a fondo la peculiare visione della storia del presidente Putin, che giustifica l'"aggressione" dell'Unione Sovietica in collaborazione con gli Stati Uniti e l'Europa.
La visione della storia della nazione vincitrice, che considera l'Unione Sovietica una nazione retta, non è più valida.


الرأي التاريخي للأمة المنتصرة لا يعمل.

2022年03月30日 21時58分29秒 | 全般

ما يلي هو من مقال بقلم ميتشيو إيزاكي في سانكي شيمبون اليوم ، ساوند آرجومينت ، بعنوان "منظر للتاريخ لمواجهة العدوان الروسي.
كما لوحظ بالفعل ، فإن إيزاكي ناقد صاعد في عالم ما بعد الحرب.
هذا المقال يجب أن يقرأه اليابانيون والمواطنون في جميع أنحاء العالم.
سيجد القراء أنه ينطبق بالضبط كما ينطبق على الصين.
التركيز في النص بخلاف العنوان هو لي.
معاناة الحرمان والقمع
تعارض الدول المجاورة مثل بولندا ودول البلطيق بشدة "العدوان" الروسي على أوكرانيا وتواصل دعم أوكرانيا.
هذه الدول المجاورة لها ذكريات احتلالها وحكمها من قبل الاتحاد السوفيتي أثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية وبعدها ومعاناتها من قمع حقوق الإنسان. إنهم يشعرون أن "نفس الشيء الذي يحدث لك اليوم يمكن أن يحدث لشخص آخر غدًا."
ومع ذلك ، وبسبب سيطرة الاتحاد السوفياتي الكاملة على المعلومات ، لم يكن المجتمع الدولي على دراية بـ "جرائم" الاتحاد السوفيتي لفترة طويلة بعد الحرب.
بدلاً من ذلك ، أكد المجتمع الدولي ، والصحافة الليبرالية على وجه الخصوص ، على إنجازات الاتحاد السوفيتي في الإطاحة بألمانيا النازية.
لم يكن حتى حل الاتحاد السوفياتي في عام 1991 ، عندما استعادت دول البلطيق وبولندا ودول أخرى حريتهم ، أصبح واقع الاحتلال السوفيتي وقمع حقوق الإنسان معروفًا على نطاق واسع.
وبدأت الدول المجاورة التي حُرمت من حرياتها وعانت من قمع حقوق الإنسان بجمع ونشر سجلات الحالة.
وبفضل جهود هذه الدول المجاورة ، قبل ثلاث سنوات ، في 19 سبتمبر 2019 ، أكد البرلمان الأوروبي ، أحد أذرع الاتحاد الأوروبي ، في قرار بعنوان "ذاكرة أوروبية مهمة لمستقبل أوروبا" ، الذي - التي ...
《قبل ثمانين عامًا ، في 23 أغسطس ، وقع الاتحاد السوفيتي الشيوعي وألمانيا النازية اتفاقية عدم اعتداء تسمى ميثاق مولوتوف-ريبنتروب. في بروتوكولها السري ، حاصرت أوروبا والدول المستقلة هذين النظامين الشموليين. قسموا المنطقة ودمجوها في مصالحهم ، مما مهد الطريق لاندلاع الحرب العالمية الثانية.
في العام الثمانين من الحرب ، انتقد البرلمان الأوروبي أخيرًا الاتحاد السوفييتي باعتباره "دولة غازية" واعترف بخطأ محاكمات نورمبرغ التي اعتبرت الاتحاد السوفيتي جانبًا من العدالة.
القرار مستمر
《كنتيجة مباشرة لاتفاق مولوتوف-ريبنتروب ومعاهدة الحدود والصداقة الألمانية السوفيتية اللاحقة في 28 سبتمبر 1939 ، غزا هتلر جمهورية بولندا أولاً ثم بعد ذلك بأسبوعين من قبل ستالين ، وحرمه من استقلاله. لقد كانت مأساة غير مسبوقة للشعب البولندي. بدأ الاتحاد السوفياتي الشيوعي حربًا عدوانية ضد فنلندا في 30 نوفمبر 1939 ، وفي يونيو 1940 ، احتل وضم جزءًا من رومانيا ولم يردها أبدًا. ضم الاتحاد السوفيتي الجمهوريات المستقلة ليتوانيا ولاتفيا وإستونيا.》
لم يلتزم الاتحاد السوفيتي باتفاق وقف إطلاق النار.
