文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2022/1/25.

2024年03月04日 23時55分24秒 | 全般




Che ne dici? Sono stati i giapponesi ad aiutare gli ebrei. Non inventare la storia




Top 10 real-time searches 2022/1/18, 22:45




Императори на Изтока и Императори на Запада


Perhaps " fraudster " would be more appropriate than calling her a "two-bit lawyer."


Imperatori d'Oriente e Imperatori d'Occidente


In Europa is daar 'n vurige pro-China-faksie wat ernstige probleme veroorsaak.


thoroughly investigate the relationship between China and the miniskirt-wearing female lawyer


It is a matter of honor in Japan.


I can't help but be dismayed that such a woman is working in the dark to undermine Japan


Európában van egy lelkes Kína-barát frakció, amely súlyos problémákat okoz.


文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2022/1/24


It's not a country where we can force ourselves to go out with each other.




文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2022/1/21


文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2022/1/18


「偽情報」拡散も安全保障の脅威 沖縄めぐる情報戦にも注意




文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2022/1/22




Top 10 real-time searches 2022/1/19, 23:22


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/1/20, 12:54


We must openly make recommendations to UNESCO and explain to UNESCO experts




Top 10 real-time searches 2022/1/24, 14:14




The Purple Bottle & 2022/1/14 Kinkaku-ji


Emperors of the East and Emperors of the West






One of the reasons for this was that they were considered unclean people.


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/1/20, 10:36


There are no similarities between Japan and China at all. 


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/1/19, 11:31






Top 10 real-time searches 2022/1/18, 15:13


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/1/19, 21:42


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/1/19, 17:22




NHK,これでいいのか 旧ソ連のフェイク裁判を鵜呑み「731部隊」特番を斬る!NHKは…恒例の日本軍悪玉論にのっとった番組のひとつとして


En av anledningarna till detta var att de ansågs vara orena människor.




In Europa gibt es eine leidenschaftliche Pro-China-Fraktion, die ernsthafte Probleme verursacht.




Blame others for your wrongdoing, denouncing loudly.


Beethoven's 5 Secrets - OneRepublic - The Piano Guys & Kinkaku-ji


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/1/18, 11:54



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It is too unreasonable, even due to the double standard on which the left wing is always dependent.

2024年03月04日 23時45分38秒 | 全般

"Japan experts" slam the Olympics…Silence on the Beijing Olympics
The following is from an article by Jason Morgan, Associate Professor at Reitaku University, which appeared in today's Sankei Shimbun "Seiron" titled "Where Have All the Fears of Hosting the Olympics Gone?
It is no exaggeration to say that this article is the first to reveal that academia and the media, controlled by the left, are creating a crisis of democracy.
Thanks to his article, most Japanese people, including myself, have learned for the first time about the realities of the academia and media run by the left in the world, along with the names of their leading figures.
The crisis of democracy is a phenomenon occurring due to the extreme fragmentation of public opinion.
The academia and the media, controlled by the left wing, are devotedly creating this division of public opinion in totalitarian countries like China.
In the case of Japan, the leftist-controlled academia and media, so-called human rights lawyers, so-called citizens' groups, and politicians such as the Constitutional Democratic Party, the Communist Party, and so on are working to divide Japanese public opinion and serve countries like China and South Korea.
It is a beneficial article for today's world.
It is a must-read for the Japanese people and people worldwide.
Recently, an acquaintance of mine said something exciting to me.
"The Beijing Olympics are approaching, but where did anyone want to stop because of the new coronavirus?"
That's true.
The 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics were postponed to 2021 and could only be held with incident.
However, anti-Japanese scholars, journalists, and others who specialize in East Asia have repeatedly called for the cancellation of the Olympics ever since the plague that broke out in Wuhan, China, sickened the world. 
"Japan experts" slam the Olympics. 
American journalist Jake Edelstein, for example, has been an ardent opponent of the Tokyo Olympics.
In July 2021, under the joint name of the US news site "The Daily Beast," under the heading "Tokyo will send a corps of volunteers who are significantly lacking vaccination to the Olympics, like crazy," mercilessly Bashed the Japanese government and Japan. 
"Tokyo seems to be turning its Olympic volunteers into a pack of walking super-spreaders by delaying vaccinations," the article fear-mongered.
Mr. Edelstein is a trusted "Japan expert" in the US. 
Other major media outlets in the US picked up Edelstein's and others' Japan-bashing articles. 
The Corona disaster is not the only reason anti-Japanese commentators in the West have called for the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics. 
For example, Gavan McCormack, a historian emeritus professor at the Australian National University, brought out "Fukushima" at the "Asia Pacific Journal Japan Focus" (APJ / JF) in March 2021 and cast a dark shadow on the Tokyo Olympics. He published a paper.
In 2013, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe promised the International Olympic Committee (1.0C) that the Great East Japan Earthquake areas were under control. 
He criticized Japan for not having solved the problem yet.
He also emphasized the wrong image of the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, saying that much atomic waste remains. 
Former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, the Olympic Organizing Committee chairman, also mentioned the misrepresentation that "a board with many women takes time" and maliciously announced that the Tokyo Olympics are a "farce."
This article by McCormack also hinted at the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics, citing the coronavirus disaster as the reason.
He expressed concern that holding the Olympics "could result in the transmission and distribution of large numbers of coronaviruses. 
Silence on the Beijing Olympics 
Another paper was published in the APJ/JF, making fun of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.
The academic circles and media in the English camp tried to criticize the Tokyo Olympics, ironically, another Olympic event.
However, Edelstein and McCormack are silent about the Beijing Olympics.
Recently, Mr. Edelstein wrote an article severely criticizing Japan as a "xenophobic" country over the country's strengthening of waterfront measures against an outbreak of the highly infectious Omicron mutant strain. 
However, a search on the Internet reveals no article by Mr. Edelstein criticizing the Beijing Olympics.
The same goes for Mr. McCormack. 
A search for "APJ/JF" reveals no articles skeptical of the Beijing Olympics. 
In academia and the media, which leftists dominate, there is virtually no criticism of the Beijing Olympics.
On H-Net Asia, an information-sharing site used by Asian researchers, only one scholar dares to take a skeptical stance on the Beijing Olympics, and he is from Sweden.
Information on hitting Japan is still available daily.
Even after the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, the new coronavirus has not disappeared from the world, but where did the concerns about the Beijing Olympics disappear?
Are they disregarding "genocide"? 
While a fierce battle against the new coronavirus is underway in China, there have been no articles or papers in the Western left-wing media mocking the Beijing government for not canceling the Olympics. 
Moreover, it is not only the Corona disaster that is bothering them.
The Beijing Olympics are being called the "Genocide Olympics" is not just a nasty label.
The Uyghurs are now being hunted to extinction in China by the Beijing government.
I would like to know from leftist "experts" and so-called Asia experts why they still do not speak out. 
The Corona disaster is unacceptable, but will they disregard the genocide Olympics in Beijing?
It is too unreasonable, even due to the double standard on which the left wing is always dependent.


