Let's enjoy English !



2005-05-14 | plant
These yellow flowers are blooming.

They look like 'Cosmos'.

Its name is 'Ki-n-ke-i-gi-ku'.

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Ear of grass

2005-05-14 | scenery
Now in early summer, wild grasses are growing very fast.

The scenery around us is changing day by day.
And some wild grasses are putting out the ears like this picture.

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Field poppy

2005-05-14 | plant

This is one of my favorite flowers.

The red flowers were swaying in the wind.

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2005-05-14 | animal
Taking a walk, I saw thses cats.

The picture above was taken last week.
The cat was sitting on the roadside without doing anything.

And the picture below was taken this evening.
This cat was very big.
It was sharpening its claws on this piece of the tree.

Taking these pictures, I approached to them little by little so that they shoudn't run away.

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