استمر "العدوان" السوفييتي حتى بعد التوصل إلى اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار.
ولم يلتزم الاتحاد السوفيتي باتفاق وقف إطلاق النار وواصل "عدوانه" على دول الجوار.
《بعد نهاية الحرب العالمية الثانية ، ظلت بعض الدول الأوروبية تحت حكم ديكتاتوريات والبعض الآخر تحت الاحتلال أو التأثير السوفييتي المباشر ، محرومين من منازلهم واستقلالهم وكرامتهم وحقوق الإنسان والتنمية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية لمدة نصف قرن.》
خلال الحرب ، انتشر إعدام المثقفين ، والنهب والاعتداء ، والعمل القسري في سيبيريا وأماكن أخرى في بولندا ودول البلطيق المحتلة من قبل الاتحاد السوفيتي.
علاوة على ذلك ، بعد اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار ، تحولت هذه البلدان ، التي كان من المفترض أن تستعيد حريتها واستقلالها ، إلى دول تابعة للاتحاد السوفيتي.
في عام 1991 ، تم حل الاتحاد السوفيتي ، واستعادت دول البلطيق استقلالها ، واستعادت بولندا حريتها.
ومع ذلك ، بررت إدارة بوتين "العدوان" السوفياتي وبدأت العمل على استعادة الاتحاد السوفياتي مرة أخرى.
إن بولندا والدول المجاورة الأخرى منزعجة بشكل مفهوم.
كما يشير البرلمان الأوروبي إلى ذلك.
 "في أغسطس 2019 ، نفى المسؤولون الروس مسؤوليتهم عن معاهدة مولوتوف-ريبنتروب وعواقبه. وهم الآن يروجون لوجهة النظر القائلة بأن بولندا ودول البلطيق والغرب تسببت في الحرب العالمية الثانية. القيادة الروسية الحالية للتستر على الجرائم التي ارتكبها النظام الشمولي السوفياتي من خلال تشويه الحقائق التاريخية (محذوف).
ندعو المفوضية الأوروبية إلى معارضة هذه الجهود الروسية بحزم.
الرأي التاريخي للأمة المنتصرة "لا يجدي نفعا.
ومع ذلك ، في 18 يونيو 2020 ، كتب الرئيس بوتين مقالًا بعنوان "الدروس الحقيقية لـ 75 عامًا من الحرب العالمية الثانية" في الطبعة الإلكترونية من National Interest ، وهي مجلة سياسية ودبلوماسية أمريكية ، فيوانتقد قرار البرلمان الأوروبي ووصفه بأنه "حفنة من الهراء".
وهكذا ، فإن المواجهة بين الدول الغربية التي انتقدت "عدوان وقمع الاتحاد السوفيتي لحقوق الإنسان" وإدارة بوتين التي أصرت على "رؤية تاريخية للأمة المنتصرة" تبرر "العدوان" السوفياتي مع الرؤية الجانبية للإطاحة بالنازيين ، كان يتكثف ، لكن الجانب الياباني لم يول اهتمامًا كبيرًا.
ومع ذلك ، فيما يتعلق باحترام الحرية وحقوق الإنسان ، ألا ينبغي لليابان أيضًا أن تشارك في هذا النقاش؟
على أي حال ، بعد قبول إعلان بوتسدام ، تم احتجاز العديد من اليابانيين في سيبيريا من قبل الاتحاد السوفيتي ، وقتلوا وحُرموا من الإقليم الشمالي ، وما زالوا محتلين بشكل غير قانوني.
ردًا على "الغزو" الأخير لأوكرانيا ، اتخذت اليابان أيضًا خطوات لفرض عقوبات على روسيا من وجهة نظر معارضة "تغيير الوضع الراهن بالقوة.
في الوقت نفسه ، يتعين على اليابان أيضًا مواجهة وانتقاد نظرة الرئيس بوتين الغريبة للتاريخ ، والتي تبرر "عدوان" الاتحاد السوفيتي بالتعاون مع الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا.
إن نظرة الأمة المنتصرة للتاريخ ، والتي تعتبر الاتحاد السوفيتي أمة صالحة ، لم تعد صالحة.


'n Oorwinnende nasie se historiese siening werk nie.

