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Carp streamer

2005-04-05 | scenery

May 5 is the Childern's day.

Those who have little boys put on carp streamers wishing the childresn's healthy growth.
It is put up till that day.

These carp streamers are swimming comfortably in the air.

* The picture above is 'Yu-ki-ya-na-gi or Ko-go-me-ba-na'.

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3 コメント

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みごと! (ame1)
2005-04-07 09:47:45


Hi ! (ya421)
2005-04-06 14:03:16
You often travel abroad, aren't you?

What a nice life you are leading!

Looking at many birds, you will be able to draw many pictures of them, won't you?

Please have a nice trip!!

May (Nickelbird)
2005-04-05 19:36:47
Carp streamers are early too.

However, May will be comming soon!

I leave Narita on May 6 and go to Detroit.

I meet a friend, he is a good Birder, at Detroit airport, and we go into Canada by rental car.

The destination is Leamington, Ontario.

This travel is for bird watching.

By the way I drew flowers of Mitsumata today.

I made TB, please look it.

