from the August 20 Nikkei

2014年08月25日 13時14分39秒 | 新聞記事から
1兆円企業 主役交代 時価総額 6年ぶり100社に回復  富士重工やユニ・チャーム 海外で稼ぐ 評価

As a lot of companies' stock prices soared on Tuesday, August 19, in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the number of companies whose market capitalization exceeds the 1 trillion yen level ammounted to one hundred, which was seen for the first time in 6 years since June of 2008, just before financial crisis.But there was a little change of members. New line-ups included Fuji Heavy Industries LTD. and Unicharm Corporation, which had expanded their business performance thanks to their business success in overseas market.On the other hand power companies and marine transportation firms made no appearance in the list.
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from the August 21 Nikkei

2014年08月25日 12時57分34秒 | 新聞記事から
景気対策に1兆円確保 来年度 消費税10%に備え 政府検討

The government is now discussing how to put some 1 trillion yen in the reserved expenses which could be used for taking economic measures in the fiscal 2015 budget. People concerned are wary about the consumption tax rate increase to 10 percent expected in October next year. They want to make it easier to carry out economy-pumping measures actively so that bad influence on economy will not spread, when the tax rate increase is realized.
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from the August 22 Nikkei

2014年08月25日 11時52分05秒 | 新聞記事から
イオン 商業施設に保育所 地域の子育て支援 全国で開設

Aeon Co.,Ltd is now planning to create child -caring nuseries in its commercial facilities now spreading nationwide. As its first step, it will open a nusery in a commercial facility in the metropolitan area by next spring. And as the next step, it will have completed opening at least one nursery in every prefecture by the spring of 2018. Nurseries opend in such a way is surely private -operated ones and are to get a certificate from each authority so that they will be utilized by children living in each local place.
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from the August 23 Nikkei

2014年08月25日 11時33分20秒 | 新聞記事から
住宅資金贈与の優遇拡大 国交省 非課税3000万円案 

The government has a plan to extend the present tax-free limits in the donation tax in order to revitalize the house-building industry which has become depressed due to the consumption tax rate increase to 8 percent from 5 percent this April.The Land and Infrastructure Ministry will enter into a negotiation with the Finance Ministry so that the tax-free limit will be expanded up to 30 million yen in fiscal 2015 from the current 10 million yen.
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from today's Nikkei

2014年08月25日 11時05分00秒 | 新聞記事から
エンジン小型化 加速 日産・トヨタ エコ車多様に

Major automobile-manufacturing companies like Nissan Motor Co.,Ltd. and Toyota Motors Corporation are now making their car engines smaller in order to get higher mileage. Japanese car makers have had the initiative to make eco-friendly vehicles spread in the world market by selling hybrid cars.But it is a real, deniable fact thta at present about 90 percent of the cars newly sold in the global market are only-engine -installed ones. That makes Japan's makers recognize they should make another effort to diversify eco-friedly vehicles by improving the engine vehivle's mileage.
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