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2015-05-26 | plant

my flower

my neighbor's flower


 Herbertia is blooming now.

This pretty flower bloom only half a day but it blooms one after another every day.

So I can enjoy them for a while.

I presented it's seeds to my neighbors a few years ago and they also bloomed this year for the first time. 

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Only a half day blooming (Cakeater)
2015-06-13 10:38:13
is too short!
My job is standing at the train watch post which is sourrounde with the weeds in this season. Many kinds of weeds have flowers which bloom at the same hour and close at the same hour every day. The blooming times are various as to the kind of weeds.
Only bellflower blooms all day long to invite bees and horseflies.
To Cakeater san (yaya)
2015-06-14 10:07:32
Good morning !
There are many kinds of weeds whose flower is pretty.
You are enjoying looking at them, aren't you ?
By the way the season of this flower ended.
I'm looking forward to looking at them next year.

