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Honey bee

2006-11-26 |  creature

 I happened to see an an eighty-six year old man I know well while walking the other day.
He keeps lots of honey bees in his vegetable field and  was preparing  the bees to pass the winter then.

He opened the box to show me the nests of honeybees.
Lots of bees were flying and sometimes stung his hands and face in spite of wearing a hat with a net. 
But it's all right for him as he is used to be stung.

It was the first time I saw the nest of  honeybees.
Honey seemed to be delicious !  

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2 コメント

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I was all right ! (ya421)
2006-11-27 16:35:39
I was afraid of taking pictures of bees.
So I took them timidly from a place a little away.
Were you alright? (Minatsuki)
2006-11-26 22:01:54
The guy must have been OK to be used to it, but were you alright to take the pictures so close? The bee must have flied around you.

