文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Japanese people must have a special love for beauty.

2022年10月29日 16時07分12秒 | 全般

The following is from Mr. SekiHei's serial column on the front page of the monthly magazine Hanada, which was released on the 26th.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.
An "Incredible Japan" Different from China and Korea (Culture Part 2)
Continuing from the previous article in this series, I will examine the differences between Japan and China in terms of culture and the characteristics of Japanese culture as the cultural part of the theme "Japan as seen from the perspective of differences with China and Korea.
This time, I will focus on "beauty" in culture. 
The pursuit of beauty and the expression of beauty are significant themes in the cultures of all peoples.
However, as a native of China, I believe that the pursuit and expression of beauty occupy a crucial position in Japanese culture and that no other people possess such a delicate sense of beauty and love of beauty as the Japanese people. 
Robert Fortune, a British botanist who came to Japan at the end of the Edo period, in his famous book, "Exploring Japan at the End of the Edo Period: Edo and Peking," reports on the "love of flowers" witnessed among ordinary Japanese people in Edo as follows. 
"When I passed by tiny houses, farmhouses, and huts in the suburbs of Edo, I saw small gardens in front of the places with a few plants and flowers of the Japanese taste. One of the most striking characteristics of the Japanese people is their natural love of flowers, even among the lower classes. They take great pleasure in growing a few of their favorite plants as a diversion." 
Based on these observations, Fortune famously commented on the Japanese national character. 
If the love of flowers proves the high level of human culture, the Japanese seem far superior to our country's people. 
It is a solid surprise for those of us living in modern times that Fortune, who came from the civilized nation of England, praised the "flower-loving" Japanese of the Edo period so highly. But, as Fortune pointed out, the "love of flowers" (i.e., the love of beauty in one aspect) is a characteristic of the Japanese national character and an indication of the high cultural level of Japanese. 
I came to Japan in the last year of the Showa Era, far behind Fortune, and was deeply moved to discover for the first time in my life that beauty is ubiquitous in this foreign land and that beautiful things are well-loved by the people.
It was also the case when I was invited by a new friend to enjoy cherry blossom viewing for the first time in my life after my first visit to Japan and when my friend took me for a walk in Saga Arashiyama in Kyoto on a rainy day in May, a month after I arrived in Japan. 
A few years later, on my second visit to Arashiyama, I saw the famous Sogen pond garden in the precincts of Tenryuji Temple. For the first time in my life, I was deeply moved by the experience of "extreme beauty."
And as I lived in Japan for a long time, I came to know that Tenryu-ji was not the only temple with a beautiful garden.
In Kyoto, there is the Honbo Garden at Tofukuji Temple, the Hojo Garden at Nanzenji Temple, the stone garden at Ryoanji Temple, where 15 stones are the main feature, the Saiho-ji Garden covered with moss, and many more. 
In Nara, where I now live, the "Three Yamato Gardens," consisting of Chikurin-in Gunpo-en Garden in Yoshino, Jiko-in Garden in Yamatokoriyama, and Taima-ji Temple Nakanobo Garden in Katsuragi, are so attractive that they can be compared with the famous gardens in Kyoto.
In Osaka, the Honbo Garden at Shitennoji Temple is also magnificent. 
If you go to Shiga Prefecture, you will find numerous temple gardens such as the Ryutanji Garden, Gesshinji Garden, and Saikyoji Garden. 
In addition, countless other temples throughout Japan, not limited to Kyoto and Nara, are famous for their cherry blossoms or autumn foliage.
Of course, there are some old temples in China and Korea, but I am not aware of any temples in China or Korea that are known as "temples of flowers," "temples of autumn leaves," or "temples of gardens," as is the case in Japan. 
Only the Japanese cherish temples and other religious facilities as places of faith but transform them into "beautiful places."
The Japanese people must have a special love for beauty.
This article continues. 


Based on these observations, Fortune famously commented on the Japanese national character.