2022年03月30日 21時57分03秒 | 全般

Die volgende is uit 'n artikel deur Michio Ezaki in vandag se Sankei Shimbun, Sound Argument, getiteld "A View of History to Confront Russian Aggression.
Soos reeds opgemerk, is Ezaki 'n opkomende kritikus in die naoorlogse wêreld.
Hierdie artikel is 'n moet-lees vir Japannese burgers en mense regoor die wêreld.
Lesers sal vind dat dit presies van toepassing is op China.
Die klem in die teks anders as die opskrif is myne.
Ly aan vryheidsontneming en -onderdrukking
Buurlande soos Pole en die Baltiese state is hewig gekant teen Rusland se "aggressie" teen die Oekraïne en gaan voort om Oekraïne te ondersteun.
Hierdie buurlande het herinneringe van beset en regeer deur die Sowjetunie tydens en na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog en gely het onder die onderdrukking van menseregte. Hulle voel dat "Dieselfde ding wat vandag met jou gebeur, kan môre met iemand anders gebeur."
Weens die Sowjetunie se volledige beheer van inligting was die internasionale gemeenskap egter vir 'n lang tyd na die oorlog nie deeglik bewus van die Sowjetunie se "misdade" nie.
In plaas daarvan het die internasionale gemeenskap, en veral die liberale pers, klem gelê op die prestasies van die Sowjetunie om Nazi-Duitsland omver te werp.
Eers met die ontbinding van die Sowjetunie in 1991, toe die Baltiese state, Pole en ander lande hul vryheid herwin het, het die realiteit van die Sowjet-besetting en onderdrukking van menseregte wyd bekend geword.
Buurlande wat van hul vryhede ontneem is en menseregte-onderdrukking gely het, het begin om rekords van die situasie te versamel en te publiseer.
Deels danksy die pogings van hierdie buurlande, drie jaar gelede, op 19 September 2019, het die Europese Parlement, 'n arm van die Europese Unie (EU), in 'n resolusie getiteld "An Important European Memory for Europe's Future," beweer daardie ...
《Tagtig jaar gelede, op 23 Augustus, het die Kommunistiese Sowjetunie en Nazi-Duitsland 'n nie-aanvalsverdrag genaamd die Molotof-Ribbentrop-verdrag onderteken. In hul geheime protokol het Europa en die onafhanklike nasies hierdie twee holistiese regimes saamgevoeg. Hulle het die gebied verdeel en dit in hul belange opgeneem, wat die weg gebaan het vir die uitbreek van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog.》
In die 80ste jaar van die oorlog het die Europese Parlement uiteindelik die Sowjetunie as 'n "invallende nasie" gekritiseer en die fout van die Neurenberg-verhore erken wat die Sowjetunie as 'n kant van geregtigheid beskou het.
Die resolusie gaan voort
《As 'n direkte gevolg van die Molotof-Ribbentrop-verdrag en die daaropvolgende Duits-Sowjet-grens- en vriendskapsverdrag op 28 September 1939, is die Republiek van Pole eers deur Hitler binnegeval en toe twee weke later deur Stalin, wat hom van sy onafhanklikheid ontneem het. Dit was 'n ongekende tragedie vir die Poolse mense. Die kommunistiese Sowjetunie het op 30 November 1939 'n aanvalsoorlog teen Finland begin en in Junie 1940 'n deel van Roemenië beset en geannekseer en dit nooit teruggegee nie. Die Sowjetunie het die onafhanklike republieke Litaue, Letland en Estland geannekseer.》
Die Sowjetunie het nie by die skietstilstand-ooreenkoms gehou nie.
Sowjet-“aggressie” het voortgeduur selfs nadat die skietstilstand-ooreenkoms bereik is.
Die Sowjetunie het nie by die skietstilstand-ooreenkoms gehou nie en het sy "aggressie" teen buurlande voortgesit.
《Na die einde van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het sommige Europese lande onder diktature gebly en sommige onder direkte Sowjet-besetting of invloed, ontneem van hul huise, onafhanklikheid, waardigheid, menseregte en sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling vir 'n halfeeu.》
Tydens die oorlog was die teregstelling van intellektuele, plundering en aanranding, en dwangarbeid in Siberië en elders hoogty in die Sowjet-besette Pole en die Baltiese state.
Boonop is hierdie lande, wat veronderstel was om hul vryheid en onafhanklikheid te herwin, na die skietstilstand-ooreenkoms in satellietstate van die Sowjetunie verander.
In 1991 is die Sowjetunie ontbind, die Baltiese state het hul onafhanklikheid herwin en Pole het sy vryheid herwin.
Die Poetin-administrasie het egter die Sowjet-“aggressie” geregverdig en begin werk om die Sowjetunie weer te herstel.
Pole en ander buurlande is verstaanbaar bekommerd.
Die Europese Parlement wys ook daarop.
 "In Augustus 2019 het Russiese amptenare verantwoordelikheid vir die Molotof-Ribbentrop-verdrag en die gevolge daarvan ontken. Hulle bevorder nou die siening dat Pole, die Baltiese state en die Weste die Tweede Wêreldoorlog veroorsaak het. (Uitgelaat) Diep bekommerd oor die pogings van die huidige Russiese leierskap om die misdade wat deur die Sowjet-totalitêre regime gepleeg is, te verdoesel deur historiese feite te verdraai (Uitgelaat).
Ons doen 'n beroep op die Europese Kommissie om hierdie Russiese pogings sterk teen te staan.
'n Oorwinnende nasie-historiese beskouing" werk nie.
President Poetin het egter op 18 Junie 2020 'n artikel geskryf met die titel "The Real Lessons of 75 Years of World War II" in die elektroniese uitgawe van die National Interest, 'n Amerikaanse politieke en diplomatieke joernaal, waarinhy het die Europese Parlement se resolusie gekritiseer as "'n klomp kak."
Dus, die konfrontasie tussen Westerse lande wat die Sowjetunie se "aggressie en onderdrukking van menseregte" gekritiseer het en die Poetin-administrasie, wat aangedring het op 'n "oorwinnende nasie-historiese siening" wat Sowjet-"aggressie" geregverdig het met die sybeskouing om die Nazi's omver te werp, besig was om te verskerp, maar die Japannese kant het min aandag gegee.
Met respek vir vryheid en menseregte, moet Japan egter nie ook by hierdie debat aansluit nie?
In elk geval, nadat hulle die Potsdam-verklaring aanvaar het, is baie Japannese in Siberië deur die Sowjetunie aangehou, vermoor en van die Noordelike Gebied ontneem, en is steeds onwettig beset.
In reaksie op die onlangse "inval" in die Oekraïne, het Japan ook stappe gedoen om sanksies teen Rusland in te stel vanuit die oogpunt van die teenstand van "verandering van status quo met geweld."
Terselfdertyd moet Japan ook president Poetin se eienaardige siening van die geskiedenis, wat die Sowjetunie se “aggressie” in samewerking met die Verenigde State en Europa regverdig, konfronteer en deeglik kritiseer.
Die oorwinnende nasie se siening van die geskiedenis, wat die Sowjetunie as 'n regverdige nasie beskou, is nie meer geldig nie.


