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Words of a bulletin board 10

2010-02-04 | shrine and temple

Ume blossoms of the zen temple

  Today is 'the first day of spring' according to the calendar.
But it was a very cold day and I feel as if I were in the refrigerator.
In the evening, I went for a walk as usual and I felt warm after the walk.

While taking a walk, I found a bulletin board whose words were newly written by the gate of a zen temple.

The meaning of the words is ' Everyone looks good when he(she) is young. Everyone(someone?) becomes beautiful when he(she) gets old .' 

Will I be able to become a beautiful woman ! 


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2 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-02-05 20:53:58
In the garden of 誓願寺 in Kurasiki city,
There is a ume tree called fling ume trees(Tobi ume,飛梅).
Do you know the legend of fling ume trees ?
In Heian era , Some ume trees took after 菅原道真 from 京都 to 大宰府.
But, A ume tree of fring ume trees gave up taking after halfway and got down in 誓願寺.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2010-02-06 21:53:20
This is the first time I hear about Tobi ume.
It's an interesting story.


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