Let's enjoy English !


The season has come !

2013-05-18 |  creature

 It had been cool till a  few days ago, but it is very hot after that.

The temperature changes quickly.

It's middle of May and the hot summer is coming little by little.


Jack in the pulpit ; Ma-mu-shi gu-sa


 We sometimes see this awful creature named  Japanese copperhead:Ma-mu-shi around here.

I hear some people are bitten this snake every year.

So we should be careful in the grass.

I came across the creature this afternoon while taking a walk  and I was surprised very much.


Japanese copperhead ; Ma-mu-shi

If we are bitten this snake, serum should be injected at the hospital.

It has strong poison. 

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2 コメント

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scary! (Minatsuki)
2013-05-22 17:33:54
I've never seen Mamushi around here. It must be scary if I frequently bump into them in my daily life!
To Ms Minatsuki (yaya)
2013-05-25 21:13:07
Long time no see !

I hate snake very much and is scary.
Especially mamushi.


