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2006-10-25 | plant
These are fruits of persimmon trees.
We are growing two kinds of persimmon trees.
One bears sweet fruits and the other astringent(sour) fruits.
Both of these trees ripened lots of fruits this year !

Please click these pictures !
Sweet persimmon
These are sweet ones.

astringent persimmon<br>
These are astringent ones.

It's too bitter to eat this kind of persimmon, so we dry them after peeling or neutralizing the bitter of the persimmon with the dry ice or alcohol.
Then they become very sweet and delicious.

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2 コメント

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Unknown (Minatsuki)
2006-10-26 23:47:40
Wow, so many persiommons!! When I went to Kyoto a few days ago, I saw some trees were bearing many persimmons and I was feeling autumn. "Kaki kueba~ Kanega narunari Houryuu-ji" Oops, it's Nara, not Kyoto!
Too many ! (ya421)
2006-10-27 17:40:34
These tree are bearing many many fruits this year, so I give them to our neighbors or friends.

I am busy picking them.