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it was an anti-Japanese act that criticized Japan and the Japanese government


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/30, 13:58


she came to Japan but forgot her desire to study and moved in with a man




Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/30, 17:43






There are no more sinful and outrageous people than them and the NHK employees


TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」



2022年03月30日 18時27分04秒 | 全般

コロナより悪い朝日、と題して2021-04-28 に発信した章である。
開催にはまだまだカネがかかる。強行しても大損のうえ大失敗する。 将来「東京五輪の誤り」と言われないよう「やめてしまえ」と結んでいる。
米国には「not invented here(いい他国製品などいらん)」根性がある。


it was an anti-Japanese act that criticized Japan and the Japanese government

2022年03月30日 18時18分23秒 | 全般

In other words, it was an anti-Japanese act that criticized Japan and the Japanese government.
She must be well aware of the judicial system in China and her own country.
This woman, Professor SHIN Hae Bong, and Thomas Ash, as you can see in "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder, are naturally in the same boat as the punk gringos who are openly claiming to have committed illegal acts against Japan and made a film about it.
If the FBI or the CIA existed in Japan, and I were the director of the FBI or the CIA, I would immediately investigate where the money for the illegal gaijin's film production was coming from. I am investigating.
First and foremost, the Japanese government and immigration authorities must immediately question this man's illegal activities.
It is not Japan that has been looked down upon by these foolish people due to being controlled by the Asahi Shimbun until August 2014, and not now.
No genuine Japanese citizen who makes a living as a politician should allow this outrage to continue and never again allow such foolish people to continue their anti-Japanese propaganda to undermine Japan in the international community.
Immediately arrest this illegal foreigner, Thomas Ashe!
The people who make their living with the public taxpayers' money by producing NHK's WATCH9 should also be investigated immediately and severely charged with violating the Broadcasting Act!
There are no more sinful and outrageous people than them and the NHK employees.
First, foreigners who are troublesome for immigration have problems in many ways, which cannot be said to be well-behaved people.
Even elementary school students know that a decent person cannot be admitted to the Immigration Bureau.
Immigration officials work day and night with the utmost sincerity to comply with Japan's laws against foreigners with various problems.
They are perfectly fulfilling their duties as national civil servants.
On the other hand, NHK officials, who are actually national civil servants, called them casters, etc., to gloss over the fact that they are national public servants.
What are NHK staff doing when immigration officials do a lot of work day and night to protect the country against evil foreigners?
After receiving the highest salary in Japan and getting to know celebrities, they finally got the position of celebrity wife.
These people criticize national public servants who are doing the most challenging job to protect the country.
They put themselves on a high pedestal with no evidence to back it up and smirch at the decent public servants doing the most sincere work.
The aspect is not different from the anti-Japanese propaganda that China and South Korea smirch Japan, but it is the anti-Japanese activity itself.
It is finally time for the Japanese people to realize that NHK is such a reality and have to correct them.
This article continues.