2022年10月29日 15時50分47秒 | 全般

The following is from Mr. SekiHei's serial column on the front page of the monthly magazine Hanada, which was released on the 26th.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.
An "Incredible Japan" Different from China and Korea (Culture Part 2)
Continuing from the previous article in this series, I will examine the differences between Japan and China in terms of culture and the characteristics of Japanese culture as the cultural part of the theme "Japan as seen from the perspective of differences with China and Korea.
This time, I will focus on "beauty" in culture. 
The pursuit of beauty and the expression of beauty are significant themes in the cultures of all peoples.
However, as a native of China, I believe that the pursuit and expression of beauty occupy a crucial position in Japanese culture and that no other people possess such a delicate sense of beauty and love of beauty as the Japanese people. 
Robert Fortune, a British botanist who came to Japan at the end of the Edo period, in his famous book, "Exploring Japan at the End of the Edo Period: Edo and Peking," reports on the "love of flowers" witnessed among ordinary Japanese people in Edo as follows. 
"When I passed by tiny houses, farmhouses, and huts in the suburbs of Edo, I saw small gardens in front of the places with a few plants and flowers of the Japanese taste. One of the most striking characteristics of the Japanese people is their natural love of flowers, even among the lower classes. They take great pleasure in growing a few of their favorite plants as a diversion." 
Based on these observations, Fortune famously commented on the Japanese national character. 
If the love of flowers is proof of the high level of human culture, the Japanese people seem far superior to our country's people. 
It is a solid surprise for those of us living in modern times that Fortune, who came from the civilized nation of England, praised the "flower-loving" Japanese of the Edo period so highly. But, as Fortune pointed out, the "love of flowers" (i.e., the love of beauty in one aspect) is a characteristic of the Japanese national character and an indication of the high cultural level of Japanese. 
This article continues.

Top 10 real-time searches 2022/10/29, 14:45

2022年10月29日 14時39分53秒 | 全般


In other words, former comfort women have been telling a complete lie for 30 years.






Top 50 searches for the past week 2022/10/29


わが国のEEZにミサイル5発を撃ち込んだ国に反撃能力を想定しない?? どこの国の国益を代弁しているのか。国民の財産と生命を守る気持ちはあるのか。




An "Incredible Japan" Different from China and Korea (Culture Part 2)


It was a popular page yesterday 2022/10/29.








tidigare tröstkvinnor har ljugit fullständigt i 30 år.

2022年10月29日 14時37分10秒 | 全般

Följande är från bokrecensionskolumnen i dagens Sankei Shimbun.
Det är ett måste att läsa inte bara för det japanska folket utan för människor över hela världen.
Red Wednesday: 30 Years of Lies of the Comfort Women Movement av Kim Byung-hun, översatt av Kanemitsu Hidemi (Bungeishunju, 1870 yen)
Det är en modig verifiering av en koreansk forskare.
Det "röda" i rubriken hänvisar till den fullständiga lögnen, och "onsdag" hänvisar till onsdagsdemonstrationer som stödgrupper för tröstkvinnor har hållit framför den japanska ambassaden i Sydkorea sedan 1992.
Med andra ord, tidigare tröstkvinnor har ljugit fullständigt i 30 år.
Författaren, Kim Byung-hun, är en forskare som har kritiserat sydkoreanska historieböcker för att vara för antijapanska.
Förvånad över läroböcker som beskriver den japanska militärens påtvingade avlägsnande av tröstkvinnor utan något historiskt stöd, har han gjort frågan om tröstkvinnor till föremål för sin forskning.
I den här boken undersöker författaren förändringsprocessen i vittnesmålen från tidigare tröstkvinnor publicerade av "The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan", en stödgrupp för tröstkvinnor.
Det visar sig att ingen av de tidigare tröstkvinnorna faller in i kategorin "offer för japanska militära tröstkvinnor" som den juridiskt definieras i Sydkorea.
Alla de tidigare tröstkvinnorna fick ett "förskott" och blev samtyckande "prostituerade" i krigszonen.
Författaren hävdar också, genom tröstkvinnornas vittnesbörd, att deras arbetsgivare kränkte dem; men tröstkvinnorna kallades så småningom "sexslavar".
Författaren säger att kärnan i frågan om tröstkvinnor är fattigdom.
Huvudaktörerna är "föräldrarna som sålde sina barn som föremål i ett fattigt land, agenterna som behandlade dem som varor och fick introduktionsavgifter, och ägarna som använde dem som varor och fick pengar från soldater och många män", och att "the comfort women-frågan är ett problem som vi koreaner borde lösa, och vi bör aldrig lägga ansvaret för det på andra länder."
(Takumi Matsuzaki, Bungeishunju Nonfiction Publishing Department)


30 年來,前慰安婦一直在撒謊。

2022年10月29日 14時34分52秒 | 全般

紅色星期三:慰安婦運動的謊言 30 年 金炳憲,兼光秀美翻譯(文藝春秋,1870 日元)
主要演員是“窮國把孩子當成物品賣的父母,把孩子當成商品對待並收取介紹費的代理人,以及將孩子當作商品並從士兵和許多男人那裡收錢的所有者”。 “慰安婦問題是我們韓國人應該解決的問題,我們不應該把責任推給其他國家。”