2024/3/3 in Kyoto


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Resend! Top 10 real-time searches 2022/1/25, 12:19

2024年03月04日 23時38分10秒 | 全般


"Japan experts" slam the Olympics…Silence on the Beijing Olympics




Top 50 searches for the past week 2022/1/25


It is a popular page yesterday 2022/1/25


Gli esperti giapponesi sbattono le Olimpiadi... Silenzio sulle Olimpiadi di Pechino


Expertos japoneses critican los Juegos Olímpicos... Silencio sobre los Juegos Olímpicos de Beijing


Top 10 real-time searches 2022/1/24, 23:47


Les experts japonais claquent les JO… Silence sur les JO de Pékin


It is a popular page yesterday on ameba 2022/1/25


Japan-Experten kritisieren die Olympischen Spiele … Schweigen über die Olympischen Spiele in Peking


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Grazie al suo articolo, la maggior parte dei giapponesi, me compreso,

2024年03月04日 23時34分47秒 | 全般

Gli esperti giapponesi sbattono le Olimpiadi... Silenzio sulle Olimpiadi di Pechino
Quanto segue è tratto da un articolo di Jason Morgan, professore associato alla Reitaku University, apparso nel Sankei Shimbun "Seiron" di oggi intitolato "Dove sono finite tutte le paure di ospitare le Olimpiadi?
Non è esagerato affermare che questo articolo è il primo a rivelare che il mondo accademico ei media, controllati dalla sinistra, stanno creando una crisi di democrazia.
Grazie al suo articolo, la maggior parte dei giapponesi, me compreso, hanno appreso per la prima volta le realtà del mondo accademico e dei media gestiti dalla sinistra nel mondo, insieme ai nomi delle loro figure di spicco.
La crisi della democrazia è un fenomeno dovuto all'estrema frammentazione dell'opinione pubblica.
Il mondo accademico ei media, controllati dalla sinistra, stanno creando devotamente questa divisione dell'opinione pubblica per paesi totalitari come la Cina.
Nel caso del Giappone, il mondo accademico e i media controllati dalla sinistra, i cosiddetti avvocati per i diritti umani, i cosiddetti gruppi di cittadini e politici come il Partito Democratico Costituzionale, il Partito Comunista e così via stanno lavorando per dividere l'opinione pubblica giapponese opinione e servire paesi come la Cina e la Corea del Sud.
È un articolo vantaggioso per il mondo di oggi.
È una lettura obbligata per i giapponesi e per le persone in tutto il mondo.
Di recente, un mio conoscente mi ha detto qualcosa di eccitante.
"Le Olimpiadi di Pechino si avvicinano, ma dove si voleva fermare a causa del nuovo coronavirus?"
È vero.
Le Olimpiadi e le Paralimpiadi di Tokyo del 2020 sono state posticipate al 2021 e si sono svolte a malapena senza incidenti.
Tuttavia, studiosi anti-giapponesi, giornalisti e altri specializzati nell'Asia orientale hanno ripetutamente chiesto la cancellazione delle Olimpiadi da quando la peste scoppiata a Wuhan, in Cina, ha fatto ammalare il mondo.
Gli "esperti del Giappone" sbattono le Olimpiadi.
Il giornalista americano Jake Edelstein, ad esempio, è stato un fervente oppositore delle Olimpiadi di Tokyo.
Nel luglio 2021, sotto il nome comune del sito di notizie statunitense "The Daily Beast", sotto il titolo "Tokyo invierà alle Olimpiadi un corpo di volontari che sono significativamente privi di vaccinazioni, come un matto", ha picchiato senza pietà il governo giapponese e il Giappone .
"Tokyo sembra trasformare i suoi volontari olimpici in un branco di super-diffusori ambulanti ritardando le vaccinazioni", affermava l'articolo.
Il signor Edelstein è un fidato "esperto giapponese" negli Stati Uniti.
Gli articoli contro il Giappone di Edelstein e di altri sono stati ripresi da altri importanti media negli Stati Uniti.
Il disastro di Corona non è l'unico motivo per cui i commentatori anti-giapponesi in Occidente hanno chiesto la cancellazione delle Olimpiadi di Tokyo.
Ad esempio, Gavan McCormack, storico professore emerito all'Australian National University, ha pubblicato "Fukushima" all'"Asia Pacific Journal Japan Focus" (APJ / JF) nel marzo 2021 e ha gettato un'ombra oscura sulle Olimpiadi di Tokyo. Ha pubblicato un articolo.
Nel 2013, il primo ministro Shinzo Abe ha promesso al Comitato Olimpico Internazionale (1.0C) che le aree terremotate del Grande Giappone orientale erano sotto controllo.
Ha criticato il fatto che il Giappone non avesse ancora risolto il problema.
Ha anche sottolineato l'immagine sbagliata dell'incidente alla centrale nucleare n. 1 di Fukushima della TEPCO, dicendo che rimangono molte scorie atomiche.
Anche l'ex primo ministro Yoshiro Mori, presidente del Comitato Organizzatore Olimpico, ha sollevato la falsa dichiarazione secondo cui "un consiglio con molte donne richiede tempo" e ha annunciato con linguaggio malizioso che le Olimpiadi di Tokyo sono "farsa".
Questo articolo di McCormack ha anche accennato alla cancellazione delle Olimpiadi di Tokyo, citando il disastro della corona come motivo.
Ha espresso preoccupazione per il fatto che lo svolgimento delle Olimpiadi "potrebbe comportare la trasmissione e la distribuzione di un gran numero di coronavirus.
Silenzio sulle Olimpiadi di Pechino
Un altro articolo è stato pubblicato sull'APJ/JF, prendendo in giro le Olimpiadi e le Paralimpiadi di Tokyo.
I circoli accademici e i media nel campo inglese hanno cercato di criticare le Olimpiadi di Tokyo, ironia della sorte, un altro evento olimpico.
Tuttavia, Edelstein e McCormack sembrano tacere sulle Olimpiadi di Pechino.
Di recente, il signor Edelstein ha scritto un articolo in cui critica aspramente il Giappone come paese "xenofobo" per il rafforzamento delle misure sul lungomare da parte del paese contro un focolaio del ceppo mutante Omicron altamente infettivo.
Tuttavia, una ricerca su Internet non rivela alcun articolo del signor Edelstein che critichi le Olimpiadi di Pechino.
Lo stesso vale per il signor McCormack.
Una ricerca per "APJ/JF" non rivela articoli scettici sulle Olimpiadi di Pechino.
Nel mondo accademico e nei media, dominati dalla sinistra, non ci sono praticamente critiche alle Olimpiadi di Pechino.
Su H-Net Asia, un sito di condivisione di informazioni utilizzato dai ricercatori asiatici, solo uno studioso osa assumere una posizione scettica sulle Olimpiadi di Pechino, ed è svedese.
Le informazioni su come colpire il Giappone sono ancora disponibili quotidianamente.

