from today's Nikkei

2009年06月13日 10時11分43秒 | 新聞記事から
日経平均1万円回復 終値で8ヵ月ぶり 景気底入れに期待感 2月末比時価総額 世界で980兆円増

The Nikkei Stock Average rose on Friday to the 10,000 yen level in the closing price of the listed stocks in the Tokyo Stock Exchange.This is the first time since October 7 last year that the closing price of the stocks in the Tokyo Stock Exchange has become more than 10,000 yen.As there are some other signs but the stock price rising showing economic recovery,many people think now that there is a possibility that the economy has already hit its bottom.

The total amount of market prices of the listed stocks in the world stock exchanges increased by 10 trillion dollars (about 980 trillion yen),compared with that as of the end of February this year standing at 28.8 trillion dollars.
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