Let's enjoy English !


Is that so ?

2022-04-26 | shrine and temple




My husband attended a funeral service yesterday.

He was given a leaflet and I took some pictures of it.

"A funeral ceremony is not only for farewell but the place for praying for the persons happiness after death."

"The sutra is not only for the Buddhist knowledge and a manual of a life-style and how to die but for the pray for a person who passed away.

Buddhist scriptures will be a guideline of a right life-style for the person who lives, and and makes people who passed away relieved and  happy.

By praying a sutra, we can tell Budda's concern and prayer."

I attend a sutra transcription meeting once a month and raise some sutras there.

I always think about the meaning of them.

But reading this leaflet, I was relieved a little.

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