Let's enjoy English !


Is it delicious ?

2010-01-15 |  creature

 I sometimes see some crows near the doghouse in my yard.
At last I saw two crows eating some dog-food that my dog had left  in the bowl.
While one crow were eating, another one was waiting.
After the first crow finished eating, the next one began to eat.
It is said that crow is the cleverest of all the birds and seems to cooperate to each other.
These crows also seemed to be clever !

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2 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-01-16 18:24:45
Your animal observatios are very much wonderful.
If you would have majored in zoology in your youth,I soppose, you could get a postion of respectable zoologist.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2010-01-17 11:39:21
Thank you very much for your nice comment.

*I'm sorry to annoy you so much!
I sometimes get an erotic comment these days.
So I'm controlling the comment now.
If your comment doesn't appear here soon, it's OK.
I can see it on my editorial place.
Don't worry, please !

