Let's enjoy English !


First visit to a temple

2016-01-05 | diary




January 1

  It was a fine and comfortable morning.

I went to our temple with my husband to pray our happiness and good health.

We prayed for about half an hour with our priest and the other people.

After that we had a good time drinking OTOSO, sweet bean paste soup with rice cakes.

we were given some tangerines too.

Before leaving the temple about noon, they gave us lucky bags chosen by the lot.

Anyway, I could participate the meeting at the beginning of this year.

I wish everuone could lead a happy and healthy life !

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« Happy New Year | トップ | First visit to a shrine »

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A Happy New Year! (Cakeater)
2016-01-05 20:36:51
I wish you and I healthy and happy days.
(You can easily find my writing without subjunctive mood. haha. I feel a little bit of uncomfortable to use "had a healthy and happy days." )
I've started using a electronic dictionary, Casio EX-word for french (it is very usable for English and Japanese) since last November.

