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2009-09-05 | rice field (farming)

  A farmer set this electric wire around his rice field to prevent from wild animals like wild boar, raccoon dog and fox.
If they touch this wire, they will be shocked and run away.
This is a battle between man and wild animals.


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The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Cakeater)
2009-09-12 22:30:13
should construct the school for animals to teach how to read letters and words.
And on the sign board we would write like this; Be careful to the food of human being dangerously contaminated with the pest killer. If could, for your health, be careful not to have it too much.
To Mr. Cakeater (yaya)
2009-09-13 15:26:58
I agree to your opinion !


rice field (farming)」カテゴリの最新記事