Anche dopo le Olimpiadi e le Paralimpiadi di Tokyo, il nuovo coronavirus non è scomparso dal mondo, ma dove sono scomparse le preoccupazioni per le Olimpiadi di Pechino?
Stanno chiudendo un occhio sul "genocidio"?
Mentre in Cina è in corso una feroce battaglia contro il nuovo coronavirus, non ci sono stati articoli o giornali sui media di sinistra occidentali che deridessero il governo di Pechino per non aver cancellato le Olimpiadi.
Inoltre, non è solo il disastro di Corona che li infastidisce.
Le Olimpiadi di Pechino vengono chiamate "Olimpiadi del genocidio" non sono solo una brutta etichetta.
Gli uiguri sono ora cacciati fino all'estinzione in Cina dal governo di Pechino.
Vorrei sapere dagli "esperti" di sinistra e dai cosiddetti esperti asiatici perché ancora non si esprimono.
Il disastro del Corona è inaccettabile, ma chiuderanno un occhio sulle Olimpiadi del genocidio di Pechino?
È troppo irragionevole, anche se è dovuto al doppio standard da cui dipende sempre la sinistra.


2024/3/3 in Kyoto

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È una lettura obbligata per i giapponesi e per le persone di tutto il mondo.

2024年03月04日 23時29分18秒 | 全般

È una questione d'onore in Giappone.
Quanto segue è tratto da una rubrica regolare di Rui Abiru apparsa nel Sankei Shimbun di oggi dal titolo ISLAND MIRRORGE prontamente raccomandato.
Questo articolo dimostra anche che è un vero giornalista tra i giornalisti che lavorano.
È una lettura obbligata per i giapponesi e per le persone di tutto il mondo.
La selezione da parte del Consiglio Culturale alla fine dello scorso anno di "Island Mirage" (Prefettura di Niigata) come candidato per la nomina a Patrimonio dell'Umanità dall'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'Educazione, la Scienza e la Cultura (UNESCO) ha sollevato interrogativi sulla posizione diplomatica del Fumio Kishida mobiletto.
Riuscirà il gabinetto di Kishida a respingere la richiesta della Corea del Sud che l'isola non sia nominata patrimonio dell'umanità, sostenendo che è un luogo di lavoro forzato da parte dei coreani?
Oppure provi a rimandarlo evitando la brezza?
"Il raggiungimento della registrazione è della massima importanza. Voglio considerare a fondo ciò che è efficace a tale scopo".
Il primo ministro Kishida ha detto ai giornalisti il ​​18 febbraio.
Tuttavia, il governo si è finora astenuto dal fare una dichiarazione chiara poiché la scadenza per la nomina si avvicina al 1 febbraio e i residenti locali hanno espresso la loro speranza che il governo non annulli o rinvii la nomina.
Campagna pubblicitaria su Gunkanjima
Nel 2015, la Corea del Sud si è impegnata in una campagna di propaganda sbagliata per far registrare la miniera di carbone dell'isola di Hashima (comunemente nota come Gunkanjima) nella prefettura di Nagasaki come sito del patrimonio culturale mondiale, chiedendo che il lavoro forzato fosse chiaramente indicato.
Come ricorderà vividamente il primo ministro Kishida, allora ministro degli Esteri nel gabinetto di Shinzo Abe, la Corea del Sud ha ignorato l'accordo raggiunto all'incontro dei ministri degli Esteri Giappone-Corea e ha cercato di includere il "lavoro forzato" nella dichiarazione.
Nel precedente accordo, una dichiarazione del Comitato del Patrimonio Mondiale concordava che la parte giapponese avrebbe fatto una concessione specifica ai lavoratori della penisola coreana secondo la proposta del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e li avrebbe "costretti a lavorare". Tuttavia, la parte sudcoreana ha indicato che non sarà loro consentito usare il termine "costretto a lavorare.
Tuttavia, nella bozza di dichiarazione presentata dalla parte sudcoreana, la dicitura di "lavoro forzato", che il Giappone non riconosce, era scritta in due punti.