30 年来,前慰安妇一直在撒谎。

2022年10月29日 14時32分57秒 | 全般

红色星期三:慰安妇运动的谎言 30 年 金炳宪,兼光秀美翻译(文艺春秋,1870 日元)
主要演员是“穷国把孩子当成物品卖的父母,把孩子当成商品对待并收取介绍费的代理人,以及将孩子当作商品并从士兵和许多男人那里收钱的所有者”。 “慰安妇问题是我们韩国人应该解决的问题,我们不应该把责任推给其他国家。”

전 위안부 할머니들은 30년 동안 완전한 거짓말을 해왔다.

2022年10月29日 14時30分50秒 | 全般

다음은 오늘 산케이 신문의 서평 칼럼에서 가져온 것입니다.
일본인뿐만 아니라 전 세계인이 꼭 읽어야 할 필독서입니다.
붉은 수요일: 위안부 운동의 거짓말 30년(김병훈, 가네미쓰 히데미 번역)(문예춘주, 1870엔)
한국 연구원의 과감한 검증이다.
제목의 '빨간색'은 완전한 거짓말을, '수요일'은 1992년부터 주한 일본대사관 앞에서 위안부 지지단체들이 벌인 수요일 시위를 의미한다.
위안부 할머니들은 30년 동안 완전히 거짓말을 해왔다.
저자 김병헌은 한국 역사 교과서가 지나치게 반일적이라는 비판을 받아온 연구원이다.
일본군이 역사적 지원 없이 강제로 위안부를 제거했다는 교과서에 놀란 그는 위안부 문제를 연구 주제로 삼았다.
이 책에서 저자는 위안부 지원 단체인 '일본군 위안부 문제 해결을 위한 한국 여성 협의회'에서 발간한 전 위안부 증언의 변화 과정을 살펴본다.
일본군 위안부 피해자는 한국에서 법적으로 정의된 '일본군 위안부 피해자'에 해당하지 않는 것으로 확인됐다.
전 위안부들은 모두 '선급'을 받고 전쟁터에서 동의한 '창녀'가 됐다.
저자는 또한 위안부 자신의 증언을 통해 고용주가 그들을 위반했다고 주장합니다. 그러나 위안부는 결국 "성노예"로 불렸다.
저자는 위안부 문제의 본질은 빈곤이라고 말한다.
주인공들은 "가난한 나라에서 자식들을 물건처럼 팔았던 부모들, 자식들을 물건처럼 대하고 소개비를 받은 대리인들, 자식들을 물건으로 사용하고 군인들과 많은 남자들에게 돈을 받은 주인들"이며, “위안부 문제는 우리 한국인이 해결해야 할 문제이며 결코 다른 나라에 책임을 떠넘겨서는 안 됩니다.”
(문예춘주 논픽션 출판부 마츠자키 타쿠미)


ex-mulheres de conforto contam uma mentira completa há 30 anos.

2022年10月29日 14時28分40秒 | 全般

O seguinte é da coluna de resenhas de livros do Sankei Shimbun de hoje.
É uma leitura obrigatória não apenas para o povo japonês, mas para pessoas em todo o mundo.
Red Wednesday: 30 Years of Lies of the Comfort Women Movement por Kim Byung-hun, traduzido por Kanemitsu Hidemi (Bungeishunju, 1870 ienes)
É uma verificação corajosa de um pesquisador coreano.
O "vermelho" no título refere-se à mentira completa, e "quarta-feira" refere-se às manifestações de quarta-feira que grupos de apoio a mulheres de conforto têm realizado em frente à embaixada japonesa na Coreia do Sul desde 1992.
Em outras palavras, ex-mulheres de conforto contam uma mentira completa há 30 anos.
O autor, Kim Byung-hun, é um pesquisador que tem criticado os livros didáticos de história sul-coreanos por serem muito anti-japoneses.
Surpreso com livros didáticos que descrevem a remoção forçada de mulheres de conforto pelos militares japoneses sem qualquer respaldo histórico, ele fez da questão das mulheres de conforto o assunto de sua pesquisa.
Neste livro, o autor examina o processo de mudança nos testemunhos de ex-mulheres de conforto publicados pelo "Conselho Coreano para as Mulheres Escravizadas para a Escravidão Sexual Militar pelo Japão", um grupo de apoio para mulheres de conforto.
Acontece que nenhuma das ex-mulheres de conforto se enquadra na categoria de "vítimas de mulheres de conforto militares japonesas", conforme definido legalmente na Coreia do Sul.
Todas as ex-mulheres de conforto receberam um "adiantamento" e se tornaram "prostitutas" consentidas na zona de guerra.
A autora também argumenta, por meio do depoimento das próprias mulheres de conforto, que seus empregadores as violaram; no entanto, as mulheres de conforto acabaram sendo chamadas de "escravas sexuais".
A autora diz que a essência da questão das mulheres de conforto é a pobreza.
Os principais atores são "os pais que vendiam seus filhos como objetos em um país pobre, os agentes que os tratavam como mercadorias e recebiam taxas de apresentação, e os proprietários que os usavam como mercadorias e recebiam dinheiro de soldados e muitos homens", e que "A questão das mulheres de conforto é um problema que nós, coreanos, devemos resolver, e nunca devemos colocar a responsabilidade por isso em outros países."
(Takumi Matsuzaki, Departamento de Publicação de Não Ficção da Bungeishunju)


