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2005-07-04 | diary
Courtyard of "U-e-ru-sa-n-pi-a"

I was invited to lunch by my sister-in-law yesterday.
We had lunch at "U-e-ru-sa-n-pi-a" which stands on the hill.
Now the facilities are everywhere in Japan and are very famous for having some problems.
Salad and coffee were free of charge.

This is the lunch we had.

I ordered "Red rice";(A-ka-ma-i).

There were few people in the lobby.
So we enjoyed chatting for a while there.
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Good morning! (ya421)
2005-07-05 11:03:57
To Mr.Nickelbird and Miss Minatsuki

I wish I could live in a house like this!

I'm sorry but my house is far from it.

To Miss Minatsuki

The problem about these facilities is that they use too much money to run them.

They are operating at a loss.
I thought same way (Minatsuki)
2005-07-04 23:07:10
I thought it was your house, too.

By the way, what are the some problems? I've never heard of the facilities.

Wow! (Nickelbird)
2005-07-04 16:23:30

I seem to be delicious! I want to eat, too!

When I watched the first image, I thought that oh, this is Ya421's house.

