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2024年12月06日 17時25分27秒 | 新聞記事から
韓国で  一時「戒厳令」が発令された 伊大統領は 6時間後に解除した  これに対して野党が弾劾案を提出
In South Korea President Yoon Suk Yeol declared an emergency martial law on the night of December 3 by which political activities are banned and mass media's reports are limited. The president pointed out the fact that the opposition parties had been repeatedly sent the bills of impeachments of senior government officials to the Diet as its reason. But after the resolution for the termination of the martial law was decided in the Diet at the dawn of December 4, the president abolished that martial law. The cancelation was only 6 hours after the martial law was declared. Given this situation, the 6 opposition parties are now thinking of sending the bill of impeachment of the president to the Diet.

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