les anciennes femmes de réconfort racontent un mensonge complet depuis 30 ans.

2022年10月29日 14時26分29秒 | 全般

Ce qui suit est tiré de la chronique de critiques de livres du Sankei Shimbun d'aujourd'hui.
C'est une lecture incontournable non seulement pour le peuple japonais mais pour les gens du monde entier.
Mercredi rouge: 30 ans de mensonges du mouvement des femmes de réconfort par Kim Byung-hun, traduit par Kanemitsu Hidemi (Bungeishunju, 1870 yen)
C'est une vérification courageuse d'un chercheur coréen.
Le "rouge" dans le titre fait référence au mensonge complet, et "mercredi" fait référence aux manifestations du mercredi que des groupes de soutien aux femmes de réconfort organisent devant l'ambassade du Japon en Corée du Sud depuis 1992.
En d'autres termes, les anciennes femmes de réconfort racontent un mensonge complet depuis 30 ans.
L'auteur, Kim Byung-hun, est un chercheur qui a critiqué les manuels d'histoire sud-coréens pour être trop anti-japonais.
Surpris par les manuels qui décrivent le retrait forcé des femmes de réconfort par l'armée japonaise sans aucun support historique, il a fait de la question des femmes de réconfort le sujet de ses recherches.
Dans ce livre, l'auteure examine le processus de changement dans les témoignages d'anciennes femmes de réconfort publiés par "The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan", un groupe de soutien pour les femmes de réconfort.
Il s'avère qu'aucune des anciennes femmes de réconfort n'entre dans la catégorie des "victimes des femmes de réconfort militaires japonaises" telle que définie légalement en Corée du Sud.
Toutes les anciennes femmes de réconfort ont reçu une « avance » et sont devenues des « prostituées » consentantes dans la zone de guerre.
L'auteur soutient également, à travers le témoignage des femmes de réconfort elles-mêmes, que leurs employeurs les ont violées ; cependant, les femmes de réconfort ont finalement été qualifiées d '«esclaves sexuelles».
L'auteur dit que l'essence du problème des femmes de réconfort est la pauvreté.
Les principaux acteurs sont « les parents qui vendaient leurs enfants comme des objets dans un pays pauvre, les agents qui les traitaient comme des marchandises et touchaient des frais d'introduction, et les propriétaires qui les utilisaient comme marchandises et recevaient de l'argent des soldats et de beaucoup d'hommes », et que "La question des femmes de réconfort est un problème que nous, les Coréens, devrions résoudre, et nous ne devrions jamais en rejeter la responsabilité sur d'autres pays."
(Takumi Matsuzaki, Département d'édition non romanesque de Bungeishunju)


Ehemalige Trostfrauen erzählen seit 30 Jahren eine komplette Lüge.

