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Lotus flower

2006-07-23 | plant

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Lotus flowers begin to bloom in the pond near my house.
They begin to open early in the morning, so I couldn't see the flowers in full bloom because I took this pictures in the evening.
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Hello! (Nickelbird)
2006-07-26 07:52:49
The flower of a lotus is fresh and beautiful. I ate the fruit a long time ago.

I will go to Switzerland at first next month. And I returns at the end of August. I stay at a small town called Sion. I am looking forward to the flower of the Alps. I expect that a good photograph can be taken.

Hi ! (ya421)
2006-07-26 14:14:39
Please have a good time during your stay in Switzerland.

I\'m looking forward to seeing your nice pictures and photographs there.