Sotto la direzione dell'allora primo ministro Abe, l'allora viceministro degli Affari esteri Shinsuke Sugiyama (poi viceministro e ambasciatore negli Stati Uniti), incaricato dei negoziati, interrogò nuovamente la Corea del Sud. Il secondo viceministro degli Affari esteri della Corea del Sud ha spiegato di aver abbreviato la frase per comodità nel processo di preparazione degli elementi per la bozza di dichiarazione da presentare al Comitato del patrimonio mondiale.
Il Ministero degli Affari Esteri registra che il Sig. Sugiyama si è avvicinato all'altra parte in quel momento.
"Sono convinto che la Corea del Sud stia cercando di fare qualcosa di dannoso con il lavoro forzato".
Alla fine, la Corea del Sud ha modificato la sua dichiarazione come concordato, ma è stata una chiamata ravvicinata.
Il primo ministro Kishida, che era parte in questo caso e nell'accordo tra Giappone e Corea delle comfort women, che ha confermato la "risoluzione definitiva e irreversibile" della questione delle comfort women, deve essere ben consapevole dell'inutilità di fare affidamento sulla buona volontà della Corea del Sud.
Sfatiamo questo frontalmente.
La riluttanza del governo giapponese a nominare la miniera d'oro La riluttanza del governo giapponese a nominare la miniera d'oro sull'isola di Sado come sito del patrimonio mondiale potrebbe essere dovuta al timore che la nomina "disturberà l'acqua" e riaccenderà questioni storiche. Tuttavia, come ha sottolineato il signor Abe in una riunione del "Gruppo di unità conservatrice", un gruppo di membri conservatori del Partito Liberal Democratico, il 18 marzo, non è così.
"Se andiamo fino in fondo, la situazione cambierà l'anno prossimo? Dovremmo sfatare a fondo la questione sulla base dei fatti".
Nell'aprile 2021, al momento della riunione di gabinetto di Yoshihide Suga, il governo ha rilasciato la seguente dichiarazione sul fatto che le persone della penisola coreana fossero costrette o meno a lavorare.
Il gabinetto ha deciso in una riunione dell'aprile 2021 se le persone della penisola coreana fossero costrette a lavorare o meno, affermando che "il lavoro mediante 'reclutamento', 'mediazione governativa' e 'coscrizione' non rientra nella categoria di 'lavoro forzato ' ai sensi della Convenzione sul lavoro forzato. Non è appropriato descriverli come 'lavoro forzato.'
È importante notare che il governo ha deciso che non è appropriato scrivere "lavoro forzato" nei documenti governativi e nei libri di testo.
Spero che il Primo Ministro Kishida riesca a risolvere questo problema a testa alta.
(Scrittore editoriale e redattore politico)
Quanto segue è tratto da un articolo apparso sul Sankei Shimbun di oggi.
Miniera d'oro di Sado consigliata per la registrazione: Takaichi: "È una questione d'onore".

Sanae Takaichi, presidente del comitato di ricerca politica del Partito Liberal Democratico, ha dichiarato in una conferenza stampa il 19 aprile che "Dobbiamo accettare fermamente i sinceri sentimenti di tutti nella prefettura di Niigata. Voglio che il governo faccia del suo meglio per registrarsi".
Ha anche sottolineato che il governo giapponese deve spiegare al governo sudcoreano attraverso i canali diplomatici l'opposizione della Corea del Sud alla registrazione del sito a causa di problemi storici.
"Dobbiamo formulare apertamente raccomandazioni all'UNESCO e spiegare agli esperti dell'UNESCO. È una questione d'onore in Giappone", ha affermato.

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Repost! Top 10 real-time searches 2022/3/2, 8:18

2024年03月04日 23時21分40秒 | 全般


È una questione d'onore in Giappone.






Gli esperti giapponesi sbattono le Olimpiadi... Silenzio sulle Olimpiadi di Pechino








Anti-social emerging religion like Aum Shinrikyo has the ‘People's Temple’ in the United States.






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On the other hand, many tribute women taken to China as a tribute for 500 years

2024年03月04日 23時13分44秒 | 全般

At that time, China's tyranny was not uncommon.