After receiving the highest salary in Japan and getting to know celebrities,

2022年03月30日 18時12分22秒 | 全般

First, foreigners who are troublesome for immigration are foreigners who have problems in many ways, which cannot be said to be well-behaved people.
Even elementary school students know that a decent person cannot be admitted to the Immigration Bureau.
Immigration officials work day and night with the utmost sincerity to comply with Japan's laws against foreigners with various problems.
They are perfectly fulfilling their duties as national civil servants.
On the other hand, NHK officials, who are actually national civil servants, called them casters, etc., to gloss over the fact that they are national public servants.
What are NHK staff doing when immigration officials do a lot of work day and night to protect the country against evil foreigners?
After receiving the highest salary in Japan and getting to know celebrities, they finally got the position of celebrity wife.
These people criticize national public servants who are doing the most challenging job to protect the country.
They put themselves on a high pedestal with no evidence to back it up and smirch at the decent public servants doing the most sincere work.
The aspect is not different from the anti-Japanese propaganda that China and South Korea smirch Japan, but it is the anti-Japanese activity itself.
It is finally time for the Japanese people to realize that NHK is such a reality and have to correct them.
This article continues.


2022年03月30日 17時58分38秒 | 全般



Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/30, 17:43

2022年03月30日 17時44分03秒 | 全般


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/30, 13:58


There are no more sinful and outrageous people than them and the NHK employees


she came to Japan but forgot her desire to study and moved in with a man


Top 50 searches for the past week 2022/3/30








Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/30, 9:32




文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Ci




Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/30, 13:58

2022年03月30日 13時59分02秒 | 全般


If they are indeed Japanese citizens, they are the most despicable people I have ever seen.






文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事3/30


Top 50 searches for the past week 2022/3/30


It is a popular page yesterday 2022/ 3/30


Top 50 searches for the past week 2022/3/30


It is a popular page yesterday on ameba 2022/ 3/30


There are no more sinful and outrageous people than them and the NHK employees


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/30, 9:32




Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/29, 17:52




A victorious nation historical view doesn't work.




