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Proverb 24

2005-02-09 | proverb
  Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return.

I don't know well about this phrase, but perhaps it comes from 'the Bible'.

It means that as you are made of dust, you shoud become dust in the end, I think.

Reading this words, I remember the fundamental principle of Buddhism, 'Life is but an empty dream'.

Rice feild now

This is the same view as the picture of yesterday.
I took this without using a flash.
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A surprise !

2005-02-08 | e-trade
The president of 'Live door';(4753.T), Takafumi Horie bought lots of stocks of 'Nippon Housou';(4660.T).
According to the T.V. news, he got 35% of the company's stocks, and offered to cooperate with his company.

I was surprised to hear the news.

As a result, the price of 4753.T was high a little today.

He has been very popular since the failure of the purchase of a baseball team;(Kintetsu).
I often see him on T.V these days.
He seems to be planning new projects one after another.

What will he begin next?

A scenery taken using a flash in the evening
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2005-02-05 | food
I was presented these strawberries a few days ago.

They looked very fresh and were good to eat.
It was the first time to eat it this year.

We can eat it all year round these days as farmers grow it in the greenhouses.
Though it is applicable to many vegetables and fruits, I wonder it is good or bad.
If we grow it under natural conditions, we can eat it only May.

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2005-02-03 | diary
"Out with the demon and in with fortune!"

Today is the day before the calendrical beginning of spring;(Se-tsu-bu-n).

They scatter parched beans to drive out 'evil spirits' and summom 'good luck.'

Recently it also becomes popular to eat vinegared rice rolled in seaweed;(no-ri-ma-ki) without cuttung, turning his face toward the lucky direction of the year .

It is said 'lucky direction' this year is west southwest.

And it is important to eat without saying a word while eating.

Made by Shizusan
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Proverb 23

2005-02-02 | proverb
Cut your coat according to your cloth.

If you are rich, you may live like the rich.
If you aren't rich, you shoudn't live like the rich.

Making a living within our means is better for us.

Sky and trees
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2005-02-01 | scenery
 I woke up to find the world outside coverd with snow.

It seemed to snow a little during last night.
Now it sometimes snow and is sometimes sunny.

This is the second time I see a snowscape here in this winter.

According to the T.V. news, it is snowing heavily at the side of the Sea of Japan.
It is said a strong cold air mass is over the Japanese islands now.

It is really cold today too!!

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