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Visiting a zen temple

2013-10-29 | shrine and temple



   Yesterday afternoon, I attended a meeting at  a zen temple named Ke-ko-u-ji that stands in the hill in Sojya city.

After reciting Heart Sutra, I copied sutra named Ha-n-nya Shi-n-gyo for  less than one hour.

We offered Sutra-copying to a principal image and had a little rest with a cup of green tea and some Japanese sweets.

We also had a meeting of human-right study which was a main event at the meeting.

What was projected by a slide was a catastrophe in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and the people or the lives of Fukushima.

Mr Minoru Kamata who is a honorary directer of Suwa medical center was also projected on the screen.

He has been greatly concerned about the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster so he was very shocked at that catastrophe.

So he visited Fukushima many times and is encouraging the people there.

It seems that many people there are experiencing human-right discrimination from various reasons.  

After the slide, we exchanged opinions.

The slide made us think much.

There are many problems to solve.

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