China's Barbaric "Homecoming Woman 
For five hundred years, during the Joseon Dynasty, there was a Yeongun Gate near the Independence Gate in the western part of present-day Seoul.
It built the gate in front of the Mohwagwan, a facility that welcomed envoys from China, the suzerain nation. It was the gate where the King of Joseon personally went to receive envoys from China, the land of bounty.
In 1896, the Independence Association tore down this gate and built the Independence Gate in front of it. 
The two-pillar foundations are designated as Cultural Property Historic Site No. 33. 
At that time, China's tyranny was not uncommon.
The country's most appreciated gift was a tribute woman, and it wanted the daughter of an official rather than a servant.
In the 8th year of King Taejong's reign (1408), at a meeting to select a young woman to be sent to China, the daughter of Zhao Tiao Bin, the King of Pyeongseong, twitched her mouth as if she had a paralysis. 
Kim Cheon Sik's daughter, a Joseon councilor, shook her head from side to side and pretended to be crazy. 
The daughter of Yi Un-ro, a military attaché, pretended to be disabled. Angered by this, the Chinese envoy Hwang Jun sent their fathers into exile and forced them to leave their posts. 
The Tomb of Prince Uisun is located in Uijeongbu City, Gyeonggi Province.
Immediately after the Qing invasion of Joseon, the Chinese ordered that tribute women be selected from the royal family to be offered.
When the 17th King Hyojong was troubled by this, Geum-rim-gun's royal family member offered him a daughter.
He was so grateful that he named her Prince Yishun and adopted her as his daughter.
She became the consort of King Yeong of the Qing Dynasty, later the side wife of King Baekyang's son, and then the side wife of Hak Le, a subordinate of the previous king.
When Hak le died, she was left with nothing to live for, but her father, Jinlin, who had been dispatched to China as a vassal, begged her to come back with him.
When she returned to her homeland, she was scorned by the people around her as a "homecoming woman" who had been raped in China for seven years and died in August 1662 at the young age of 28. 
Every year, the city government holds a grand requiem event for her. 
However, it is just an event where makgeolli is served for the participants.
In the past, women who had been taken to China and returned after no longer needed them were called "homecoming women.
The homeland that they missed so much was not their homeland but hell.
The people back home despised them, calling them "homecoming women.
The women who were forcibly taken and tormented were not comforted women but homecoming women. 
Let's think again about the two types of comfort women: the "homecoming women" created by China and the "sacred comfort women" created by the communists.
The Japanese comfort women existed for less than eight years, from 1937 to 1945.
Moon Okju received a charge for service tips and became a popular figure.
She saved money, bought diamond rings and crocodile leather bags, and lived a reasonably happy life, which she still remembers fondly in her old age.
On the other hand, many tribute women taken to China as a tribute for 500 years were wholly deprived of their lives.


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Top 10 real-time searches 2024/3/4, 22:52

2024年03月04日 22時52分27秒 | 全般


文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2024/3/4




拙著の購読者の方に贈る。…2011/12/27、午前11時半、桂離宮にて Maurizio Pollini と。


Republiez ! Il n'y a pas une telle histoire de merde.




再発信!NHKを始めとした日本のメディアは馬鹿なのか? いや、 彼らと韓国は通じているのである。


拙著の購読者の方に贈る。…12/27、午前11時半、桂離宮にて Maurizio Pollini と。




クルド人は日本人女性をレイプし、 入管職員を罠にハメ、 埼玉の川口で傍若無人に暴れ回り、




2024/3/3 in Kyoto

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I stood and cried on the empty station platform at night until my tears dried up.

2024年03月04日 22時47分00秒 | 全般

The evil that the world has continued to overlook and the UN has continued to overlook...that evil...is creating this situation.
August 19, 2019

I now subscribe to Sankei, Nikkei, and Yomiuri.
I always read a newspaper in the morning, but not now.
I tried to read the Sankei, but it was no exaggeration to say that I hardly read the other two newspapers.
However, I woke up an hour earlier this morning, so I started reading the Nikkei first.
What jumped out at me was the full-page opinion ad by a Hong Kong citizen that appeared at the end of the paper.

It is evident that the most significant cause of "Japan's lost 20 years" and the ongoing deflation was the restriction on total lending implemented on March 27, 1990.
Around this time, the head of the Advertising Bureau at the Osaka headquarters of the Nikkei Shimbun visited my office regularly to hear what I had to say.
He told me he had never heard such a story (insight) as yours, although he met various managers during his work.
Immediately after enacting the total volume control, I asked him to place a full-page opinion ad in the national edition of the Nikkei Shimbun.
I immediately agreed to pay the 35 million yen offered as the cost.
However, Nikkei did not run my ad at the end of the day.

There must not have been a person living in the 21st century who was not moved to tears when they read the Hong Kong citizens' desperate opinion ad this morning.
This is except for those who lived in the 19th century, medieval, or ancient times, not the 21st century.

Since I rediscovered Kyoto about 15 years ago, I am the most visited person in the world who does not live in Kyoto.
I have met office workers traveling alone from Hong Kong at Nanzenji Temple, Daikakuji Temple, and other temples, at bus stops, etc. Most of them were repeat visitors.
Most of them were repeat visitors.
It was not unusual for them to say, "I have been here ten times...

