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Five-Storied Pagoda

2007-11-13 | shrine and temple
Five-Storied Pagoda at a temple named 'Ko-ku-bu-n-ji'

This five-storied pagoda is at 'Ko-ku-bu-n-ji'.
This temple named 'Ko-ku-bu-n-ji' is one of the temples that was built to defend people from the natural disaster and famine in 741 by Emperor Shomu.
It is said that the temple was burnt down in the south north age , so it was rebuilt after middle term of Edo period.
And this five-storied pagoda which is specified for national important cultural properties was built around 1844.
The style of this tower is a typical one of the latter term of the Edo period.
The scenery here is so beautiful in spring and autumn that the Japanese famous artist Ikuo Hirayam painted wonderful paintings.

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