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After three weeks

2011-09-16 | diary

White bush clover

  About three weeks have passed since my operation on my right eye.

Thanks to skilled ophthalmologist, my eyesight is becoming better day by day.

About a week after the operation, my corrected eyesight was 0.4.

Two weeks after, 0.6.

Three weeks after, 0.8.

Though my eyesight isn't very good now, I’m looking forward to the day I can see better.

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2 コメント

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I'm very happy to see your good pictures. (Cakeater)
2011-09-19 09:55:45
Recently I've thought your eyes have had a sort of aged problem with watching your macro pictures which sometimes got out focus.
Today's bush clover is just in focus.
Let's take lots of pictures every day and show me those !
Thank you very much ! (yaya)
2011-09-19 12:58:02
Thank you very much for your comment.
My right eye had been bad since a few years ago, but the reason of my pictures which were out of focus may not be because of my eye but my skill of taking pictures.
I'll trying to take good pictures, so please come here again.

