Let's enjoy English !



2004-11-19 | plant
These days the prices of vegetables are very high because of the weather.

So housewives are influenced badly.
But thanks to Shizusan who are growing these vegetables, the members of my families can eat lot's of them.

These are the picture of cabbages(kya-be-tsu), spiniches(ho-u-re-n-so-u), Welsh onion(ne-gi), the leaves of Japanese radishes(da-i-ko-n) and Chinese cabbages(ha-ku-sa-i) in her field.
Though some are eaten by the worms, they are safe to eat.

I would like give you some of them if possible!

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Gold and silver

2004-11-19 | plant
 I saw a tree whose name is 'gi-n-mo-ku-sei.'

About a month ago 'fragrant olive';(ki-n-mo-ku-sei) whose scent is very good was blooming.

Now 'gi-n-mo-ku-se-i' is blooming, but it dosen't give us very good scent.

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