Let's enjoy English !


Fig now

2004-08-11 | plant
There are a few figs in the yard behind my house.
The fruits of the tree is green and hard now.
They will ripen and become sweet before long.

My mother who has been dead for five years liked them very much.
They remind me of my mother.

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2 コメント

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How do you do? (T.MIzuko)
2004-08-11 15:40:28
Goodoafternoon Mrs Yayoi.

Now,I see your Homepage of today "Ichijiku".You are leadinng an easy,full and comfortable life.I have a urgency.

So lonng.
I am surprised. (ya421 (To T.Mizuko))
2004-08-11 16:50:27
Thank you for giving a comment to this article.

I was surprised to know that you wrote to this blog.

These days I am sending pleasant days, taking picturs with a new digital camera and keeping a diary for this blog.

I have just preparing for an altar for 'OBON' with my family becaue another priest will come to pray tomorrow.

See you!!


