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Visit to Fukiya

2009-11-17 | diary

  After we enjoyed the fine arts, I went to Fukiya where Hirokane residence that was built about 200 years ago and Nishie residence that was built about 300 yeas ago stand. 
Hirokane residence was used for movie location of Yokomizo Seishi's 'Yatsuhaka mura' and Nishie residence was for 'Tsuri baka nisshi'.
Both Mr. Horokane and Mr. Nishie made big money by running the factory of making Bengara.
Bengara is a kind of dark red paint made from iron oxide.
In Fukiya, the color of the houses is dark red of Bengara.
And I went to a very old elementary school that was built 100 yeas ago too.

These are the pictures !

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