Let's enjoy English !


Just before rice planting

2007-06-09 | rice field (farming)

  Farmers began rice planting around my house.
The rice fields are filled with water and many farmers are working busily now.
My husband is also busy cultivating, watering the fields and so on.

Sprouts of rice plant are growing beautifully !

June 6 (After 17 days )

May 29 (After 9 days)

May 24 (After 4 days)

May 20

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2 コメント

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Unknown (Nickelbird)
2007-06-11 11:04:32
Bonjour Madum
Hi! how are you?
I've finished Homestay in Bournemouth UK. And I stayed at Edinburgh for 2 days, at the Lake Country for 2 days and came back to Tokyo last week.
I did not make progress in much English. However, it is a souvenir in a British stay I could sketch most and to have got to look wonderful nature.
Now I remember days of pleasant Bournemouth.

I print my work in my HP soon. Please Look it.

Hi ! (ya421)
2007-06-12 22:59:21
I always enjoy your nice pictures.
So I'll visit your HP too.


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