from recent news in Japan

2024年12月03日 18時20分52秒 | 新聞記事から
移植病院「複数」希望可 待機患者 受け入れ断念備え ドナー家族対応 新法人に委譲
At present there are many cases where medical facilities are declining the operation of organ transplantation due to the lack of personnel and beds necessary. Regarding this issue, the ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has been discussing how to make a new scheme for organ transplantation. And the outline of its final draft was recently made clear. According to the new scheme, the person who wants organ transplantation can register multiple medical facilities where they would have their operation. And it is to be started within this fiscal year. Among the functions of mediation of organ transplantation, which have exclusively been dealt with by Japan Organ Transplantation Network, the communication with the patient families and the management of extraction operation of organs are cut off from JOT and they would be entrusted to the newly established corporation.
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from recent news in the world

2024年12月03日 17時44分06秒 | 新聞記事から
ノーベル物理学賞ヒントン氏   「安全なAI開発困難に」  トランプ政権誕生で警鐘 

Geoffrey Hinton, 76, an emeritus professor at the University of Toronto in Canada, who is known as a leading researcher in AI technology and is to win the Noble Prize in Physics this year, had an interview with the Yomiuri Shimbun before the Nobel Prize ceremony held on December 10. He said that it would be harder to develop a safe AI technology due to the inauguration of Donald Trump's administration in the US next year, and then warned of pulling back in securing safety measures in that technology. President-elect Donald Trump already declared his intention of abolishing the presidential decree by the present President Joe Biden, which obliges the developing company to share the important information with the government. But the upcoming President made it clear that the AI developing companies could make their own rules. The professor showed his worries about the high possibility that these kinds of thoughts would lead to letting the safety matters stand over.
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