Let's enjoy English !


Flowers in the field

2008-03-24 | plant
Taking a walk along the country path, I see various kinds of pretty flowers in the field these days.
These are some of them.

Plese click this picture !
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2 コメント

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Hello again! (Mekkan)
2008-03-25 00:21:48
Our paths have crossed each other again. I used to write my dairy in English and you had visited my site once in a while. Remember?
Anyway,I'm glad we've met again. What had happened with my English dairy? I just stopped updating. It's really admiring to know that you've kept writing in English. I'm proud of you!
Hello ! (ya421)
2008-03-25 13:34:48
Long time no see!

You are Mrs.Monologue, aren't you?
I'm glad to have your kind comment.

I sometimes wonder if I should keep this diary or not, but I managed to continue.
I'm encouraged by the readers of this diary.

By the way, I often visit your another blog.
I'm sorry not to leave my comment.

Thank you very much !

