文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

DEEPLY Chinagate, represented by her, is the source of the weakening of the U.S.

2024年07月09日 11時39分10秒 | 全般
The following is from a feature article on a dialogue between Masayuki Takayama and Keiko Kawazoe, which appears in this month's issue of the monthly magazine WiLL, titled " Pax China's Dream is a Limbo before the Wind. "
Emphasis in the text other than the headline is mine.
Xi Jinping Under Siege: The U.S., Britain, and Australia Finally Say "No" to the Chinese Communist Party!
Chinagate Weakening the U.S.
I returned to Japan in late September after giving lectures in New York City and Mouth San Angeles, followed by an interview in San Francisco, and I am still jet-lagged (laughs).
Since the lecture was in Japanese, the participants were mainly Issei immigrants, most of whom support Trump and think highly of Prime Minister Abe.
Above all, they were passionate about Japan, even though they lived in the U.S. across the ocean.
However, we cannot single out all Japanese Americans.
More than a few Nisei and Sansei are sympathetic to former Congressman Mike Honda, who led a resolution in the U.S. Congress demanding an apology to Japan over the comfort women issue.
When I went to Los Angeles, people called Shin Issei came to the U.S. after the war. They had escaped from Japan, which was full of burnt ruins.
Although the status of the Nikkei was low in American society, they thought they were better than the Japanese.
However, in the 1990s, America declined, and instead, affluent Japan appeared in American society with a big face.
In the end, speaking Japanese was helpful, and they could get into Japanese companies that had abandoned them on good terms.
That is why the new Issei I met in the 1990s were all so inflected. 
They thought they had jumped on the bandwagon but came out with a better Japanese-made luxury car. 
It was no wonder that some of them were confused about what they had come to the U.S. for, and some of them, like Mike Honda, even resented Japan.
In fact, many Japanese companies were being set up by such new Issei employees while covering lawsuits in the U.S.
Paul Igasaki of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sided with the Americans, undermining his own country and accusing Japanese companies of untruths, saying, "Japan is a country of disrespect for women, and Mitsubishi Motors of Illinois has a policy of disrespect for women.
It was repulsive to me that he would go to such lengths to flatter white society.
Recently, the United Front Work Department, a Chinese spy organization, has made headlines in the English-language press. 
Since the mid-1990s, the Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (Anti-Japanese Alliance) has been active on the West Coast. In the mid-1990s, the Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (Anti-Japanese Alliance) became more active.
This organization is connected to the United Front Work Department.
Even before the Anti-Japanese Confederation was established, it is believed that some Japanese Americans and Koreans of Korean descent joined forces with Chinese descent, and they were used as a plot to make them members of Congress.
Currently, the big boss of the group is Fang Li Bangqin (Florence Huang).
She is the honorary director of the Overseas Anti-Japanese War Memorial in San Francisco's Chinatown.
By the way, it was Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat elected in California, and other female legislators who called for a boycott in the Mitsubishi Motors sexual harassment lawsuit. Kawazoe
Senator Feinstein also served as mayor of San Francisco, and it recently became public that her aide, Russell Lowe, was a Chinese spy. Takayama.
When Lowe's identity was revealed, there was no punishment but dismissal.
Lowe, responsible for the maneuver to link the U.S. Congress with the Anti-Japanese Federation and Korean organizations, has since been working on the comfort women issue as the executive director of the "Social Justice and Education Foundation.
Senator Feinstein, who had a good relationship with Jiang Zemin, was central to the Clinton administration's sweat equity efforts to bring China into the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Her husband does business with China.
DEEPLY Chinagate, represented by her, is the source of the weakening of the U.S.
This article continues.

2024/7/8 in Akashi