When I was 25 years old, at a time when I was considering ending my own life, I went to Kyushu to meet and talk to someone who wanted to meet me.
For some reason, I was reading "Night on the Galactic Railroad" at that time.
It was the first night I had ever passed through the Kanmon Straits, changed trains, and was on my way to Nagasaki.
As I continued reading, I came across Giovanni's line even in a compartment and on a full train.
'What can I do for my old mother...'
Suddenly, I wailed.
I could not stop the tears from welling up.
I couldn't stand crying on the crowded train with tears streaming down my face, so I got off the train at the station where it stopped.
I stood and cried on the empty station platform at night until my tears dried up.
It was then that I came back to this world.

It was the severity of the chaos in Osaka's Umeda-Kita Yard.
As all of you with keen eyes know, I had no choice but to appear on the scene and continue writing about it. 
As a result, I realized that the mastermind behind the chaos was the Asahi Shimbun newspaper.
It was so terrible that I lost the will to work for a few days, realizing that my life, which had been focused on Osaka, had been a disaster.
At that stage of my life as a businessman, I was obsessed with Osaka, even rejecting the advice of a close friend from Fukushima Prefecture who was working at Dentsu at the time that I should come to Tokyo.

But a few days later, I woke up and thought.
"You've got to be kidding me. I will never be killed over something so incomprehensible and ridiculous."
I went to see Hiroshi Shimozuma, then chairman of the Kankeiren.
I visited Yukiko Takenaka of the Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives).
I visited the person in charge at Osaka City Hall.

For three months, I alone continued to press the issue of why the project could not be carried out following the project plan, which had taken more than 20 years of collective wisdom from the public and private sectors in Osaka and which could be said to be the best in the postwar period.

I foolishly sent my senior managing director to the headquarters of the Asahi Shimbun to write down in detail what I had said to the three organizations mentioned above and to deliver it to them!
I can only mock myself for this Don Quixote-like behavior by just one person.
I had Katsuhiko Tagaya, who was writing a full-page article on the "Northern Yard Confusion" with a prominent figure in it at the time, deliver it to the newspaper.
It is no exaggeration to say that it was the most significant foolish act of my life.
Our senior managing director, who was made to carry the documents to Asahi Shimbun, still chides me occasionally, saying, "It was like sending salt to the enemy, and it was such a waste of time that it is not even funny."

And then, as readers know, there is the story of how it came to be.
I was the villains' target precisely because I appeared under a pseudonym as the turntable of civilization on the Internet, a world where countless evils are still prevalent and operating behind the scenes.

An evil that the world has continued to ignore and the United Nations has continued to ignore.
The world has acknowledged that what I said yesterday hit the nail on the head.
I was targeted by the evil that was being brought as a result and suffered a severe illness that almost cost me my life, so I gave the OK to a pending request from a publishing company and announced the decision to publish the book from my hospital room.
That was on June 1, 2011.

As I described above, this villainous criminal defrauded our company with a large sum of money.
The anger and disappointment of that incident caused me to suffer a severe illness as a result of the killer stress, as I have already mentioned.
He has launched an unbelievable attack on my book, blog, and author's name on the Internet.

The evil that I have suffered and the evil that the people of Hong Kong are now suffering are identical and of the exact same nature.
An evil that the world has continued to overlook and the United Nations has continued to overlook.
Evil has stopped the progress of the "turntable of civilization" and created this situation.
All I can do is think that my readers must have been among those who took out opinion ads this morning and continue to write like this.

There must be people who make their living as intellectuals, journalists, and politicians to prevent dictatorships and totalitarianism from arising and to prevent them from inciting hatred against other countries and peoples.

It is all your responsibility.
It is the result of your attitude, and you are responsible for the suffering of the people of Hong Kong.

It is those who continue to report on the news to gloat over China and the Korean peninsula, believing that their sins will not be punished in this life.
It is those who wield "sycophantic pseudo-moralism" as the height of stupidity.

Despite your good-natured smiles, you will have to go to hell.
I can only tell you now that King Yama is waiting for you with more torment than the world can bear for the unbearable suffering caused by you.


The citizens also placed an advertisement in the Nikkei newspaper on August 19 titled "For Freedom, Together with Hong Kong."
According to NHK, they raised 200 million yen for the ad through crowdfunding and placed it in 18 newspapers in 13 countries and regions.
The ads were placed in 18 newspapers in 13 countries and regions. 
The ads began with the words, "The vibrant Hong Kong we know is no longer what it used to be due to the rain of tear gas and bean bag shells used to suppress rioters," and "Hong Kong citizens are not safe under the current Hong Kong government's rule. They were.


2023/8/13 in Kyoto

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2024年03月04日 22時04分53秒 | 全般





















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拙著の購読者の方に贈る。…2011/12/27、午前11時半、桂離宮にて Maurizio Pollini と。

2024年03月04日 19時51分59秒 | 全般

拙著の購読者の方に贈る。…2011/12/27、午前11時半、桂離宮にて Maurizio Pollini と。




Maurizio Pollini / Frédéric Chopin - Etude Op.25 No.12 in C minor - "The Ocean" - VINYL


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2024年03月04日 19時43分08秒 | 全般




慰安婦問題、韓国が「性奴隷」発言 日本、合意違反と抗議

韓国政府代表団トップの鄭氏は終始韓国語で「慰安婦」ではなく「性奴隷」という言葉を使い、鄭氏の英語の通訳は大半を「comfort women(慰安婦)」と発言していた。 





2024/3/3 in kyoto



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文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事 2024/3/4

2024年03月04日 17時00分00秒 | 全般

文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilizationの人気記事

  1. It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2024/3/3.
  2. It was a popular page yesterday, 2020/3/3.
  3. It was a popular page yesterday, 2024/3/3.
  4. It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/3/3.
  5. It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2023/3/3.
  6. It was a popular page yesterday, 2021/3/3.
  7. It was a popular page yesterday, 2022/3/3.
  8. 韓国と朝日新聞 酷似する手法…トス&アタック…間違った記事前提に…問題のすり替え重ね 
  9. It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2022/3/3.
  10. It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2021/3/3.


