Let's enjoy English !


Playing at the yard

2015-04-27 | family

 Where is the fuzz of the dandelion flying?


A butterfly is flying over there !   


  I found a bug !


Paddling is also fun as I expected!


I'd like to get on this !


 It's heavy and hard to heave ! 


 Please help us some day !

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« Words of a bulletin board 26 | トップ | Leaving the nest »

2 コメント

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I've just written the comment (Cakeater)
2015-05-11 20:33:10
to your japanese blog about how to learn toutch-typing.
In my experience, the first easy step is to type the roman letters Japanese diary every day.
To Cakeater san (yaya)
2015-05-13 11:55:08
I'm sorry not to have replied your comment.
I've just noticed it.
Thank you very much !

