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Rebuilding of a shrine

2010-08-19 | shrine and temple

Inari shrine by lord Ito of Okada clan

This Inari shrine was built by lord Ito in the Edo period and was a village shrine of the family for a long time.
It stands inside the enclosure of the old residence of feudal lord .
After lord Ito left this village at Meiji period, it has been enshrined by the people of this village.
Twice a year, in February and in July, we clean the precincts of the shrine and enshrine it.  
Now that this building began to break down, we decided to rebuild it.
There was lots of opinion about the construction, and we decided to build a smaller one.
Each family pay about ¥50,000 for the construction. 

July 7

July 18

July 31

August 17

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3 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-08-21 20:31:54
Concerning 稲生社, The name is very much interesting.
Ordinary, Inari is 稲荷 in japanese. But,
稲生社 of 上町 is Inarisha.
御成 in japanese is onari.
成 is nari, so 稲生 is Inari.
Perhaps, feudal lords of 岡田藩 prayed rich harvest of rice, I suppose.  
Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-08-21 21:48:47
稲生社 of 上町 is Inarisya.
生 is naru. Naru is 成. 成 is Nari.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2010-08-22 15:39:54
I've heard about the name of this shrine before.
As for Inari, we think of 稲荷.
But this shrine seems to be 稲生.
I thought it is 'Inaki'


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