2022年10月29日 14時24分21秒 | 全般

Das Folgende stammt aus der Buchbesprechungskolumne des heutigen Sankei Shimbun.
Es ist ein Muss, nicht nur für die Japaner, sondern für Menschen auf der ganzen Welt.
Roter Mittwoch: 30 Jahre Lügen der Trostfrauenbewegung von Kim Byung-hun, übersetzt von Kanemitsu Hidemi (Bungeishunju, 1870 Yen)
Es ist eine mutige Bestätigung eines koreanischen Forschers.
Das „Rot“ im Titel bezieht sich auf die komplette Lüge, und „Mittwoch“ bezieht sich auf die Mittwochsdemonstrationen, die Selbsthilfegruppen von Trostfrauen seit 1992 vor der japanischen Botschaft in Südkorea abhalten.
Mit anderen Worten, ehemalige Trostfrauen erzählen seit 30 Jahren eine komplette Lüge.
Der Autor, Kim Byung-hun, ist ein Forscher, der die südkoreanischen Geschichtsbücher dafür kritisiert, zu antijapanisch zu sein.
Überrascht von Lehrbüchern, die die erzwungene Entfernung von Trostfrauen durch das japanische Militär ohne historische Belege beschreiben, hat er das Thema Trostfrauen zum Gegenstand seiner Forschung gemacht.
In diesem Buch untersucht die Autorin den Veränderungsprozess in den Zeugnissen ehemaliger Trostfrauen, die von „The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan“, einer Selbsthilfegruppe für Trostfrauen, veröffentlicht wurden.
Es stellt sich heraus, dass keine der ehemaligen Trostfrauen in die in Südkorea gesetzlich definierte Kategorie der „Opfer japanischer Militär-Trostfrauen“ fällt.
Alle ehemaligen Trostfrauen erhielten einen „Vorschuss“ und wurden zu einwilligenden „Prostituierten“ im Kriegsgebiet.
Der Autor argumentiert auch durch die Aussage der Trostfrauen selbst, dass ihre Arbeitgeber sie verletzt haben; Die Trostfrauen wurden jedoch schließlich als "Sexsklavinnen" bezeichnet.
Der Autor sagt, dass die Essenz des Problems der Trostfrauen Armut ist.
Die Hauptakteure seien "die Eltern, die ihre Kinder wie Gegenstände in einem armen Land verkauften, die Agenten, die sie wie Waren behandelten und Vermittlungsgebühren erhielten, und die Besitzer, die sie als Waren benutzten und Geld von Soldaten und vielen Männern erhielten", und so weiter „Das Problem der Trostfrauen ist ein Problem, das wir Koreaner lösen sollten, und wir sollten die Verantwortung dafür niemals anderen Ländern zuschieben.“
(Takumi Matsuzaki, Sachbuchverlagsabteilung von Bungeishunju)


Las antiguas mujeres de solaz han estado diciendo una completa mentira durante 30 años.

2022年10月29日 14時21分29秒 | 全般

Lo siguiente es de la columna de reseñas de libros del Sankei Shimbun de hoy.
Es una lectura obligada no solo para los japoneses, sino también para las personas de todo el mundo.
Miércoles rojo: 30 años de mentiras del movimiento Comfort Women de Kim Byung-hun, traducido por Kanemitsu Hidemi (Bungeishunju, 1870 yenes)
Es una valiente verificación de un investigador coreano.
El "rojo" en el título se refiere a la mentira completa, y el "miércoles" se refiere a las manifestaciones de los miércoles que los grupos de apoyo a las mujeres de consuelo han realizado frente a la embajada japonesa en Corea del Sur desde 1992.
En otras palabras, las ex mujeres de solaz han estado diciendo una completa mentira durante 30 años.
El autor, Kim Byung-hun, es un investigador que ha estado criticando los libros de texto de historia de Corea del Sur por ser demasiado antijaponeses.
Sorprendido por los libros de texto que describen la eliminación forzada de las mujeres de solaz por parte del ejército japonés sin ningún respaldo histórico, ha hecho del tema de las mujeres de solaz el tema de su investigación.
En este libro, la autora examina el proceso de cambio en los testimonios de exmujeres de solaz publicados por el "Consejo Coreano para las Mujeres Reclutadas para la Esclavitud Sexual Militar por Japón", un grupo de apoyo para mujeres de solaz.
Resulta que ninguna de las exmujeres de consuelo entra en la categoría de "víctimas de las mujeres de consuelo militares japonesas" tal como se define legalmente en Corea del Sur.
A todas las ex mujeres de solaz se les pagó un "adelanto" y se convirtieron en "prostitutas" consentidas en la zona de guerra.
El autor también argumenta, a través del testimonio de las propias mujeres de solaz, que sus empleadores las violaron; sin embargo, las mujeres de solaz fueron eventualmente referidas como "esclavas sexuales".
El autor dice que la esencia del problema de las mujeres de solaz es la pobreza.
Los actores principales son "los padres que vendieron a sus hijos como objetos en un país pobre, los agentes que los trataron como mercancías y cobraron tarifas de presentación, y los dueños que los usaron como mercancías y recibieron dinero de soldados y muchos hombres", y que "El tema de las mujeres de solaz es un problema que los coreanos debemos resolver, y nunca debemos responsabilizar a otros países".
(Takumi Matsuzaki, Departamento de publicaciones de no ficción de Bungeishunju)


le ex donne di conforto hanno detto una bugia completa per 30 anni.

