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Appearance of a snake

2023-06-30 |  creature



 Just before noon yesterday, several parent swallows made a loud warning cry of "chi-chi-chi-chi" around the nest.

When I looked around the nest to see what was going on, I saw a long, big snake coiled around the wires on the roof and the pipes around it.

It was clinging to the wires and it was stretching it's scythe toward the nest.

Horrified by the sight, I immediately called for my husband's help and clapped my hands, causing the snake to escape onto the roof.

MY husband tried to get rid of it with long sticks and hoes, but he failed. 

About an hour later, I found a snake hanging ftom the roof near the nest.

When I cried, it crawded away again.

After that, I looked around the nest from time to time, but the snake did not appear.

This morning, swallows were safe and I thought "I wish they could leave the nest sooner".

Survival in the wild is hard.

I have been watching the nest since this morning.


Another topic.

 Yesterday, I caught two large centipedes, one in the hallway of the annex and the other washbasin in the main building.

It was an exhausting day for such an event in the hot and humid weather.

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