It is a popular page yesterday 2022/ 3/30




Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/30, 0:42




Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/29, 23:46




she came to Japan but forgot her desire to study and moved in with a man

2022年03月30日 13時54分45秒 | 全般
The following is a chapter published on 8/26/2021 entitled. If you insist so much, you should take the foreigner into your home, vouch for him, and take care of him.
The reason was because of NHk watch 9 last night.
The following is an article by Mr. Nobuyuki Kaji that opens today's issue of the monthly magazine WiLL.
Those who have subscribed to today's WiLL and Hanada magazines must be grateful.
They are full of articles that shed light on things that the media does not report at all: the hidden truth.
Subscribers should have been frightened that newspapers such as the Asahi Shimbun and television media such as the Asahi Shimbun did not report the truth.
These two magazines are excellent, by the way.
They contain so many genuine articles and are only 950 yen each (tax included).
Every Japanese citizen who can read must immediately go to the nearest bookstore to subscribe.
If you do not subscribe, you are not an intelligent person living in the 21st century.
The Asahi, NHK, etc., are nothing but a slightly better version of Xi Jinping.
It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the same kind of people in that they never tell people the truth.
I will tell the people of the world what I can. 
You can go to your nearest bookstore and subscribe.
The Olympic excitement is over. We are now in the days after the party. But, as I recall, other stories were going on than the Olympic games.
For example, a man from a specific country came to Japan but escaped from his lodgings (Izumisano City in Osaka) and fled to Nagoya because he could not participate in the games.
It was because he did not want to return to his own country. 
That was the first thing that struck me as odd. 
Of course, he was protected.
He said that he wanted to work in Japan because he was hard up in his home country. That is the ego itself. 
I have heard many such cases of people fleeing to Japan (not political asylum).
For example, she came to Japan but forgot her desire to study and moved in with a man. Eventually, she suffers from the man's violence and runs away.
However, she hides this fact and asks the world to let her stay in Japan for the Japanese reason that she is only interested in her studies.
Then, a friendly Japanese person will indeed appear. Standing on the side of that kind of lousy foreigner, he tries to make arrangements to give the foreigner an advantage.
If you are so sure, you should take the foreigner into your home, be his guarantor, and take care of him, but you don't. Instead, you childishly reason with the public authorities to do something about it. 
There have been many such incidents, but we can rest assured that the immigration offices in Japan are handling them well.
Some countries' immigration offices let people through if they have money in their hands and send them back if they cry only.
They are accustomed to this, but few Japanese veterans teach them about bribery, and they have an irresponsible attitude of "do something for them."
In that respect, Japan's strict immigration stance is superior. They are driving away evil foreigners.
But what is the reason for the lax attitude of Japanese people in general toward foreigners? 
Japan, as a whole, is in a very fortunate position and the sea surrounds it.
The only thing is that although it is close to the Korean Peninsula, there is an ocean in between, so there is no need to worry about the land connection.
On the other hand, we are not used to dealing with foreigners. 
The situation in Japan is similar to that in the UK.
The UK cooperates with continental European countries, but when it comes to issues of national interest, the UK acts independently.
The withdrawal from the EU from not needing refugees is a typical example. 
Even though the UK is far away from the European continent, it is only a short distance away. 
Back to the topic at hand, Japan should not neglect to study the political behavior of the UK. 
Of course, the situation is not the same, but the topography is similar.
Instead of imitating what was done in the Meiji era, we should study "Britain." 
In Japanese university literature departments, the most common major is English literature. 
There are probably more than ten thousand professors in this field. 
However, I have never heard that there has been, or is, an outstanding essay on England, or a sharp, to be astonished essentialism. 
Isn't that strange? In the Meiji era, we had no choice but to learn from the Western powers.
English, German, and French were mandatory in higher education; English, in particular, became widespread. 
However, today, there are many opportunities to learn languages without studying them in schools, and so-called practical English can be better understood and known at cram schools. 
If this is the case, what is the meaning of the "flourishing of English literature" in Japanese universities? Of course, the life of a university is research.
What kind of results is being achieved in this research for today's nation and society? I have heard very little about it. 
It is now Reiwa, and it has been over a hundred years since the Meiji era, and the significance of modern foreign language training is gone.
The era of the bureaucratic hurray for majors, in which the budget for this year is expected to be higher than last year's, is over. 
Goods obtained by dishonest means can go out in unexpected ways. 


2022年03月30日 13時44分05秒 | 全般

その理由は昨夜のNHk watch9ゆえである。






There are no more sinful and outrageous people than them and the NHK employees

2022年03月30日 12時29分22秒 | 全般

In other words, it was an anti-Japanese act that criticized Japan and the Japanese government.
She must be well aware of the judicial system in China and her own country.
This woman, Professor SHIN Hae Bong, and Thomas Ash, as you can see in "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder, are naturally in the same boat as the punk gringos who are openly claiming to have committed illegal acts against Japan and made a film about it.
If the FBI or the CIA existed in Japan, and I were the director of the FBI or the CIA, I would immediately investigate where the money for the illegal gaijin's film production was coming from. I am investigating.
First and foremost, the Japanese government and immigration authorities must immediately question this man's illegal activities.
It is not Japan that has been looked down upon by these foolish people due to being controlled by the Asahi Shimbun until August 2014, and not now.
No genuine Japanese citizen who makes a living as a politician should allow this outrage to continue and never again allow such foolish people to continue their anti-Japanese propaganda to undermine Japan in the international community.
Immediately arrest this illegal foreigner, Thomas Ashe!
The people who make their living with the public taxpayers' money by producing NHK's WATCH9 should also be investigated immediately and severely charged with violating the Broadcasting Act!
There are no more sinful and outrageous people than them and the NHK employees.



2022年03月30日 12時13分03秒 | 全般
