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After harvesting

2007-10-30 | rice field (farming)

  Some farmers are drying rice plants after harvesting.

They use the dried rice plants for their vegetable fields, feeding cows and so on.

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2 コメント

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I've just returned! (Cakeater)
2007-11-08 20:36:34
With your picture of rice field, I can find the season is runnning to the winter.
In the beggining of October, my PC hardly worked when the machine gets on line. I could only check males and a few blogs at one time.
When off line, it worked well. At last on the 31th, I determined to set up again.
During the set up, I found I had forgotten the back up of photographs of the month. I lost them. It was a big shock to lose energy to write articles for the blog.
But now I start it again. Please enjoy my pictures again.

Hi ! (ya421)
2007-11-09 18:32:25
I was worrying about you because you didn't upload pictures for a long time.

By the way, I miss your lost pictures too !


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