2024/3/3 in Kyoto

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再発信!NHKを始めとした日本のメディアは馬鹿なのか? いや、 彼らと韓国は通じているのである。

2024年03月04日 16時45分33秒 | 全般

NHKを始めとした日本のメディアは馬鹿なのか? いや、 彼らと韓国は通じているのである。こんな馬鹿なことを題材にして政府を攻撃するだけではなく、



2024/3/3 in Kyoto

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Erneut veröffentlichen! Die chinesische Wirtschaft befindet sich bereits am Boden

2024年03月04日 16時35分50秒 | 全般

Die chinesische Wirtschaft befindet sich bereits am Boden
Das Folgende stammt aus der Kolumne von Yoshiko Sakurai auf der Titelseite des heutigen Sankei Shimbun mit dem Titel Xi-Verwaltungsinformationen sind fraglich.
Keiner der anständigen Japaner vermutet, dass Yoshiko Sakurai der von Saichō definierte "Nationalschatz" ist.
Die Vereinten Nationen und der Menschenrechtsrat müssen sorgfältig lesen.
Der Schwerpunkt im Satz liegt bei mir.
"Um ehrlich zu sein, kann die Macht der Regierung allein diesen Kampf nicht gewinnen." "Es erfordert die Zusammenarbeit der Menschen."
Am 29. Februar appellierte Premierminister Shinzo Abe an die Öffentlichkeit, dass die nächsten ein oder zwei Wochen die kritischste Phase sind, um die Ausbreitung des neuen Coronavirus zu verhindern, das eine Lungenentzündung verursacht.
Das Problem des "Wuhan-Virus" in der Stadt Wuhan, Provinz Hubei, China, enthüllte die Merkmale der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas
Anstatt die Reaktion der Regierung auf Unvollkommenheit zu kritisieren, ist es an der Zeit, dass die gesamte japanische Bevölkerung, die Zentralregierung und die lokalen Regierungen zusammenarbeiten, um das Virus zu überwinden.
Zu diesem Zweck ist es wichtig, das Problem des "Wuhan-Virus" zu erkennen, das in der Stadt Wuhan, Provinz Hubei, China, aufgetreten ist und die Merkmale der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas offenbarte.
Das erste spezifische Zeichen ist, dass Informationen der chinesischen Regierung grundsätzlich falsch sind.
Während sich die Information verbreitet, dass China die Kontrolle über das Wuhan-Virus übernimmt, ist die Zahl der Infizierten in Südkorea und in europäischen Ländern explodiert, und die US-amerikanischen Zentren für die Kontrolle und Prävention von Krankheiten (CDC) warnten vor der Gefahr einer globalen Pandemie im Februar 25.
Unter solchen Umständen ist es mysteriös, wie China, wo die meisten Menschen nicht von medizinischer Versorgung profitieren, das "Wuhan-Virus" überwunden hat.
Mit Ausnahme von Hubei sind die Neuinfektionen in China seit dem 17. Februar stark zurückgegangen.
Es scheint, dass die Provinz Guangdong nach der Provinz Hubei die zweitgrößte Anzahl von Menschen hat, die mit dem Virus infiziert sind.
In den Provinzen Shenzhen und Shanghai war die Zahl der Neuinfizierten am Dienstag Null.
Seit Mitte Februar werden Wanderarbeiter vom Land mit einem kostenlosen Zug, der seit Mitte Februar von der chinesischen Regierung in der Provinz Guangdong mit etwa 110 Millionen Einwohnern in Shenzhen und Guangzhou eingerichtet wurde, an den Produktionsort zurückgebracht die Ausbreitung der Infektion unterdrückt zu haben. Ich habe.
Die Infektion sollte bei einer Infektion von Mensch zu Mensch explodieren. Wie oben erwähnt, werden jedoch nur Informationen wie Null Neuinfektionen beworben.
Der Grund, warum Arbeitnehmer gezwungen sind, in große Städte zurückzukehren, um die Gefahr einer Ausbreitung von Infektionen zu decken, besteht darin, dass kleine Unternehmen bankrott gehen, wenn sie die Produktion nicht wieder aufnehmen. Hunderte Millionen Menschen werden arbeitslos sein.
Nach Angaben des China National Bureau of Statistics lag der Index der Einkaufsmanager im verarbeitenden Gewerbe (PMI) im Februar mit 35,7 weit unter den Markterwartungen.
Es ist schwerer als der Lehman-Schock.
Die Verwaltung wird aufgrund der wirtschaftlichen Abkühlung zusammenbrechen.
Alles, was mit der Aufrechterhaltung der Regierung zu tun hat, belebt die Wirtschaft.
Es wäre das Xi Jinping-Regime, die Ausbreitung des Virus vor diesem großen Vorschlag zu rechtfertigen.
Der stellvertretende Außenminister von Sankei Shimbun, Herr Akio Yaita, der über umfassende Kenntnisse des Wertesinns der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas verfügt, erklärte, dass Xis Entscheidung die endgültig aufgegebene Volkspolitik sei.
Fünf bis zehn Millionen Wanderarbeiter vom Land kehren zur Arbeit zurück und arbeiten in Gruppen, in denen das Risiko einer Wuhan-Virusinfektion besteht.
Die Todesrate des Virus wird auf bis zu 2% geschätzt. Wenn alle Menschen infiziert sind, können 100.000 bis 200.000 Todesfälle auftreten.
Aber die chinesische Regierung führt niemals Virentests durch.
Die Opfer werden nicht mit dem Wuhan-Virus in Verbindung gebracht.
Ausländische Medien können auch nicht darüber berichten, die chinesische Regierung kann die Opfer von Wanderarbeitern vom Land verstecken, und das sind die spezifischen Merkmale der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas.
Yaitas Punkt ist wahrscheinlich richtig.
China behauptet nicht nur, es sei gelungen, das Virus durch die Verwendung von Schwarz als Weiß zu kontrollieren, sondern sie beginnen nun, das Bild zu machen, dass Japan ein größeres Problem darstellt.
* Es ist ein Politiker der Verfassungsdemokratischen Partei, einschließlich Tetsuro Fukuyama, und Medien wie Asahi Shimbun und NHK, die gemäß der Strategie der KPCh arbeiten *
Am 25. Februar kündigte die Stadt Weihai in der Provinz Shandong Maßnahmen an, um alle Besucher für 14 Tage von Japan und Korea zu isolieren.