2022年10月29日 14時17分23秒 | 全般

Quanto segue è tratto dalla colonna delle recensioni del libro del Sankei Shimbun di oggi.
È una lettura obbligata non solo per il popolo giapponese, ma per le persone in tutto il mondo.
Red Wednesday: 30 Years of Lies of the Comfort Women Movement di Kim Byung-hun, tradotto da Kanemitsu Hidemi (Bungeishunju, 1870 yen)
È una coraggiosa verifica da parte di un ricercatore coreano.
Il "rosso" nel titolo si riferisce alla completa bugia e "mercoledì" si riferisce alle manifestazioni del mercoledì che i gruppi di sostegno delle donne di conforto hanno tenuto davanti all'ambasciata giapponese in Corea del Sud dal 1992.
In altre parole, le ex donne di conforto hanno detto una bugia completa per 30 anni.
L'autore, Kim Byung-hun, è un ricercatore che ha criticato i libri di storia della Corea del Sud per essere troppo anti-giapponesi.
Sorpreso dai libri di testo che descrivono la rimozione forzata delle donne di conforto da parte dell'esercito giapponese senza alcun supporto storico, ha fatto della questione delle donne di conforto l'oggetto della sua ricerca.
In questo libro, l'autore esamina il processo di cambiamento nelle testimonianze di ex donne di conforto pubblicate da "The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan", un gruppo di sostegno per le donne di conforto.
Si scopre che nessuna delle ex donne di conforto rientra nella categoria delle "vittime delle donne di conforto militari giapponesi" come definita legalmente in Corea del Sud.
Tutte le ex donne di conforto ricevettero un "anticipo" e divennero "prostitute" consenzienti nella zona di guerra.
L'autore sostiene anche, attraverso la testimonianza delle stesse donne di conforto, che i loro datori di lavoro le hanno violate; tuttavia, le donne di conforto furono infine chiamate "schiave del sesso".
L'autore dice che l'essenza della questione delle donne di conforto è la povertà.
Gli attori principali sono "i genitori che vendevano i loro figli come oggetti in un paese povero, gli agenti che li trattavano come merci e ricevevano tasse di presentazione, e i proprietari che li usavano come merce e ricevevano soldi dai soldati e da molti uomini", e che "il problema delle donne di conforto è un problema che noi coreane dovremmo risolvere e non dovremmo mai attribuirne la responsabilità ad altri paesi".
(Takumi Matsuzaki, Dipartimento di pubblicazione di saggistica di Bungeishunju)


An "Incredible Japan" Different from China and Korea (Culture Part 2)

2022年10月29日 14時08分45秒 | 全般

The following is from Mr. SekiHei's serial column on the front page of the monthly magazine Hanada, which was released on the 26th.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.
An "Incredible Japan" Different from China and Korea (Culture Part 2)
Continuing from the previous article in this series, I will examine the differences between Japan and China in terms of culture and the characteristics of Japanese culture as the cultural part of the theme "Japan as seen from the perspective of differences with China and Korea.
This time, I will focus on "beauty" in culture. 
The pursuit of beauty and the expression of beauty are significant themes in the cultures of all peoples.
However, as a native of China, I believe that the pursuit and expression of beauty occupy a crucial position in Japanese culture and that no other people possess such a delicate sense of beauty and love of beauty as the Japanese people. 
This article continues.



2022年10月29日 13時55分25秒 | 全般

幕末、日本にやってきたイギリスの植物学者、囗バート・フォーチュンは名著『幕末日本探訪記-江戸と北京』のなかで、江戸で目撃した普通の日本人の「花好き」を次のようにレポートしている。 「(江戸)郊外の小ぢんまりした住居や農家や小屋の傍らを通り過ぎると、家の前に日本人好みの草花を少しばかり植え込んだ小庭をつくっている。日本人の国民性のいちじるしい特色は、下層階級でもみな生来の花好きであるということだ。気晴らしにしじゅう好きな植物を少し育てて、無上の楽しみにしている」 



2022年10月29日 11時15分30秒 | 全般
