Let's enjoy English !


A day trip

2004-11-22 | diary
Yesterday I went to 'Shi-zu-ta-ni ga-kko-u' with my friends by train.

It was established as the center of public education by Mitsumasa Ikeda, the Lord of Bizen Province in 1670.
They put 'Bi-ze-n-ya-ki' tiles;(Pottery made in Bizen Province) on the roof of Lecture Hall.

The red and yellow leaves there were also wonderful!
Two tall very old 'Ka-i-no-ki' are especially famous for the beauty of the color of red and yellow in fall.




ka-i-no-ki(right) and Confucius's Mausoleum

To the Confucius's Mausoleum
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« Red and yellow leaves | トップ | New house »

2 コメント

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You have a good time! (mimoza)
2004-11-24 12:29:06
Shizutanigakkou has large area ,and good for walking, I think. The form of the roof looks like more older one to me, but it is chanese style, isn’t it?. How expensive the Bizennyaki tiles are! And I saw the Bizenn homepage.
Hello! (ya421)
2004-11-24 13:24:37
You might be able to know about Bizen and Bizenyaki more by searching for a homepage.

Bizenyaki is expensive but quite a lot of people have some Bizenyaki here in Okayama.

There are some in my house.

Some were given as a present and others I bought that are not so expensive.

I am using some for dishes and cups every day.

By the way you started writing in English again, didn't you?

I am glad to know that.

Thanks a lot!!