"Die chinesische Regierung wird die japanische Regierung weiterhin im Kampf gegen das Virus unterstützen", sagte ein Mitglied der Kommunistischen Partei von Yang Jiechi, das am 28. nach Japan kam und auf der Website der chinesischen Botschaft in Tokio, dass China Japan mit Masken usw. unterstützen wird. Insider-Informationen werden eingeführt.
Verdunkelt sich "Japan hilft China" nicht zu "Japan hilft China"? * Die Kommunistische Partei Chinas hat gezeigt, dass es sich um ein Land mit abgründigen bösen und plausiblen Lügen handelt, aber es gibt politische Parteien wie die konstitutionelle demokratische Partei und Medien wie diese als Asahi Shimbun und NHK in Japan,
Das größte Problem im 21. Jahrhundert ist, dass die internationale Gemeinschaft einen Einfluss hat, der im Einklang mit Chinas Strategie dieses Übels selbst steht *
Die japanische Antwort ist im Gegensatz zur chinesischen Propaganda, die aus der Dunkelheit geboren wird, zu nachsichtig.
Ein Beispiel ist die Erlaubnis von Reisenden aus China, ausgenommen Hubei und Zhejiang.
Das Außenministerium erklärt, dass die Chinesen derzeit nicht nach Japan reisen und es nicht notwendig ist, Einreisebeschränkungen in ganz China aufzuerlegen, aber das ist keine Tatsache.
Auf einer Sitzung des Haushaltsausschusses des Unterhauses am 27. Februar berichtete das Justizministerium, dass die Einwanderung vom chinesischen Festland in der letzten Woche unter 1.000 pro Tag gefallen sei.
Obwohl es zurückgegangen ist, besuchen täglich etwa 1.000 Menschen Japan.
Die chinesische Seite sucht nach Infektionen mit japanischen Einwanderern und legt eine Haftzeit fest, während die japanische Seite chinesische Einwanderer mit losen Standards umfasst.
Es ist irrational in der medizinischen Hygiene.
Premierminister Shinzo Abe hat sich um die Zusammenarbeit aller Menschen bemüht, um das "Wuhan-Virus" zu überwinden, aber er sollte die Einreise aus ganz China verbieten, um das Mitgefühl und die Zustimmung der Menschen zu erhalten.
Senden Sie auch Informationen auf japanischer Seite und leugnen Sie eindeutig, dass China den Eindruck erweckt, dass Japan die Quelle des "Wuhan-Virus" ist.
Das Zulassen einer Lüge und Fälschung unterscheidet sich von dem, was die Freundschaft mit einem Nachbarland schätzt.

Das "Wuhan-Virus" schöpft das Schicksal Chinas über die bilateralen Beziehungen zwischen Japan und China hinaus aus.
Die Ming-Dynastie, die im 14. Jahrhundert gegründet wurde, und die Qing-Dynastie, die einen Nachfolger hatte und das größte Territorium der Geschichte gewann, brachen aufgrund von Pocken- und Pestpandemien zusammen.
Gibt es eine Garantie dafür, dass Xi den Machtkampf überlebt, der in Zukunft unvermeidlich sein wird?
Mr.Xi muss auch gegen die Vereinigten Staaten kämpfen.
Die Vereinigten Staaten haben ihre Probleme, aber ihre Macht ist überwältigend.
Der emeritierte Professor der Kyorin University, Takubo Tadae, betont die Stärke der US-Macht sowohl in der Bevölkerung als auch in der Energie.
Die chinesische Wirtschaft befindet sich bereits am Boden.
Außerdem haben die Vereinigten Staaten eine gute Basis an körperlicher Stärke, im Gegensatz zu China, das unter einer alternden Bevölkerung leidet und bei weitem nicht autark ist.
Die Bedeutung Chinas als größter Handelspartner bei seinen Nachbarn ist nicht zu unterschätzen, und seine Macht ist nicht zu unterschätzen. Dennoch kann Japan nur auf der Seite der Vereinigten Staaten stehen.
Die Abe-Regierung sollte ihre Position klarstellen, chinesische Werte zusammen mit den Vereinigten Staaten, die grundlegende Werte teilen, abzulehnen, ohne die Kluft zwischen Japan und den Vereinigten Staaten zu verlassen.
Es ist Zeit für den Premierminister, Verfassungsänderungen vorzunehmen, um ein Land zu werden, das einem solchen Weg folgt.

2024/3/3 in Kyoto

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