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A trip to Sojiji and so on

2015-11-28 | shrine and temple



Headquarters of Soji-ji Large ancestor hall.

I participated in a memorial service for Gazan shouseki and for our ancestors. 

It was held by many priests in Soji-ji and the priests who participated this trip.


Daiyu-zan Saijouji

Daiyu-zan Saijouji is far in the mountains  where a long-nosed goblin seems to go out.

It is also a temple of Soto Zen Buddhism and has a tradition of long history and a high formality. 



Shuzenji is the temple which was opened by Kobodaishi.

It changed it's sect from Shingon Sect to Rinzai Zen Sect and next to Soto Zen Buddhism.


waterfall named Jouren-no- taki

It's said that it's one of the 100 selections of Japanese waterfalls.


Kamakura Daibutsu

It is designated as "national treasure" and it holds nearly first form of the building.  


Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu

 it is a symbols of Kamakura and a military family.

And it's said that it received cordial belief from Toyotomi and Tokugawa person.



  Gazan shouseki ; second ancestor of this temple is memorized for 650 years from his death in 2015.

 Soto Zen Buddhism Okayama religious affairs held this event. 

So I joined it and had a trip to Sojiji and so on from November 24 to November 26.


Tuesday, November 24     Okayama Airport-> Haneda Airport-> Soji-ji-> Aida Mitsuo art museum-> sunshine  Prince Hotel->

-> Suehiro bower-> sunshine Prince Hotel

Wednesday, November 25      Hotel-> Daiyu-zan Saijouji-> Hakone Jikkoku-toge-> Shuzenji-> Shuzen-ji hot spring

Thursday, November 26      Hotel-> Waterfall of Jouren-> Amagi-toge-> Odawara-> Kamakura Daibutsu-> Tsurugaoka-hachimangu-> Haneda Airport->

->Okayama Airport

@ I was also satisfied with a rakugo and magic for 4 hours at Suehiro bower in Shinjuku at first night, and I enjoyed myself greatly.

It was a first experience, and I thought this was also one of the wonderful "Japanese cultures".


@ It was rainy at Hakone Jikkoku-toge and was cloudy,  so  I couldn't see Mt. Fuji  but I could see Suruga Bay somehow.

I was tired a little, but it was very full 3 days.


By the way, we need to be healthy, time and some money to take a trip like this.  

This time I could participated in this chance, but it was dangerous a little.

I was attacked by the dizziness which I haven't experienced so far two days before the trip. 

I was in bed  for about one hour but I didn't recover from dizziness and hands and feet were very cold, a heart was a tapir tapir.

At last I went to a hospital.

 As a result of the medical examination,  a doctor said it was "a stand, low blood

pressure by standing up suddenly "and said  "Please  move more slowly."

And I was allowed to go to the trip. 

As I become older and older, I wonder what will happen to me.

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